The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Plan Keep Away

Gonna go with this. Keeps us at distance and sends the Box after it in the beginning, using as many range attacks as possible. I don't want to get it more complicated than it needs to be.
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[X] Plan Don't Be Boring
-[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and turning whatever it's equivalent of eyes towards you. It needs to be killed with fire; you don't have fire, but you have shadow and acid and raw hunger. You will immediately activate the box and summon the Rakshsa. Once it is summon, you will damage it with Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry at a distance, while ducking and dodging between the pile of innocent animals turned corpses to avoid its tendrils. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of this mass and aim towards that. To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, because YOU AREN'T BORING.
This seems fairly decided. Now let's go see how this goes.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Sep 19, 2020 at 3:24 PM, finished with 103 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Plan Keep Away
    -[X] Keep our distance, Send the Rakshasa in to keep it off us and use Vitriolic Retort to fire archer attacks at the densest parts of the kukuni.
    --[X] If the Kukuni seems to be drawing power/strength/etc from the "roots" imbedded in the flesh of the beast, try to disrupt it.
    ---[X] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
    ---[X] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack
    ----[X] Take a Soldier's Requiem if Anam reaches 5 or lower
    -----[X] USe A Moments Respite if two stress boxes are filled
    ------[X] Take An Evening's Rest pill if two stress boxes are filled and A Moments Respite has already been used.
    -------[X] If Anam reaches 5 or lower and no Soldier's Requiem remain, attempt to retreat.
    [X] Plan Avoid Bad Touch Man
    -[X] Keep your distance, you've seen what this thing was doing to that poor goat and you aren't eager to follow in it's footsteps. While keeping distance in mind, use Warhound's Cry and activate the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads to keep your opponent and his potential monstrous aids busy.
    --[X] As soon as you have made distance and summoned the Rakshasa to keep it busy, take out the Vitriolic Retort and fire upon it from a distance.
    -[X] If you notice your opponent using a technique that affects your senses, shield them to the best of your ability using Stallion's Enclosed Garden and resume fighting.
    -[X] Should your anam levels dip below 1/3rd of your overall total, you will consume a Soldier's Requiem pill to replenish your stores and resume fighting.
    -[X] The first injury you take in this battle, should you take any, will be stored away using A Moment's Respite and you will resume fighting.
    -[X] Should you be wounded in excess of half of your overall health, you will take An Evening's Rest.
    --[X] Should you take your healing pill or notice your Rakshasa fading away, you will look for avenues of escape and initiate a fighting retreat.
    -[X] If at any point you notice more of those mutated beasts attempting to get the drop on you, you will hit them and the kukuni with Warhound's Cry and try to break their encirclement to continue fighting from a distance.
    [X] Plan Don't Be Boring
    -[X] This thing is massacring the local wildlife and turning whatever it's equivalent of eyes towards you. It needs to be killed with fire; you don't have fire, but you have shadow and acid and raw hunger. You will immediately activate the box and summon the Rakshsa. Once it is summon, you will damage it with Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry at a distance, while ducking and dodging between the pile of innocent animals turned corpses to avoid its tendrils. While shooting, you will use your sixth sense to try to locate the center of this mass and aim towards that. To stop it from reaching you and to drive it farther from your presence, you will use whatever you have: the Blooming Spear of the Auroch, all your pills, and anything else you can think of, and once you are out of anam and on your last legs, regretting that you didn't train your body more, you shall charge it, because YOU AREN'T BORING.
    [x] Activate the box immediately then use vitriolic retort from afar and then dodge use hummingbird's dance if it tries to strike at you
    [X] Disable our senses of smell and taste using our new tech, grapple with it and use our knowledge of Craft (Weaving) to bind the blood vessels together.
    [X] Scream at it
    -[x] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed.
    [X] Plan Cleanse and Purify
    - [X] Open combat with the Dance. The Rakshasa should prioritize cutting apart the vessels connecting it to the bodies and isolating its central mass.
    - [X] Take shots from range with Vitriolic Retort, aiming for the following targets: 1) wounds opened by the Rakshasa to inject acid into its vessels and hopefully impair its regeneration 2) any bodies connected to it that it appears to be drawing from or preparing to use.
    - [X] Engage with the Spear only as a last resort, while using Warhound's Cry if it starts creating a number of minions.
    - [X] Keep it away from any large piles of blood/gore; it may be able to use those to regenerate or to create combat homunculi.
    - [X] If the Dance ends and the enemy is still up, run. Use Warhound's Cry as necessary to clear the way.
    - [X] Use every pill we have as needed.
Oh yeah, just for fun because I really liked seeing this when I reread the latest chapter;

Auntie Bi basically told us to stop thinking of charmcrafting as making tools. We're making art. She disparaged the Vitriolic Retort as completely uninspired - "pedestrian," even - and it does kinda feel like something a Jin would make.

Comparatively, when she looked at A Moment's Respite she called it interesting. Rough, yes, but she still acknowledged it to some degree.
It may not be perfect in function, since the damage it absorbs is ultimately returned to us, and she already criticized its design flaws, but it was still interesting. Yes, we made it with defense in mind. But we still made it to show off skill. To—

With some minor alterations it could be the haft of a spear or the whole of a club. Or if you carve it into a pendant it could serve as the foundation of a good if unspectacular defense. But both of those ideas lack that special Kong flair

—give it that "special Kong flair."

Vitriolic Retort may be more useful, it may be better crafted, but as a work of Kong, it is a failure. we have brought terrible dishonor upon our family! we must commit sudoku.
Or at least, that's what the hamster wheel running my excessively flamboyant, completely graceless, fantastically spectacular thought process thinks. Let's have some more fun with our crafting! Don't think linearly! Think extravagantly! That's the only time an Asian family will ever approve of a Bi. snrk
Oh yeah, just for fun because I really liked seeing this when I reread the latest chapter;

Auntie Bi basically told us to stop thinking of charmcrafting as making tools. We're making art. She disparaged the Vitriolic Retort as completely uninspired - "pedestrian," even - and it does kinda feel like something a Jin would make.

Comparatively, when she looked at A Moment's Respite she called it interesting. Rough, yes, but she still acknowledged it to some degree.
It may not be perfect in function, since the damage it absorbs is ultimately returned to us, and she already criticized its design flaws, but it was still interesting. Yes, we made it with defense in mind. But we still made it to show off skill. To—

—give it that "special Kong flair."

Vitriolic Retort may be more useful, it may be better crafted, but as a work of Kong, it is a failure. we have brought terrible dishonor upon our family! we must commit sudoku.
Or at least, that's what the hamster wheel running my excessively flamboyant, completely graceless, fantastically spectacular thought process thinks. Let's have some more fun with our crafting! Don't think linearly! Think extravagantly! That's the only time an Asian family will ever approve of a Bi. snrk

I agree completely and I think that's definitely something to keep in mind when we craft things in the future. What brought our family to prominence, what makes us special amongst the hordes of other charmcrafters, is that each charm the Kong family creates is as unique as it is functional. We don't make bog standard charms, our disdain of the use of diagrams is symbolic in reference to our disdain for a charm that can be mass-produced. We can make a powerful, basic charm useful to anyone and it would still be a total failure by family standards because that's not art. There is nothing special, unique, or surprising about charms like that. They're a dime a dozen. When a member of the Kong family makes a charm it should be as unique as it is practical, only then does it deserve to be called 'adequate'.

This should also sort of point to the type of 'customers' our family has, we probably take commissions mostly from powerful or wealthy individuals in need of a charm that is both functional and hard to predict or counter. In comparison, the Jin family likely appeals more to the more average individual as they make things that are consistent in form and function that they improve on over time and offer repeatedly.
In essence, I really want Kong Zhi to get hitched with a Jin. I think that both styles have their places and it's wrong to dismiss one or the other entirely.

Hit me with that romance, baby. Or don't. I'm juggling enough romance subplots with my Chinese TV shows as it is. For some reason the fantasy ones are always set in faux-imperial China...
If this goes bad, I think we should talk to Mo next week and use our favor to ask for replacing our supplies for the Deeps. It's a bit mercenary, but I think she'd understand as it's for our sigil.
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Heck, even if we win but end up using most of our supplies it'll be problematic. I have a lot of confidence in the Box and VR and think we'll be fine, but yeah, running was still my first choice for a reason.
Eh, if we take two sect jobs then hit the markets after we could be fine. If we can do the medium difficulty ones we should be in the 15-20 Sect point range and then we can pick up two pills before deeps and still have 4 activities to play with.

Edit: provided we don't have to spend a week recuperating from near death or whatever.
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92. The Mind of Kukuni
A/N: A big thanks to the 29 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.

The following update contains acts of non-consensual body transformation. Players who do not wish to read such content are advised to skip to the next threadmark.

[] This thing clearly means to render you into so many piles of torn limbs and bleeding meat. You will introduce it to that same fate. You will fight.
[] Plan Keep Away
-[] Keep our distance, Send the Rakshasa in to keep it off us and use Vitriolic Retort to fire archer attacks at the densest parts of the kukuni.
--[] If the Kukuni seems to be drawing power/strength/etc from the "roots" imbedded in the flesh of the beast, try to disrupt it.
---[] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
---[] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack
----[] Take a Soldier's Requiem if Anam reaches 5 or lower
-----[] USe A Moments Respite if two stress boxes are filled
------[] Take An Evening's Rest pill if two stress boxes are filled and A Moments Respite has already been used.
-------[] If Anam reaches 5 or lower and no Soldier's Requiem remain, attempt to retreat.
The thing's tendrils inch towards you, creeping through the air like hands reaching out towards a skittish dog. They move so slowly that you almost can fool yourself into thinking that they aren't moving at all. It's almost as if the Kukuni is trying to keep from spooking you as it reaches out to pull you into its embrace.

If that is it's intention, it fails. Because you are well and truly spooked.

You jump back as quickly as your legs allow, hands already moving to pull the Dance from your back. If you have any hope of overcoming this spirit, it is going to be because of your dark Rakshasa- and if you want to bring it out onto the battlefield without those tendrils landing on you, you need to create space. All you need to do is get back to the bend in the tunnel. From there, you can call out the spirit of the Dance and bring it to bear.

But the Kukuni does not seem fond of your sudden movement.

Annoyance. Amusement.

The previously creeping tendrils speed up, lancing from the creature's main body as fast as you can retreat from it. No matter how fast you order your legs to move, the red traceries of light keep pace. You duck down, hoping for the tendrils to pass over you, but they just follow you to the bloodstained stone.

Still, you're able to unshoulder the Dance without drawing a blow. There is no way you can destroy this Kukuni just running and dodging- you need to attack, and for that, you need the Dance.

You feint to the left, drawing the tendrils after you, and then roll to the right. With the fraction of space your motion creates, you smash the box to the floor and flood it with anam. The runes within the box catch fire. Purple light shines behind the Dance's doors, which fly open as your charm is activated. A whirl of shadows explodes from the box, quickly coalescing into the dark Rakshasa. Your spectral creation lets out a warcry, claws extended as it puts itself between you and the Kukuni-

Ruby light lances through the Rakshasa as if it doesn't exist.

You gather just enough of your wits about you to cross your arms in front of your head before the tendrils smash into you like whips wielded by an angry god.

You fly back with such speed that the tunnel behind you seems to crumple on impact and then begin sliding down, the rough cavern wall scraping across your back, before landing on your hands and knees as pebbles and dust from the newly formed crater rain down around you. Your back is receiving a new education in agony- and you treasure it, for while your back might be smarting from the collision, the spots where the tendrils hit you are far worse. Blood pours from welts and holes left by the Kukuni's briefest touch, joining the dark stains already decorating the floor.

Your thumb lances for the activation ruby on A Moment's Respite. Your rings glow and the pain begins to lessen. But you can't wait for your rings to activate in full- the Kukuni is still coming. You force yourself back to your feet and take aim with the Vitriolic Retort. It may have hit you once, but now the Rakshasa is in play- you would like to see it try again!

Sure enough, while the tendrils had no trouble ignoring the Rakshasa as it was forming, bypassing it while it is solid and ready to fight is another matter. The tendrils try to reach past it but your creation whirls on each of them in turn, striking out with fang and claw. You aid it with strategically placed shots, peppering areas where the tendrils seem thickest with burning green shots from your gauntlet.

The Kukuni recoils slightly from your weapon and a thrill of victory pulses through you. You had not been sure before, but you are now: it can feel pain. And that means it can be defeated!

You pause to gulp down a Soldier's Requiem before taking aim once again-

Irritation. Boredom. Resolve.

And you witness the moment the Kukuni decides to take things seriously.

Its thin tendrils merge together mid-motion, forming cables as thick as your legs that it swings directly through the Rakshasa. Your creation flies backwards over your head, smashing into the very crater you caused moments ago. But you can't follow it's movements any further- the Kukuni has returned its focus to you.

Its first lash spends you spinning and reaching for your pill chute. Its second sends your return shot wide, causing the acid to splatter harmlessly against the bloodstained stone.

Its third takes you in your right knee with a crunching sound that you feel throughout your entire being.

The floor rushes up to meet you. You meet it face first. Normally, you would reach down to break your fall, but your hands are busy clutching at your knee. Knives of agony ripple through your leg, tearing at your muscles and stabbing through your skin. It's almost a relief when white flashes before your eyes as your skull smashes into the floor.

The newly formed field of pebbles rustles as something heavy steps into it. You look up, and through bleary eyes, watch as the Kukuni's tendril draws for one last strike.

Appreciation. Interest.


There is a sharp, searing pain in your back.

And then blissfully, all goes black.
Kong Zhi vs. Tiaoyue, the Arbiter of Rebirth
Dexterity: 5 vs. 3
Dice Pool: Variable vs. Variable
Damage Threshold: 8 vs.17
Physical Stress Boxes: 3 vs. 6
Anam: 18/18 vs. 72/72
Armaments: A Moment's Respite/Vitriolic Retort/Dance at the Midnight Crossroads vs. None
Victory Condition: All of Tiaoyue's Physical Stress Boxes are filled.
Defeat Condition: All of Kong Zhi's Physical Stress Boxes are filled.
Draw Condition: One combatant successfully flees.

Zhi attempts to back away to gain space for the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads! Athletics Check! 5d10s7(0.9). Dice Rolled: 1, 6, 8, 6, 6. 0 Successes!
Tiaoyue attempts to perceive the motion! Perception Check! 8d10s6(1.5). Dice Rolled: 9, 7, 1, 10, 7, 1, 3, 6, 8. 6 Successes!
Tiaoyue wins! Zhi is unable to back away!

Round One: Zhi has Tempo
Zhi activates Dance at the Midnight Crossroads! -5 Anam. Dark Rakshasa appears for 8 rounds.
Tiaoyue rolls 35d10s6 (Grasping Tendrils)! 22 Successes!
Tiaoyue +22! Kong Zhi is at 2/8, Box 3, and 13/18 anam. Kong Zhi activates A Moment's Respite! Kong Zhi is at 2/8, Box 2. Tiaoyue seizes tempo.

Round Two: Tiaoyue has Tempo
Tiaoyue rolls 35d10s6 (Grasping Tendrils)! 18 Successes!
Zhi spends 3 anam to roll 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort)! 7 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads)! 13 Successes!
Zhi +2! Kong Zhi is at 2/8, Box 2, and 10/18 anam. Tiaoyue is at 15/17. Tiaoyue suffers -1 Success for the next 1d4(4) Rounds! The Midnight Rakshasa has 7 rounds remaining. Zhi seizes tempo.

Round Three: Zhi has Tempo
Zhi spends 3 anam to roll 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort)! 10 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads)! 10 Successes!
Tiaoyue rolls 35d10s6 (Grasping Tendrils)! 1413 Successes!
Zhi +2! Kong Zhi is at 2/8, Box 2, and 7/18 anam. Tiaoyue is at 8/17. Tiaoyue suffers -1 Success for the next 1d4(3) Rounds! Tiaoyue suffers an additional -1 Success for the next 1d4(4) Rounds! The Midnight Rakshasa has 6 rounds remaining.

Round Four: Zhi has Tempo
Zhi spends 3 anam to roll 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort)! 7 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads)! 9 Successes!
Tiaoyue rolls 42d10s5 (The Natural Course of Events)! 2624 Successes!
Tiaoyue + 8! Kong Zhi is at 2/8, Box 3, and 4/18 anam. Zhi takes pills 'Soldier's Requiem' and 'An Evening's Rest'. Zhi is at 2/8, Box 2, and 9/18 anam. Tiaoyue is at 8/17. Tiaoyue suffers -1 Success for the next 1d4(2) Rounds! Tiaoyue suffers an additional -1 Success for the next 1d4(3) Rounds! The Midnight Rakshasa has 5 rounds remaining. Tiaoyue seizes tempo.

Round Five: Tiaoyue has Tempo.
Tiaoyue rolls 42d10s5 (The Natural Course of Events)! 2422 Successes!
Zhi spends 3 anam to roll 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort)! 8 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads)! 8 Successes!
Tiaoyue +6! Kong Zhi is at 4/8, Box 3, and 6/18 Anam. Tiaoyue is at 8/17. Tiaoyue suffers -1 Success for the next 1d4(1) Round! Tiaoyue suffers an additional -1 Success for the next 1d4(2) Rounds! The Midnight Rakshasa has 4 rounds remaining.

Round Six: Tiaoyue has Tempo
Tiaoyue rolls 42d10s5 (The Natural Course of Events)! 1917 Successes!
Zhi spends 3 anam to roll 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort)! 7 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads)! 2 Successes!
Tiaoyue +8! Kong Zhi is at 0/8, Box 3, and 3/18 Anam. Tiaoyue is at 8/17. Tiaoyue suffers -1 Succes for the next 1d4(1) Round! The Midnight Rakshasa has 3 rounds remaining.

Defeat Condition Met: All of Kong Zhi's Physical Stress Boxes have been filled.

Kong Zhi has been defeated!
You have never been more cold.

Actually, the more you think about it, you are fairly warm. Very warm. Almost toasty, even. It's just the top of your head that is freezing. The rest of you feels like it's bundled in a cozy blanket filled with feathers from some form of Spirit Beast with a fire aspect. You are so warm that you think you may be sweating- which has always been rare, but has been even more uncommon since you took the Soldier's Step.

But the warmest part is the object cradled up against your chest. You have no idea what it is, but it is soft, and it radiates heat like a welcoming hearth. Unconsciously, you clutch it closer to you, holding it to your breast and letting it's soothing heat flow through you. It the single nicest thing you have ever held in your-

"Yip! Yip!"

A tiny tongue lashes at your face.

...Xue? Is that Xue you are holding?

With effort that would be more fitting if you were attempting to throw heavy stones, you pry your eyelids open. Sure enough, in your arms is the tiny white hound you have become familiar with over the last few months. He stares up at you with canine adoration and slathers your face with doggy kisses once again.

After you wipe your face, you glance around. Your surroundings are far from the blood soaked tunnel you last remember lying in. Your new environment does have more than its share of stone, but it's white stone, arranged in a very purposeful manner. You are surrounded by it on two sides, and by a heavy blue curtain the rest of the way. Beneath you is a plush bed the kind you didn't think existed within the Delving Heart, and you do indeed lie under a blanket so stuffed that you would expect to see it in a noble's guest room.

However, you cannot make out any more details of your new confines. When you try to do so, blinding light sears itself into your retinas, and a sharp flash of pain lances through your brain. With a gasp of pain you clutch at your face, which burns like hot pokers are being inserted into your eyes.

Xue lets out a mighty cacophony of tiny yips and flees your bed with purpose. You can hear the clattering of his claws on stone as he makes his way out of wherever you are. You move to follow, but your legs don't agree with your decision. They stay firmly in place despite your demands to the contrary.

Thankfully, Xue is not gone long. He returns minutes later and he is not alone. Nokai and Xu Yun barrel through the curtain around you, followed by a woman you don't know. She is dressed in rumpled robes, auburn hair tied back in a loose knot, and she clutches a sheaf of papers in one hand. Her eyes, though they have bags denoting exhaustion beneath them, are sharp and clear as they peer at you. "Disciple Kong Zhi?" she asks.

"Y-" you try to answer, but your throat won't let words come out. Instead you hack and cough against the driest throat and mouth you have ever felt.

Xu Yun is there moments later, clutching a waterskin. He passes it to you, and you accept it with a mumbled noise that might be gratitude. A moment later, your throat is wet once again and you are able to actually speak. "Yes?" you answer. "Who are you? Where am I? Where's that-"

The pain shoots through your eyes again. You slap your arm in front of your face to dull it and shudder, your last memories running through your mind.

"...that thing?"

The elder disciple seems to nod, and from the scratching you hear, you can guess that she's making a note on one of her papers. "This one is Khuu Bianji, Seventh Circle Disciple beneath Elder Yixue. We have been looking after you since your arrival. As for where you are, this is a ward within Elder Yixue's medical annex. And this one is afraid that she does not know what thing you are speaking of."

Moments pass as you digest her words. "My… arrival?" you stumble out. "What happened?"

Khuu Bianji watches you with a wary eye. "It was this one's hope that you could answer that very question."

You shake your head slightly, clutching your blanket with the hand that's not warding off the light and pulling it back up. You are still so cold. "I- there was a Kukuni," you slowly answer. "It was… I believe that it was dissecting and rebuilding animals that it came across. I fought it and… that is the last thing I remember."

"I see," Khuu Bianji slowly acknowledges. She does not move to explain anything any further, however. Instead she just keeps her eyes trained on you as if she is attempting to solve a very difficult puzzle.

Xu Yun fills the silence, but not with any explanations. Instead he reaches out and- with some trepidation- rests a hand on your forearm. "I… it is good to see you awake, Kong Zhi," he says. "It- everyone will be happy to hear the good news!"

Behind him, Nokai scoffs. "Pshaw. Silly Radiants. Knew Kong Zhi fine. No need hover worried bird."

Your sluggish mind tries it's best to make sense of what is happening right now. "How did I get here?" you eventually grate out.

"Silly bird did it," Nokai answers without shame.

Xu Yun sighs. You chance lowering your arm for a moment just in time to see him rubbing at his forehead. When he notices your look, he shrugs. "When you did not arrive for our appointment, I went looking," he explains. "Jai Fa informed me that you had not been seen in days, but that she thought you were with your Aunt. Together, we recruited Nokai, who was able to find your scent trail-"

"Lan find trail. Just follow."

"-very well. Lan was able to follow your scent trail and it led us right to you-"

You sit up straight. "You found me?" you ask. "Was I alone? Was it there?!"

Xu Yun trades a look with Nokai, who offers a shrug. "You were alone," the sailor answers. "Truth be told, we did not linger to find anyone else. Once we found you, we decided that placing you in Elder Yixue's care was of the utmost importance."

"Eh," Nokai chimes in. "Thought Kong Zhi think box bigger importance. Took that too."

A weight you didn't know you were carrying falls from your shoulders. The Dance is alright and you are alright. Better than alright- you actually feel surprisingly good for someone who just was driven into the stone by a Kukuni. If only your eyes- no, just one eye. Your left is fine.- would stop hurting, you could move your legs, and everything could stop being too warm or too cold!

"Thank you," you tell your friends. "Thank you truly, from the bottom of my heart. I am glad that you found me." Then you turn to Khuu Bianji, who is still watching you. "And my gratitude to you, to Elder Yixue, and to anyone else who may have helped me. I cannot imagine what state I was in when I arrived; you must have worked hard to ensure my recovery."

"Actually," Khuu Bianji answers, drawing out the word between her teeth. "We did not have to do much. You were in stable condition when you arrived."


"I see…" you answer. "But… if that is the case, then why am I here? Would I not normally have been sent back to my home to rest?"

"Ordinarily, yes. However, in your circumstance, it was thought that it would be best if you awoke in a supervised environment."

In your chest, you feel your heart starting to pick up speed. "...and why," you start, the words coming slowly, and a knot coalescing in your stomach. " that?"

Khuu Bianji considers her words carefully. She opens her mouth and then closes it again as she debates her response. Then she does it again. At her side, Xu Yun is very determinedly looking anywhere but at you, though his hand still rests upon your arm.

...your arm. For the first time since you woke up, you look down at the arm you have been using to shield your eyes.

Before your encounter with the Kukuni, your right arm had been- well, it had been an arm. Muscle atop bone beneath tanned skin. But now, while all of those components are still in place, what sits attached to your shoulder does not resemble your arm in any way. If you couldn't feel it, you wouldn't even think it was yours. It is twice the size of your old arm, corded in muscle so thick that a knife would get stuck in it, and lined with angry red veins that run from the ends of your fingers all the way to your shoulder and beyond.

The skin is stretched tight, barely containing the muscle within, except where it hangs loosely at your elbow. But it is even tighter around your hand. You are almost scared to move your fingers out of fear that your skin will rip, but move them you do- even though your hand barely resembles your hand any more. You still have five fingers, but they are long and distended, as if all of your knuckles have been dislocated. Cautiously, you move them back and forth. Your skin holds steady and your fingers wave, allowing you to see their tips for the first time. You no longer seem to have nails; instead your fingers are capped with hard bone that appears sharp enough to draw blood.

But you have not even begun to see everything that has changed about you. The veins on your arm run up your shoulder and down the rest of your body. You throw your blanket off of you, revealing your naked chest to the world. Later, you may feel self-conscious that everyone saw so much of you, but for now you couldn't care less. All of your focus is on the angry red veins and thick muscle that covers the entire right side of your body.

It doesn't end at your torso either. Your right leg resembles your arm in every way, down to the sagging skin around your knee and ankle. But what was done to your hand is nothing compared to what was done to your foot. Your… You…

You have a talon instead of a foot.

Your once normal foot is twisted and bent, forming a cruel talon ending in three long claws. You flex your foot and feel them tear into the mattress, sending down feathers everywhere. Another claw emerging from your heel digs in even deeper, piercing through the mattress and digging a hole into the frame below.

You stare numbly at what has become of your limb, only distantly noting that it is strapped to the bed. Khuu Bianji fills the silence with an explanation. "It was determined that you may attempt to rise without noticing the changes," she states. "Thus, it was determined that you should be restrained until matters could be explained to you."

"I see," you mutter, still following the veins with your eyes. They cover the right side of your body. Your leg, your stomach, your chest, your neck, your…

You pause. "Does anyone happen to have a mirror?" you ask, voice as calm as you can make it.

Xu Yun looks like he wants to say something, but Nokai doesn't let him. Instead she nods. "Here," she says, tossing you a polished metal file. One side is rough and covered in scratch marks, no doubt from use on her pack, but the other is smooth and clear. You can easily see your reflection in it.

The veins climb up your neck, all the way to your scalp. They gather together in knots on the right side of your face and in a bony ridge over your right eye that you didn't have when you were last awake. But the change to your eye itself is the largest one. Your previous muddy brown orb is gone. In its place sits a crimson ball with a dark, slitted pupil that is spread wide in the light.

...and they shaved your head.

At least that explains the cold.

Your almost reptilian eye is the source of your pain. You cover it with your non-altered hand and it dulls almost instantly. In a rough voice, you ask, "Can it be fixed?"

Khuu Bianji considers your question. "This one is unsure what you mean by fixed, Disciple Kong Zhi. These alterations do not seem to be impacting your health in any negative way. Indeed, many disciples strive for changes like these with advanced techniques and-"

"Can it be made normal?!" you snap.

"Ah," Khuu Bianji replies. "I see."

She thinks for a moment. "These changes are nothing that cannot be dealt with" Khuu Bianji interrupts once again. "As this one stated, they can be created by choice with the proper application of several Sage Techniques. Though they may be more difficult to master than anything else you have yet attempted to learn, you could integrate them and use them to reverse the process. Failing that, aid may be acquired from fleshshapers in the annex for a nominal cost. It-"

"Cost?!" Xu Yun barks out. "You would make him pay to fix himself?!"

Khuu Bianji meets his furious look with a calm stare. "Considering that his alterations do not seem to be affecting his cultivation and are thus considered non-essential? Yes. If Kong Zhi wishes to rid himself of the results of his encounter, it is fair that whomever helps him receives their fair compensation."

She shakes her head, setting one strand of hair loose from it's bun. "Competent fleshshapers always have projects to work on. Rehabilitating Kong Zhi will be a difficult task. The body would be challenging enough, but the eye itself is on a different level of complexity. It would require, at the very least, the attention of a Third Circle Disciple- and they have much asked of them as it is."

Slowly, you lean back against your pillow. Your brain feels as if it has just run a thousand miles without any help from your body. Your air feels too warm and too cold against your altered skin, the right side of your body is much too heavy, and your hand and foot both feel wrong in ways you cannot describe. Between it all, you would like nothing more than to rest your eyes until things start making sense again.

But you don't have that luxury.

"How long have I been unconscious?" you ask.

"Several days," Khuu Bianji answers. "You have been in this one's care for two, and it is unknown how long you were insensate before discovery."

"Very well," you reply. "Will you untie my legs?"

"I will, now that you know about the change," she answers. Khuu Bianji instantly puts words to action, reaching down and working at the straps holding your monstrous talon in place. "Though be warned; your first steps may prove challenging. You may very well have to relearn how to your the right side of your body. I will prescribe you several exercises that should assist you- but they are no panacea. It will take months if not years of long, hard work before your limbs function as they once did."

"I see," you answer, and your mind turns to what you will have to relearn. The two real problems are going to be your hand and your foot. Right now, your foot has completely spoiled your footwork. The Hummingbird's Dance requires quick, graceful movements that your new foot just doesn't seem capable of. And your hand… can you still hold a tool?

The question terrifies you, and you resolve to answer it as soon as you can.

Xu Yun stares blankly at you. "You… you should be resting!" he practically commands. "Lay there and recover your strength! There is nothing so urgent that it cannot wait for a time!"

"I disagree," you reply. The straps loosen and you swing your legs off the bed. "I have lost too much time resting already. The deadline for the Sigil is near, and now I apparently have to learn how to use a new arm and leg and… manage my eye." You go to push yourself off the mattress, but your claws get stuck in the down.

Nokai reaches down and grabs your other hand, heedless of your near nudity. With a slight effort, she pulls you to your feet and steadies you before you fall back down. You nod your thanks at her and turn back to Xu Yun. "There is just no time to waste."

Xu Yun doesn't seem to know whether he wants to help you or shove you back to the mattress. In the end, he does neither, instead standing to the side as you fight to retain your balance without Nokai's steadying hand. As you do, Khuu Bianji reaches beyond the curtain and comes back with a small parcel.

In it are a new set of robes, a small sheaf of papers, and a dark patch of fabric.

At your confused look, the medic gestures towards your face. "To help 'manage your eye'," she tells you.

You look from her to the patch, and then with tentative hands, you pull it over your face, blocking your ruby orb from view- and scratching yourself several times with your claw.

...this is going to take some getting used to.

Drive +0.2!
Technique Gained: Talon of Remembrance!

Talon of Remembrance (Strength 2)
Warrior Technique 3 (Physical 5)
Cost: 0
Current Phase: 1/15
Description: Where once Kong Zhi had a normal arm upon his shoulder, now he bears an altered limb capped with a vicious talon.
Technique Gained: Raptor's Foot
Raptor's Foot (Dexterity 2)
Warrior Technique 3 (Physical 5)
Cost: 0
Current Phase: 1/15
Description: Where once Kong ZHi had a normal leg, now he bears a mutated limb that ends with a reptilian claw.
Trait Gained: The Gifts of Tiaoyue! Kong Zhi has engaged in combat with a fearsome Blood Kukuni, and though that battle did not leave him lifeless, it left him changed in a way he will not soon forget. Physical Techniques besides 'Talon of Remembrance' and 'Raptor's Foot' are rolled with 50% of their usual dice. Dexterity Based skills are rolled with 75% of their usual dice. In well lit areas, Perception is rolled at 50% of it's usual dice. In low light areas, Perception is rolled at 125% of its usual dice. As 'Talon of Remembrance' and 'Raptor's Foot' progress, this trait will be altered.

We are at the start of week 12! You have 3 Weeks left to prove yourself!

How do you spend your 12th week within the Delving Heart? (Pick Nine Six!)

NOTE: you may attempt to bring anyone you have met within the Delving Heart along on any of your actions. However, unless it is simply a social action, dice will be rolled to determine if they are available to accompany you, as they have their own lives and priorities to deal with.

Please cast all votes in PLAN FORMAT!

There is a two hour moratorium on this vote! There is no voting until four hours have passed! If anyone breaks this moratorium, if their vote still stands before it ends, their vote will be disqualified for the round!
Sect Actions
[] You may now take assignments at the Delving Heart Assignment Hall. You will go, take one, and carry it out to the best of your ability.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Lei, who seems to be in charge of defending the sect in some capacity.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Fensui, who stands above the martial disciples.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Hotei, who you know little about save that their disciples have a martial bent.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Yixue, the sect's healer and chief refiner.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Tian, the master craftsman, by returning to the Creators Garden and working as an assistant to any who will have you.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have heard rumors that Elder Sela, the mistress of general knowledge, will accept any who approach her. You will approach her and inquire further about her generous offer.
-[] She may take on anyone, but you still wish to impress her. Write-In how.
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You will seek to impress Elder Tantoi, the sect's mistress of administration.
-[] Write-In
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
-[] You will seek out the point on the map that lies deep within the caverns, below even the Lost Armory. (Counts as Three Two Actions).
[] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. Elder Tantoi listed seven such Elders you could impress, and you have since learned of one more, but there is still one unaccounted for. You will seek information on this shadowy ninth elder.
-[] Write-In

Training Actions
[] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
-[] (Specify Technique Being Trained)
[] You now have access to the Archives of the Delving Heart. You will go there and seek out knowledge, paying for it with either talents or sect points.
-[] (Specify Subject of Interest. General Knowledge hunts have a two point cover charge. Everything else varies.)
[] Auntie Bi awaits you outside the walls of the Delving Heart with pills and further lessons on the Stallion's Enclosed Garden. You are very close to mastering it- and it seems more important than ever. Perhaps further instructions will allow you to use it with greater ease on your new eye.
[] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a moderate cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
-[] (Select the level of the tutor you will hire. The choices are 7th Circle (3 Talents, Counts as 2 Actions, 1d3 training roll), 5th Circle (6 talents, Counts as 3 Actions, 1d6+1 training roll).
--[] (Select the Skill you wish tutored.)
[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
-[] (Select the Natural Wonder you will cycle)
--[] (Select your cycling target (for healing, for a technique, for other purposes, etc.)

Craftsman Actions
[] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
-[] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes
-[] You have promised a charm to Jai Fa in exchange for her services as champion. She is not expecting it for quite some time, but there's never any shame in starting a project early. You will work on her charm. (Jai Fa requests an Axe infused with Steel and one other aspect)
[] A true charmcrafter always has a ready supply of materials ready to go. You will go out and add to your collection.
-[] You will go scavenging for new materials.
-[] You will go hunting for new materials.
-[] You will go seek out new materials in the village market.
[] One of your materials is in a form which does not suit you. You shall refine it.
-[] Select which material you will refine
--[] You will refine it with a quick formation (No bonus, no further cost).
--[] You will refinie it with an intense formation (+2 dice, -1 action next turn).
--[] You will refine it with the aid of a charmforge (+5 dice, -1 bronze talent).

Social Actions
[] Jai Fa has made noises about changing her routine. Now she is focusing on learning an armed style. She would welcome the training dummy that you would provide.
[] Jai Shouxi is relaxing at home, enjoying the fruits of his labor. He seems like he would be happy to speak with you, and seems most interested in your new alterations
[] Xu Yun has returned from his cycling, and he seems to have been successful. You are not certain of that, however, as you missed your appointment with him last week. You will make it up to him now, and together you will work on mastering your new self.
[] Though Nokai seems to want to avoid you until Auntie Bi leaves, the same cannot be said for Xue. As such, Nokai has invited you to brush him with her, so long as you stay far, far away from your Aunt.
[] Mei Daiyu has proved an interested student in the field of charm crafting. You have much left you can teach her. You will set up another lesson for your one-time teacher. Mei Daiyu is throwing herself into her own Sigil Hunt. Though she will be available should you require her, she has little free time right now.
[] Mo Hanying has asked for you. Apparently she has plans coming up that she thinks you would greatly enjoy, and she invites you to attend her at your leisure.
[] Ming Hui is planning a tour of the village's many street vendors soon so that he may be more inspired in his future dishes. If you wish a seat and a plate, one can be provided for you.
[] You have taught Teng Lim the absolute basics of the Hummingbird's Dance, but you can always teach him more. You will invite him out to the training grounds once more and further his studies.
[] You have been asked to befriend several disciples by your mother, one of whom is Geng Tu, an associate of the craven Jin Yazhu. You may not have gotten off to the best start with him but now that his current artisan has proven so lackluster, perhaps you could make inroads.
[] You have met the elusive Zhuan Kun, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that your face has met the elusive Zhuan Kun's knee. But that was barely an introduction. You will seek him out again and perhaps do better in your next sparring session.
[] It is always good to stay in contact with your family. You shall pen them another letter. (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).There is no need for further contact with your family. Your family is here.
-[] (Write-In the contents of the letter)
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)

Other actions
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] During your travels through the Delving Heart, you encountered a Blood Kukuni of fearsome power. It was victorious last time and it left you greatly changed. This time, things will be different.
-[] You will hunt down the Kukuni to kill it.
-[] You will hunt down the Kukuni to speak with it.
[] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth.
[] Write-In
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Well, that was interesting.

I suggest talking with the kukuni. It's clearly more intelligent than we gave it credit for, and it's taken an interest in us. Of course, we should prioritise familiarising ourselves with our new limbs first.
So with what's happened we need Sect Points and Pills. Look forward not back

6 actions 3 weeks.

We could do 3 sect jobs this week Normal/Medium difficulty should get us around 20 points or so which can go right to pills.

Nokai is available so if we want her for Deeps now is the time

Bro Yun is also an option of course and Mo wants something which is always entertaining. Other option could be to train our Leg and Arm with a couple of actions and learn to live with the changes made

Also, 35d10s6? 42d10s5?!

There's no question about it. We were fighting a Farmer.
......well those dice rolls were loads of ass
There was no feasible way we could have defeated Tiaoyue. If Jai Fa, Nokai, Mei Daiyu, and Xu Yun were fighting alongside us, then it'd be an even fight, but even then it'd be risky.

This is a Deeps Final Boss level fight, probably even surpassing that tbh.
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Well, that happened. This'll make sigil hunting inconvenient. But hey, +0.2 Drive is not bad, and we didn't die, against a thing that was rolling 42(!) dice when it got serious. I'll take what we can get here.
Wow this ended a lot better than I expected.

Tiaoyue introduces herself as a darkhouse waifu!

Took an L, but L isn't just for loss, but learning.
i'm curious, but did our performance in the fight have any effect on what mutations it gave us? like by impressing/boring it?

otherwise, interesting development. curious as to how these limbs will apparently evolve and how they will affect our social interactions, siani and the quest in general moving forward. This feels like a very big event. Def curious as to mo hanyings, Bi's and nokai's views on this.
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Well the Mo favor to fix our limbs looks mighty temping rn.
I'm not sure what exactly would be involved in unfucking this situation, but cashing in that favor seems like a good place to start, though it will probably end with us owing a favor or seven as well.

Maybe Auntie Bi can help?