[X] Compose a piece about fear and disquiet, and how they might be defeated
Now, I'm having too much fun. On a whiteboard. Bai Meizhen.
Ok. Maybe I should stop with my whiteboard x).
Those are arranged weirdly. If you'd be looking at 'auto's vs attacks', then Utility should mostly be in the attack categories. If not, there is absolutly no reason for attack/debuff to be put in the same category, and instead the categories should be about the roles in the fights, and thus:Let's talk about debuffs. (ignores a choir of "nooo" groans and sighs)
There are, generally speaking 3 ways to spend Qi and Time in a fight:
- Attack (damage or debuff)
- Buff effect (attack or defense, self or team, instant or long)
- Utility effect (perception, mobility, stealth, dispel)
Another issue here is that 'Duration' of attacks are actually "Longer than the fight". After all, if you consider Debuff effect 'long' because the -10 to Armor last 6 rounds, then you must consider an attack effect "Persistent" because the damage last until they are healed post fight.[1] Special dodge techs work on both attacks and debuffs and require specialized "undodgable" attacks to counter and are thus not counted here.
- Pure Damage Attack:
- Certainty: "works" based on Hit vs Avoid
- Strength: (damage) based on Pen vs Armor
- Scaling: Linear effect scaling with multiple uses (sum of total damage)
- At least until low hp penalties start affecting the fight
- Duration: Instant (usually), though "dps field" attacks exist (dissonance, ashfield)
- Mitigation[1]: Effect cannot be removed barring healing, which is hard
- Debuff Attack (current system):
- Certainty: "works" based on Hit vs Avoid
- Strength: constant (low compared to buffs)
- Additional, usually stronger effects gated by Stat tests
- scaling:
- Linear (most effects)
- Compounding (gets stronger with more uses): Debuffs to Avoid
- Duration: Long (usually)
- Mitigation: Dispels to resist or remove (simple enough)
- Debuff attack (armor version): Same as above except for:
- Strength:
- Effect strength based on Pen vs Armor
- This means effects can be made stronger with Pen > Armor
- Also see Zhengui
- Additional to or instead of Armor (unknown), Stat Test gated effects
- Scaling: cales linearly (most effects)
- Linear (most effects)
- Compounding: Debuffs to Avoid or Armor
- Armor debuff compounding can lead to "death spirals", but is hard to pull off against high-armor targets
- Buff Effect:
- Certainty: always works
- Strength: constant
- Scaling:
- Linear (most buffs)
- Compounding (meta-buffs like JT, though it costs a lot in Qi)
- Duration: Instant and Long, strong effects either way
- Mitigation: offensive dispels (difficult; need to hit first, and given +dodge buffs...)
A very important point, maybe the most important, that was skipped: Buff can often be used while doing an attack, while Debuff have to be used instead of doing a damaging attack. This is the biggest difference from debuff to buff that cannot be changed, considering that a high enough Hit could in practice make debuff identical to buff otherwise.Observations:
- Most attacks usually have a debuff component.
- There are physical debuffs:
- AtW and some other "hostile environment" effects.
- Some grapples.
- Some armor rending.
- Pure debuff attacks usually have utility effects (mist, SEA), but are otherwise underpowered compared to attacks that both damage and debuff.
- Buffs are generally much easier to set up, harder to counter, and provide stronger effects than debuffs in either regime
- Armor-for-Debuffs basically does the following:
- Merge {attack, debuff} into a single category whose effects strength is determined by Armor vs Pen.
- Effect is a mixture of damage and debuff, with pure damage attacks and pure damage debuffs as the (rare) extremes
- Having both Stat Tests (even smoothed) and Armor affect debuff strength is double dipping the defensive attributes, should be one or the other for different kinds of effects, not both
- Debuffs with constant absolute strength have different relative strength based on the target:
- -10 hit on a A30 stat is less useful than -10 hit on C15
- This means mitigation-by-armor shouldn't be too strong lest debuffs are reduced to nothing
- Armor-based mitigation makes narrative sense for some debuffs but not others. Sometimes a Stat test makes more sense, and sometimes just constant absolute effect is logical, especially for "environmental" debuffs.
I am sorry, but you are saying that Zhengui can't have weakness, and furthermore are ignoring half of your own argument. Buffs would be the easiest way to take him down, because buff that flat out dimnish one's armor rank or ignore it exist. Under your very own theory, Zhengui is trivialised by things like SCS the tech or Echo... except he isn't, and he is even less trivialised by debuff.Before we draw some conclusions, let me talk a bit about Zhengui:
- Stat-wise:
- Crazy physical armor (B sta, B fort), high spiritual armor (C resolve, C resilience)
- Abysmal physical avoid (F dex, F dodge)
- Low spiritual avoid (D wits, F fade)
- Poor self-dispel (E int, also causes bad spirit pen)
- This is the "slow tank" build meant to take all hits and just power through them, and under the current regime it leaves a glaring hole in the form of debuffs.
- This is a systemic design flaw that prevents this build from being viable without without an outright broken self-dispel ability (Heizui).
- Weak as they are, one "disable" type debuff that hits or just enough lesser ones and the fight's over.
- This build should be viable without cheating given GG is mostly running Tank, and not even some "block/parry" version of Avoid.
- I'm not saying Zhengui can't have weaknesses, but legendary beasts shouldn't have easy hard counters.
- Not that he'll be debuff-immune under an armor regime; his sp.armor isn't enough for that.
- Debuffs would still be the easier way to take him down given his high armor and regeneration.
This is basically contradicting everything we know, because:With all that considered, here's some proposals:
- Buff strength is somewhat mitigated by high costs for the best ones and (low) setup time, but they still seem strong, and their relative effect strength should be considered.
- The idea is that after the first few buffs are up the relative advantage of another buff falls below the other ways to spend resources.
- Debuff effect strength needs to be adjusted:
- Some form of effect resistance should happen for most effects:
- Method of resistance is one of: {Armor, Stat, None}, depending on the debuff on case-by-case basis (whatever makes most sense)
- Hard CC like sleep, paralysis, grapple, meridian disables and so on should have armor or stat-based resistance.
- A single debuff can have multiple components which are resisted by different means.
- Debuffs should be considered as Attacks for purpose of balancing:
- Damaging debuffs, Pure damage attacks, and pure debuff attacks need to have similar overall utility at equal potency-rank.
- Relative utility depends on circumstances; for us setting up a Darkness/Stealth enabling long-lasting Mist is worth a lot more than a single HC most of the time.
- Damage can trade off with extra duration, AoE, buff or utility components, or nastier and harder-hitting negative effects.
- Effect strength should scale based on resistance:
- At Pen = Armor (or other mitigation) should be approximately what it currently is plus whatever buffing is necessary to bring it in-line with other Attacks.
- Scaling as Pen > Armor and Pen < Armor should considered very carefully, and depend on mitigation gap.
- Ideally "completely ignore debuffs" shouldn't happen without a ridiculous advantage like 3+ letter ranks of Armor over Pen.
[] Compose a piece about the shadows of disorder and uncertainty, and how those ills might be vanquished
Use it offensively.I do see a problem with it though, and that is the expressions of qi in a place which seems to be a very important aspect of Sixiang's being. Letting other domains interact and be inside a spirits domain might not be a very good idea.
Use it offensively.
Instead of drawing in friends for them to train in the dream-space, draw in enemies to capture, or fight, in a space where they have no outside help (be it allies or even just ambient Qi to regen from).
Eventually upgrade the dream-space so Six can use the space itself as a vector of attack/restraining.
It didn't get nerfed badly. It's almost C rank, which is "OK for a green/best possible for a Yellow". Formation itself is C rank, but formation doesn't deserve that rank and is the product of omake cheating.I'm not sure Athletics not having gotten any story focus is true. Sure it wasn't the the primary focus at any point, but it was commented on a lot back when Ling Qi was in Zhou's classes and there was an extremely noticeable undercurrent of Ling Qi starting out of shape and struggling to keep up on a base physical level until eventually she caught up. I definitely feels like it got more focus and training then formations did which is now higher than it for some reason. It losing a level leaves a bad taste in my mouth as it feels like it's giving a shaft to all the training that was done just because the skill wasn't called out by name while it was being trained.
Nonsense, LQ is just a natural prodigy in formations and just never took the chance to invest time in them since our cultivation talent is so high.It didn't get nerfed badly. It's almost C rank, which is "OK for a green/best possible for a Yellow". Formation itself is C rank, but formation doesn't deserve that rank and is the product of omake cheating.