Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Well, we don't have that, but we do have ages here.

Ysrillar: "for cyan indigo and violet 'average' so much as such a thing exists at that level is probably somewhere around 100, 200. 400. Prism and white have too small sample sizes to be reliable but probably around 400 and 600 ish?" [Emphasis Mine]

Which explains that literally everyone even remotely Ling Qi's peers, including Yu Nuan and the like and those 'less exceptional' sorts are much faster than average and are, in fact, in a category all their own.
One thing I do get curious about is what the distribution is.

Like, is it a normal distribution? Or do you get something like a two peaked distribution where people reaching that level are either high flying geniuses reaching it at a young age, or normal people reaching it much later in life?
One thing I do get curious about is what the distribution is.

Like, is it a normal distribution? Or do you get something like a two peaked distribution where people reaching that level are either high flying geniuses reaching it at a young age, or normal people reaching it much later in life?
probably no two peaked, I would say its somewhat like normal until the peak, and then a quick drop to 0 shortly after as people who didn't get there in time likely either die too soon or have fucked up their way and will never get there
probably no two peaked, I would say its somewhat like normal until the peak, and then a quick drop to 0 shortly after as people who didn't get there in time likely either die too soon or have fucked up their way and will never get there
Mmm, it's probably skewed at the high end yeah, and I doubt the peaks would be even. At the same time though, I feel like there are various filtering mechanisms that do sort of select for certain kinds of people that could create a second peak for the higher realms?

Like even looking at Green, I think you'd probably have two normal distributions there since for the high nobility I'd assume that most adults have reached green by at least their low 20s or so. They might not go much further, but they'll reach that third realm baseline relatively quickly. But then at the other end of the scale you'll have all the lower ranked greens who don't reach it for decades or centuries, in large part because of the lack of resources.
She's ordered Xia Ren to help the Argent Peak genocide as many Cloud as possible, so who's to say she isn't?
We talked her into this summit. She's got no mercy for them, but imagine if we'd asked this Elder:
From the west came an inferno. All consuming and vast. The flame ate the clouds and hissed and crackled with joy among the steam. In the burning depths was a platform of soot and ash. There demons and ogres beat out a warsong upon drums carved from magma and fear. A hundred devils in soot blackened bronze cavorted before the burning throne of skulls at its core. Lo! The Burned Queen had come, and the court of devils marshalled for war! A paneled mask whirred and clicked, transforming a cruel smile into a bloodthirsty shout, and a tremendous gauntleted hand rose and clenched into a fist.

if we could go chat with the foreign lady who's married to a Cloud tribesman.
Mmm, it's probably skewed at the high end yeah, and I doubt the peaks would be even. At the same time though, I feel like there are various filtering mechanisms that do sort of select for certain kinds of people that could create a second peak for the higher realms?

Like even looking at Green, I think you'd probably have two normal distributions there since for the high nobility I'd assume that most adults have reached green by at least their low 20s or so. They might not go much further, but they'll reach that third realm baseline relatively quickly. But then at the other end of the scale you'll have all the lower ranked greens who don't reach it for decades or centuries, in large part because of the lack of resources.
I mean, thats a bit more true for Green, because of the sect system and early green nobility, but even then you will have pretty steady distribution, since a lot of lower nobles might achieve green at later decades, and are gradually replaced by increasing amounts of common cultivators. but Green doesnt factor the development of a way into it.

for Cyan, for example, you will start with a super minor amount of super geniuses reaching it by their 20s, then a slow climb up until 100 something as more time means more chances to grow your way steadily, and then a short decline of a few decades before it cuts about 150, where if you didn't get to Cyan you probably fucked up, messed up the breakthrough, or just don't have the talent.
It is kinda weird.
But while we might not have the title of official position, we are, right now, effectively in charge of the provinces foreign (not including other provinces) policy.
Sure that's largely aided by foreign policy being almost completely foreign (pun intended) concept for the empire.
It is kinda weird.
But while we might not have the title of official position, we are, right now, effectively in charge of the provinces foreign (not including other provinces) policy.
Sure that's largely aided by foreign policy being almost completely foreign (pun intended) concept for the empire.

That's how monarchy works. Cai Shenhua single-handedly decided that Renxiang's idea is conditionally ok and would be a good test for Renxiang herself, and Ling Qi is one of the best resources available to Renxiang.

Now this would most likely not happen in a different political system, but who would tell Shenhua "wait, this ain't right, you need to send at least the minister to the negotiations this important, you can't test your daughter by it"?
Despite how important the negotiations are to Ling Qi, and to a modern world sense of international politics.... The Empire and the Emerald Seas don't see them as important at all. Not yet. And I doubt the Polar Nation sees them much differently, or we'd probably be talking to a Voice higher ranked than Jaromilla.
Despite how important the negotiations are to Ling Qi, and to a modern world sense of international politics.... The Empire and the Emerald Seas don't see them as important at all. Not yet. And I doubt the Polar Nation sees them much differently, or we'd probably be talking to a Voice higher ranked than Jaromilla.
We don't know what the behind the scenes wrangling looks like. For instance per word of Yrs the most socially conservative faction of the Ministry of Integrity is "certainly unhappy" that the negotiations are going well. So they're going to be taking it more and more seriously.
Edit: And the Wang be looking at Polar high realms turning into cities like:

So that's one Count clan right there that's probably chomping at the bits already.
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We are the Weird Ice Girl, with the Weirder Ice Spirit Girl, we also have a Strange Xuanwu, and also a Dream Spirit. If LQ was also spiritblooded it would be the least-proper Imperial look they could be giving to the polar whomst.

But we are also CRX's retainer, and thus important enough to be given the go ahead on a weird political stunt that Empire politics doesn't like. Even when it is benefitting them and Having Results Happen.
Turn 19: Arc 9-1: Clockwork
She was Cai Renxiang, heiress of the Emerald Seas.

And it is everything she could do not to put her face into her hands and scream.

This undignified urge had been coming to her with greater regularity over the last year, but rarely had it risen to the intensity that it had now.

"I apologize Sir Jia. The Cai are resolving this matter with the aid of the Ministry of integrity. I cannot share any further information at this moment, for security reasons," Cai Renxiang said, for what must have been the dozenth time.

The man who had bustled into her office her was Jia Shu, a minor member of that clan, who had not been a large part of talks outside of the details of certain subjects. Narrow faced and slender of build, his fingers tapped nervously on his elbows. There was sweat on his brow now as he looked at her with ill concealed frustration.

"Lady Cai, I have been most patient with both your retainer and yourself. The Jia family feels that our interests are well enough represented, but if there is a military matter afoot, then I must demand that we be informed. It is the very bedrock of the new order that the Counts be able to coordinate and respond to threats!"

She pursed her lips. It was a frustrating argument, because it was true. Gan Guangli shot her a concerned look. He had been handling his assigned duties well, but at this point matters were rising above what he could soothe.

"Sir Jia. I assure you that there is no external threat."

Cai Renxiang made her decision in a moment. At this late hour there needed to be some communication. The pieces were already moving.

Jia Shu's thin brows drew together. "No external threat? Lady Cai, the White Plume are moving, do.."

"No external threat, my friend," Gan Guangli said heavily.

The man standing in front of her desk stopped, his eyebrows slowly climbing. "Who would dare?"

He sounded genuinely aghast, as if the notion had truly, sincerely never entered his mind.

The ones most loyal to her Mother were a difficult bunch, but not in this way.

"The Cai clan and the Ministry will be certain to find every name connected with the current business. It is for that reason that I must order that you not raise any further noise on the matter, sir Jia," Cai Renxiang said gravely. "In this I do invoke my honored Mother's name."

"Of course, Lady Cai. This humble servant of the Cai would not seek to disrupt such an investigation," the man said, sweeping a bow. "While my Jia clan might quibble in the details, this matter was sanctioned by her grace and to act in defiance of it is unconscionable for any patriot of the Emerald Seas."

"I have never doubted that you are such, sir Jia," Gan Guangli said. "You understand why I could not give a clearer answer when we spoke outside."

"Indeed I do, my apologies for my earlier words Baron Gan. Know that they came from a place of concern for our great Emerald Seas."

"I do not doubt it," Gan Guangli replied diplomatically.

Cai Renxiang believed that pride was at least an equivalent factor. The Jia were ever on edge about opportunities for contributions since their Patriarch had gone into seclusion. However it would be impolitic to say so. "Nor do I, sir Jia. Thank you for your understanding. I would ask that you remain in the Embassy until this resolved, given what you now know…"

She glanced to the side as the security formations on the room twinged in her thoughts, and she saw the paper messenger bird fluttering at the window. It resonated with the White Plume's official qi signature. She gestured and the wards and window alike opened to allow it through.

Jia Shu glanced to it as well and bowed low again as he caught sight of the mark on the messenger. "Of course! Lady Cai, this Jia Shu will be at the ready, should the heiress require any further security."

"My thanks," she said, and let the messenger land in her hand. Unfolding as their guest left and the security shut again behind him.

Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's still, somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world went still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern

"Gan Guangli, go, retrieve Sir Jia, I have messages to send to the other counts."

"What has distressed you so?" He asked.

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Let this not be the time that she succeeded.

It began in earnest when the sky turned the color of bruised flesh, when the cold dry mountain air filled with a humid choking wet.

She stood in the courtyard of the Luo compound looking up at the sky. It was impolitic to call a gathering of the counts at the home of one of them rather than neutral ground, but of the compounds which were not compromised, the Luo had the finest defenses against mental contamination.

Wang Lian who had been standing beside her eyes closed, cracked on open to look at the sky, where clouds churned.

"So some rotten fool actually did it, hm? I'd thought they might actually be able to wait out that generation."

"Are you not too calm?" Jia Shu said, wringing his hands. "We see treason before her very eyes, not since the Chu…"

"Baroness Ling Qi has been working closely with the Ministry, our own intelligence assets and loyal Meng. This is not the treason of a clan, but the last gasp of traitors seeking to tear us down as we ascend to our rightful places among the provinces. Do not give them victory," Cai Renxiang said sharply.

"Indeed!" Gan Guangli boomed, slamming his fists together with a crash. "Though the hours ahead will be challenging we have the rat drawn from its den now. We need but weather what comes next and not allow our guests to come to harm!"

"Treason still then, but the treason of an individual… just as unforgivable, but lady, Cai, Sir Gan, you are right. Just when we have found such unity in conquering the Wall once and for all! We cannot let this falter here!"

Behind them the earth shaking tread of a great hound and its heavy breath filled the courtyard, the great gray furred hound that Luo Jie had brought with him sniffing deeply the air, while the many other hounds further inside barked and yowled in agitation.

"Such foolishness from one who should know better," Luo Jie's gravelly voice was somber. "This power… his mind has gone rotten. A shame on his caretakers, for allowing this."

"You recognize the traitor?" Jia Shu asked.

"I knew him once. Arrogant as ever, Meng Delun ," Luo Jie said, resting his hand on the giant hounds side.

"Sir Luo, I will ask that you aid in the defense of the valley. I invoke the oaths of the Luo clan to the Cai," Cai Renxiang said. "Preserve the lives and health of all within the summit grounds, to the best of your ability."

It was not lightly done, giving commands to one so far her superior in cultivation. Despite his advanced age, Luo Jie was the highest remaining cultivation on their side, unoccupied by other tasks.

Luo Jie was silent for a moment. "Doubts remained, but, the south has not been united in purpose. It would be shameful to see that end over an old mans tantrum."

"Thank you, sir Luo," Cai Renxiang said.

"It is not my way to defend," Luo Jie said idly, looking up at the sky. "Fate is such a twisted thing, to reverse roles on us in such a place."

His fingernails were thickening and darkening, pushing out from his fingertips and growing sharp. Muscle writhed under the thin man's skin, veins and tendons bulging unsettlingly as his limbs began to swell with power, thick hair growing in. Silver fire began to flicker and blaze, rising from his right hand clutching the head of his cane, up his shoulder, and across his face, the shade of a snarling beastly muzzle.

The disorganized yipping and barking of the kennels ceased.

Lady Wang, I command your aid as well, in preparing defenses," Cai Renxiang continued, letting the tension and turmoil in her heart remain buried even under the growing swell of power in the air.

The bruised sky rippled, clouds blowing away, a searing hot line of flame erupted in the dome of heaven and a wash of withering heat beat down on the valley.

"Sir Jia, I will ask you to accompany me as well, in mustering the house forces in support of the White Plumes."

"Of course," Jia Shu said, thumping a hand to his chest. "I put out the rallying call the moment Lady Cai made the request!"

"As did I," Wang Lian grunted, hunching her shoulders as the pressure in the air increased, as a storm of wind erupted from another brief fractal crack forming in the sky and erupting with fire. "Hn. Lord Luo. Do you invite me to fortify your walls?"

"Hmph, I do," Luo Jie answered, he was taller now, towering over them, closer to three meters than two even with his hunched shoulders, and growing silver mane. His voice was a reverberating snarl rising from an increasingly inhuman throat.

"Lord Jia, Lady Cai?"

"Take command, the Emerald Seas stands as one," Jia Shu said, turning up his chin.

"I give Lady Wang all authority over the defensive works," Cai Renxiang replied crisply. "Go."

"Best show these foreigners that my matriarch is not the Builder for no reason," Wang Lian harrumphed. She stepped past them, pressing her hand to the courtyard gate, and simply stepped into it, without even a ripple.

"Assuming command."

Her voice echoed from the trees, the building stones, the gate, even the wards and road outside.

"Guangli, we march," she said simply. With Gan Guangli on one side and Jia Shu on the other, they left the compound behind to meet the soldiers mustering outside.

At their backs a score of howls rose in unison, shaking the boiling sky.


Their first duty was the coordination of the evacuation orders, keeping panic down and movements organized even as the sky began to warp and the hairline fractures in it grew and grew, lingering longer before they sealed, steam and fire drifting from the fissures. At the head of the clans forces, she lead her people to the prepared shelters against attack, dug in and warded under the earth. Servants, workers, and craftsmen gathered and marched in columns. Racing across the valley, seeking them out scattered lives where they could.

And the sky began to bleed. First in a trickling rain of stinking black mud and brackish superheated water, and then in torrents like the waters falling from the cliffs at snowblossom.

Through the breaking sky, a pack of hounds raced, two giants silver white and slate gray at their head, their baying a deafening cacophony, where they ran, where they howled, the sky rippled and cool silver flames sealed shut the cracks in the world, met the gouts of searing hot flame that erupted and kept it from scorching the valley beneath.

Cai Renxiang felt the energies tapped into by the imperial Geomancers in their construction of the Embassy flaring and roiling under her feet. Wang Lian's consciousness thrumming under the earth, a thin skein over the meridians of the earth, guiding power into the defenses of the shelters. With each one filled formations flared to life locking and sealing, empowering defenses far past normal tolerances.

But all the same the cracks grew, the torrents grew and more than mud and ichor began to pour through. First in scab like cysts of dried mud, breaking open as they crashed to earth, and more and more erupting, wriggling crawling directly from the cracks in the sky, nightmares freed themselves.

Glittering multifaceted wings and twisted chitin, Warped eyes both insect and human, grasping hands, snapping jaws, like men and locusts made into one. Their buzzing cry was a song of torpor and despair.

They died squealing in the jaws of the great Luo hounds by the dozens, but still more crashed to earth and writhed about, seeking destruction. They grasped after any sign of life, drinking life from trees and plants and leaving withered husks, vomiting foul and sizzling acids upon the roads, battering themselves into her soldiers with suicidal abandon.

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.
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.....i don't like this choice. We've almost pushed this such that she needs to be visible, but I don't feel like that's actually the best call here.

Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's still, somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world went still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern

"Gan Guangli, go, retrieve Sir Jia, I have messages to send to the other counts."

"What has distressed you so?" He asked.

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Hahahahah this part at least, death by laughter
Ok, so it looks like the remainder of this section is about containing the damage and the aftermath of SWD's last throw of the dice. Hopefully Section Four will be much easier and more straightforward.

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.

We can't afford to have both her and LQ in traction when we're almost finished with everything and at the most sensitive point in the entire Summit.
Ah yes, Renren is also a "Hands in face and scream" stress person. I love it!

That being said... What's actually being asked for in this vote? Is it "Renren draws the most fire but gets fucked up" vs "Renren coordinates everyone and makes sure that the pressure is evenly distributed?"