The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Heh interesting The symphony in rags reminds of the sun in rags from cultist simulator and that being was used as materials by his wife the forge of days to make their children heh how fitting.
Interesting backstory for this guy.

Perhaps the reason Time Anam is so strange and seemingly unique is related to this dude.
Is the Night of the Pale Water related to the Noontide Tyrant @Vesvius or was it a different invasion?

Edit: Also, how many questions can we ask Bi? Just one or?
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[X] Elder said my father was sworn to secrecy about this. Why was I not told?
[X] So that was technique integration... I have also heard the term channel cultivation, what benefits do that provide and how can I do it?
[X] The healer disciple mentioned that integrating Sage techniques could help revert the changes. Have you seen any charms that can do the same? Could I make something that helps?
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[X] Ask if she knows anyone who has had modifications done like us before, how did they work through it?

[X] Ask if cycling time was a mistake.
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[X] Elder said my father was sworn to secrecy about this. Why was I not told?

No doubt about Time. Its not the problem. Its the uber Time vestige that is.
Think she knows what type of anam technique cannot be learned due to time anam?

Edit: based on her response, we may be getting a sage technique or something for Zhi's new circumstances
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Is the Night of the Pale Water related to the Noontide Tyrant @Vesvius or was it a different invasion?

Edit: Also, how many questions can we ask Bi? Just one or?
Different invading force. The Noontide Tyrant was a Waste Barbarian. The Night of Pale Water was an incursion of Northern Savages. Totally different group.

And yeah, ask as many as you'd like. Anything with 50%+ of the vote is asked.
I am not complaining or looking a gift horse in the mouth but man that blood Kukuni was really really good I mean Kong Zhi's appearance did not get a malus and the stallion's enclosed garden actually increased it.
Huh. You know, when we formed our core, we learned that there's that ??? type of technique that we can't learn at all. How much do you want to bet that the Symphony-in-Rags is a combination of Time Anam and that unknown type? The result of fusing two things that were not meant to be together?

Alternatively, the Symphony-in-Rags is the ??? Anam Aspect, and directly cycling Time protects us from using it (It does kill everyone who cycles it after all). Maybe the Time artists being hit by it is a defensive mechanism, because Time artists are the only ones who can oppose it.

Also, notably, the "Bad Anam Layer" becomes stronger over time. It may be building up towards an apocalypse scenario.
So about integrated techniques, is there a difference between ones we do and ones we do not integrate? will there be an indication of which technique Zhi has integrated in the future? when a technique has been mastered fully to the last phase, is the integration process automatic?'re still you.

...fuck. Not sure why, but...

That whole segment? From Zhi with his tools, the reactions of the brothers to our question, managing to push through the complications of the Claw while walking, and gaining an level, and just Aunt Bi and the Stallion...

Up until that. Goddamned, I rarelly cry for stuff like this, but I got really misty eyed here. Just... beautiful.

...also, Zhi confirmed Deutaragonist that the Protagonist must help to save the world.
I think we get a stat increase if we fully master a technique we will probably get a strength increase from the blooming spear of the auroch and a dex increase from the humming bird's dance if we master those techniques.
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Siani did warn us against Time.

Also, stat boosts from full techniques??? Gotta master more of them now!
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Siani did warn us against Time.

Also, stat boosts from full techniques??? Gotta master more of them now!
...actually we also now know why nobody would tell us - the last time someone learned something about this entity and shared it, it became more powerful.
I am not complaining or looking a gift horse in the mouth but man that blood Kukuni was really really good I mean Kong Zhi's appearance did not get a malus and the stallion's enclosed garden actually increased it.
He looks Inhuman but very aesthetic.
I'm sure everyone will be very uncomfortable with the realization that they find Zhi hotter now that he's a monster boy :V
This was a really beautiful update Ves.

The Trauma Zhi felt really came thru and his friends and family being so concerned and supportive was just... really good vibes man.

I agree with Chrono, that bit "I'm still me" that was impactful.

And we finally got to see what happens when you master a tech! Based on what we saw and the lore we've been given....

Anam seeks perfection, by Mastering a tech we got to pull some of that perfection into KZ's soul, where it proceeded to make him just a bit more perfect?

So, the more techs we integrate, the more the anam perfects our body, mechanically represented by stat growth?

Thematically, Time is the end of all things. Trees and beasts, rivers and storms, monuments and empires, mountains and kings. All are defeated by Time.

So no wonder the long-term megathreat is made of Time.