[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
Meizhen definetly changed and became cuddlier. With Su Ling and Lan Lan, they most definetly changed, but just getting past their cold exterior was enough. Change came later. And honestly neither changed in a way that made it cuddlier
After a journey full of many trials and tribulations I have finished reading the entirety of both Forge and Threads of Destiny. why am I being so dramatic about catching up...mainly because I am a madman who decided to read both Threads rather than their Royal Roads equivalents.
Again I am a madman.
Catching up has been the work of multiple years for a variety of reasons (such as temporarily losing interest or being distracted) but that is a story for later...by which I mean now.
Needless to say as someone who has read the entire thread without an ability to comment there are many things I wish to bring up. though in order to avoid this ramble blurring together I will hide each topic under separate spoilers so anything that looks interesting can be perused without having to read the entire thing
Sorry in advance for getting wordy when sleep deprived I'm about to be recovering from multiple (thankfully nonconsecutive) sleepless nights.
This is not the first time I have read a thread in its entirety including threads with over a thousand pages, though this is certainly my largest/longest endeavor. I'm the kind of person that wants to know how a story like this has been shaped by out of character discussion, Even if exact details blend together as time and pages pass. This has certainly been a lively and thriving community, though the exact details of the Math Cabal and some of the fiddlier mechanics eluded me, the plans, discussions and debates were more often than not enjoyable to read and to consider.
Before you ask no I did not literally read every post and I did occasionally skim those I felt had already made their point or who I disagreed with vehemently for being wrong on the internet, I am happy to report that the number of posts i outright skipped number at approximately 20 pages worth between both threads largely limited to those during especially infamous votes such as that which made Ashen Shadows Art a perennial meme (feel free to be impressed horrified or both by this fact)
To give you an idea of how long I've been reading, the thread was already on Threads and into the thousands when I started this, my introduction to the Xianxia genre. Beware of Chicken, which was finishing Book 1 when I found it, and Sect, which was up to page 11 to give you an idea of the time frame, acted as my 2nd and 3rd xianxia-based threads that caught my interest enough to read in their entirety (status complete+following) during those times I was distracted by other things.
Honestly I would have caught up sooner if not for taking a break after finishing Forge that lasted I'm not entirely sure how long, and having my pace practically slow to a crawl after I checked the front page to find Qi's flute had been irreparably damaged, dreading each major conflict as the source of a titanic amount of Salt (most embarrassingly I temporarily convinced myself that a vastly underestimated Spider Colony was to blame)
Needless to say the actual cause was one of Yrsillar's best chapters though I plan to commission a what-if involving us rolling ERROR on those particular dice and accidentally getting the aid of the other Xisheng from Sect thanks to sympathetic liminal space fuckery at some point.
After that when I saw we'd damaged our first Insight I didn't slow down at all (again I misjudged the amount of Salt that would result) and sped up both during and after that arc to the point where I actually read over 500 pages over the course of a week (also to catch up before page 4000)
My only regret is that I now have to wait for House of Ling which I was really looking forward to.
Onto the actual discussion points I wanted to bring up.
Honestly while there are many conversations we've neglected (at least in thread no clue about Discord) there is only one topic that has never come up at all that I am desperate to introduce.
What the hell are we going to call Dress-chan post-awakening?
3-E couldn't keep calling their new classmate Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery Chan, we can't keep calling her Swaying Twilight Gown (Read/Watch Assassination Classroom for this not to be a non sequitur)
I'd offer my own suggestions for Names but I've honestly lost track of them along with the results of the Google searches that justified various homonym based puns (we have a theme when it comes to naming our newborn Spirits why ruin it)
Another topic of consideration concerning Dress-chan is what her personality is going to be like.
The way I see it she's probably going to be ridiculously protective and holding no small amount of guilt over those times she wasn't able to properly protect Wearer, because all of our kids siblings have (or had) some kind of complex in relation to us
I hope you'll forgive me for a brief tangent in tangent of Dress-chans possible thought process after what may have been her most traumatic experience.
5 had been reduced to 4 and in the end none were to blame but she. They were an unlikely band, her Wearer's Regalia those who had chose and been chosen to be held closest by that comforting mist. She remembered dimly in the time before Sibling's small sacrifice, the growing ember that was now Wearer's mighty Pagoda first to rest within and upon Wearer much as she did. Had born witness after awakening to the transition of some lesser thing of Want into Wearer's Sibling much as she had become a Sibling in truth after the Sacrifice. The growing awareness that saw Wearer forge an Advisor and Gatekeeper of Wearer's True Thread much as she had been Weaved of another's True Thread. Each accepted and were accepted in turn into Wearer. None could touch her Wearer as she did, but her Wearer's Regalia were worthy to truly dwell in the mist. Covetous things they were, beings of want, for dominion, adoration, love, each through a different facet, with a different Way, a different Role in the performance Wearer was so fond of. Yet sleeping much as she did rested Big Little Brother. He who had been at Wearer's side longer than any other. Even in her oldest memories he was there, her Wearer's Weapon, counterpart to her role in the Song as Armor. Little Big Brother did not stir and shift as she did after Sibling's sacrifice, would not awaken as quickly as she, but surely however many moons after she first truly communicated with Wearer he would join them, a Terrifying Blade of Want. Then Wearer and her Regalia completed would play a song of unceasing succor to the lesser worthy and desolation to the unworthy. what a lovely dream it had been if not for her own failure, and it was her failure. All save Wearer's Sibling had battled that cruel distorted want, seeking to protect a sibling of scraps of a lesser worthy who had been Wearer's companion for as long as she could remember. A terrifying desperate battle each protected and protecting in turn as they fled with their prize. None could blame Wearer's Sibling, who had not been sharpened enough to deny a foe such as this, for what happened next. Clever Gatekeeper sought a way out, Mighty Pagoda guarded there wake, Little Big Brother enacted Wearer's will, and she, she who could still yet only act as tailwind and shell was neither fast nor sturdy enough to protect one who truly mattered to Wearer. 5 had been reduced to 4, and the sibling of scraps unraveled before any could satisfy her want, and she the only one not truly awake in that battle was to blame. She recalled some scraps of Wearer's insight, suffering's worth was in beauty's reward, where then was the beauty in this.
On a lighter note who wants to bet that Lady Ren will be as weirded out by our eventual relationship with Dress-chan as most of our Peers are by our relationship to our Spirits (who wants to switch to calling our Lady by all of her names in the future...once she's picked some up of course)
I know we are well in advance of this concern but what's our own name going to be?
Early on I thought Sheltering Storm's Eye might be appropriate for in the eye of the hurricane there is quit, but we are no longer quite a storm, we have far more than one eye by this point, and the quiet is now happening around our shelter rather than in it.
In honor of our latest Spirit Uncle perhaps we will one day be known as the Break in of Ways for the...shall we say stress testing of the Ways of those around us has become a hobby I doubt we'll grow tired of and in the end this name is also a heist, though I fear the results of our connection to dear Skeluncle becoming known
A name I've grown fond of for Ling Qi, not so much as a person but as an experience is Shelter of Whetstones for we offer protection to those who may act as tribulation and work to sharpen those who seek our aegis with (we hope) minimal long lasting damage while to those who approach with ill intent we are a tribulation in which they shall ever be found wanting, though again I fear the results of enshrining that in our Way
A metaphor I keep coming back to for Ling Qi's nature at least in part is that of my own people's Sukkah along with Sukkot
For those unfamiliar with these terms a Sukkah is a liminal shelter made of sticks that is built to mark one point in the changing of the seasons wherever one's kin and community resides, a place for celebration, rest, and study around which all who wish to join may gather
Sukkot the Jewish holiday for which the Sukkah is built focuses on spirituality, hospitality, national identity and rejection of meaningless wealth
Truly the Sukkah encompasses all of Ling Qi's more positive traits, though admittedly the more hostile and shall we say cold ones do not fit so easily and Sukkot is not a holiday of the winter. perhaps Ling Qi is a Sukkah of Heavy Metal, possibly sourced from the Iron Toothed Crone
After reading the Nightmare Tribulation's conclusion I was consumed by one thought.
Let's go again! Let's go Again!
I don't want to assume the Mantle of Skeluncle again (though it was awesome) and I acknowledge that doing such was probably made easier or possible at all by Skelunle's nature as a living idea but in this ill formed not yet technique I see the seed of what may perhaps be our first original technique.
To weaponize the Eye of Grudges in a way our Teacher never could by turning the bonds of those who have given us their name and trust into a mantle through which their power can be channeled regardless of such meager things as physical distance.
This Technique tentatively called Assumption of the Given Name (because of course our first original technique is also a pun) would allow us to temporarily become those we know best, though it would rely on high Intimacy Level, having actually absorbed a minor fragment of their qi, or some combination of both, meaning we cannot use it to become someone we care nothing for or have never actually met
I originally came up with the Technique so that with could become our friends and mentors, though now that I think on it further becoming someone we have a negative intimacy towards like Liling would be theoretically possible though quiet risky and the possibility of channeling a dead Intimacy such as Zeqing's may also exist as an advancement of such a technique.
Early uses of the technique could involve channeling Zhenqui (for four times the Zhengui actions) while refining the technique to either not use up the Intimacy's qi fragment upon use or not rely on it at all, and future versions of the technique could focus on tech synthesis multi channeling of intimacies, outright Dragon Ball/Crystal Gem style Fusion, or allowing others who know us to assume the mantle of being Ling Qi though obviously such things would be reserved for later versions of the technique at later Realms
Well there that's everything I can still remember thinking about through the course of reading all this that I is still vaguely relevant to the thread as it is (minus some meaningless griping about sometimes years old decisions that doesn't need to be shared at this time if ever)
One last thing yrsillar if someone has an idea for a commission and doesn't know how many parts it should have can they contact you for advice, also can the three or more part commission discount be applied to historical excerpt commissioning...not in relation to the What-if idea but a different commission idea I can't get out of my head?
Edit: May as well use my first post to vote
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
We have no idea if we'll ever get to improve civilian or soldier opinion of this venture again before the Summit's over and a potential hit to the face we'll hopefully be getting is easier to ameliorate than the risk of another potential plate to spin
Also when exactly do updates happen usually in this quest...haven't exactly been paying attention to the dates recorded on forum posts other than occasionally noting the month or year to measure progress.
After a journey full of many trials and tribulations I have finished reading the entirety of both Forge and Threads of Destiny. why am I being so dramatic about catching up...mainly because I am a madman who decided to read the Threads rather than their Royal Roads equivalents.
again I am a madman.
catching up has been the work of multiple years for a variety of reasons (such as temporarily losing interest or being distracted) but that is a story for later...by which I mean now.
needless to say as someone who has read the entire thread without an ability to comment there are many things I wish to bring up. though in order to avoid this ramble blurring together I will hide each topic under separate spoilers so anything that looks interesting can be perused without having to read the entire thing
sorry in advance for getting wordy when sleep deprived I'm about to be recovering from multiple (thankfully nonconsecutive) sleepless nights.
this is not the first time I have read a thread in its entirety including threads with over a thousand pages, though this is certainly my largest/longest endeavor. I'm the kind of person that wants to know how a story like this has been shaped by out of character discussion, Even if exact details blend together as time and pages pass. This has certainly been a lively and thriving community, though the exact details of the Math Cabal and some of the fiddlier mechanics eluded me, the plans, discussions and debates were more often than not enjoyable to read and to consider.
before you ask no I did not literally read every post and I did occasionally skim those I felt had already made their point or who I disagreed with vehemently for being wrong on the internet, I am happy to report that the number of posts i outright skipped number at approximately 20 pages worth between both threads largely limited to those during especially infamous votes such as that which made Ashen Shadows Art a perennial meme (feel free to be impressed horrified or both by this fact)
To give you an idea of how long I've been reading, the thread was already on Threads and into the thousands when I started this, my introduction to the Xianxia genre. Beware of Chicken, which was finishing Book 1 when I found it, and Sect, which was up to page 11 to give you an idea of the time frame, acted as my 2nd and 3rd xianxia-based threads that caught my interest enough to read in their entirety (status complete+following) during those times I was distracted by other things.
honestly I would have caught up sooner if not for taking a break after finishing Forge that lasted I'm not entirely sure how long, and having my pace practically slow to a crawl after I checked the front page to find Qi's flute had been irreparably damaged, dreading each major conflict as the source of a titanic amount of Salt (most embarrassingly I temporarily convinced myself that a vastly underestimated Spider Colony was to blame)
Needless to say the actual cause was one of Yrsillar's best chapters though I plan to commission a what-if involving us rolling ERROR on those particular dice and accidentally getting the aid of the other Xisheng from Sect thanks to sympathetic liminal space fuckery at some point.
after that when I saw we'd damaged our first Insight I didn't slow down at all (again I misjudged the amount of Salt that would result) and sped up both during and after that arc to the point where I actually read over 500 pages over the course of a week (also to catch up before page 4000)
my only regret is that I now have to wait for House of Ling which I was really looking forward to.
onto the actual discussion points I wanted to bring up.
Honestly while there are many conversations we've neglected (at least in thread no clue about Discord) there is only one topic that has never come up at all that I am desperate to introduce.
What the hell are we going to call Dress-chan post-awakening?
3-E couldn't keep calling their new classmate Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery Chan, we can't keep calling her Swaying Twilight Gown (Read/Watch Assassination Classroom for this not to be a non sequitur)
I'd offer my own suggestions for Names but I've honestly lost track of them along with the results of the Google searches that justified various homonym based puns (we have a theme when it comes to naming our newborn Spirits why ruin it)
another topic of consideration concerning Dress-chan is what her personality is going to be like.
the way I see it she's probably going to be ridiculously protective and holding no small amount of guilt over those times she wasn't able to properly protect Wearer, because all of our kids siblings have (or had) some kind of complex in relation to us
I hope you'll forgive me for a brief tangent in tangent of Dress-chans possible thought process after what may have been her most traumatic experience.
5 had been reduced to 4 and in the end none were to blame but she. They were an unlikely band, her Wearer's Regalia those who had chose and been chosen to be held closest by that comforting mist. She remembered dimly in the time before Sibling's small sacrifice, the growing ember that was now Wearer's mighty Pagoda first to rest within and upon Wearer much as she did. Had born witness after awakening to the transition of some lesser thing of Want into Wearer's Sibling much as she had become a Sibling in truth after the Sacrifice. The growing awareness that saw Wearer forge an Advisor and Gatekeeper of Wearer's True Thread much as she had been Weaved of another's True Thread. Each accepted and were accepted in turn into Wearer. None could touch her Wearer as she did, but her Wearer's Regalia were worthy to truly dwell in the mist. Covetous things they were, beings of want, for dominion, adoration, love, each through a different facet, with a different Way, a different Role in the performance Wearer was so fond of. Yet sleeping much as she did rested Big Little Brother. He who had been at Wearer's side longer than any other. Even in her oldest memories he was there, her Wearer's Weapon, counterpart to her role in the Song as Armor. Little Big Brother did not stir and shift as she did after Sibling's sacrifice, would not awaken as quickly as she, but surely however many moons after she first truly communicated with Wearer he would join them, a Terrifying Blade of Want. Then Wearer and her Regalia completed would play a song of unceasing succor to the lesser worthy and desolation to the unworthy. what a lovely dream it had been if not for her own failure, and it was her failure. All save Wearer's Sibling had battled that cruel distorted want, seeking to protect a sibling of scraps of a lesser worthy who had been Wearer's companion for as long as she could remember. A terrifying desperate battle each protected and protecting in turn as they fled with their prize. None could blame Wearer's Sibling, who had not been sharpened enough to deny a foe such as this, for what happened next. Clever Gatekeeper sought a way out, Mighty Pagoda guarded there wake, Little Big Brother enacted Wearer's will, and she, she who could still yet only act as tailwind and shell was neither fast nor sturdy enough to protect one who truly mattered to Wearer. 5 had been reduced to 4, and the sibling of scraps unraveled before any could satisfy her want, and she the only one not truly awake in that battle was to blame. She recalled some scraps of Wearer's insight, suffering's worth was in beauty's reward, where then was the beauty in this.
on a lighter note who wants to bet that Lady Ren will be as weirded out by our eventual relationship with Dress-chan as most of our Peers are by our relationship to our Spirits
I know we are well in advance of this concern but what's our own name going to be?
Early on I thought Sheltering Storm's Eye might be appropriate for in the eye of the hurricane there is quit, but we are no longer quite a storm, we have far more than one eye by this point, and the quiet is now happening around our shelter rather than in it.
In honor of our latest Spirit Uncle perhaps we will one day be known as the Break in of Ways for the...shall we say stress testing of the Ways of those around us has become a hobby I doubt we'll grow tired of and in the end this name is also a heist, though I fear the results of our connection to dear Skeluncle becoming known
A name I've grown fond of for Ling Qi, not so much as a person but as an experience is Shelter of Whetstones for we offer protection to those who may act as tribulation and work to sharpen those who seek our aegis with (we hope) minimal long lasting damage while to those who approach with ill intent we are a tribulation in which they shall ever be found wanting, though again I fear the results of enshrining that in our Way
a metaphor I keep coming back to for Ling Qi's nature at least in part is that of my own people's Sukkah along with Sukkot
for those unfamiliar with these terms a Sukkah is a liminal shelter made of sticks that is built to mark one point in the changing of the seasons wherever one's kin and community resides, a place for celebration, rest, and study around which all who wish to join may gather
Sukkot the Jewish holiday for which the Sukkah is built focuses on spirituality, hospitality, national identity and rejection of meaningless wealth
Truly the Sukkah encompasses all of Ling Qi's more positive traits, though admittedly the more hostile and shall we say cold ones do not fit so easily and Sukkot is not a holiday of the winter. perhaps Ling Qi is a Sukkah of Heavy Metal, possibly sourced from the Iron Toothed Crone
After reading the Nightmare Tribulation's conclusion I was consumed by one thought.
Let's go again! Let's go Again!
I don't want to assume the Mantle of Skeluncle again (though it was awesome) and I acknowledge that doing such was probably made easier or possible at all by Skelunle's nature as a living idea but in this ill formed not yet technique I see the seed of what may perhaps be our first original technique.
To weaponize the Eye of Grudges in a way our Teacher never could by turning the bonds of those who have given us their name and trust into a mantle through which their power can be channeled regardless of such meager things as physical distance.
This Technique tentatively called Assumption of the Given Name (because of course our first original technique is also a pun) would allow us to temporarily become those we know best, though it would rely on high Intimacy Level, having actually absorbed a minor fragment of their qi, or some combination of both, meaning we cannot use it to become someone we care nothing for or have never actually met
I originally came up with the Technique so that with could become our friends and mentors, though now that I think on it further becoming someone we have a negative intimacy towards like Liling would be theoretically possible though quiet risky and the possibility of channeling a dead Intimacy such as Zeqing's may also exist as an advancement of such a technique.
Early uses of the technique could involve channeling Zhenqui (for four times the Zhengui actions) while refining the technique to either not use up the Intimacy's qi fragment upon use or not rely on it at all, and future versions of the technique could focus on multi channeling of intimacies, outright Dragon Ball/Crystal Gem style Fusion or allowing others who know us to assume the mantle of being Ling Qi though obviously such things would be reserved for later versions of the technique at later Realms
Well there that's everything I can still remember thinking about through the course of reading all this that I is still vaguely relevant to the thread as it is (minus some meaningless griping about sometimes years old decisions that doesn't need to be shared at this time if ever)
One last thing yrsillar if someone has an idea for a commission and doesn't know how many parts it should have can they contact you for advice, also can the three or more part commission discount be applied to historical excerpt commissioning...not in relation to the What-if idea but a different commission idea I can't get out of my head?
edit: may as well use my first post to vote
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
We have no idea if we'll ever get to improve civilian or soldier opinion of this venture again before the Summit's over and a potential hit to the face we'll hopefully be getting is easier to ameliorate than the risk of another potential plate to spin
Also when exactly do updates happen usually in this quest...haven't exactly been paying attention to the dates recorded on forum posts other than occasionally noting the month or year to measure progress.
Welcome to the thread! That was a fun post to read through!
To answer some of your questions the thread updates every Tuesday and Friday, with a commission being released ever Wednesday or Sunday depending when yrs has time.
You can comission things and ask about commissions either through discord DM or by emailing him at yrsillar@gmail.com
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
Our perception as leadership means nothing if it comes at the cost of those we seek to lead. One of the lessons from the Hui.
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
A metaphor I keep coming back to for Ling Qi's nature at least in part is that of my own people's Sukkah along with Sukkot
For those unfamiliar with these terms a Sukkah is a liminal shelter made of sticks that is built to mark one point in the changing of the seasons wherever one's kin and community resides, a place for celebration, rest, and study around which all who wish to join may gather
Sukkot the Jewish holiday for which the Sukkah is built focuses on spirituality, hospitality, national identity and rejection of meaningless wealth
Truly the Sukkah encompasses all of Ling Qi's more positive traits, though admittedly the more hostile and shall we say cold ones do not fit so easily and Sukkot is not a holiday of the winter. perhaps Ling Qi is a Sukkah of Heavy Metal, possibly sourced from the Iron Toothed Crone
I was delighted and amused by this analogy, never thought of it. I've often forgot about Sukkot, had too many things to do but if I ever had to compare LQ to one of our holidays, which never occurred to me, it'd be Hanukkah. It reminds me of both Winter and happiness/warmth, things that shouldn't go together but do in this case. When that time of winter comes, family comes together, sheltered and warm and happy, full of celebration. Often very thankful and/happy to be together and alive. Thats what both Hanukkah and Ling Qi have in common to me...
If I go into the specifics of Hanukkah, 8 days, a miracle at a temple, blah blah, the comparison will fall apart haha
I was delighted and amused by this analogy, never thought of it. I've often forgot about Sukkot, had too many things to do but if I ever had to compare LQ to one of our holidays, which never occurred to me, it'd be Hanukkah. It reminds me of both Winter and happiness/warmth, things that shouldn't go together but do in this case. When that time of winter comes, family comes together, sheltered and warm and happy, full of celebration. Often very thankful and/happy to be together and alive. Thats what both Hanukkah and Ling Qi have in common to me...
If I go into the specifics of Hanukkah, 8 days, a miracle at a temple, blah blah, the comparison will fall apart haha
Adhoc vote count started by EternalObserver on May 6, 2023 at 8:38 PM, finished with 96 posts and 50 votes.
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (Small chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
Better translation and shorter shifts should help a lot, and also involve more people directly with the other side. Plus, we can't afford such a significant project to come out anything less than awe-inspiring and on time.
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
Adhoc vote count started by Karthak Urzak on May 8, 2023 at 2:07 PM, finished with 103 posts and 55 votes.
[X] Seek a mutual apology. And better work practices, even if it delays construction and makes the hall a bit less grand. (Improves Mutual opinion between civilians. 20% Chance that project will come short of goals, reducing benefits. Loss of face if incomplete)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (20% chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)
[X] Seek a mutual apology. Pull additional translators and workers for better rotation of shifts and hopefully keep the stress down. (Small chance of additional negative event during summit. Project definitely completes on time.)