See now the real question is, "if we die in the dream, do we die in real life?".
If yes, we should definitely ask for sparing Shen Hu rather than getting some other buff.
I am concerned about this passage specifically
Ling Qi bit her lip as she felt the King's sharpened fingernails dig into her skin, drawing blood. "I see, thank you very much your majesty. I understand now."
"Thou do not little dreamer," he said easily. "But you will, when you join us on our hunt. Only then will thy boon be granted. Pray that the understanding does not break thee."
Ling Qi felt her throat dry up, but she knew that this was the position she had put herself in. She could not refuse. "You honor me," he voice sounded like a raspy whisper to her own ears.
"This King does not," he replied sounding vaguely amused, without masking the murderous fury behind his gaze. "What interesting customs the future holds."
Like straight up, he harmed us here which shows he doesn't really value us (which is reasonable for a number of reasons, the least of which not being that this is a dream of past events and he knows it). He also gained knowledge of what transpired earlier from Vengeance but didn't mention Shen Hu at all despite the fact that he also contributed to the favorable outcome.
This isn't an honour, we're being press-ganged into his hunt and if we don't perform up to the standard we set earlier he probably won't stand for it. Given the reminder in this very update that we're (probably) stronger than Shen Hu, I don't want to get into a situation where we have to show that for real right now(even
if it doesn't end up being permanent harm), because there will definitely be no turning back from this point.
Quite frankly, the existence of asking for Shen Hu to be spared as a default/non write-in option points to it being a possibility. Even if we don't end up fighting him ourselves, there is no way we'd get to protect him without repercussions after this point.
I expected summary death from this route, but I also didn't expect this guy to be so sadistic rather than being an uncaring murder force for anything below X power level. Just a reminder that there are worse things than summary death.
Whatever wins, I hope we come out of this okay. A boon would be nice too.
[X] Ask for something else, despite the risk
-[X] Ask that Shen Hu be spared the hunt
As for the mortals... well they're already dead. No need to stick our neck further out for the mere shades. (to clarify, these guys are looooooong dead outside the dream unless some of them ended up being super cultivators. The only value in trying to protect them right now is satisfaction)