With the only 2 AP per Attribute rule we're going to have a pretty big number of "secondaries". Or Core. honestly there's little difference between them since we're be constantly training 10 different attributes each turn...
Training Arts can also be used to train the related
skills. So we've got 20 'training points' split between ten Attributes and twenty-five skills - and some of those skills can and will be split further, generating
more skills, much like how Expression has already split into Art, Dance, and Music.
And our 'Core' attributes are the ones related to Music: Manipulation and Presence. We'll pretty much want to train these every turn. Dexterity's good too.
Secondary Attributes are survival based (in my opinion): Stamina, Wits, and Resolve. Every other turn, or 1/turn, or something along those lines, up to B rank should be good enough.
Tertiary is Composure, Intelligence, and Strength. Get these to C then don't worry about them so much.
Core Skills are: Music, Dance, Stealth. Where we've made our name, or what we want our name to be associated with. Train these every turn, or at least as often as possible.
Secondary: Dodge, Fade, Formations, Perceptiveness. Every other turn or 1/turn; A or B rank.
Tertiary: Athletics, War, Spirit Ken, Fortitude, Resilience, Speech, Empathy. Get to 'C', push to B if we've got the time.
Quaternary: Academics, Government, Survival, Blades. Get to 'C', ignore otherwise.
Dump: Craft, Art, everything else. Get to 'C' if we somehow have room after Quaternary skills. Might come up in a Challenge is the
only reason.
While Dexterity and Expression-derived skills are our only Uncapped attribute and skills - and are our
highest attribute and skills - it's highly unlikely we'll
actually reach the S-rank cap of our other attributes or skills before the Inter-Sect Tournament.
Our next highest Attribute is Manipulation, at C (27/50). It'll take 23 + 60 successes to reach A rank, and an additional 80 to reach S, for a total of 163. I don't think we can pull that off in time for the Inter-Sect Tournament - unless there are other sources of raising attributes and skills - but it is eminently possible to reach S rank Manipulation in time for the final push to be within 5 Ranks of CRX, who will herself be within the top 525.
Formations, an important skill as it's incredibly useful, is at D (18/20). Getting this to A-rank shouldn't be
too bad... 2 + 25 + 30. It'll probably split by this point, of course.
So the question is, should we push for the S-ranks in our core Attributes and Skills for the last stretch of our time in the Sect, or should we maximize our potential for the Inter-Sect tournament, whatever that may entail?