Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
But can we take three Chu Songs? Withou Precious to tank adds?

I'm not saying we can't but people seem to be pretty cavalier about an enemy we know nothing about other than their realm level
With set up. Totally. With set up we could beat 3 Ji Rong likely without a single hit on us. As he was back then anyway.
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I'm not saying it can be ignored. The most important parts - diapason, dissonance, and elegy should all work fine. Mist otoh should do nothing, since that particular part is based on the dense fog making us hard to see.
Said dense fog is made out of Qi.

Should block their senses all the same, otherwise mundane fog-bypassing perception techs would no-sell it.

[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
@yrsillar, would you be able to help us out with this FVM debate?

Would FVM - in particular Mist of the Vale - be reduced in effectiveness against enemies who don't rely on sight and would thus be unhindered by dense fog hiding us? (I assume dissonance etc. would be unaffected for obvious reasons)
@yrsillar, would you be able to help us out with this FVM debate?

Would FVM - in particular Mist of the Vale - be reduced in effectiveness against enemies who don't rely on sight and would thus be unhindered by dense fog hiding us? (I assume dissonance etc. would be unaffected for obvious reasons)
Dense fog that also blocks hearing.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
@yrsillar, would you be able to help us out with this FVM debate?

Would FVM - in particular Mist of the Vale - be reduced in effectiveness against enemies who don't rely on sight and would thus be unhindered by dense fog hiding us? (I assume dissonance etc. would be unaffected for obvious reasons)
FVM's mist doesn't just obscure, it also misleads.

Mist of the Vale: C
Duration: Persistent/Short
Playing the first notes of the melancholy melody, the musician causes a light mist to roll forth from their instrument. The mist is filled with deceptive shadows and sounds, casting a pall over all within. The mist spreads to cover the range Close to the musician and may be extended out to Very Far, at the cost increasing the cost to the technique by 10 for each increment. The user may extend immunity too and benefits from the mist to up to five allies, increasing cost by 2 for each one.

Within the mist, foes find their senses confused, attacks against the musician or their allies often strike at phantoms, and seeking to escape the mist or advance upon the musician often result in meandering travelers reminiscent of the Travelers own wandering. In their confused state, they become vulnerable to the terrors which can reside in Vales far from civilization.

The mists are interlaced with persistent qi illusion effects that affect multiple senses. These entities are unlikely to be hindered by the low light, but the technique explicitly utilizes further effects than that in order to achieve its protective properties.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
FVM can't go trough earth but our opponents can. Chokepoints would let our ennemies get closer without providing any kind of defense to us.

[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
Well, this little adventure will certainly provide ample motivation for Ling Qi in the rest of the week to focus on raising her combat ability...

[X] Choke Point. Retreat only to the entrance tunnel, and hold your ground there. May result in the caverns contents being damaged, but offers greater defensibility in the coming conflict.

We are going to fight against the best enemies we could possibly have (that are still threatening): a myriad of weak foes to build up upon and a few "technically peers" that will arrive latter once we're all buffed up.
I think we'd have a real chance with "Hold your Ground", but i don't think the loot of a few early Green mobs is valuable enough to risk life or limb, even if the risk is very low.
I mean, i'm not really interested in a power up for our skeleton formations or even a possible AE successor or insight power up.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
"She should mix elements of traditional attractiveness into the work. The uncanniness of the contrast between the attractive and repulsive elements will enhance the image she's going for," Sixiang rattled off in an instant.

Ling Qi blinked slowly at the long winded response. "...Sixiang thinks you should use some conventionally beautiful elements in the mix. The contrast will improve the overall unsettling vibe."

Li Suyin frowned. "Um… I see. I will take that into account,"
On a simple scale Zombie is creepier than skeleton.
On a more involved scale...
...yeah, advice seems legit. Good job Six.

Choke points only matter if the opponents can't circumvent them in a three dimensional environment.
Errr... that's a good point.

[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.

@yrsillar, would you be able to help us out with this FVM debate?

Would FVM - in particular Mist of the Vale - be reduced in effectiveness against enemies who don't rely on sight and would thus be unhindered by dense fog hiding us? (I assume dissonance etc. would be unaffected for obvious reasons)
I don't see why that's an issue. Critters that live underground usually don't depend on sight, but on hearing (and a few on touch, though at some point the difference between the two is academic).
Adhoc vote count started by Ayashi on Feb 12, 2019 at 7:21 PM, finished with 8888 posts and 77 votes.
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[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
Huh, interesting. A hint at the abilities Sixiang will be unlocking this turn?

Just checked the previous thread, and the other technique of Sixiang's beyond the dispel was a minor boost to persuade/socialise, so this definitely seems to be something new. Though it's up in the air whether it's specifically a perception boost or some sort of mutable bonus to a bunch of potential actions of ours. The latter would fit with the changing faces of the moon.
From Curious Diviner's Eye.
Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.
Also put me down for 'Of course FVM doesn't actually work by depriving you of actual sight.' Music element means sound isn't necessary for music arts, so why should actual deprivation of mortal physical sight be necessary for an esoteric Art whose composition is metaphysical loneliness? The mechanism of Arts isn't really working on a physical level, it's hooked into qi. The world of FoD happens to resemble ours but its underlying reality is different. Only mortals and weak cultivators interact with FoD's world in a way similar to we readers.
The only way that I can think of for the environment to be more in our favor is if there were scattered walls all over the place for us to teleport between.
From Curious Diviner's Eye.

Also put me down for 'Of course FVM doesn't actually work by depriving you of actual sight.' Music element means sound isn't necessary for music arts, so why should actual deprivation of mortal physical sight be necessary for an esoteric Art whose composition is metaphysical loneliness? The mechanism of Arts isn't really working on a physical level, it's hooked into qi. The world of FoD happens to resemble ours but its underlying reality is different. Only mortals and weak cultivators interact with FoD's world in a way similar to we readers.
It's impossible for Ling Qi to use Argent Mirror and Curious Diviner's Eye at the same time. She doesn't have enough Head meridians.

Leaning on the perceptive boost passive from EPC could be an alternative explanation for the description to Sixiang giving an assist, but CDE isn't possible.
[X] Choke Point. Retreat only to the entrance tunnel, and hold your ground there. May result in the caverns contents being damaged, but offers greater defensibility in the coming conflict.

Edit: Whoops. Just remembered that these things can burrow. This makes the choke point option much less useful since they can just burrow beneath our feet or even through the ceiling if they wanted. Better to stand in the open ground where we'll have room to dodge if necessary.

[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
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So I am excited for the future of Suyin's puppets. I am picturing a future where the puppets are dressed up as actors. With fancy masks and silk robes. But then when any threat or pressure happens to many limbs lash out and a disturbing or horrifying thing reveals itself.

It would be very symbolic and meaningful to suyin. Cultivation looks pristine and prefect from the outside. But as soon as a threat appears it dissolves into something unsettling. Yet cultivation is still useful as it is the means to protect and advance society.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
Adhoc vote count started by Maladictus on Feb 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM, finished with 8896 posts and 79 votes.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.