Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
What season are we in? Is it summer? One nice thing about Ling Qi's mist going all over the house, as far as the staff might be concerned: air conditioning!
I was curious, so I investigated this question.
Lastly… Xin was here, rising from the seat directly across from where she stood, with a smile on her lips. "I am so glad you could make it Ling Qi! Happy Birthday!"

Ling Qi blinked, her mind stalling at the statement. It didn't help that she was surrounded by monstrous, oppressive auras, she felt like she was freezing, drowning at the bottom of the sea and being hunted all at once. Only Xin's steadying presence managed to keep her on track."...My birthday isn't for a few weeks yet." She said absently, barely noting as Hanyi and Zhengui entered behind her, the latter peering around with excited curiosity.
This was in Week 37, so we can assume LQ's birthday is in around Week 40, or in other words, the end of Month 10/beginning of Month 11.
Her birthday is toward the end of summer, so you still have a few months on that.
So that time is around summer's end. We are currently near the start of Month 8, so if the end of Month 10 is the end of summer, we are probably right around the beginning of summer.

EDIT: Note that the Forgeverse calendar has 13 four-week months, so if you assume four seasons divided equally (which is not a safe assumption to make, even on our boring old real world), each season lasts thirteen weeks, or three months and one week.
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I don't think they all will but I think Meizhen's did have something related to that? If in the opposite way to LQ's of course, with LQ's being stronger on friends and Meizhen's fear weaker on allies?

I don't know if anything was ever said for certain though.

Also, kinda assumed the effect of Meizhens integrated domain a bit (didn't mention 'material' effects, just ethereal, but still), which may be incorrect.
We know her Fear domain effect straight out doesn't affect Ling Qi at all, to an extent not explained by our defenses. I think she has a Bond based IFF
We know her Fear domain effect straight out doesn't affect Ling Qi at all, to an extent not explained by our defenses. I think she has a Bond based IFF
Meizhen's domain probably keeps to the themes of unbreakable defense, brutal vengeance, deterring dreadfulness and strengthening friendship. She is all the things the Bai did not have enough of when the Sun rebelled and when her mother died, or they didn't have at all in friendship's case. I could see her domain as being an aura of fear that gives armor/defense to her allies, with an active ability to brutally counter strike against anyone who hits them. But unlike Ling Qi, Meizhen has learnt the lesson of mistreating those that are not her enemies and would have the fear aura only affect enemies while friends and those not yet either feel a welcoming majesty.
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We know her Fear domain effect straight out doesn't affect Ling Qi at all, to an extent not explained by our defenses. I think she has a Bond based IFF
Meizhen's domain probably keeps to the themes of unbreakable defense, brutal vengeance, deterring dreadfulness and strengthening friendship. She is all the things the Bai did not have enough of when the Sun rebelled and when her mother died, or they didn't have at all in friendship's case. I could see her domain as being an aura of fear that gives armor/defense to her allies, with an active ability to brutally counter strike against anyone who hits them. But unlike Ling Qi, Meizhen has learnt the lesson of mistreating those that are not her enemies and would have the fear aura only affect enemies while friends and those not yet either feel a welcoming majesty.
Pretty sure Meizhen has a fairly straightforward Bai domain going on Terror+++, and the reason that it doesn't work on Bond 4 or so is that so she doesn't kill her kids by mistakes. Less "bond based", and more "a automatic off switch for family".
Pretty sure Meizhen has a fairly straightforward Bai domain going on Terror+++, and the reason that it doesn't work on Bond 4 or so is that so she doesn't kill her kids by mistakes. Less "bond based", and more "a automatic off switch for family".
I don't think domains work that way though. Arts are passed down through the family but domains are made entirely unique by the cultivator themselves, the Arts providing the basis like FVM did the mist for Ling Qi. But what the domain does and how it works is entirely up to the cultivator as long as it's a derivative of the Art.

The Bai are probably kind of family oriented, since they don't really have many non-Bai allies and have populated their entire province with Bai clan nobles. Meizhen was kind of the same before she meet Qi, apathetic to others but feeling greatly for the decline of her clan, while now she has learnt that the Bai needs those friendships and allies.
well the loneliness outcome was surprisingly good. I do hope we get to see some of the negative consequences as well. There will be a time when she has allies or underlings with a social score too low to afford them the positives of her domain.
Such as when she's doing her duty to her fief, she can't personally know every worker and underling to a sufficient degree that they won't be hit by the less stellar aspect of her having that Loneliness domain.
well the loneliness outcome was surprisingly good. I do hope we get to see some of the negative consequences as well. There will be a time when she has allies or underlings with a social score too low to afford them the positives of her domain.
Such as when she's doing her duty to her fief, she can't personally know every worker and underling to a sufficient degree that they won't be hit by the less stellar aspect of her having that Loneliness domain.
The Domain is light and peaceful to her allies, even to people who aren't at higher Bond levels with her:
Bond 0 effects are applied to all allies in a scene
Bond 0 Effects
  • The Mist although cold, is light and peaceful for allies, parting easily and obstructing them not at all.
So if she designates someone within her domain's reach as "ally," it will not obstruct or oppress them. They'll just feel a bit chilly.
well the loneliness outcome was surprisingly good. I do hope we get to see some of the negative consequences as well. There will be a time when she has allies or underlings with a social score too low to afford them the positives of her domain.
Such as when she's doing her duty to her fief, she can't personally know every worker and underling to a sufficient degree that they won't be hit by the less stellar aspect of her having that Loneliness domain.
I mean if Cai fucking Shenhua can avoid disintegrating every naughty sinner in a hundred mile radius we can learn not to make people chilly.
I think our domain has some unrealized bully power. Consider Xin and Jiao. If we can get to high bond with them we can manifest a smol Linq Qi for Xin to bother Jiao with. She wants a baby and he doesn't, what could be more fun than providing some loving props for Xin? I think this needs to be our inner sect goal, when else will a random green get to bully a prism with?
Let's get another tally in...
[X] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian)

For once I'm more inclined to explore the new option compared to the usual family choice, although it doesn't seem likely to win.
Hm, these are both family+guest choices. It would have been prudent to train our domain a little first, but I guess thread is still on a sugar high.
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Hm, these are both family+guest choices. It would have been prudent to train our domain a little first, but I guess thread is still on a sugar high.
Please don't mischaractierize the reasoning. The point is to make use of Ling Qi's newly awakened domain to communicate what she really means by accident, instead of doing what she does all the time when she's in control of herself, which is clam up and present a pokerface.

She needs to be untrained for that to happen. Once she gets control over it she's back to the point where she has to reach out on purpose and that's scary for her. Her domain is fundamentally honest, but her conscious choice is to conceal and evade.
[X] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling)

I've seen this opinion bandied around, where we should gain control over our domain, and I'm like....what? Did people just not read what our domain was about, on the mechanical, narrative and thematic levels. Unless there is an enemy at our home, there is literally no danger from our domain. It's not going to hurt anyone, won't even be that frightening as it only goes horror movie esq to our enemies. It will if anything, protect, play and generally feel good to our allies and especially our family. Also, a big part of voting to go home first is to be unrestrained and uncontrolled. Our domain is basically a representation of our heart, and I'd rather display it openly to our family.