Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)

Make Emerald Seas great again!
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If we look back on the artsy moon/sun discussion for a moment, since we're moon this is basically a resolution to outcompete any other individual's conception of the Emerald Seas.

Our artist's vision vs any and all comers. Which is neat and dynamic and cool and pushes tensions and opportunities and. And.

And we'll win because we'll have cute shadow horns.
"Correct of course, if not wholly right," Cai Shenhua tutted. "It is true that clan was pleased to see their rivals humbled. However, there was a limit to that. In the end, the Bai and the Zheng are the last remnants of pre-imperial days. There is a kinship there, even in the depths of enmity. Once, the Ministry of Integrity might have risen as a counterbalance to eventual Zheng interference, but their rising star losing his Way ended that path. As things stand, a realignment was inevitable. Do you understand then, Renxiang?"

Let us not forget that civil war is coming, and we're not going to be on the side of the Empire.

[ ] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)
Almost all the other provinces have a pretty solid identity.

And honestly, nationalism isn't bad. Jingoism is.

Scotland has a strong sense of nationalism, hence their separatist movement.

Being belligerent, militant dicks is the problem, not having a national/provincial identity.

Pinning the regions national identity to: our Neo-Weilu, Imperial mix would show that multi-culturism can work if its the same overall culture group; and to CRX, especially to CRX is important, Shenhua is not sustainable (and has the self-awareness to know this); being at the lead of the potential creation of another province if we can absorb, partially, the ice barbarians politically (also having them at our back potentially for extra forces but that might be pushing it).

We can add the Empire in now or later if CRX can get their support, it might even be better later when the Empire can offer something more tangible than economic benefits. Though given how not involved the Empress is, best case scenario is likely neutrality in our civil war, as long as we don't stick independence (Barring the other provinces also declaring independence around the same time) into the mix. Don't see any problem not including independence tbh, the economic benefits of the Empire are pretty well established.
[ ] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)

Nationalism is a dirty word in current times and for good reason, but the first idea of it was good. Its the idea that a state is form from the unity of the people that live in it, often based on language, religion, ethnicity, culture, or common history. It is the reason Italy and Germany are single countries rather than a hundred small states, why Eastern Europe and the Balkans have dozen of independent nations rather than a few big empires. Revolutions have often been inspired by the ideas of nationalism.

Vive la revolution! Vive la Emerald Seas!
Fan the embers of nationalism until it burns brighter than the old, feudal structures. Make Heavenly Peaks eat humble pie. It's a no brainer for me. I'm an irredeemable romantic about the our own eras of nationalism though. A rise in national feelings is often a prelude to conflict, if our own history is anything to go by.

"Vive la revolution! Vive la Emerald Seas!" indeed.
Also for anyone wondering concept wise this what were getting this turn so far.

Creation II (1/3) +2
Mystery II (0/3) +1
Home I (0/2) +1
Truth II (0/3) +1
Community IV (0/7) +1
Want II (2/3)

Meaning 6 new concepts upgrades and Community is now our highest concept.
The Duchess is working to weave the disparate threads on the Emerald Seas into a tapestry and I really like the idea of Ling Qi being one of the ones shaping the identity of her province. This is what the Weilu-Imperial rivalry is about, whether our people are going to be their own culture or dominated by the Empire. This is the very opposite of nationalism, of us vs. them, because we're taking a bunch of different us' and forging them into one, as Bao Qian talked about.

[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)
[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)
[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)

From what we have seen of the Emerald Seas' history, culture and current situation, I think this approach is the most benefitial.

I don't want the Emerald Seas to dilute themselves into being "just" the Empire. We have seen how forcibly impossing the Peaks' way of doing things without taking into acount the nuances and environment of the Emerald Seas has caused a lot of problems, suffering and conflict. And lets not forget the Empire's actitude towards "barbarians" foreigners

Which doesn't mean I want the Emerald Seas to stubbornly cling to the old Weilu customs. We have also seen how recalcitrant isolationism can be just as harmful, leading to a festering stagnancy.

I want us to be the spearhead and public face of the Neo-Weilu movement we have going on. I actually like the mindset of our Meng faction allies: to adapt and modernize the Weilu ways so they can become prevalent and relevant inside an Imperial-like frame.

A state system that allows several mindsets and cultures to coexist and mingle. An organic approach with an ever-changing, ever-improving methodology, adapting always to each concrete circumstance. Capable of incorporating foreign ideas or give birth to new ones.

That's the Emerald Seas I want Ling Qi and Cai Renxiang to build together.
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[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)
[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)

Seems like this vote may color our perspective on community and also have impacts further in the future on how we try to shape the general political landscape but this seems like the best choice. I just hope it doesn't swing back to far into isolationism from other places and the empire in general but that seems unlikely.

But more importantly the talk about the Sun and Moon has my brain tingling with some new ideas.
[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)

its honestly a question of scale imo. we got a matching Power insight (power comes from many sources) for both, but the empire is bigh and LQ is still small. Not to mention i want a Cohesive culture for the Emerald Seas, especially the "build with nature" architecture. those are damn neat and can be a lot more efficient as well.
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If we look back on the artsy moon/sun discussion for a moment, since we're moon this is basically a resolution to outcompete any other individual's conception of the Emerald Seas.

Our artist's vision vs any and all comers. Which is neat and dynamic and cool and pushes tensions and opportunities and. And.

And we'll win because we'll have cute shadow horns.

So you're saying Ling Qi will win because she's horny?

[X] Encourage and lean into this strange thinking about the Emerald Seas. (+1 Community XP, ???)