Alright this is gonna be the Main spot for your cultivation options. I'll repost it whenever there is a vote, but I'll also log it here
Base/Domain Cultivation
Conceptual Projects
- Isolation III (2/5): As starvation is privation of the body, isolation is privation of the soul. To be alone is to suffer,yet it is possible to find meaning in hardship. What do the cold streets of that sad city mean?
- Expression III (0/5): Art, music is the expression of ideas, the sharing of concepts with other people and beings. It can express the truth of your soul, it can express desires, it can express simple observations and so much more. You have only begun to explore the truth of art.
- Community III (2/5): Family is the most fundamental unit of society, the block from which all else is built. Yet, what is the meaning of family, where does obligation stop, and love begin?
- Power III: Power is absolute, but comes in different forms. What is strength in one context may be weakness in another.
- Want II (0/3): Want is the fundamental drive of all things. All other motivations are but rationalizations for desire.
- Motion II (0/3): To fly, to run to climb, these are happiness
- Endings I (0/2): All things end in time, it is the journey to ending that has meaning.
- Freedom I (0/2): Freedom is a blade, joy and isolation are its edges
- Persistence I (0/2): The world is in flux and things last only due to the exertion of will.
- Truth I (0/2): Truth trades short term hurt for long term harm
- Causality I (1/2): Action precedes reaction. Time flows forward, ever forward.
- Mystery I (1/2): The first question asked in life is how do I survive. The second is why.
- Creation 0 (0/1)-?
- Courage (0/1)-?
- Protection (0/1)-?
- Cycles (0/1)-?
- Home (0/1)
- Chaos (0/1)
Arts Development
Songseekers Ceremony: Moon, Yin, Mystery, Motion, Expression
- Grinning: It is the seeking that brings joy, the journey and the acquisition. Delve into the deeper mystery of the Grinning Moon, seek, adventure, explore to integrate its lessons. Advances the Freedom, Motion, and Isolation projects one step on completion. 30 XP to physical cultivation. (0/3)
- Dreaming: Songs of ancient days, the playful ballads of modern theater, the buskers tune, too long have you failed to look outward and hear that which surrounds you. Advances the Community, Truth, and Creation projects one step on completion. 30 XP to Spiritual Cultivation (0/3)
- Hidden Scribe: You have asked the second question, and looked upon the world with the eyes of a seeker if only for a moment. Delve further into mystery and the questions that underlie the world of now. Advances the Mystery and Causality Projects by one step on completion. 70% Chance of additional Moon attention on completion. 50 XP Spiritual Cultivation (0/8)
Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry: Yang, Moon, Chaos, Dream, Revelry
- Phantasmal Mastery: You have tasted the cruel wine of isolation, and known the pain of loneliness. Is it any wonder then that the arts of conjuring have been core to you since the day that you first took up the melody of the Forgotten Vale. At your direction, phantoms and figments dance more deftly and with more mind, animated by the lingering dreams of a girl who can never forget loneliness. Grants the Phantasmal Mastery Trait, which increases the power and flexibility of summon techniques. Advances Isolation by 1 Step. (0/5)
- The Dreaming Gala: Only once have you tasted the wine of Dream, and reveled in her halls. Those memories are blurry. Those memories are slippery. You have grown, and you know in your heart that you always have an invitation. Seek again that cacophonous hall, that phantasmal concert, and find the lessons you may have yet missed: Fuses the Ephemeral Dreamlit Dancer technique in to the Dreamwalker Trait. Advances the Dreamwalker Trait by 1 level, and the Creation Concepts by 1 step. (0/5)
Starless Night's Reflection: Yin, Lake, Darkness, Reflection, Stillness, Void
- Lake Hei is Wide: The great lake is bottomless, but it is also wide, a sea in its own right, there is nothing which cannot vanish into its depths. So to can you render inert even assaults that would strike down a whole company. Improves Rippling Starless Shroud as well as your passive defense against Area Arts. Unlock Two Projects. (0/3)
- It's Depths Without End: The imperturbable surface, a skin of shimmering black that lies over the infinite deeps beneath. All vanishes into the dark, leaving mere ripples behind. Where sleeps that which vanishes from world, sight, and memory?. Advances the Mystery and Ending Projects one step. Reveals text of Imperturbable Soul Trait. (0/3)
- We are but Ripples: In waters deep, under skies far, we bear witness to our own crushing smallness. Where then does meaning rise, in the infinite dark? Advances Isolation and Mystery Projects one step. 40% Chance of acquiring Void concept for your Domain.(0/3)
Beast King's Savage Dirge: Yang, Wood, Darkness, Music, Beasts, Conquest, Power
- Bear God's Fury: The Bear God, avatar of wrath, whose crushing paws sundered trees and reshaped hills, Learn the stanzas of the great ballad which spoke of his coming and the ruin of the wolf gods plans. Learn the Bear God's Fury technique, which summons the phantom limbs of the titan to crush and pin down foes. Unlocks One Project. (0/3)
- Primacy of Beasts: Learn the song of nature, the melody of tooth and claw. Where lies the line between beasts and men, which brings us to war? Mere greed and pride, or something more? Alters the primal War Calling technique. Advances the Power and Want Projects by one step. (0/3)
- Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 1: Before the ravening of the Gods, Xiangmen stood uncaring, and in the trunk sheltered all of the people of the Emerald Seas. Against the Gods stood the Diviner, who would see that man was never subjugated again. Alters the Eagle God's Defiance technique. Advances the Motion and Home projects by one step. (0/5)
Melodies of the Spirit Seekers: Balanced, Music, Bargaining, Sincerity, Understanding
- Spirit Seeker VI: Go forth and practice your art on the spirits of the land. Advance the Spirit Seeker trait by 1 (0/3)
- Raising the Bastion: In the harsh south, under the gaze of Bleak Skies yearning, you received a taste of the casual cruelty which spirits unbound and uncaring of man may display. In the lessons of the Bastion's Melody, you find the lessons needed to mitigate their harm, and even bring understanding of their doings to spirits most inhuman. Alters the Bastion's Melody Art, giving a chance to negate damaging environmental traits of higher spirits. Advances the Community and Protection projects by one step. Unlocks one project. (0/5)
Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief: Yin, Darkness, WInd, Freedom, Motion, Want
- The Opened Vault: Ten thousand Locks and not one to stop you. Learn the lessons of the first thief, whom no vault or security could stop. Acquire the Thief of Winds technique, which allows you to interact with and steal from dimensional storage and bypass many forms of security. Advances Vanishing by 1. Advances Want project by one. (0/5)
- The Laughing Wind: Flight is freedom, defiance of one of the First Laws. Feel the wind on your face,witness all the earth below, and laugh in the midst of the clear blue sky. Advance Sable Grace by 1. Advance Motion and Freedom projects by one. Unlocks Two Project. (0/3)
Winter Hearth Resounding: Cold, Fire, Music, Boundary, Home, Renewal
- Kindle the Hearth: So long as the hearth burns still, home remains. Nurse the embers and ashes, no matter how mean, and one day the fire will burn again.Acquire the Technique Ashen Hearth Return. A technique which sacrifices the function of the Winter hearth Resounding Art to negate negative traits on you and your allies. Advances the Community Project by one. (0/5)
- Winter Reinforcement: The task of preparing for the winter comes every year without fail. A home must be maintained, it's walls repaired, its portals reinforced. A home is a work without end, a project of a lifetime. Yet, in the end, is there any more vital art? Advances Home and Protection projects by 1. Improves Unbroken Will by one. (0/3)
- Release of Spring: So in sorrow, so in joy. Another year and you remain. What you have, you have kept. Celebrate the wild ides even as the next hardship drifts on the horizon, and Know that you will survive again. Improves the Passive effects of the Art. Advances the Home and Want projects by one. (0/3)
- Garden of Mists: You keep no hearth, but you do tend the garden. Kin and clan, parents and siblings, dreams of the future and trials of now. You have come to know the ways of boundaries and stories, told to keep back the night. You protect your own. Alter the WInter Hearth resounding Art, replacing the Fire Keyword with Dream and Music with Formations. Advances Community and Cycles Project by 1. Advances Liminal Carver by 1. (0/5)
Unstoppable Glacier's March: Yin, Cold, Music, Expression, Inevitability, Pressure
- Soul of Ice: Blizzard and glacier, fine snow and driving sleet. cruel wind and soft snow. Stasis, Inevitability, Endings and Renewal. There is more to ice, more to winter than meets the casual eye. Is your own understanding too narrow? Advances Isolation and Want Projects. Advances Winter's Heart by 1. Begins Trait Quest Chain. (0/5)
- Path Unyielding: To know what you wish and to advance toward it with all of your heart, this is something you know well. Study and meditate upon what you have learned and seen of the glaciers of the wall, and ponder the value of Implacability: Advance persistence and Want projects by one. Improves Grinding Glacial Melody. Unlocks one Project. (0/3)
Social Arts
Playful Muse's Rapport:
Dreaming Muse Rapport VII: Continue to study the art of wielding honesty and friendliness to achieve your social goals. Advance the Trait by one (0/1)
Moonless Saboteur's Smile
Hidden Smile V: Continue to hone your ability to keep your poise and defend against the social probes of your peers. Contemplate the meaning in etiquette and the role of tradition, truth, and stories. 50% Chance to advance the Truth Concept by 1 Advance the Trait by one. (0/1)
Meridian Slot Projects
Open New Slot: Open a new Meridian Slot. (0/4) 40% Chance of Success
Alter a Meridian Slot: Change one slot to another Type: 0/6 40% chance of Success.
Unlearned Arts
-Currently Locked
Modifiable Arts
Successor Creation
-Currently Locked
Sites and Temporary Modifiers
Argent Vent(Greater):
+1 Success to Any Project -or- +2 Success to any Balanced Project.
+10% Success rate to Assigned project.
Reduce Cultivation Upkeep by 4 Green Spirit Stones.
Silent Stones:
+1 Success to a Moon, Sun, or Earth Project
Mirror Basin:
+1 to Water or Lake Projects