Wasn't there a possibility that we could reach the Formation stage by the intersect competition? With a heavy investment of the free AP not already allotted to our core Arts and the like if we want Bronze 6. I remember reading about this a few months ago, before we learned Water turn would significantly boost our physical.
It'd be such a flex both for both us and the Cai to show up after two and a half years of cultivation fully settled into Formation and with an awakened object spirit. Or even better if she awakens in a trial during the competition giving us a last second ace like at the caldera. It'll probably be the last chance we'll have in years to show the court our combat prowess, and we'd do it by revealing Ling Qi's Liming-.
We need to create a succesor art. However, if it counts for it, we could do it with a darkness art, and use ebon spirit elixir to get about 5-7 spiritual AP free, and we still have some AP for physical and art. There is also a good chance to get an advanced insight from creating or cultivating the art we get( assuming we use a slotted art.) Also, we spent half our time from the tournament to the intersect tournament, so we have a good chance to get those insights through arcs and events while keeping pace.
We need to create a succesor art. However, if it counts for it, we could do it with a darkness art, and use ebon spirit elixir to get about 5-7 spiritual AP free, and we still have some AP for physical and art. There is also a good chance to get an advanced insight from creating or cultivating the art we get( assuming we use a slotted art.) Also, we spent half our time from the tournament to the intersect tournament, so we have a good chance to get those insights through arcs and events while keeping pace.
Front page inventory isn't up to date, we used the ebon spirit pill last turn (along with midnight essence pill), which got us enough spirit AP to reach G4. Currently we should only have trench swimmer to be used on turn 12, with a broad consensus of picking up the gushing spring pill to go along with it as soon as we're presented with the option to vote for it.
Other than that we might pick up another pill for base either next turn or the turn after even if they're less efficient than usual because we're currently a bit behind on projected progress and might miss turn 13 g5 without (which we can deal with, just means less wiggle room since it's an extra turn worth of 4gss).
EDIT: and for completeness sake, if the trend of semi-frequent "expedition" events that cost AP (as we know next turn's diplo envoy will) but give back significant gains then using at least some of those gains on drugs for AP saving makes sense, with the usual caveats about doing the math/analysis on the value tradeoff against other options for those points.
Front page inventory isn't up to date, we used the ebon spirit pill last turn (along with midnight essence pill), which got us enough spirit AP to reach G4. Currently we should only have trench swimmer to be used on turn 12, with a broad consensus of picking up the gushing spring pill to go along with it as soon as we're presented with the option to vote for it.
Damn. Do we have some knowledge on when will it be available again for buying(or something similiar for another good element)? It combines greatly with creating a succesor, which is needed and could greatly strenghten us. Ebon spirit is great because FSS is one of the best option for succesor, I think
Damn. Do we have some knowledge on when will it be available again for buying(or something similiar for another good element)? It combines greatly with creating a succesor, which is needed and could greatly strenghten us. Ebon spirit is great because FSS is one of the best option for succesor, I think
The pills we are allowed to buy are given to us randomly by yrs based on a dice roll. The only pill that the math cabal has found to be worth it is a water element pill called the gushing spring pill which will likely be used in the water turn that is coming up. The current plan for a successor art is FSS+ starting on turn 13.
The renewed focus on Zhengui in this thread was prompted by critique Ling Qi didn't spend much time doing things with him in particular and the lack of exploration of his nature, with aside-critique even fighting together was awkward which was a shame since it was pretty much the one thing she did do with him. Since efforts started there have been a... number of delays and setbacks but there's been some hints and development regardless, but the most prominent development of all has been the introduction of the mother/son issue.
This plot thread has value, but in terms of the originally highlighted issues it's something of a non-sequitor; it's an additional, parallel problem with its own answers, rather than an answer to the starting concerns. It's not like there's zero overlap, but for example Ling Qi and Zhengui's feelings towards each other has very little explanatory power for Ling Qi not exploring his nature as a spirit beast or spending time with him- she was simply busy and distracted in her obsession with meeting Cai Shenhua's objectives in self-interested/individualistic terms which clashed with her other priorities/obligations in ways she didn't recognize at the time and still struggles with seeing.
Obviously, there's room for both (all?) of these threads. Which is why I'm cautiously optimistic. Gardening is a good opportunity to examine concrete manifestation of his philosophy of self, rooted in his Growth and Renewal aspects. We appear to be in a good place to make some progress.
Ling Qi held her new earring in her hands, watching how they glimmered in the workshop's light. They were silver ear studs, relatively plain in make, but each was set with a dark blue gem, which darkened to near purple at the center, if you looked closely, you could see the shimmer of the sky at dusk in their depths.
"They're as beautiful as I'd expect," Ling Qi said, looking back to Lin Hai.
"They are not too complex on their own, but such accessories are more a component than a statement unto themselves," Lin Hai said, pressing a fingertip to his lips thoughtfully. "I was somewhat disappointed that you did not allow me to give you something a touch more eye catching."
Ling Qi chuckled awkwardly, glancing at Lin Hai's extravagant garb. "It really isn't my style to do so."
"Naturally, and that is why I did not push," Lin Hai said, nodding affably. "If there is one lesson I know all too well, it is the difference between pushing one to seek their boundaries and forcing one beyond them."
She recalled the words at their last meeting. They had confused her at the time, and they still did honestly. It was difficult to imagine Lin Hai as anything but what he was.
"I did actually have another thing I wanted to ask you about."
"For dear Lady Ren's retainer, I can spare a few moments more," Lin Hai said. He gestured airily, and the numerous tools floating in the air began to spin and bob, flying their way back to the tables and shelves.
"Is it normal for one of your gowns to… Uh, eat other clothing if left alone for awhile?" Ling Qi asked. She stumbled over the question a little despite herself. She was still a little baffled.
Lin Hai blinked.
"...Not particularly," he said slowly, sounding nonplussed. "Deprived of your energy she should have simply gone dormant, unless she received some damage?"
"No, I left, it… her," Ling Qi corrected. "In my room. When I came back from my training, I found my gown in the closed with a bunch of frayed bedding."
Lin Hai's darkly painted eyebrows drew together, and he reached out, tracing his finger through the air a hair's breadth away from her shoulder, faint glimmering threads rose to meet him, and Ling Qi felt her gown grow a fraction tighter, for just a moment.
"It seems your choice to wear her at all times has had some effects on her development," Lin Hai said. "Which are preceding faster than I thought possible. It seems that she is only waiting for your cultivation to reach a sufficient level before achieving her own evolution."
Ling Qi glanced down in surprise. Her dress seemed no different than normal. "What level is that?"
"Hm, Formation Green and Bronze, I would estimate," Lin Hai mused, withdrawing his hand. "Until then, if you need to remove your gown for a lengthy period, it may be best to put her in your Vent chamber, the qi rich air should prevent any mishaps."
Ling Qi brushed her fingers against the silk of her gown, and felt the thrum of qi running through it, transforming silk into something far stronger than steel. If she focused, could she feel something foreign, an energy that was not just her own percolating through the talisman? Maybe it was just her imagination.
"In any case, Miss Ling. You will need to hold your seat for a moment longer," Lin Hai said. His fingers twitched, and between them appeared a needle. It was a large one, made of steel. Inscribed with countless formations so small that they appeared as no more than spidery lines, it crackled with heavenly power, fit to pierce stone, metal or immortal flesh. "You'll need to try your talisman on afterall."
Ling Qi grimaced. She hadn't been looking forward to this part.
It wasn't too hard to talk Li Suyin into setting up a meeting, and Xuan Shi wasn't much harder to convince. However, as she arrived at Suyin's workshop and opened the door, it occurred to her that she might have forgotten something. In the dim light of the workshop, more than two dozen eyes stared back at her from the opposite wall.
They floated in jars, hung suspended between crackling metal prongs, and lay neatly stacked upon trays. Some were human, some were animal, some were even insect, or glittering things of gemstone and precious metal.
Below them was a line of eerily lifelike wax heads, each missing their left eye. One of the heads was melting slowly against the table, half of it carved away by some blast, scraps of wax and ocular tissue being cleaned up by the assistants. Of course, there were assistants, not timply the tiny mouse skeletons that scurried too and fro across the floor, but humanoid and human sized figures with the skulls of beasts, wrapped in spidersilk and garbed in the robes of servants.
"Ah, my apologies Ling Qi, is it really so late already?" Li Suyin looked up from the half exploded wax head, looking startled and contrite. There was a bit of wax brain matter and too realistic blood clinging to her cheek. A nearby skeleton with the skull of a doe very helpfully dabbed it away with a silk kerchief. "I got caught up in the testing…. This is so embarrassing."
"I think it's nice, really gives her a unique feel," Sixiang asserted. "She's so good at color balance too! I really like the asymmetric feel the spider webbing gives the space."
Ling Qi didn't miss more than half, no a quarter of a beat as she stepped inside and smiled.
"Don't worry too much Suyin, this isn't anything too formal after all. I'm sure Xuan Shi has lost himself in a project too now and then."
Xuan Shi startled, just a little when she said his name, pulling his eyes away from the skeletal constructs moving through the room. They were already disassembling and carrying away the workbench, tools, and materials. "The fugue of the craftsmen is not unknown. Rather, this one would apologize for the short notice.
Li Suyin stood and brought her hands together to bow. She was wearing the dress Lin Hai had made for her. Pale grey, with a striking dark violet underlayer that stood out at the ends of her sleeves and collar, it was surprisingly utilitarian for one of his works. It had a high collar, from which protruded a touch of dark purple lace, and otherwise was only accentuated by spiderweb patterns, embroidered into the gown around her feet and ankles.
Of course, if you looked at it too long, the pale grey fabric seemed to swim and shimmer, presenting phantasmal faces.
"Regardless, I apologize. It is an honor to have such a skilled craftsman in my home. I hope my simple works don't bore you too much," Li suyin said demurely, clasping her hands together.
She wore two gloves now, but only one was that clawed contraption she had put together.
The fame of the Xuan clan is well earned," Li Suyin said politely, straightening up. Skeletons emerged from other rooms, carrying new furniture, tables and chairs and even a tea set. "And your project last year truly earned its place in first. I could not have managed such a complex enhancement."
"This one wonders at that," Xuan Shi said, tugging at the brim of his hat. "To break the earth in a new field is more impressive than to merely tread anew old ground."
"No really," Li Suyin insisted. "The complexity of your reaction matrices still baffle me, how in the world did you encode so many behavioral variations into each individual tile with so little material real estate? I was not able to discern any core command processing talisman, nor thought based transmission, so each piece is obviously autonomous."
Witness two excessively humble individuals try to out humble each other!
Also that sounds like fractal work is involved. The tiles linking up to form a distinct effect from the base.
Ling Qi smiled faintly as she took her seat, and Xuan Shi replied with a string of words that she knew all the individual meanings of, but which together represented only highly technical gibberish. It seemed like, despite a little stutter at the start, things were going well.
"Sect Sister Li's words are too humble. The works performed by your hands are known throughout the Sect," Xuan Shi said. He seemed to pause, listening to something. "You give this one too much esteem."
Did I look like that at first with you? Ling Qi thought absently to Sixiang. She stepped back, and pulled the door shut.
"You could get pretty bad about spacing out," Sixiang replied, amused.
Ling Qi kept her own contributions minor for a time, only slipping in to smooth over awkward silences or cover for Xuan Shi when he spaced out for a moment. His new spirit seemed to have a somewhat poor sense of timing compared to Sixiang. But if they were new to the material world, that made sense.
Still, after the tea had been served, and the last subject, a discussion about vehicular formations, reached its natural conclusion, Ling Qi found the chance to ask her own question.
"So, with everything you've said about the operating ranges of Xuan ships, does that mean that its true that Savage Seas has contact with foreigners?" Ling Qi asked. Li Suyin's constructs had provided them each with a little slice of tea cake as well. Ling Qi found it a little too sweet if she was honest.
Xuan Shi glanced her way, and thankfully didn't seem offended by the question. "The ports of the isle have hosted men of foreign shores, it is true. Not all barbarians are eager for battle."
He did sound reflexively defensive though.
"How curious," Li Suyin mused. "However did the Xuan manage to come to arrange such a situation?"
"Our voyagers typically do not seek battle and plunder as some explorers do," Xuan Shi replied. "Thus on occasion, those who would rather trade come to find the Isle."
Implying that other Imperial explorers tended to be of the looting variety, which doesn't engender much goodwill amongst the contacted peoples being looted. Its fairly common for close neighbors, if you think you could loot it and book it, you would, but the open seas are too large for such an endeavor to be anything but a terrible waste.
Also I imagine a Sublime Ancestor is...distinctive to perception arts, and acts as an excellent lighthouse.
"Have you ever seen them, foreigners that is?" Ling Qi asked casually, taking a sip of her tea. The blend was a little bitter.
"This one has witnessed the foreign quarter in use a time or two," Xuan Shi said, he sounded wistful. "The folk of Khem are the most numerous, and their mein hard to miss, but at times, a dark faced man of Banu comes bearing a hold full of blue adamant. Once even, I saw one who claimed to be of far off Nidalvar, who are said to dwell at the upper peak of the world."
"How startling that must be," Li Suyin said. "And they truly keep imperial peace well enough for the Xuan to allow them into port?"
Xuan Shi frowned. "Strange as they may be, it would be madness to assault the Living Isle."
"What are they like though?" Ling Qi asked. "I mean, it has to be hard for everyone to not offend each other, right? How do the Xuan manage?"
"It is the voyagers who learn such things," Xuan Shi admitted, looking down. He toyed with his plate. "This ones Father did not teach the craft, afore he left on his last journey eight years ago."
Ling Qi frowned as Li Suyin offered an apology. She remembered something else Xuan Shi had said. His parents were supposed to be alive, weren't they? Was that just wishful thinking, or did he actually know?
Well, this wasn't exactly the time to challenge him on it.
Divinations could tell, but eh, explorers vanish for decades even in the normal course of things, and a Cultivator explorer may find no issue with going on a hundred year journey.
"I'm sorry," Ling Qi offered. She considered her situation. Her mission wasn't exactly secret, even if it hadn't necessarily spread to everyone yet. "It's just, recently, I've been commanded by the Duchess to take part in an expedition to speak with some foreigners. We've discovered a group not of the Cloud Tribes, hailing from south of the Wall."
Li Suyin looked shocked, Xuan Shi tipped his hat back, looking at her in surprise.
"I was hoping that you might be able to give me some advice on acquitting myself well," Ling Qi said wryly.
"Such a duty for one so young," Li Suyin murmured. "No, given the heiress, it makes sense…"
"This one has only limited experience," Xuan Shi said slowly. "A few youthful explorations, driven by curiosity."
I'm curious about Shi's explorations. Did he try sailing off to find his father once(and then get hauled back once somebody realizes there's a kid on board)?
Xuan Shi was silent, seemingly listening to his spirit. "Once, this one spoke with a woman of Khem while a cousin haggled with her husband. Tall she was, a mountain in flesh, her face brightly painted, and hair black as ink. This one was in shock at the sight of her, garbed only in a transparent skirt and glittering jewelry that bore all to the sun."
Ling Qi stared in disbelief. Someone just… walking around in a town, basically naked? And they were supposed to be civilized?
"...The Khemite found the child before her's sputtering amusing, and gave this one a candy from their goods," Xuan Shi's expression screwed up.
Probably more common than Ling Qi thinks, should be fairly prevalent dress in the hotter parts of Thousand Lakes given its RL equivalencies, though I suppose being part snake would make the population enjoy the heat better.
Originally thought Pemmican, but a bit of research found Biltong, which is specifically prepared with spices(pepper) and stems from the African region, which is likely to spread to Khem given the conditions.
Its also used explicitly as a snack.
And it'd be appropriately exotic since the chinese equivalent would be smoked and definitely not used as a snack. Too oily.
Another trip, this one encountered a boy of Banu. His Father had business with mine. Even at such a young age, twelve bars of steel, gold, and other metals pierced his features, and bangles of the same hung heavy on his limbs. We spoke not the same tongue, and yet words were unneeded to play a child's game with the strangely bouncing ball in his possession."
Though we should be able to get rubber too, the Red Garden and Thousand Lakes are the right biome.
All those piercings make me wonder what role they play, children rarely get piercings due to growth interacting oddly with those.
"So mundane," Li Suyin mused. "You make it sound as if they are merely oddly dressed people."
"It is more complex. It is possible to give offense without intent, for innocuous gestures to breed unexpected response, but…" Xuan Shi shrugged helplessly.
Ling Qi understood, it struck at the uncomfortable feeling that had been growing in the back of her mind. Rather than imagining a confrontation with a strange spirit, she really should be thinking of them as people.
Biltong seems to be a better fit than jerky or some sort of spiced meat cube/thing, though the bloody taste doesnt quite fit it, unless we handwave it to more potent blood persisting despite or due to the process of making it.
And whilre reading about Biltong, I came to some conclusions that due to its high protein content, there is a high chance that Not!Africa is Abs Country. Which then made me question which exact body type Ling Qi prefers, or maybe she's an equal Abs oportunist?
Biltong seems to be a better fit than jerky or some sort of spiced meat cube/thing, though the bloody taste doesnt quite fit it, unless we handwave it to more potent blood persisting despite or due to the process of making it.
And whilre reading about Biltong, I came to some conclusions that due to its high protein content, there is a high chance that Not!Africa is Abs Country. Which then made me question which exact body type Ling Qi prefers, or maybe she's an equal Abs oportunist?
Though Egypt is northern Africa it's not that hard a stretch to see something spread that far when they share a continent. Hell the concept of building pyramids was something that transcended continents.
Banu seems to be the african equivalent. The xuan interlude in fod describes the not!pillarmen as bronze skinned iirc. Which fits the pillarman theme. The banu are described as dark skinned in the last update.
I mean... we already are going past the Empire's borders. We are journeying south of the wall to meet up with a culture that hasn't had contact with the Empire before.
As for going beyond other borders of the Empire, I don't know. I guess we'll see just how much the Duchess is pleased with our diplomatic efforts. As for having Ling Qi going beyond the third realm, I don't see why we wouldn't. It'll just take a bit of time, and maybe some time skips.
Eh, Yrsillar, and he should correct me if I am wrong, seems to have taken this professionally rather than as a hobby. I am pretty sure the quest will eventually go to White, we just should treat it like a long running story, rather than a quest that can be dropped at any time.
Heck, there are hobby quests that have gone on for a very long time, long enough to reach White at our pace. Even if there weren't, Ling Qi would reach at least Cyan.
Though to be fair, you could be technically correct... in that Yrsillar could change threads, change mechanics and rename the quest upon us reaching the point when we go with longer turns, like he did last time this happened.
Edit: confused QM names.... thanks god I dodn't @ anyone. You guys saw nothing.
I think that there will be stages in the story where there are less arcs in many of the turns,or even many turns that will be skipped save for cultivation arcs and some small things that happen and are mentioned, so we will go much faster
I like the month system! So far each completed month in Threads has taken 63.44 real time days to complete on average. I believe we'll be below 18 at turn 12. That means, assuming we make it up to white, that's around another 982 years we could be kicking around. Assuming we maintain our current rate that's 747,629.33 days or ~2046 years more content to enjoy!
There were more pieces of advice, both from Xuan Shi and from loaned books. Avoid assuming their intentions and clarify your own, cut idioms out of your speech where you could, be observant and try to decipher body language as well as speech. In the end, it mostly boiled down to being mindful and observant. The same sort of skills she had been working to polish for interacting with other nobles.
The stakes were just higher, in this case. It really helped to shake off her lingering dislike for the subject.
To that end, she continued to cultivate the Playful Muse's Rapport art, it's lessons on presentation would be helpful, and refining her speech couldn't hurt. Similarly, she had always intended to continue cultivating the Songseekers Ceremony art now that her cultivation had advanced, but now, she had even more reason.
Sitting on a high cliff, meditating upon her cultivation art, Ling Qi could not help but feel a tiny bit of dissatisfaction. She had not ventured out on her own in awhile. She wasn't… well, seeking songs. Her schedule was too rigid, the needs of Sect and duty, friends and family used what free time she had.
Of course, she had quite a trip planned, didn't she? Surely, she could find a song in that?
It wasn't as if she didn't have plans either, Zhengui and Hanyi, she had plans with both coming up… and she had something of an idea, a song that needed writing, for the lost and the hurt and not-quite friends.
One way or another, Ling Qi had a feeling that things were going to be changing. It felt like standing on the precipice of a high tower under the moon, without the wind to catch her.
"So you see, those are the relations between the common visible colors, and what they represent. There's more complicated stuff, once you jump off the normal visible spectrum and get into spiritual colors, but you should probably master the easy part first. Any questions?" Sixiang asked, clapping his hands to punctuate the sentence.
Sixiang 'sat' on a fallen log, silhouette shimmering under the dappled sunlight. He was wearing a masculine shape, taking a few cues from Lin Hai, if she had her guess. Sixiang was getting better at projecting images and maintaining them. Proper manifestations were too tiring still though.
Ling Qi leaned back, resting her hands on the warm stone beneath her. She did kind of like this look for the muse. Slighter wider shoulders and a less effeminate face, a little more muscle on their chest, visible through the open robe of shimmering colors 'he' wore. Sixiang was clearly having fun anyway, going by the number of times the cut and shape of their clothing had changed since the start of the lesson.
Unfortunately, she wasn't sure if that fun was being shared. Zhengui lay belly down on the grass beside her, shrunk to only a couple meters long. He was listening intently enough. Zhen had been bobbing his head in time with Sixiang's speech and Gui's gaze had only occasionally wandered to the pile of fresh fruit she had ordered delivered for their lunch. However, she got the distinct sense that his heart wasn't entirely in it.
His words confirmed it. "Is it really okay for Gui to distract Big Sis like this? Gui is not a baby who will get mad if Sister needs to do other things."
Ling Qi shared a look with Sixiang before looking back to Zhengui. "Zhengui, we planned this out ages ago, I don't have anything else I need to be doing right now." Well, observing Sixiang's speaking was technically part of cultivating Playful Muse's Rapport, but that was just being efficient.
"I Zhen, think that simple Gui is not speaking well," Zhen hissed. "Should Sister and I not be training? War is at the Sect."
Ling Qi was silent. Zhengui had done well, more than that really. He had done everything that she could have expected of him. She thought he was satisfied.
"Hm, do you really think being stronger would have helped much back there?" Sixiang said, resting his chin on his hands. "Realistically stronger I mean."
Zhen flicked his tongue irritably but didn't respond.
"I think focusing wholly on fighting is a mistake," Ling Qi said thoughtfully, having taken the chance to assemble her thoughts. "I was helping Mother with her cultivation earlier today. She's not going to be able to fight though. Does that make that a mistake Zhengui?"
Ling Qingge was never going to have the temperament for combat, Ling Qi thought. Not outside the utmost extreme of desperation. She didn't resent spending time with her in the garden, working through the simple physical exercises of her cultivation art though, even if Ling Qi had mastered the thing in a few days. Mother was advancing slowly, but she was advancing. Ling Qi thought she might reach gold physique by the end of the year.
"Gui doesn't think so," her little brother said after a moment. "Is playing around really okay?"
"Don't think of it as playing around, think of it as taking care of yourself," Sixiang said. "If all you do is fight, then what are you going to do when the enemies are gone? There has to be more to you than violence."
"I agree," Ling Qi said quietly, twisting a strand of her hair between her fingers. She didn't think she would much care to live that way. Her memory wandered back to the court, and the woman she had seen at the foot of Shenhua's throne, with eyes as sharp as a blades. That she thought was what someone who had nothing but violence looked like. She didn't think she wanted to ever see that in the mirror.
"So c'mon Zhengui, any questions about what Sixiang actually said?" she asked, leaning over to pat him on the shell.
"Um, Gui does not see all of the colors, but Zhen does, so it should be fine," he responded leaning into her touch.
"Hmph, I Zhen have understood the lesson," he said haughtily. Ling Qi saw the slight hopeful tilt of his head though.
Ling Qi flicked him a beast core. He snapped it out of the air with a happy hiss.
"Well, in that case, we should probably move on," Sixiang chuckled as Gui gave Ling Qi a pleading look. She flicked him a core too. "So next thing we need to talk about is theme."
"Theme?" Zhen asked. "Like Sister's songs?"
Sixiang nodded. "Right, song or painting or poem, you gotta think about what your trying to say with your project. It's fine to be spontaneous in execution, great even, but you have to have a vision, a goal in mind, or your just gonna end up with a mess."
"Ah, Gui was just trying to make something pretty before, but that isn't right," Gui muttered.
"You have to be a little more specific than that," Ling Qi said wryly.
"So, the question to ask is, what do you want your art to say," Sixiang asked, leaning forward.
AN: Choose a theme, theme will effect the final reward for the arc as well as Zhengui and Ling Qi's development from it.
[] Life Endures the Winter (Wood and Ice)
[] Valley in the Shadow (Wood and Darkness)
[] First Sun of Spring (Fire and Ice)
+60 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 5
+60 dice to Physical Cultivation until Green 5
+55 dice to the cultivation of Yin Arts
+50 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
1/8 of XP gained through permanent cultivation bonuses added to Domain XP
Grants the user 2 virtual Green Stone per week(8 per turn)
Allows the User to Bind Spirits up to Grade Three
Reduces Upkeep of Spirits by 4 per spirit
10 Qi cultivation dice per turn up to S Rank
-Increases growth rate of bound spirits(effects increasing with Bond Level)
+70 dice to Spiritual Cultivation until Green 5
+70 dice to Physical Cultivation until Green 5
+60 dice to the cultivation of Yin Arts
+55 dice to the cultivation of Moon Arts
1/8 of XP gained through permanent cultivation bonuses added to Domain XP
Grants the user 3 virtual Green Stone per week(12 per turn)
Allows the User to Bind Spirits up to Grade Three
Reduces Upkeep of Spirits by 4 per spirit
10 Qi cultivation dice per turn up to S Rank
-Amplifies growth rate of bound spirits(effects increasing with Bond Level)
Grants up to 50xPotency bonus successes to spiritual cultivation when creating or modifying arts with the music keyword.
Passive Effects:
+10 to Initiative
+15 to Social Perception
+10 to Speech
+15 to Empathy
Carefree Mantle: C
Duration: Long
It is not enough to merely follow the basic exercises of this art, to learn tricks of speaking and the use of humor as a smoothing and contrasting element in their rhetoric. To truly emulate the muse, one must defy certain ingrained social behaviors and learn to wear their emotion, their intent, their very self as a cloak. Though such openness can seem frightening to the neophyte, few methods are superior in conveying the sincerity of your intent. While active, the user receives a large bonus to speech tests when speaking honestly or attempting to convince others of their sincerity, and a similar bonus to poise and empathy tests
Deceiver's Foil: C
Duration: Short
The muse is a creature of pure expression, and many tales speak of the humorous humiliations which they sometimes heap on the dishonest and insincere. Though this art does not teach such excessive methods, through this technique, one may indeed suss out those who lie to the users face and find the inspiration to trip up and foil those with dishonest intent. The user receives a bonus to large Social Perception when attempting to detect lies and a bonus to speech when attempting to counter lies and misinformation. When used in conjunction with Carefree Mantle, this technique functions as if it were B rank for one test.
Passive Effects:
+10 to Initiative
+20 to Social Perception
+15 to Speech
+15 to Empathy
Carefree Mantle: B
Duration: Long or Upkeep 5
It is not enough to merely follow the basic exercises of this art, to learn tricks of speaking and the use of humor as a smoothing and contrasting element in their rhetoric. To truly emulate the muse, one must defy certain ingrained social behaviors and learn to wear their emotion, their intent, their very self as a cloak. Though such openness can seem frightening to the neophyte, few methods are superior in conveying the sincerity of your intent. While active, the user receives a large bonus to speech tests when speaking honestly or attempting to convince others of their sincerity, and a similar bonus to poise and empathy tests
Deceiver's Foil: C
Duration: Short
The muse is a creature of pure expression, and many tales speak of the humorous humiliations which they sometimes heap on the dishonest and insincere. Though this art does not teach such excessive methods, through this technique, one may indeed suss out those who lie to the users face and find the inspiration to trip up and foil those with dishonest intent. The user receives a bonus to large Social Perception when attempting to detect lies and a bonus to speech when attempting to counter lies and misinformation. When used in conjunction with Carefree Mantle, this technique functions as if it were B rank for one test.
Cheerful Muse Accompaniment: B
Duration: Long
Some people can be quite rude, seeking to listen in on things that are not for their ears. Activating this technique, the user shrouds themselves and up to five other willing targets in a shroud of cheerful but inane speech, that at first seems important until eavesdroppers notice subjects and sentences alike circling back to their beginning in an endless loop of noise. Offers defense against social techniques, offering a significant bonus to the users poise when attempting to defend against outside listeners.
This ones a little short, but the next one will be a bit meatier.
Special thanks go to my Cyan patrons: Alaco, Alectai, Gregory O'Niell, Leviathan, NotAlwaysFanfic, Pickle and Vanguard_D, and everyone else that supports me!
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