That...Doesnt track at all. Why would the actual, subtle sabotage taking place in a realm that the MoI officials cant easily affect be the distraction?
Distractions require bait, and bait requires ease of access in order to be pursued. Going to all the trouble of using this roundabout method just to go loud in the physical realm, well within Cao Chuns reach, is counter intuitive to the point of Tzeenchian self-sabotage
If Ling Qi, someone actually skilled in the ways of the liminal, would have difficulty catching this method in the act in such a way as to be easily cancelled were her presence detected...
Then isnt it obvious that the various obfuscation methods frustrating the Jin were the intended actual trap for Ling Qi, and the stuff in the physical realm was intended to distract Cao Chun from being able to lend her his assistance instead?
Like, actually obvious. The fact that the culprit is pulling a runner and is trackable in so doing represents a failure on their part in covering their trail
A chained vulnerability brought about by the successfully hidden usage of Jin himself, rather than the expected first responders in Ling Qi and Cao Chun.
Thus, the runner is a genuine loose end by default
Insisting that they're a distraction requires the assumption that Ling Qi was in a position to catch the agent, that this agent being caught advances their REAL objectives, and that this objective justifies the sacrifice of a highly skilled and subtle liminal cultivator of the Third Realm or greater. In addition to throwing away whomever Cao Chun is presently running down.
So either Hui-style Third Realm+ liminal cultivators are something commonly available in the Emerald Seas (all signs point to that being a no), or the runner is a non-trivial asset.
In which case.
Chase em down
Last chapter:
"It is not acceptable for plots to go about under the ministry's nose uncovered," Cao Chun agreed. "Baroness Ling, you wished to talk about the accidents."
"I do," Ling Qi said. "I doubt it is a surprise to you when I say that our own assets are quite sure that they are not accidents at all."
"No. We are not surprised. The signs are hidden well, but in the final week of preparations the frequency was too much. Enough so that I suspect that the culprits wanted to see attention brought to this," Cao Chun said.
Lots of accidents to draw attention.
Textual fact that the accident is meant to draw Cao's attention away from the meeting hall.
Cao Chun was silent for a long moment, tapping his gnarled fingers together. "I have reason to believe there will be an incident tomorrow. I suspect either a crumbling of the road up to the severed peak, spilling men and materials down to injury or death, or an incident at the road junction where our crews are finishing the connection of our warding networks. It will likely take place around the middle of the day, when I am occupied with watching over negotiations. It is very possibly meant to distract me, and allow something untoward."
"There are many potent cultivators there," Ling Qi pointed out. "You could…"
"Not with eyes like mine, and I do not trust those Crow creatures among our delegates without my sight," Cao Chun replied. "Further, while nothing is confirmed yet, I suspect the culprit or culprits are making use of infomorphic arts of some kind."
Sooooo, the current accident, the distraction, is what we're dealing with. It was meant to draw Cao away from the hall. Now, Cao is dealing with the actual thing at the meeting hall. Hence the recent back and forth that we were "callously" using people as bait.
And you are making the assumption that whatever Cao is dealing with is also not happening in the Liminal.
After the mention of the culprits using Liminal arts, Cao's mention of stopping the accident, and himself the fact that Cao's last assignment was hunting down Hui sleeper cells, it's very likely that he can use Liminal arts and dreamwalk.
We also only know he's detected an incident at the Hall too. Nothing else.
"Objects dispersing. There may be a window to backtrace to the source," Jin Tae's voice clicked and clattered in her thoughts. "Inspector Cao detecting disturbance at Hall, he is pursuing."
He may be pursuing threats in the Liminal there. Which I think is likely. A fifth realm actively pursuing someone in the physical world during negotiations sounds really disruptive, you know?
Like, it's exactly like the first option in the previous vote, except it's Cao doing the lurking, and he's moving from the physical world to the Liminal to keep appearances.
The simplest method, the one certain to prevent any real world harm, would be for you to lurk in wait on the 'other side' at the appropriate locations," Cao Chun said. "However. This will likely simply spook the suspects. Your absence will be too obvious. But, it may inform us of their priorities based upon how they react"
Edit: Also, this is why I think Cao Chun can do the identification of the factions by himself here. I really don't know where the other things came from.
So, do uncover a larger plot done with the infomorphic arts while dealing with what was meant to be a simple rescue. What do we do?
Investigate it
If these spores have been released at each accident l, it could have infected a lot of the work crews, the people who are building the embassy infrastructure, setting down the security formations, and building temporary stays for the people at the Embassy.
If they are the multi-step poisons they seem to be, learning to even identify them will help a lot on delaying a plot that's been cooking for at least a month now.
Plus, I very much doubt the people delivering thr payloads here are the makers. So, if we investigate with Thief of Names, we may discover, well, the Names of the person making them. That's a pretty big find, imo. She's already been doing it here
She peered at Names and sought the false, but came up with nothing for her effort. Not a single sign of something wrong. Then again if it was the ith-ia beneath their feet, then Cao Chun might indeed simply be paranoid over their foreign guests.
And we gave someone who can do the chase for us. Jin Tae, someone who's shown to be really professional and skilled in this mission already.