Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Shen Hu nodded, and Ling Qi let her meridians flood with dark qi. She wouldn't let herself slow down now. Besides, sparring was more relaxing than most of her other responsibilities.

Okay, the entire chapter was amazing, but this is where you won me over.

They are so adorable it makes my teeth ache.

She felt like the muse was shrugging. "You could head in and experience it. There's power to be found in dreams after all," they drawled. "Also, your eye candy is giving you a weird look."

"Sorry I was just lost in thought," Ling Qi said quickly, shooting Shen Hu an apologetic look. It probably looked like she had just spaced out.

Hmm. It probably looked like you were daydreaming. You're pretty perceptive, but it only works if you're looking at the right place. Looking inward doesn't always mean you're looking everywhere.

[] Aid the prince, it was better to err on the side of the human
[] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge
[] Aid neither, leave them too it and go elsewhere, to try and figure out what is going on in this dream.

Is a write in available?

[] Choose no side, subdue both, let Shen Hu decide what happens in the aftermath- when you leave, so they have no witnesses for whatever happens next.

Seems fitting as both a Spymaster and a political move. Also also, so she doesn't get on the bad side of Unknown Group or possible best ship???.
His eyes fell upon Shen Hu and Lanhua then, and hope lit in them. "Soldiers! This prince requires your aid. Aid in striking down this mad beast, that I might go to mine Father's side!" He shouted in an archaic diction, avoiding a thunderous blow that sent dozens of hungry grasping roots writhing up from the ground to grasp and tear at the hems of his robe.
Wait were the Weilu referred to as royalty after they joined up with the Sage Emperor? Because if not this might be the war against the resurgent beast gods, and the oathbreaker comment is perhaps based upon the fact that the Weilu before they joined with the Horned Lord were sword to serve one of them.

No wait that wouldn't fit the prince having antlers ugh.
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Look at his abilities, he's a nimble, dodgy, fighty son of a bitch who distinctly outclasses the Tree Spirit.
How did you come to that conclusion? This is a genuine question; I'm looking at the stat blocks and I don't see anything popping out at me, so I am curious about what methodology you are using to get a clear picture of their relatively strengths.
Wait were the Weilu referred to as royalty after they joined up with the Sage Emperor? Because if not this might be the war against the resurgent beast gods, and the oathbreaker comment is perhaps based upon the fact that the Weilu before they joined with the Horned Lord were sword to serve one of them.

Good catch, the Weilu as a kingdom only existed before it was absorbed into the Sage Emperor's empire.

On the other hand, yrsillar said in the previous thread (IIRC) that Tsu the Diviner and the Horned Lord went and killed the last of the beast gods. So if this event takes enough time after the death of Tsu there shouldn't be any beast gods left.

You can intuit that it's probably taking place after someone had babies with the Horned Lord, but before the Sage Emperor though.

EDIT: Unless the first deer human baby already had horns and this prince is 2 generations removed from Tsu or something.
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How did you come to that conclusion? This is a genuine question; I'm looking at the stat blocks and I don't see anything popping out at me, so I am curious about what methodology you are using to get a clear picture of their relatively strengths.

He has a full letter grade on Speed, very nearly two full letter grades on Initative

His Combat Perception is 1 Letter Grade worse

His Avoid is almost two Letter Grades higher, his Armor is one Letter Grade lower

His Spiritual Avoid is a Letter Grade Lower, and his Spiritual Armor is two Letter Grades weaker

His Physical Attack is almost a letter grade higher, and his Pen is mediocre.

His Spiritual Attack stats are about a letter grade higher in each case.

The only stats in which the big burning tree actually beats the Horned Prince is in Combat Perception, Armor, Spiritual Armor, and Penetration.

Meanwhile, the Horned Prince's Avoid is considerably above the Burning Tree's ability to actually hit him, and even if it tags him anyway, it doesn't do enough damage to decisively turn the table. Meanwhile, the Horned Prince can evade almost all attacks, will hit him very often, and do a moderate amount of damage with each hit until he wins. If he has Spiritual Attacks, the Burning Tree cracks like an egg once he brings those out.

On paper, the Horned Prince wins about seven to eight out of every ten fights--only losing if he gets stunlocked somehow and then repeatedly bludgeoned over the head until his distressingly high Health and Qi pool are depleted.

Ling Qi intervening changes this up, because his Perception is relatively weak compared to how powerful his other combat stats are (Meaning she is likely to pull off a OwS Backstab in her opener), but his Spiritual Armor is weak enough that she's likely to have a nigh-all powerful initial opener, and the echo will wreck his face.

Even if that doesn't finish him off, it means he now loses nine to ten out of every other fight, and then we have Mist of the Vale to lock him in.

Because you need Perception to escape the Mists, and his Perception is weak.

And that all disregards what kind of mean and unfair things Shen Hu can do to people on the ground. We were told after all that Shen Hu fighting someone ground-bound is a whole 'nother ballgame compared to how he fought us--who scrupulously avoided engaging him on the ground.

And Flight is hard before Fourth Realm for humans.
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This is an interesting role reversal from what we have been lead to believe. The Weilu were said to be a bunch of neglectful assholes more concerned with Moon raves than governance, so much so their ancestor spirt gave them all the finger and fucked off into the woods never to be seen again. and that had a trickle down effect to their vassals who did similar things at least from a high noble perspective. The only ones sad they are gone are the spirits cuz ain't no moon raves in Shenhuas City Of Robots.

The same type of spirit we find ourselves watching a Weilu prince fight.

[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

Let's jump him and take his stuff. Dream stuff. Whatever.
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Also interesting to note is that none of the competitors have noticed us yet! It pays to have a friend along who is so unstealthy that they pay all the attention to them and none to the shadow behind them. Looks like our stealth is actually useful!

Also nice that we got stats for exploring and sparring.
I am kind of worried that the Baratheon prince get all those obvious villain points.

I do prefer the spirit as well, because humans are bastards, but at the same time only fools rush into battles unprepared. It might be true that a passive stance keeps us from greater rewards, but at the same time looking around for a solution that doesn´t involve attacking one or the other is not a waste.

Involving yourself in a fight not your own, even if you chose the "right" one, might not be the solution to the test.
Maybe it is a misunderstanding between the two and it can be resolved without bloodshed.

Maybe. I am just guessing, but maybe sending Shen Hu to draw the battle out giving us time to investigate is an option?

Maybe I am just a fool, who wants to believe in a better world?
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

Something's fucky in the State of Weilu during this dream and I want no part of their side.
Our mist is fairly good at anti-bug out.
Provided that

  • Ling Qi has sufficient tactics to consider that move
  • The Weilu Dude doesn't trigger some kind of silly Weilu-style auto-pass perception tech
  • He simply doesn't manage to abuse his crazy high spiritual Avoid to dodge the doots once they go up
  • He can't simply brute force the issue to leverage his high speed stat
The only stats in which the big burning tree actually beats the Horned Prince is in Combat Perception, Armor, Spiritual Armor, and Penetration.
Also Health. And between the things you mentioned, that is a good 1/3 to 1/2 of the stats...

Meanwhile, the Horned Prince's Avoid is considerably above the Burning Tree's ability to actually hit him, and even if it tags him anyway, it doesn't do enough damage to decisively turn the table. Meanwhile, the Horned Prince can evade almost all attacks, will hit him very often, and do a moderate amount of damage with each hit until he wins. If he has Spiritual Attacks, the Burning Tree cracks like an egg once he brings those out.
I don't see it.

The Prince's Avoid is 1 rank above the Treant's Attack, and the opposite is true for Armor vs Pen, so the Treant has trouble hitting but hits hard when he connects. That is pretty decent. In comparison, when the Prince attacks, he has an advantage on hitting but a disadvantage on making the hits stick, with the main power discrepancy being that the Treant is down 2 ranks in his weak defensive stat compared to the Prince being down 1.

As far as the Spiritual axis goes, I'm not sure how you concluded that the Treant "cracks like an egg"; his Spiritual Defense stats are both Bs, to the Prince's Spiritual Offence of B and C. Seems like the prince is better off sticking to Physical attacks; at least there he is at (+1, -1) instead of (0, -1). The Treant is even worse off as far as his S.Attack goes, but it is pretty clear that he is focused on Physical Attacks anyways so that isn't a serous handicap.

At the end of the day, I don't see how you can conclude that the Prince has an overwhelming advantage here. He is favored to win, yeah, but not much more than that.
[X] Aid the spirit, something about the prince set her on edge

With his statline the second the fight turns against him he's likely to bail.

Probably, but we brought mist and a tarpit.
Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Dec 19, 2018 at 3:55 PM, finished with 4383 posts and 36 votes.