The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

And vote is closed! The Artisan's Son is the winner.

Next update should be Thursday or Friday this week after I finish codifying the mechanics and get the time to write. Thanks again to everyone for voting!
[X] The Artisan's Son

I hope we can be friends with a young master type. It'll make the game interesting if we constantly have to survive the messes they drag us into


"Young Masters" won't be friends, they'll walk in and conscript you to work for them or be tortured to death.

Our best course of action is finding someone strong with an acceptable character, and aligning with them.

"Young Masters" won't be friends, they'll walk in and conscript you to work for them or be tortured to death.

Our best course of action is finding someone strong with an acceptable character, and aligning with them.
Young Masters are just fat sheep to be fleeced. We sell our services publicly as an Appraiser for favours and contacts. Bespoke crafting is "bring your own materials", of course we keep the "leftover scraps".

What we must look out for are "Main Characters" who can go to junk stores and aunctions to buy crap only to have them be hidden priceless treasures.

"Young Masters" won't be friends, they'll walk in and conscript you to work for them or be tortured to death.

Our best course of action is finding someone strong with an acceptable character, and aligning with them.

Maybe a rising underdog that we can supply. Like someone very gifted in cultivation that isn't affiliated with anyone and has a small standing or equal to ours. I know that's a rare chance but you gotta hope lol
A quick update: the mechanics have been posted! You can find them in the informational threadmarks. Now is your chance to familiarize yourself with them before the next chargen vote. If you have any questions just post em up and I'll answer them!

Thanks to @Cteatus for helping out with the construction of these things. They were a beast and I needed all the help I could get.
Okay question, wouldn't physical attributes feed into appearance? I men's if you're like 0 strength chubby young master your appearance wont be 100 or something or am I wrong?

Edit:Also holy hell those are some complicated (at least for my small brain) mechanics. I'll give a full read over in the morning but for the start of the quest I'll probably hand the reigns over to the veterans and savants of questing and learn as we go :).
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The last building block of your character is their drive. Drive is your character's raw willpower and their ability to keep motivation through any circumstances. Drive is represented by a simple number, usually one digit and a decimal place. An average person with no flaws and no great motivations has a drive of 1.0. A privileged noble who never has to work for anything might have a drive of 0.8 or lower, and a young upstart desperate to succeed may have a drive of 1.5 or even 2.0. For the record, the higher your drive is, the better.

Changing one's drive is not an easy task- you can't just tell yourself you'll work harder and then do so after all- but it can be done. Great events in a character's life can either grow or reduce their drive accordingly.
Oh. Urchin &/or Slave should have the highest Drive.
Okay question, wouldn't physical attributes feed into appearance? I men's if you're like 0 strength chubby young master your appearance wont be 100 or something or am I wrong?
Not necessarily. Appearance is more than muscles after all. In fact, getting too ripped could be seen as unattractive by people. But more than that, Appearances goes beyond the physical. It's how you look, sure, but it's also how you carry yourself. It's how you present yourself and if you can put yourself in the best light no matter what. It's definitely deserving of it's own attribute slot.
@Vesvius so is my idea viable? Could we become a crafter that specializes in the maintenance, upgrading, and even crafting Natural Wonders?
Our drive is currently 0.8. Nobles are called out as having a lower than normal drive as a drawback and have "0.8 or lower" under the "drive" section explanation. The Artisan's Son's amount of drive is not described as a drawback but we are described as very similar to nobility.

Is our drive value correct?
Our drive is currently 0.8. Nobles are called out as having a lower than normal drive as a drawback and have "0.8 or lower" under the "drive" section explanation. The Artisan's Son's amount of drive is not described as a drawback but we are described as very similar to nobility.

Is our drive value correct?
Ah, my mistake. That should be 0.9. Will adjust.

@Vesvius so is my idea viable? Could we become a crafter that specializes in the maintenance, upgrading, and even crafting Natural Wonders?
Oh, it's definitely possible. Despite their name, Natural Wonders can be very artificial, as you'll soon see. They're difficult to upgrade or change once formed, but great craftsmen can make their name by creating a truly impressive Wonder.
Oh, it's definitely possible. Despite their name, Natural Wonders can be very artificial, as you'll soon see. They're difficult to upgrade or change once formed, but great craftsmen can make their name by creating a truly impressive Wonder.
Sounds like a long-term goal to reach aim for then
The system seems fine, although it should need soe getting used to, my only concern is in how many dice we'll be rolling. It seems like it could be dozens, for each turn in combat, so combat could become a long chore... Still, only conjecture, I'm anxious and curious to see how this goes.
The system seems fine, although it should need soe getting used to, my only concern is in how many dice we'll be rolling. It seems like it could be dozens, for each turn in combat, so combat could become a long chore... Still, only conjecture, I'm anxious and curious to see how this goes.

It wouldn't be hard it automate if it does become a problem.
It wouldn't be hard it automate if it does become a problem.
Automate... What? The dices are already auto, the thing is for how many actions we'd have in each combat, and how long does it takes to calculate our chances with each one. I mean, we won't alwas use the same tech, and the results depend both on our tech, and the enemy tech, so the QM can't just choose for us (I think). Thus after each round we'd have to vote again, for what tech to use, and then a new set of rolls, a new change in the combat, a new calculation for our chances, a new choice made through vote... Don't take me wrong, I'd enjoy that, it's very tactical, but at the same time, it could take
Not necessarily. Appearance is more than muscles after all. In fact, getting too ripped could be seen as unattractive by people. But more than that, Appearances goes beyond the physical. It's how you look, sure, but it's also how you carry yourself. It's how you present yourself and if you can put yourself in the best light no matter what. It's definitely deserving of it's own attribute slot.
Bluepilled cope.

Appearance is all about face, do you think this guy needs to present himself well?

2. A Ride in a Carriage
It is said that untold centuries ago, there existed a woman so impressive that the heavens themselves sat up and took notice. She was an Artist beyond compare. In her footsteps lakes were formed. From her fists were birthed earthquakes and storms. When she opened her mouth, her words created the first chords of song.

The heavens looked down upon this woman and were in awe of her power. They called for her to join them, but she said no. She still had business left unfinished upon this soil and she felt unworthy to ascend to the heavenly host while her goals were incomplete. The heavens were so moved by her purity of purpose that they fell to their knees, awed by her humility as they were.

It was then that the heavens resolved to honor this Artist's wishes. She would be untroubled by them for the rest of her days. It would be her choice and her choice alone if she would ascend to meet them amongst the stars. But they still wanted nothing more than to honor her as she had honored them. With tears of joy in their eyes they set to work crafting a monument to her, one that would endure throughout the ages and stand as a testament to her might and power.

And so they crafted the Brightmaple Mountains.

Standing tall above the Forest of Pearls, the Brightmaples loom large against the sky. Their seven peaks cast shadows of the purest black as they stand in defiance of the sun. Hundreds of thousands of beings make their homes amongst the Brightmaples, beast, kukuni, and vestige alike. And and below them, behind a gateway strong enough to withstand the mightiest blow, sits the entrance to the sect known as the Delving Heart.

It's an awe-inspiring sight. One that has caused poets to slice their tongues from their heads and painters shatter their fingers into so many worthless nubs from the knowledge that they will never capture it's beauty. It is majestic. It is glorious. It is truly one of the great wonders of this world.

Perhaps you'll get to see it for yourself someday.

"Was that a sigh I hear?" a sharp voice cracks out, interrupting your thoughts. "Are you perhaps bored of my teachings?"

You straighten up and return your focus to your surroundings. They haven't changed since your attention lapsed. You still sit within your uncle's handsome wooden carriage, bedecked by painstakingly carved images of spiders and silk. Your seats are still plush and comfortable even as they rock from side to side with the motion of the horses. The window, curtains drawn shut by an order you most certainly didn't agree with. And your honored cousin, Kong De, is still looking at you like you carry some unfathomable wretched stench.

You bow your head quickly in apology to Kong De. "Not at all!" you protest. "I am eagerly receiving every word you deign to give! It's just…"

Kong De's thin eyebrow arches over the deep cavern his eye sits in. "It is just what, Kong Zhi?" he prompts. "Are you having some difficulty grasping the knowledge before you?"

"No!" you respond instantly. "I… I just simply don't understand."

Your cousin shakes his head and you're fairly certain that if his manners allowed, he would sigh. "There is no shame in admitting that you have trouble comprehending the material, little cousin. Where did you begin to face trouble? Was it in the meld between earth and light? That binding is a difficult one; you should feel no shame in stumbling over it."

For the third time in as many moments, you disagree with your cousin. "It is not that, Kong De. I hear your lessons well. It's just I don't understand their purpose and their timing."

Kong De seems to chew that over for a long second. Finally, he gestures for you to continue. You do so with a nod. "I already know a great deal of what you say, cousin, and I shall join the Delving Heart in hours. Would our time not be better spent learning about the sect so that I can be prepared for the challenges before me?"

A ghost of a smile crosses your cousin's face. He slowly shakes his head. "Kong Zhi. It is at times like this that I am reminded that you still have so much left to learn."

He sits back in his seat and holds out a hand. One of his servants- you hadn't been able to catch his name before the carriage began to move- immediately places a cup of tea in it. Kong De takes a sip and his lips thin. He holds his cup back out, and the servant bows low in apology. The man holds one finger out and barely touches the bottom of the tea cup. A wave of heat passes through the carriage as anam boils up through the servant's finger. It passes as quickly as it arrives and the servant retreats back to his small corner of the carriage. Kong De merely takes a sip of his now warm tea and regards you with what you think might almost be a fond look.

"It is because you shall soon join the Delving Heart that you need these lessons," Kong De continues as if he had not stopped speaking. "After you leave the walls of this carriage, you shall depart for at least a year- perhaps more should you prove yourself worthy. New knowledge shall no doubt flood every corner of your mind like water when the tides come in. Your old knowledge, the knowledge of the Kong family, must be carved deep into your heart and bones so that it is not washed away."

Your spine straightens and you can feel your chest puff out from indignation. "I do not need reminder lessons for that!" you argue. "The lessons of my father and uncles will never be erased!"

Kong De smiles, and gestures at the table in front of you. On it sits a dozen scrolls, each with lessons from a decade of teaching upon them. "Is that so? Then prove it."

You hold back a glower, take a quick, longing look at the covered window that hides the view of the Brightmaple Mountains from you, and allow yourself a sigh. And then you reach for a scroll.

In the Path Unending, the most basic building block of your character is your Attributes (for more information, please see the Mechanics post). All attributes begin at one, and three have been raised to two because of your background selection. You now have an additional seven (7) points to spend on further attributes. Please, in Plan Format, decide where to place these points.

As a reminder, the attributes are as follows:

Physical Attributes: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity
Mental Attributes: Intelligence, Resolve, Wits
Social Attributes: Appearance, Charisma, Empathy
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Kong Zhi- that's you!- has just had his character sheet threadmarked in the Informational section. Feel free to check it out if you want to double check where you're at before you vote.