It's still not on the level of high realm battle, but conceptual clashes between cultivators are always fascinating to read.
Regarding the vote, it's a tough choice.
For reference, this is the original Snowblossom Shattering text.
Snowblossom Shattering
Potency: G5
Type: Cold, Dispel, Finisher, Support
Duration: Scene
But Winter itself must end. The new world born consumes the dregs of the old. The last howl of winter carries across the battlefield, rending foes unto statues of ice, blooming with flowers of frost. Petals fly and shatter, and carry new waters, harbingers of life born anew. Each target which has been successfully damaged by Stillness of the Solstice Night, or which has had their movement trait reduced by three or more due to Year's End Aria suffers an Immediate Potency G7 attack so long as they remain in the same scene. This attack ignores defensive techniques of lower potency.
In the aftermath, for each enemy killed one ally of equivalent or lower realm to that enemy has their qi greatly restored, all negative effects on them dispelled, and their next technique empowered, increasing potency by one.
This technique may only be used once per scene.
The flavour text has changed somewhat. While the old one simply killed the enemies, the new one focuses more in the death of the past aspect. The erasure of what was, with only faint traces remaining, yet feeding into the future.
Also, the old one has the petals of the ice flowers being the bearers of new life, which means the technique itself steps into the start of the Spring. The new version releases the energy "when Spring calls", drawing a definite line. Very fitting Ling Qi's realization that spring can't be really hers.
About the mechanical changes. Both options improve the "has their qi greatly restored" into "have their qi fully restored" which is so awesome is almost cheating. Specially since we can kill 10 G1-3 mooks and have several G5-8 fully recharged.
The other 2 effects are divided, improved and/or added a feature.
"All negative effects on them dispelled" becomes "all wounds removed and all negative effects on them dispelled". It adds a quite potent healing factor, even if there will be plenty of wounds/poisons/curses resistant to its effects.
"Their next technique empowered, increasing potency by one" becomes "all traits buffed by 1 for the duration of the scene, and the potency of their next technique is increased by 2". It strengthens their next technique even further, a G4 technique becoming G6 it's nothing to scoff at. It also increases
all traits by one. That includes offensive traits, armor traits, movement traits and so on. It's easily the most powerful buff we have seen to date.
So, following Ling Qi's acceptance about Spring not being hers I have no doubt that the second option is a much better fit thematically. It gives the strength to fight adversity and reach the Spring rather than being the Spring's arrival itself, which seems what the first options embodies.
I also think it's more useful in a battle between groups. I'm thinking something like the Ith-ai sewer terrorist attack.
The healing option it's best used to truly end a fight, as it leaves everyone as fresh as they started and ready to go again. However, if we are struggling with a boss and we use SBS to wipe the minios, our now-free weaker allies won't be able to contribute much even if they are healed, cleansed and reenergized due to the realm difference.
On the other hand, the second option would allow them to either strike down any lieutenant-level enemy that survived SBS or even punch above their level against the boss.
Not only that, as the second option enhaces
all traits and any one technique, they can choose any action besides an offensive attack: their own boosted healing or buffing, terrain modification, movement techniques to run away from an impending massive enemy attack and so on.
If we are facing a group of enemies on average above us, the healing option may just delay defeat, while the boosting option has the chance of changing the tides. The healing option really shines against waves of weaker enemies, since it basically enables a infinite loop cheat. However, Ling Qi is rarele going to be in that kind of situations. She will be going to strike the heart of the enemy, hopefully with a squad with her.
In light of all that
[X] Total the Potency of enemies killed this way, allies of potency equal or less to that amount have their qi fully restored, all traits buffed by 1 for the duration of the scene, and the potency of their next technique is increased by 2