Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
As is, it's a touch of a hard call for me, with loss aversion struggling quite bit with FOMO.
What's there to lose? Li Suyin has an escape talisman, and the entire cave system is underground, so is dark enough for Ling Qi to just break and run if things go poorly. The worst case for holding ground is that escape becomes necessary, and the group is out the loot from this fight and Suyin's talisman. Meanwhile, this kind of fight is what Qi is good at, as long as she learned her lesson from the tournament, and what Suyin brings is very complementary, in providing more bodies to buff and fight attackers.

In fact, this is a decent blueprint fight for Ling Qi to bring with her when managing her barony's forces in the future, even if she trades out her group buffs for more debuffs, because Forgotten Vale is such a huge force multiplier for competent allies.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
So nobody thinks three weird ass green Gnawing Ones are a threat?
Now we don't know if they are gnawing ones yet. They could be, but we don't know.

As for their threat level I don't think they would be able to one shot us or suyin through all the defenses we will have layered so we should be able to at least flee.

Also this is Suyin's big break. With the material from the impure antlion and the research notes from this area her progress in bending this environment for better purposes will explode. That is her goal after all. Taking the unpleasant and turning it towards good ends.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.

This honestly seems like a prefect chance to regain confidence in our own abilities as well as stress test our core strategy.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.

So nobody thinks three weird ass green Gnawing Ones are a threat?
Yes they are a threat but not a huge one. Remember our fight against Chu Song? She was green just like us and we beat her pretty easily. And that was two month ago, now we are much stronger. This kind of fight with prep time, rechargeable ki batteries, and only a few ennemies even capable of hurting us will not necessarily be super easy, but it's far from being bleak either. At worst I expect it will be comparable to our fight with Ji Rong: we will be hurt here and there but we will control this fight from the beginning to the end. It's far more likely that we will win with only minor injuries.
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Also this is Suyin's big break. With the material from the impure antlion and the research notes from this area her progress in bending this environment for better purposes will explode. That is her goal after all. Taking the unpleasant and turning it towards good ends.
Yeah, if she can figure out how to bend this environment to benefit cultivators (and maybe mortals) she'll be well on the path of using the disturbing to benefit others.
So nobody thinks three weird ass green Gnawing Ones are a threat?
Well, threat wise they shouldn't be a threat to our lives, because we are both in possession of escape talismans and have the abilities to prevent one-shots.

So the question is about risk assessment on how much we lose by fleeing vs how much we gain if we succeed in either standing our ground/chokepoint.

  • In the standing our ground vs fleeing position, I don't think an escape talisman is a big enough loss for us to consider not even trying to help Suyin get more stuff beforehand
  • In the Chokepoint vs Hold our ground assessment, it's more risk of not gaining anything vs gaining a little, but I think we have a decent chance to succeed. More than that, but chokepoint is actually a way of fighting that fits Ling Qi less. She isn't Shen Hu, and she doesn't have access to Zhengui right now. Ling Qi benefits more from open spaces where her mobility and FVM can shine, I think.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.

Yes they are a threat but not a huge one. Remember our fight against Chu Song? She was green just like us and we beat her pretty easily. And that was two month ago, now we are much stronger. This kind of fight with prep time, rechargeable ki batteries, and only a few ennemies even capable of hurting us will not necessarily be a super easy, but it's far from being bleak either. At worst I expect it will be comparable to our fight with Ji Rong: we will be hurt here and there but we will control this fight from the beginning to the end. It's far more likely that we will win with only minor injuries.
No it is not like Ji Rong. If we had been able to set up before the fight Ji Rong wouldn't have been able to so much as put a finger on us. Hell, if we have the chance to set up I believe that we could now beat 3 Ji Rongs as he was at the tournament.
Mmm, the effectiveness of FVM's cover here might be reduced given that they probably won't be relying on sight at all?
It's music conveying the idea of loneliness and isolation. It has also blocked sound in the past. Likely other senses, but they usually are not worth mentioning.
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Chokepoints generally work best when you're not in your enemies' home turf. It's best to change the terrain to favor us rather than hope that we can work their terrain in our favor.

[X] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
[x] Hold your ground. You are Zeqings student and nearly a master of the Forgotten Vale Melody. Let these creatures lose themselves in your song and despair. Hold the cavern against all intruders preserving whatever is within.
Doesn't matter, Music Element = "My music works even if you lack the senses to perceive it"

FVM wouldn't be a ducal grade Art if it could be ignored by closing your eyes
That's not at all what it does? It means you can't stop yourself from hearing it, which isn't the same thing.

MotV shouldn't do anything here, because its effects are based on the physical effect of the mist. Diapason should probably still work though, because it's more spiritual.
That's not at all what it does? It means you can't stop yourself from hearing it, which isn't the same thing.

MotV shouldn't do anything here, because its effects are based on the physical effect of the mist. Diapason should probably still work though, because it's more spiritual.

It still would be weird if ignoring the keystone of a major art could be done by a blind mortal, you know?

"Being blind doesn't mean you can't be lost in a terrible valley of gloom"
It still would be weird if ignoring the keystone of a major art could be done by a blind mortal, you know?

"Being blind doesn't mean you can't be lost in a terrible valley of gloom"
I'm not saying it can be ignored. The most important parts - diapason, dissonance, and elegy should all work fine. Mist otoh should do nothing, since that particular part is based on the dense fog making us hard to see.
It still would be weird if ignoring the keystone of a major art could be done by a blind mortal, you know?

"Being blind doesn't mean you can't be lost in a terrible valley of gloom"
We have actually used it on a blind guy before. Remember that stalker? That was before we got the music element and it still worked.
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Mmm, I'm not sure how much of a benefit the choke-point brings?

I mean, if we're back there surely that means Suyin isn't getting loot. How is this expected to work @yrsillar? Are we expecting the horde to run out at some point? Or is this more a endless defense mission where we have to defend Suyin while she harvests stuff as long as possible before running?

The idea is to fall back to the entrance tunnel, so since theyre only burrowing through the sand. The idea is that the horde will not in fact be endless, or at least will turn aside with sufficient casualties. It risks them having already eaten everything useful in the cavern tho
However even assuming that our mist doesn't work on blind stuff that still leaves the question of what sense they use. Hearing means that our music coming from multiple direction has them beat. Tremorsense is beaten by flying and the extra vibrations from our party people.
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