The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

frankly, he probably used it about as many times as we used his pill.
That being said - it is a good idea for him to have around since he has no other training, "something" is better than "wild flailing" and if someone without actual investment in combat comes after him, well, it's almost as good as a 12k8 normal technique against a normal opponent due to the anam-bonus, so at least he doesn't have to worry about the Tengs of the world beating him up if he's alone.

I would say he's used it more than once. Jai Fa says she's very familiar with how it works, and I would bet the two of them go out looking for ingredients for him to use every now and then.
Woo... Glad I finished this in time for the Duel.

Here is my own take on our shiny new Summon/Construct ☺

Pretty good Knight. It looks nice and it's impressive that you are not a professional artist and are still able to create art of this quality. I mean like you said in discord you are no Wist, who is a professional but its still impressive.
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Here are some "Fun" Math thoughts.
We've had 7 weeks since the duel.
A servant gets 7 actions a week - that gives Jin 49 actions to spend to prepare - assuming he didn't have any functional charms after the duel, which is possible since we know at least one went up in flames, and who knows if he was even building for himself, or just for sales.
Let's assume he's bullshit. He has all the mats he could possibly need, he has premade diagrams from his family archive so he doesn't need to spend any actions designing charms, and he has such a big pile of pills for infusion that he can always infuse any charm in a single action (-7 actions)
That gives him 42 actions to build.
Well, except we know he spent at least one doing the Tian thing, and let's assume he burnt another on... something. Challenging us? Asking Mei? Training her? whatever, let's call it 40 actions. That's the most KZ could have feasibly spent crafting if he spent every second from the duel on.
Let's also assume he's a better crafter than us. He's got a Phys talent of 3 without even taking the step, and every crafting skill he uses he's got 5 ranks in (that's at least 25 total ranks - we currently only have 24)
We'll also assume he's got a similar drive to us when crafting (1.3)
If he's rolling 5k7 x 1.3 x 160 rolls that's around 370 successes or about 52 successes per charm.
(that also would work out to ... around 74 grade one pills, or a measly 440 sect points or the ballpark of 100 talents. I wonder if anam pills have any side effects like chronic anam constipation or something)

Now, this is being pretty generous to Jin - would someone really dump that many resources into him? Maybe. Perhaps he has a similar allowance to KZ and was able to get a year's advance. Who knows.
Similarly, does he really have that many skill points? We have 1 fewer than I'm assuming he has, but we've spent a lot of actions and some money pumping them up.
The Drive, at least, I suspect is a safe bet, even if he's not that high baseline, he's probably pretty motivated for this duel.

Now, if you make some different assumptions, like, his Phys talent is only 2, it drops to around 36 successes per charm.
Or if he could only actually manage 4 actions per week (maybe he needs to actually cycle, or earn materials, or leave his room and take a bath) That would also drop him down to around 36-per-charm.
Even if both are true, then he's down to around "only" 25 successes per charm which means if they're probably all WW tier-or-slightly-better.

For his charms to be "bad", he'd have to be down to average 16 successes-or-less per charm - which means either his Phys talent is 1 (unlikely) his Drive is bad (very unlikely) or his phys is 2 and he was only able to average 2.5-crafts-or-less per week, which would be the most likely of the options I guess - especially if he's actually infusing them all/mostly manually, or has to schmooze, do Tian actions, earn materials, stuff like that.
If he's actually a great crafter, had a massive cash infusion, and devoted basically all his time to this, we could be outclassed - but damn would he have crippled his progress in order to become a human sweatshop.

Just food for thought/panic attacks while we wait for the update with bated breath.

Of course, no idea if NPCs actually use PC mechanics - I doubt it. That would be way too much bookkeeping.
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Crab Chance by Walter
Crab Chance

Sideways, ever sideways.

Pincer Warning: This account has been put together for the benefit and instruction of upcoming practitioners, and a warning must be offered right here at the start. This recounting contains crustacean life forms, and their loathsome crime of existence goes altogether unpunished within this installment. Disciples of a weak constitution should feel no shame at abandoning this tale at this point. For those who read on, we can only ask that you gird your Manly Vigor well.

The Mirror Crab scuttled deeper and deeper down the secret routes that only crabs know. Some stones it heaved from its path with its great pincers. Some it climbed across, eyes peering from deep within the hollows of its face or bulging out on grotesque stalks.

Each step had a meaning, each twitch of a leg, each repulsive shudder of its armor-skinned form drew the degraded Crab Anam in its wake. It joined with its fellows in a great procession of arthropodal horror, a winding celebration of its knife handed kindred, all following a path long carved through the smooth stones of the deep by their endless and inhuman stamping.

Sideways, ever sideways, into the depths of the Hermitage.

The common rabble gave way before the Mirror Crab, reaching their obscene pincers out to gently pinch onto the hem of its shell as it strode along. It begrudged them not. Once, it had been as they. A mere member of the common rabble, possessed of Spirit and Form, but not of Mind.

It clipped its hands together in frustration, expelling the unwelcome memories in a long practiced habit of meditation. It was different from these others. It, not they, had been the one to chance across the Enlightened One's rubbish. It, not they, had swallowed the shattered remains of the tiniest portion of a sacred mirror and been transformed by its Reflection Anam. It, not they, had become the Mirror Crab.

Some of its kindred had tried to call it 'A Crab: Reflected', but even beasts as degraded as crabs have standards.

The last of the scuttling commoners gave way before it, one final set of obsequious caresses to mar its armored skin. The MIrror Crab pulled free of the last of its fellow's grips and strode into the Hermitage's most secret meeting place, a spiral chamber on whose various shelves and inclines the hallowed members of the Pincerarchy lay in wait.

It noted, with some irritation, that it was the last one to arrive. The damnable Fire Crab must have delayed its summons, forcing it to scuttle in the wake of its kindred.

Sideways, ever sideways, onto it's destined perch.

The Mirror Crab was only a member of the Lower chamber, a place for those who had Ascended through their own efforts. The Fire Crab and its ilk looked down upon them from their lofty perches above, wallowing in the seats that their lineage had handed them, their armored forms unmarred by the mindless adulation of the common throng.

"So tardy, Mirror Crab!" jibed the Square Crab, looking down upon it "No doubt you were busy getting your flock killed by the the Heedless One again!"

Crabs do not laugh, ever. Joy, like every other worthy thing an Artist can reach for, is forever foreign to their twisted natures. But when a hated enemy is insulted they can make a sort of rustling noise by rubbing together organs no doctor has ever bothered to put a name to.

The upper chamber filled with that sound now, a murmur effervescent with hatred and contempt.

It barely phased the Mirror Crab. Their derision was so much wind if an Elder didn't back them, and if they wanted to exchange pointers it had no doubts in his Pinceomancy. It would be a delectable bit of satisfaction to clip an eyestalk from one of these effete Upper Chamber Councilors.

"So early!" it snarled in rejoinder, "No doubt you had nothing whatsoever to make you busy, as you are entirely without merit or value!"

The Square Crab rose in immediate rage, but the Mirror Crab noted that the Fire and Flame Crabs had already been standing next to it, already in place to keep it from doing anything rash. This was a preplanned move, meant to make the Square Crab look brave without actually putting it in any danger.

"Silence!" hissed the Dusk Crab. "Your puerile squabbling detracts from the dignity of the Pincerarchy!"

For the Honored Reader's benefit we will hereby point out that the Pincerarchy, being composed of crabs, of course had no dignity whatsoever.

The Mirror Crab fell silent at this remonstration. The Dusk Crab was an Elder, one of only three within the Hermitage. It was an enormous, hulking beast, larger than the largest dog. If obscenities pay homage to those fouler still, then this beast was well down that loathsome road, a true devil of the deeps.

"Why have the Deeps been sounded? Why are the Knife Handed Ones gathered together in obscene congress?" asked the Crab Crab. This was another member of the Lower Chamber, and one of the Mirror Crab's allies.

We note, for the reader's benefit, that the Crab notion of an ally is no doubt someone to be betrayed at a future time, as such beasts are entirely unable to feel anything even resembling loyalty.

"The Heedless One has struck again!" snarled the Fire Crab. "And his blow fell not on the worthless followers of the Minor Crab over there this time!"

More rustling from the upper chamber, and this time the Mirror Crab felt the sting. Such a cunning insult, to change a few letters in its name in order to demean it. It swayed where it stood, before remembering that dignity wasn't real to it and becoming once again a resolute horror and offense to the sunlit world.

"What atrocity did he perpetrate?" asked the Mirror Crab, hating to show ignorance, but desperate to learn the truth.

It is important to remember that when the Mirror Crab says 'atrocity', it means a heroic act of crab destruction. Such is the creature's twisted nature that it refers to acts that aid crabs as good, and those which harm them as evil. We understand that this may be confusing, and hope that, if a young practitioner is reading this account, it is doing so with supervision, ideally from a cruel uncle figure who will cuff them soundly if they err.

"The Winter Crab is no more!" snarled the Dusk Crab. "The Vestige of an Honored Elder from before even my time has been smashed in a juvenile act of utter vandalism! There can be no further doubt. This human works a great vendetta against our kind."

This called for great delicacy on the part of the Mirror Crab. The Dusk Crab, and the other Elders, lived in the Deeps. They had no doubts whatsoever that the humans prosecuted an endless war against all that was crustacean.

We note for the discerning reader that such a war is expected hourly, as our perpetual petitions to the Emperor will surely bear fruit any minute now.

The Mirror Crab, however, haunted and appalled the Upper Caves, and it was aware that if, indeed, the humans were attempting such a war then they were doing so with a downright crablike lack of vigor and honor. Indeed, on numerous occasions it had seen the smaller humans shouting with delight upon seeing a crab, before running on their way.

We note for the discerning reader that the children in question are traitors to their race, and should grow up greatly shamed for missing such prime crabicide opportunities.

"Venerable Elders," it wheezed, obsequiously and no doubt other dire adverbishly, "Let us not overreact. The Heedless One is a human of the male type, and we have seen many such, over the years. It works no great vendetta, but is only desperately pulled about by its mating impulses."

Human mating is a great mystery to the crabs, who have sought human and dog eggs alike without success for many years. It is funny that they are stupid, and this further proves that we are the greater species!

"Ridiculous!" snapped the Square Crab from its lofty perch. "Humans are impossibly ugly. How could any being be moved by desire for such a freak?"

"Because they are so stupid!" responded the Mirror Crab, instantly, "They are even dumber than they are ugly, so they don't know how ugly they are."

This was a perennial argument, as to whether noncrabs were more ugly or more stupid, and it was only brought to an end by the Dusk Crab's intervention.

"What say you, Witness Crab?" it demanded. "Was the Mirror Crab's guess correct? Did the Heedless One bring along a female when it struck down the Winter Crab?"

The Witness Crab was not one particular crab, of course. This was simply a mode of address that denoted whichever Unawakened example of their kind the circle was interrogating. In this case a small crab of whitish configuration.

The reader is reminded that Crabs are not cute, and that this small, pale, pettable creature is a fearsome undersea murder beast.

The Witness Crab bobbed up and down in an affirmative motion that was definitely not cute in any way.

The Mirror Crab made a motion which was no doubt intended to communicate it's cowardly reluctance to challenge the heroes of the Delving Heart, entirely for the ridiculous reason that each was hundreds of times its size.

"There," it says, "Just as I predicted. There is no danger at all. The Heedless One is simply behaving as its strange man nature demands. Soon it will wrap itself around the Deadly One and cause more dogs to come into being. They will forget all about our honored fraternity in their lust to spawn Canines."

The rustling of the upper chamber made the MIrror Crab aware that it had erred, but how? Whyfore did they rustle, as though it had taken a step backwards or forwards?

"Witness Crab!" demanded the FIre Crab, pinching its knife hands together in a gesture of triumph, "Was the female human who destroyed the Winter Crab's vestige the Deadly One? Was it that same Deadly One who is always surrounded by dogs?"

"No!" piped up the Witness Crab in a voice that was probably super repulsive, and definitely not adorable like a little sister or something "No dogs!"

The Dusk Crab's pincer moved with incredible speed, seizing the Mirror Crab about its crabdomen and lifting it up into the middle of the Chamber, holding it where the Elder's eyestalks could see both sides of it at once.

"The Heedless One courts two females?!" It demanded. "How many crabs will be smashed before it can make dogs with both of them? And is there any guarantee that it will stop at two? How many females will it take to satisfy this lustful fiend?"

The Mirror Crab, held aloft and helpless in the Elder's pincers, thought faster than it ever had in its life. This was no doubt slow by our standards, but remember that the being it had to fool was just another foolish crab.

If it spoke for clemancy, it would be crushed for its cowardice. If it spoke for revenge, it would be forced to lead that effort, which would inevitably be fatal.

Advance and retreat were both out. Its argument must go sideways, ever sideways.

"This cannot be born," it said. "The dignity of the Hermitage must be upheld!"

The rustling slowed, the Elder's stalks extended, as the chamber fell still, waiting for the Mirror Crab's plan. All assembled knew that it had already claimed one victory over the Heedless One, and that it was the natural choice to stifle his future attacks.

"But to pinch a human twice," he said, snipping the air before it, "Would be beneath us. I have already proven our martial supremacy to this human. What would it avail to do so again? The damage that we do must be worse than mere physical damage. We must strike at its weak point. At its honor!"

"You have a plan?" grumbled the Dusk Crab.

"The Heedless One pursues two females, this we know," it said, pointing a claw over at the Witness Crab, which aped its gesture in a manner definitely didn't make you want to pat its head, or maybe protect it "Its fellow males will be slighted by this selfishness! Their mating sacks will swell with vengeance!"

Even the Upper Chamber, scions of arthropod lineage that they were, could tell that they were in the presence of greatness. Such poise and diction, such effortless penetration into the mysteries of human society. It was not for nothing that the Mirror Crab spent its days so close to the dreadful humans, it's eyes always extended and locked upon their forms.

"We will make of the humans our very knife hands!" it said, clipping its hands before it in excitement. "We will watch, always watch, from the shadows and the edges. Our stalks and tunnels, our swift changing armor skin. All will be put to perfect use. We, nature's perfect spies, will learn everything of its movements. We will find its friends, and, my kindred, we will find its enemies!"

The Fire Crab was the first to pinch along with it, their rancor swept away in diabolical lust to spy on and hurt the righteous.

"And then?" asked the Dusk Crab, though in truth it thought it already saw where this was going.

"We help those enemies!" snarled the Mirror Crab. "We will lead them to the secrets that only we know about, gift them with treasures useless to us, and long lost to the depths. The Heedless One will find at every turn its foes are blessed by Heaven, and curse its ill luck."

The Dusk Crab released the creature, even its great mind awed by the prospect of standing in for Heaven. The Crabs, so long beneath, would stand now above. A blasphemous reversal that perfectly suited their vile natures.

"But it will not be luck," finished the Mirror Crab. "For the Heedless One, there is no luck. As long as his days shall last, so shall there be enmity between us. Our knife hands will cut every line it relies upon. Our armored forms will foul the gears of it's plans. Our slantways tread will forever be across the track of its destiny!"

Once again there was the rustling, but this time it rose from all around. Above and below, every section of the chamber rustled alike at this ultimate insult to the Heedless One. The Crabs were united in their enmity, their tiny minds alight with the possibilities of this devilish scheme.


Jin Yazhu squinted at his materials, determined to avoid a repeat of the previous fiasco.

He counted them again, consulted his diagrams.

It couldn't be. It absolutely couldn't. Treasures of the market simply didn't multiply over night. This had to be some sort of vile Kong trick.

But try as he might, he couldn't figure out what it could possibly be. He had, with no explanation or reason, simply gained an extra treasure.

This was a Deep Thread, sure as the day was long. He couldn't be deceived in this. It positively dripped Water Anam, as well as some other kind that he couldn't immediately identify, a kind that brought knives and sideways movement to mind.

He spent another hour assuring himself of his good fortune, heart dancing with delight. He'd promised his champion five charms, the better to show his family method's diversity and superiority, but with this...six was far from out of the question.

He stopped, the teachings of his family resounding throughout his mind. Boldness was often rewarded, cowardice often punished.

Slowly, as though in a trance, he spread out his diagrams, idly brushing strange specs of wetness away. How had those got there? But there was no time to consider that any further.

Six. Six, yes, if he did his very best with what had already appeared. But there had been no reason to expect this sudden gift, no sign that it had been approaching.

And that meant that there was no reason to think that there wouldn't be another.

Did he have the drive, the tenacity, the Yazhu spirit enough to strive for seven? It would mean trusting in his sudden good karma completely, but he could do it. Seven Charms, enough to bury that fool of a Kong no matter how hard he worked. He would have to begin work right now, and simply trust that fortune would once again shower him with another treasure before the end of his labors. If it didn't, if he had to leave and search for himself, then he would only get five completed.

For just a moment, he weighed his choices. Go ahead with the original plan and craft the five? Take Heaven's blessing and stretch for six? Or dare Fate to follow through on its commitments, bet big, and start working on all seven.

He didn't weight them long. He was a Yazhu. The family words were "He who will do anything, can do anything." He wasted no further time.

He moved around his work environment, setting each diagram up next to the one before, such that ultimately they formed an unbroken circle around him. This would demand the utmost concentration. It would be, up to this point, the greatest labor of a life well lived.

He made a mark, stepped to his left, made another, stepped again, his mind leaping from problem to problem, his hand unconsciously rubbing the Deep Thread that he'd knotted around his fingers.

Another step, and then another, the strange Anam filling his mind as he spiraled about his work.

Stepping sideways, ever sideways.
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For his charms to be "bad", he'd have to be down to average 16 successes-or-less per charm - which means either his Phys talent is 1 (unlikely) his Drive is bad (very unlikely) or his phys is 2 and he was only able to average 2.5-crafts-or-less per week, which would be the most likely of the options I guess - especially if he's actually infusing them all/mostly manually, or has to schmooze, do Tian actions, earn materials, stuff like that.
If he's actually a great crafter, had a massive cash infusion, and devoted basically all his time to this, we could be outclassed - but damn would he have crippled his progress in order to become a human sweatshop.

If we get outclassed that badly (every charm he has is WW-level), it's probably better to just leave charmcrafting to the mass production specialists and just become a muscle wizard. I mean that kind of disparity, comparing the difference in the paradigms of artist vs craftsman, is insane. Instead of being the artists who craft masterpieces we're like the cottage industries that get swept away by the industrial scale factories.

Best to bow to the inevitable, in that case.
If we get outclassed that badly (every charm he has is WW-level), it's probably better to just leave charmcrafting to the mass production specialists and just become a muscle wizard. I mean that kind of disparity, comparing the difference in the paradigms of artist vs craftsman, is insane. Instead of being the artists who craft masterpieces we're like the cottage industries that get swept away by the industrial scale factories.

Best to bow to the inevitable, in that case.
Or we could become a refiner and make dru- I mean cultivation aids for other people.
If we get outclassed that badly (every charm he has is WW-level), it's probably better to just leave charmcrafting to the mass production specialists and just become a muscle wizard. I mean that kind of disparity, comparing the difference in the paradigms of artist vs craftsman, is insane. Instead of being the artists who craft masterpieces we're like the cottage industries that get swept away by the industrial scale factories.

Best to bow to the inevitable, in that case.
Or next time we could sabotage the factories like a proper Luddite.
Part of what I was trying to outline was that if we get outclassed badly, it's likely because he had a combination of a bonkers-head start, neglecting literally any other tasks, and an insane amount of resources dumped into this duel (literally a year's worth just in the pills that would be required to infuse, to say nothing of the materials)
If we see Jin with, instead, a bunch of BT16 ish charms, that means he's operating on a sane (though still probably higher than our) budget with comparable skills.

I mostly expect his charms won't all be the same quality - he probably has 1 or 2 standouts (I suspect the Sash and Chakram) and cut corners on the rest (The scarves and squirrel thing, possibly also the anklet)
Jin's real strength that fucks everything up is that he has some kind of parallel build trick that lets him work on multiple projects with the same action, at the risk of potentially introducing faults or botching it.

So like, he invests three actions and produces three charms because two of them were copies of each other and the other one was a related topic.
Jin's real strength that fucks everything up is that he has some kind of parallel build trick that lets him work on multiple projects with the same action, at the risk of potentially introducing faults or botching it.

So like, he invests three actions and produces three charms because two of them were copies of each other and the other one was a related topic.

The Sash and the two Scarves were prolly made all at once.
Jin's real strength that fucks everything up is that he has some kind of parallel build trick that lets him work on multiple projects with the same action, at the risk of potentially introducing faults or botching it.

So like, he invests three actions and produces three charms because two of them were copies of each other and the other one was a related topic.

The Sash and the two Scarves were prolly made all at once.
While we have been told that, we don't really know what that looks like mechanically - so I was simply offering a "What KZ could hypothetically have done knowing the mechanics we know"
The Potter by colah
Omake imagining what it might be like to be a pottery focused crafter

The spinning clay was almost meditative under Du Shi's fingers, rich mud anam tingling against his skin. This was one of his favorite parts of pottery. It flowed under his touch, the lightest brush to smooth out a rough edge, and a firm grip to solidify and create a pot. Although this was a small jar that could be used to store anam, as opposed to the heavier, better known urns, the entire process was still based on the same principles. Du Shi mentally added in the details as he continued to mould the jar.

Urns, jars, pots, and other containers for storing anam were his most common commission. Pottery was associated with containers, and there was demand for anam storage. The Delving Heart was full of small Natural Wonders, and some of those had rare anams that couldn't be found in larger quanttities. A large urn at the wonder could store a trickle of that rare anam, building up a reservoir for future projects. Small jars, on the other hand, could be portable. They were smaller reservoirs which an artist could use to store and use the anam, releasing it only when necessary.

But Shi wished that he had more variety in his commissions. Pottery was useful for much more than storage, and many potent forms of anam can be found in clay. While clay containing mud anam was the most abundant and readily available, many other forms could also be found. Clay in a riverbed might contain water anam. Clay around the decomposing corpses of animals might absorb beast anam, or even death. To say nothing of the deposits of clay he found from around long dead spirit beasts caught in a cave collapse. Sometimes the anam of dead spirit beasts would seep deap into the ground and pool, forming extremely potent clay anams.

But he was grateful for the income from the commissions, despite them leaving him feeling constrained. So he continued to spin his small jar, wrapping it with string as he finished. He took it over to a rack and set it down. The jar glowed with a tiny quantity of anam, sealed within.

"See," he said, smiling. "Not much. But this could store enough anam to be useful to an artist."

"Passable," agreed Senior Sister Qin, and that was high praise from her. The older woman hadn't looked up from her work as she said that. The woman's fingers were almost gliding across the clay of her own. She was a master of pottery, and Shi admired her. Under her tutelage, Shi had learned a great deal of what he knew.

"You have grown in the craft," continued Senior Sister Qin. "But the truth is, you're not yet a true artist. You focus only on technique and the materials. Artistry requires more. We create something from nothing, then we refine and shape it. You must pay attention to the smallest details of what you're creating. After all, they will be left behind forever."

"I understand," said Du Shi, bowing slightly.

Senior Sister Qin did not respond, returning the entirety of her attention to the clay in front of her. Her fingers seemed to dance across it, weaving a series of complex decorations.

Shi returned to the anam storage jars and resumed his work, this time not focused on the spinning clay, but on his own thoughts.

The master had a point. Even for something as typical as making a storage jar, he needed to be held to the highest standard. The right clay to use, to first prepare, the care to grind it into the right consistency, the toluene used for the anam to flow into the pots. The shape of the jar, the place where the anam would enter and exit the jar, how to form the clay... all of these needed to be taken into account for each commission. And the subtle artistry of brining it elegantly together on top of that. He would not let the repetitiveness of the commission distract him from the pursuit of excellence.

And soon he would be able to return to his personal projects, with the funds to source a rare war anam clay...
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78. A Duel of Champions
A/N: A big thanks to the 24 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[X] Plan Don't Hold Back: She has a charm that's designed to provide defense at range and a ranged attack charm with effects that may compound over time. The anklet has a good chance of being a mobility enhancer based on where it's worn. The statue may be a summon of some sort or a completely unknown effect. I believe that considering the anam batteries and the ranged charms, Jin's plan is to fight a battle of attrition. You should do what you can to finish the fight quickly, including using the Dance as soon as possible.
"Strike quickly, strike hard, and strike true," you mutter in response. "Considering the separate anam pools and the ranged charms, it seems likely they will attempt to turn this into a battle of attrition. Don't let them. Unleash the Dance as quickly as possible- oh, and beware the statue. The anklet may be some form of mobility enhancer, but I have little idea what the statue does."

Jai Fa takes your words in and gives you a sharp nod. "Very well. I shall not let you down." Then she turns away from you and returns her focus to the battlefield. Her breathing slows and evens and you don't have to see her face to know that her eyes are falling closed. All of her focus is now on the fight ahead; she has no more use for words.

Still, there's always a chance to gain more knowledge. You ignore the battlefield itself and turn your gaze back to Jin Yazhu's table. If you can catch a glimpse of just one more rune, it could spell the difference in the battle to come.

As you turn, Jin Yazhu seems to be finishing his own whispered conversation with Mei Daiyu, his eyes locked onto your own arsenal. Hastily, you step to the side, blocking his view of your smaller charms. The runes for the Midnight Crossroads are all within the box, so there is no risk of him gleaning their secrets, but the Widow's Ward and the Vitriolic Retort have no such protection. With your move, Jin Yazhu scowls, but continues his hurried instructions.

For Mei Daiyu's part, she seems utterly relaxed. Her arms hang loosely to her sides, her posture calm but ready, and her face… utterly inscrutable. Even when her gaze dances over you her features remain blank. She may as well not even recognize you for all the expression on her face.

You can't help but stare at her. Why? You know that you… that you have your differences, but why would anyone lower themselves to work with a Jin? Does she hate you that much now? Or did he simply offer her a good enough payment- as if any charm crafted by a Jin is worth a warrior like Mei Daiyu. There must be another reason.

But you have no time to contemplate what that reason is. Behind you, the noise of the crowd begins to fall until it is almost non-existent. You glance over your shoulder to see that three newcomers have entered the training ground. They don't even look towards the stands nor to the wonderful sight upon Ming Hui's station. Instead, they stride straight for the space between your two tables.

As they approach, you take the time to look them all over in turn. The first is a miniscule girl dressed in a simple summer wrap. She is at least two feet shorter than you and her features resemble a child barely into her adolescence. Despite her apparent youth, she walks with purpose, and the attention of the crowd slides off of her like water off a duck's back. At her side walks her polar opposite: a tall, gangly man with unkempt hair dangling down to the small of his back. Twigs, pebbles, and other detritus hang from his curls, and he pays them precisely no attention save for when they swing wildly and slap him in the face. Even that only merits a quick gesture to bat them away.

Trailing behind them comes a third disciple. Unlike the other two, he is dressed in a simple robe that seems like it was sewn from the same fabric as your own. The only difference is that where yours is rumpled and worn, his is as pristine as if he had just taken it from the loom. The robe is draped over a tall frame with skin so dark that the tattoos running down the side of his face are barely visible.

Each of them walks with power, purpose, and as if none of the disciples they're walking past mean a thing to them.

So these are the judges.

Your thoughts are confirmed when they reach the spot between your table and Jin Yazhu's. The unkempt boy makes his way towards you and the small girl to your rival. The last disciple takes a position directly between the two tables and turns to face the crowd. "I am Yuan Luoyang of the Fifth Circle," he begins without preamble. "To my right is Tan Da of the Seventh and to my left is Xiao Mu, also of the Seventh. We are empowered by Teng Hua of the Third, and Elder Tian above him, to officiate this contest."

He looks first at you and then at Jin Yazhu. "Our words and our judgement are final. There will be no appeals accepted. Any disputes will be swallowed and forgotten. Is that understood."

It is not a question. Still, you nod to your senior. Yuan Luoyang looks to Jin Yazhu who nods as well. Having received both of your affirmations, the senior disciples continues, "Before the challenge commences, charms and champions will be thoroughly inspected. Should any sign of subterfuge be discovered, the guilty party shall forfeit the challenge."

The other two judges waste no time in putting Yuan Luoyang's words into action. Xiao Mu immediately makes a beeline for the Dance at the MIdnight Crossroads. He spends a dozen heartbeats pouring over the outside of the box with his senses both mortal and cultivation-given. It takes him a long while to finish his inspection, after which he cracks it open and repeats the process. Whatever he finds seems to satisfy him, whereupon he closes the doors once more, and moves on to a Moment's Respite.

When he's finished with your rings, it's the Vitriolic Retort he turns his attention to. As he scoops up the gauntlet and repeats the process, you frown in thought. What exactly is he doing to verify the integrity of your charms? What kind of anam is he cycling? What power lends itself to judging an artisan's duel? Curiously, you reach out with your sixth sense-

And find nothing. Or rather, you find too much. Xiao Mu is practically bursting with anam, and it doesn't seem focused in any one place in his body. Instead it weaves throughout every part of him, constantly moving and churning, racing along so quickly that you can't even hope to get a sense for it's aspects.

The judge puts down the Vitriolic Retort and moves to the Widow's Ward. As he begins turning the beads to get a closer look at the runework, he mutters, "Glyphs seem in order. Smith is competent, if obscenely rude. Should focus more on his own challenges instead of prying into one's personal space before something unfortunate happens to him."

You pull back your sixth sense like it's encountered a hissing cobra and incline deeply. But before you can even begin your mixed apology and question- it's possible to tell when you're being searched by someone's sixth sense?!- Xiao Mu is already done. He puts the Widow's Ward down on your table and makes his way back to Yuan Luoyang. A whispered report later and he's moving on, heading towards Mei Daiyu. He immediately begins an inspection of Jin Yazhu's champion, dismissing your apparent rudeness from his mind like he would a passing cloud.

Tan Da takes substantially longer to inspect Jin Yazhu's charms. Xiao Mu is already finished looking over Mei Daiyu before the smaller girl can move on to Jai Fa. It may have taken her longer to get there but her search of your own champion is no less thorough. Jai Fa takes the poking and prodding with good grace, moving to allow the judge better access without even being asked. The inspection is quick and efficient, and it's over shortly after it has began. Tan Da turns from Jai Fa without a word and strolls back to where Yuan Luoyang and Xiao Mu are waiting.

The three judges trade glances, and Yuan Luoyang inclines his head by the barest of fractions. "Everything is in order!" he proclaims. "Artisans! Step away from your charms and join us. Champions! Arm yourselves and take center field!"

You hold your hands up to show that you aren't even thinking about touching your charms as you step away. Jai Fa approaches your table as you leave it and gives you a solemn nod. With quick motions she slides a Moment's Respite onto her left hand, the Vitriolic Retort on her right, the Widow's Ward around her neck, and the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads on her back. Fully armed, she turns and makes her way back to the field. You watch her go for one long moment before letting out a long exhalation and moving towards the judges.

That's really that. You have now done absolutely everything you possibly can to ensure your success. From here on out, it's all in Jai Fa's hands. Against most opponents, you would have nothing but confidence in your friend's chances. But against Mei Daiyu…

No. You need to have faith. Faith in your friend, and faith in your art. You will win this challenge. There is no other option.

You reach the judges at the same time Jin Yazhu does. The two of you trade poisonous looks before deliberately turning to face the battlefield. You have no need to speak with or even look at Jin Yazhu any more. You have Jai Fa for that.

Beside you, Tan Da snorts and Xiao Mu shakes his head. But Yuan Luoyang doesn't seem to register your byplay. Instead, he speaks to the both of you in a soft voice that cannot be heard outside your small group. "During the duel, you will be asked questions about your charmwork," he informs you. "Answer them quickly, honestly, and completely if you do not wish to try our patience."

"Yes, Honored Elder Brother."

"Yes, sir."

"Good." With his piece said, Yuan Luoyang looks out into the makeshift arena. The crowd has recovered from the judges' arrival and the murmur is turning into a dull roar of noise once more. The sound doesn't seem to reach either Jai Fa or Mei Daiyu, however. The two stand feet apart, their lips moving as they trade words you cannot even hope to hear. When Yuan Luoyang raises one of his hands, their conversation ceases and both take one step back.

The crowd hushes once more. Jai Fa's grip tightens on the straps holding the Crossroads to her back. Mei Daiyu tosses her head, sending her hair cascading down her back. A vein in Jin Yazhu's forehead dances merrily. You bite the inside of your cheek so hard that it draws blood.

Out in the stands, Lan lets out a baleful howl.

Yuan Luoyang lets his hand fall. "Begin!"

The word hasn't even left the air before Mei Daiyu springs into action. One of her feet stomps down on the dirt, sending a cloud of dust into the air. Around her leg the anklet begins to shine. Wind anam bursts from it, kicking up a small gale that seems focused on her feet. Mei Daiyu takes another step back and another, testing her speed, before darting forward faster than you've ever seen her move before.

But no matter how fast she's moving, she's not faster than the thoughts of a prepared Jai Fa. As Mei Daiyu darts in, she's met with the front of your wooden box. Jai Fa presses her hand to the top and flares her anam. The runes in the wood glow and burn your eyes- and the doors fling themselves open.

Out of the box emerges the dark shadow you saw when testing the box, but this is no small manifestation brought on by mere trickles of anam. This is a full-fledged activation and the shadow that emerges from the box is a towering figure of darkness. The Rakshasa seems to let out a cry of challenge as it springs into existence, meeting Mei Daiyu moments before she can reach Jai Fa.

The appearance of the beast seems to take Mei Daiyu aback. She freezes mid-charge, but only for a fraction of a second. Then she's bending and twisting, ducking past the monster and aiming a palm strike at Jai Fa. Your friend steps back, falling into her own combat stance. Mei Daiyu's palms meet Jai Fa's fists with a slap of flesh on flesh. Your Champion is forced back another step from the sheer speed of Mei Daiyu's rush. The opponent reaches out and grabs Fa, preparing to throw her-

Only to be stopped by a strike from the Midnight Rakshasa. The dark figure's claws lash out and grab Mei Daiyu before she can fully commit to the throw. Instead of Jai Fa going flying, it's Mei Daiyu who is plucked from the ground and sent into a spin. The Rakshasa brings her full-circle, where she is stopped by a strike from Jai Fa to her solar plexus.

"Kong Zhi," Yuan Luoyang intones. "Explain what we are witnessing."

You nod. "What you see before you is the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads, my most recent creation. It uses a combination of Hunger, Night, and Mind anam to manifest aid for whomever summons it. It is more than a match for lesser warriors on it's own, and when paired with another fighter it is capable of reaching even greater heights."

Your words are given truth as the Dark Rakshasa strides into battle once more. Mei Daiyu lashes out blindly at it, her palms aiming unerringly for where the thing's heart should be. But the Rakshasa is ready and waiting for her. It moves its arms lightning quick, trapping the incoming strike with it's ethereal sleeves. A twist of the hips later and Mei Daiyu is soaring through the air once more. She crashes to the earth and only barely rolls out of the way of Jai Fa's heel.

You frown. She shouldn't have been able to dodge that strike. Even with how good Mei Daiyu is, that was fast and on target. Your opponent should be spitting out fragments of Jai Fa's sandal right now. And that isn't missed by the judges either. "Jin Yazhu," Yuan Luoyang says. "Explain your champion's speed."

"Yes sir," Jin Yazhu barks out, eyes wide as he takes in the scene before him. But for all his seeming horror at the MIdnight Crossroads, his voice is unbroken and strong. "Mei Daiyu is currently influenced by the power of my Quickened Step charm. It channels Wind anam directly into the users muscles, stimulating hasty movement and enhancing their reflexes."

"I see," Yuan Luoyang replies. "Now, Kong Zhi, what is your champion doing?"

You cast your gaze back to the field, where Jai Fa has allowed the Rakshasa to engage Mei Daiyu on it's own. Instead of charging in, she's holding up the hand encased in the Vitriolic Retort. The shadows surrounding her flicker and change as the rings glow bright with an acidic green. "She appears to be preparing to fire another charm," you answer. "That is the Vitriolic Retort. It fires a bolt of acid with pure force anam, allowing enhanced strikes from a distance."

The words are no sooner out of your mouth than Jai Fa unleashes the Retort. It lashes out, striking right through a hole in Mei Daiyu's guard opened by the Rakshasa. The acid burns deep into your former teacher's gut, drawing a pained grunt from those painted lips. She staggers back, hands raised defensively-

Only for one hand to dart to her sash. The small squirrel sculpture which had been hanging there is plucked from it's home and sent crashing to the dirt. The thin wood shatters at the impact. In seconds, what was once a facsimile of a squirrel is gone, leaving only splinters and a fine red mist which rises from the spot like a noxious cloud.

But if it is a noxious cloud, it's one that Mei Daiyu relishes. She steps into it and breathes deeply. Almost instantly, the small wounds that have opened up from this brief struggle close, as if they were never there. Even the burn on her stomach seems less severe. The pained expression fades from her face and she resumes her ready stance.

You scowl. You need no explanation from Jin Yazhu to tell you what just happened. The squirrel was nothing more than a container for a healing technique- one that Mei Daiyu has activated the moment she felt she was in any kind of danger. You turn and spit to the side, shaking your head all the while. It's technically a charm, so it isn't against the rules. But still; it feels against the spirit of them. Jin Yazhu certainly doesn't seem to feel that way. He seems as pleased as anything at the fruits of his labor.

Out on the field, Mei Daiyu is too busy to look pleased. Her hands are darting from place to place, fending off every strike by the Rakshasa. Finally, she catches the shadow and heaves it off into the distance. The creature spins and lands on its feet, but the newfound distance still gives Mei Daiyu the time she needs. Her hand darts to her sash again, this time coming away with the Chakram.

With a spin and a yell of effort Mei Daiyu lets the chakram fly. It shoots straight through the Rakshasa, and only a quick dive to the side keeps it from carving into Jai Fa. Your friend rolls to her feet and wastes no time in aiming the Retort at her foe once more. Again, the acid bolt shoots out, and again it buries itself deep in Mei Daiyu. But again, the blood mist rushes into your foe, healing the damage as quickly as it's being caused.

With Mei Daiyu now weaponless, Jai Fa hurries to close the distance. The Retort is forgotten as she charges back into the fray. But as she draws back her fist, the gloves on Mei Daiyu's hands sparkle and glow. One moment, they are empty. The next they are holding the Chakram once again. Mei Daiyu lifts the weapon, sharp edge gleaming as it's placed directly in Jai Fa's path.

"Jin Yazhu?" Yuan Luoyang rumbles.

"Those, seniors, are two separate charms working in unison," the dog of Jin explains. "The blade is the New Moon, and it has been tailored specifically to Mei Daiyu's strengths. It allows her the full power of her martial style and adds to it with it's innate anam. The added range also gives her additional options, and should she choose to throw it, she can activate the Callback Gloves."

You snort, drawing a glare from Jin Yazhu. "Is there some sort of problem, Kong Zhi?" he spits.

"Artisans, do not address each other," Yuan Luoyang instructs Jin Yazhu, saving you from having to give your opinion on the mongrel's naming scheme. Callback Gloves? Really? How pedestrian can you be? "Jin Yazhu, you were explaining your gloves?"

Jin Yazhu continues glaring at you but he resumes his answer. "Yes. The Callback Gloves. They form a bond with an item- in this case, New Moon- and can then be used to call said item from anywhere with a simple expenditure of anam. This may seem to be a petty effect, but in truth, it makes it so that whoever wears the gloves is never truly unarmed."

As he speaks, the blade flashes, digging deep into Jai Fa's arm. Your champion lets out a growl, and for a moment, you worry. But that only lasts until the cords around her neck flash with a crimson light. Mei Daiyu's next strike is met by a mournful cry and a pane of blood-red armor as the Widow's Ward goes to work. The blade bounces off the armor, sending Mei Daiyu spinning into another strike from the Rakshasa.

But that's not all the Widow's Ward does. Your eyes widen as the armor seems to throb, resonating with the cloud of anam from Jin's near-charm. Jai Fa lets out a surprised hiss as some of the anam floods into her instead of Mei Daiyu, healing her miniscule wounds as easily as it had healed Mei Daiyu's greater ones.

A strangled sound escaped Jin Yazhu's throat and the glare he gives you makes his earlier one look like a child's frown. The judges pay him no mind though. Instead, Yuan Luoyang lifts an eyebrow at you. "Kong Zhi?"

It takes you a moment to reply this time as your mind tries desperately to figure out what just happened. "That was the Widow's Ward," you reply, explaining your work as you stall. "It uses blood and sorrow anam to both armor the user and grant them additional protection. The latter comes from the blood anam, which bleeds into the user's body for a brief moment, hardening the skin and… making it more… difficult to penetrate the veins…"

You trail off as you realize what has just occurred. "As a side-effect," you add, "The Widow's Ward can cause the wielder to absorb more blood anam than just it's own. In this case, it opened Jai Fa's system to blood as she was standing in the cloud caused by the earlier charm. This enhanced the effect but also drew part of it into her using the Ward as a bridge."

Xiao Mu scratches his chin before speaking up for the first time since the duel began. "Cunning work," he muses. "But that doesn't seem to have many applications outside of preventing an opponent's healing."

"Yes...," you reply, mind still going a thousand miles a minute.That effect was completely unintentional, and it wouldn't even have happened if Mei Daiyu had not already unleashed a blood charm of her own. Still, there is no reason not to take credit for your good fortune. "...that is true. But that is enough for now."

Your accidental genius doesn't last long. Moments after the healing of Jai Fa's wounds, the mist vanishes, taking with it it's healing properties. You bite back a curse at the sudden loss of your newfound advantage. However, Jai Fa doesn't seem to share your feelings. With an effort of will, the Tyrant's Blade manifests in Jai Fa's hand and she swings, meeting New Moon with steel forged from her own will.

Jin Yazhu's creation holds up admirably against Jai Fa's technique. The two stand there for seconds, pitting strength against strength with neither proving superior. That is, until Mei Daiyu twists, sending the Tyrant's Blade sliding down her chakram and past her shoulder. Jai Fa stumbles forward and Mei Daiyu draws back to strike-

-only to again be met by the Rakshasa. It's bone white demonic mask leers at Mei Daiyu from an inch away before it lashes out, planting it's heel firmly in Mei Daiyu's midsection. The minstrel's disciple doubles over from the kick, exposing her chin. It's an opening the Rakshasa cannot help but take. A palm strike hammers Mei Daiyu in the side of the face, sending her sprawling.

Jai Fa is there to meet her when she staggers away. This time, your champion ignores her techniques. Instead she lunges forward with nothing but her fists and her training. Caught off balance as she is, Mei Daiyu has no choice but to accept your friend's punishing strike.

At least, that's what you think until the sash around Mei Daiyu's waist flares with a bright light. The wind caused by her anklet intensifies and surrounds her, turning a localized gale into a raging wind storm. The dirt from the field kicks up around her, surrounding her in a haze of sand and dust. Jai Fa staggers back, her strike halted mid-motion by the abrupt change in conditions.

The Rakshasa has no such limits. It dives into the windstorm without hesitation. You cannot see what's happening, but you can hear Mei Daiyu let out a grunt of pain. Your creation must have struck true.

Sure enough, when the windstorm dies, Daiyu is bleeding from new claw marks in her shoulder. She stares at the figure of darkness with a look of utter bewilderment as she clutches her new wound. The Rakshasa stares back, cocking its head at the right angle to match the tilt of Mei Daiyu's head.

You let out a small sigh. Just as you suspected; the Midnight Crossroads is simply too much for any combination of Jin Yazhu's charms to handle. All you need to do is let it whittle Mei Daiyu down and this duel is as good as…

The Rakshasa flickers. One moment it's there, a figure so dark that it's like a piece of the night was carved from the sky and placed before you. A breath later, it's indistinct and hazy. The sharpness of it's form returns quickly, but it's hazy again a moment later.

...oh no. Oh no. The anam holding the Rakshasa together is beginning to dissipate.

Beside you, Jin Yazhu is explaining his sash design to the judges. You're barely paying it any attention; something about wind and dust anam. Nothing you can't figure out simply by looking at it. Instead of listening, you cup your hands to your mouth. "FA!" you bellow as loudly as you can, cutting through the noise of the crowd.

Jai Fa's face snaps towards you, confusion writ large upon it. Later, you'll realize you've been overly familiar in your form of address, but right now you couldn't care less. You gesture at the Rakshasa. "You need to finish this now!"

Your champion follows your finger and spots the hazy shadow instantly. She doesn't do anything as foolish as acknowledge your words. Instead, she charges in, fists flying.

She wasn't the only one to hear your warning however. Mei Daiyu's ears are just as functional as ever, and Jai Fa's charge is met by a dust storm that makes the last look like a gentle breeze. Jai Fa has no chance of breaking through. And with your champion warded off, Mei Daiyu is better able to fend off the shadowy claws of your fading creation.

Then all at once, the dust storm dies.

Yuan Luoyang looks over at Jin Yazhu. "Has something gone wrong?"

Your rival shakes his head. "It... the Hazy Gaze has a limit built into it. It is not capable of cycling an abundance of anam for too long before a limiter is triggered and burns the runes out."

"And why would you have one of those built into a combat charm, where every second of activation is crucial?"

"To prevent harm to the user," Jin Yazhu answers promptly. "Too much anam will make the sash combust. While the loss of the charm for the battle may be troubling, an inferno around the artist's waist is far more so."

Yuan Luoyang says something else, but once again you are not listening. The sash around Mei Daiyu's waist is dark and faded. It is nothing more than normal cloth once again. And around her arm, both scarves that were tied there have faded as well, the anam within drawn forth to power the dust storm. But New Moon still shines brightly and the Callback Gloves are unmarred. Mei Daiyu's defenses are down and she is heavily wounded, but she is still dangerous.

If Jai Fa cannot finish this right now, before the Rakshasa vanishes, you dread what will come next.

But that's not a situation Jai Fa is willing to entertain. The moment the dust settles, she is in motion once again. Mei Daiyu lifts her weapon to defend herself and succeeds in warding off the indistinct Rakshasa for once- but it takes all of her attention. Jai Fa's fist crashes through her weakened guard, sending your former teacher sprawling on the dirt.

When she goes to stand, it's to find Jai Fa standing over her, fist drawn back. Your champion mutters something to Jin Yazhu's, who stares at her for a very long moment. Her eyes dart from Jai Fa to behind her, where anam has given up holding the darkness together. The Midnight Rakshasa does not so much fade away as blink from existence, leaving your former sparring partners the only ones standing on the battlefield.

Calculation flashes on Mei Daiyu's face. You can almost read her thoughts as she considers her options. The Rakshasa is gone, leaving her with one opponent. Jai Fa is a difficult foe, but Mei Daiyu has beaten her before. She could likely do it again, especially considering how much anam Jai Fa has channeled into the charms. But that's not considering the beating Mei Daiyu has already taken- and Jai Fa hasn't even had to call upon A Moment's Respite yet. Mei Daiyu is all too familiar with how that charm can swing a battle.

So in the end, she nods, and flops back down on the ground.
Combat Log
Jai Fa vs. Mei Daiyu
Dexterity: 2 vs. 3 (Mei Daiyu claims Tempo)
Damage Threshold: 13 vs. 13
Physical Stress Boxes: 4 vs. 4
Anam: 24 vs. 21
Armaments: Widow's Ward/A Moment's Respite/Vitriolic Retort/Dance at the Midnight Crossroads vs. Refreshing Draught x2/A Quickened Step/Callback Gloves/Hazy Gaze/New Moon/Healing Companion
Victory Condition: EIther one combatant is reduced to one physical stress box or the bout is called by the Judges.

Round One: Daiyu has Tempo
Fa activates Dance at the Midnight Crossroads! -5 Anam. Dark Rakshasa appears for 8 rounds.
Daiyu activates A Quickened Step! -2 Anam. +2 Tempo Successes for 10 rounds.
Draw! Daiyu retains Tempo. Fa is at 19/24 anam. Daiyu is at 19/21 anam.

Round Two: Daiyu has Tempo
Fa rolls 18d10s7 (Path of the Juggernaut). 6 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 9 Successes!
Mei Daiyu rolls 21d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance). 5 Successes!
Fa +10 (+8 for Tempo). Mei Daiyu is at 3/13. Fa is at 19/24 anam. Daiyu is at 19/21 anam. Dark Rakshasa has 7 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 9 rounds remaining. Fa seizes Tempo.

Round Three: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 9 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort). 4 Successes! -3 Anam.
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 9 Successes!
Fa +4 (+2 for Tempo). Mei Daiyu is at 12/13, Box 2. Fa is at 16/24 anam. Daiyu is at 19/21 anam. Dark Rakshasa has 6 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 8 rounds remaining. Vitriolic Retort subtracts 1 success from Mei Daiyu for 1d4 (2) Rounds. Fa retains Tempo.
Mei Daiyu breaks the Healing Companion! Mei Daiyu is at 3/13, Box 1. Healing Companion has 2 Rounds remaining.

Round Four: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8. (Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 7 6 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d10s7 (Vitriolic Retort). 6 Successes! -3 Anam.
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 5 successes!
Fa +5 (+3 for Tempo). Healing companion restores 5 points of damage. Daiyu activates Callback Gloves. Healing Companion has 1 Round remaining. Fa is at 13/24 anam. Daiyu is at 18/21 anam. Daiyu is at 3/13, Box One. Dark Rakshasa has 5 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 7 rounds remaining. Vitriolic Retort subtracts 1 success from Mei Daiyu for another 1 Round. Fa retains Tempo.

Round Five: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8 (Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 10 9 Successes!
Fa rolls 15d10s8 (Widow's Ward). TYPE ADVANTAGE- 5 Successes! -2 Anam.
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 9 Successes!
Fa +5 (+3 for Tempo). ANAM INTERACTION- Healing Companion restores 4 points of damage to both competitors. Healing Companion is expended. Fa is at 11/24 anam. Daiyu is at 18/21 anam. Daiyu is at 2/13, Box One. Dark Rakshasa has 4 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 6 rounds remaining. Vitriolic Retort is expended. Fa retains Tempo.

Round Six: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8(Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 4 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d0s8(Tyrant's Blade. 4 Successes! -3 Anam.
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 8 Successes!
Fa +8 (+6 for Tempo). Fa is at 8/24 anam. Daiyu is at 18/21 anam. Daiyu is at 7/13, Box Two. Dark Rakshasa has 3 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 5 rounds remaining. Fa retains Tempo.

Round Seven: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8(Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 4 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d10s7(Path of the Juggernaut). 7 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 13 Successes!
Daiyu activates Hazy Gaze! -5 anam, -5 successes from Fa's roll!
Daiyu activates Refreshing Draught! +5 anam to Daiyu. Refreshing Draught is expended.
Fa +9 (+7 for Tempo). Fa is at 8/24 anam. Daiyu is at 18/21 anam. Daiyu is at 11/13, Box Three. Dark Rakshasa has 2 rounds remaining. A Quickened Step has 4 rounds remaining. Fa retains Tempo.

Round Eight: Fa has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8(Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 6 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d10s7(Path of the Juggernaut). 8 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 8 Successes!
Daiyu activates Hazy Gaze! -8 anam, -8 successes from Fa's roll!
Daiyu activates Refreshing Draught! +5 anam to Daiyu. Refreshing Draught is expended.
Fa +2. (Draw for Tempo). Fa is at 8/24 anam. Daiyu is at 15/21 anam. Daiyu is at 9/13, Box Three. Dark Rakshasa has 1 round remaining. A Quickened Step has 3 rounds remaining. Hazy Gaze is burned out. Fa retains Tempo.

Round Nine: Fas has Tempo.
Daiyu rolls 24d10s8(Hummingbird's Dance/New Moon). 3 Successes!
Fa rolls 18d10s7(Path of the Juggernaut). 10 Successes!
The Midnight Rakshasa rolls 20d10s7 (Dance at the Midnight Crossroads). 3 successes!
Fa + 10 (+8 for Tempo). Fa is at 8/24 anam. Daiyu is at 15/21 anam. Daiyu is 12/13, Box Four. Dark Rakshasa is expended. A Quickened Step has 2 rounds remaining. Fa retaints Tempo.

Mei Daiyu has >1 Physical Stress Box remaining! Victory Condition met!
Jai Fa is victorious!
Yuan Luoyang raises a hand. "This challenge is concluded!" he bellows out. "We thank the Champions for their service. Artisans, leave us while we deliberate."

You pause for a moment, considering making one last argument for your own victory. But a look from Tan Da sends you on your way. Further words will not be appreciated. It's all in the hands of the judges now.

Instead, you rush to the center of the field, helping a staggering Jai Fa to her feet. She's breathing heavily and moving slowly, but she seems mostly unwounded. The same cannot be said for Mei Daiyu, whose core still burns bright but seems to have been run down by several wagons. The rival champion actually stops and gives you a long, unreadable look, but you push her out of your mind. You need to focus on Jai Fa now.

"You did superbly," you tell her, throwing her arm over her shoulder to help her stand. "My thanks. Should I lose this duel, it is not from a lack of effort on your part."

"I should hope not," Jai Fa grunts out. She leans on you for a long moment, weariness eating at her muscles, before gently pushing you away to stand on her own. "Your own work was… satisfactory. I now have several ideas for my payment."

"Wonderful. I cannot wait to hear them."

Mei Daiyu staggers back to her feet and stays there, standing in the middle of the field. She looks down at the charms that cover her body and considers them carefully. Then she tucks New Moon back into her sash and turns, waiting silently for the judge's verdict.

She is waiting a while, as are you all. The judges hold a whispered conference for long seconds that turn into tens of minutes. But finally, they turn away from each other. Yuan Luoyang steps forward.

"We have reached a decision!" he proclaims. The buzz of the crowd falls deathly silent as everyone strains their ears to hear what your seniors have to say. Even Xue, who had been yipping away merrily, is smothered by the seriousness of the situation. "Sister Teng Da, how do you rule?"

The seemingly adolescent girl steps forward. "I rule in favor of Artisan Kong Zhi!" she announces, sending a thrill of victory down your spine. "Each of his charms was individually well made and can stand on their own. Together, they allowed his champion to dictate the flow of battle and helped them claim victory!"

Her words are met with a small cheer from your friends, but it is quashed as Yuan Luoyang looks to the other judge. "Brother Xiao Mu, how do you rule?"

With a shower of twigs and gravel, the unkempt disciple steps forward. "I rule in favor of Jin Yazhu," he proclaims. Just like that, the thrill of victory vanishes under a weight of dread. "His charms were constructed specifically for the purpose of this challenge and tailored together to allow superior synergy while still keeping the safety of his champion in mind."

And just like that, you're tied.

It's all down to Yuan Luoyang.

The most senior disciple present nods. "This is a far more challenging task than I had thought it would be. Let us start with disciple Kong Zhi."

The Elder Disciple turns to you. "Apart from your 'Dance at the Midnight Crossroads', your charms were repetitive creations. No thought was put into who would be wielding them or how any of them would interact with their fellows. Also apart from your 'Dance', each of your works was housed in a piece of jewelry, showing a lack of attention to other mediums, and each has required substantial consumption of anam."

He pauses for a moment and before continuing. "However, it is impossible to argue that each of your charms is not of high quality, especially for one still toddling through the Ninth Circle."

Then he turns to Jin Yazhu. "You, however, took a more holistic approach to your charmwork. Each charm worked alongside the others to achieve a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Indeed, your champion was nearly able to fend off what was essentially a two on one disadvantage relying solely on your suite of charms. However, I cannot help but notice that your champion now wields fewer charms than she did when the duel began. Haste is no excuse for shoddy craftsmanship, Brother Jin Yazhu."

He stops and this time turns to address the crowd.

"Of the two crafters here, one showcased wisdom and breadth of crafting forms. The other showcased raw skill. This is no easy decision. But the deciding factor is that only one charm fielded today could be used by anyone to single handedly change the course of a battle."

Yuan Luoyang shakes his head reluctantly, but in the end it's you he glances towards. The words seem to be pulled from his mouth by pliers as he states, "I rule in favor of Kong Zhi."

There's a heartbeat of silence. Then there is nothing but noise.

You barely register it. You're too consumed with Yuan Luoyang's final words to notice any amount of noise.

You… you won.

The ground rushes up to meet you, and only Jai Fa's hasty actions keep your knees from smashing into it as relief claims you. You've won. You've defeated Jin Yazhu in a contest of his own choice, proving your dominance over the mongrel Jin once and for all.

The judges don't bother to stay around. They walk off as quickly as they arrived, leaving you with a crowd of Ninth Circle disciples, a feast of sumptuous fish to consume, and the taste of sweet victory in your mouth.

In the aftermath of the duel, a party is breaking out. In between crowds of wellwishers, you have time to seek out TWO (2) people on your own. Who do you seek out? Please vote in PLAN FORMAT.
[] You will speak with Geng Tu.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Gengu Tu about.
[] You will speak with Huo Shi.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Huo Shi about.
[] You will speak with Jai Fa.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Jai Fa about.
[] You will speak with Jai Shouxi.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Jai Shouxi about.
[] You will speak with Ming Hui.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Ming Hui about.
[] You will speak with Mo Hanying.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Mo Hanying about.
[] You will speak with Nokai.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Nokai about.
[] You will speak with Peng Ah.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Peng Ah about.
[] You will speak with Teng Lim.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Teng Lim about.
[] You will speak with Xu Yun.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Xu Yun about.
[] You will speak with Yi Tai.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Yi Tai about.
[] You will speak with Zhuan Kun.
-[] Write in what you will speak with Zhuan Kun about.
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I think we should spend one of our actions talking to Jai Fa. She did really great, to say the least.

Also, Widow's Ward was a lot better than I expected, TBH. That anam interaction was only possible because it was Blood...

Xu Yun asked specifically for Blood. What.
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There was definitely an element of 'These charms are supposed to fit us primarily/as well as Fa' that went into play in this battle. We also only really crafted two charms for this battle; the Widow's Ward and Moment's Respite just happened to be things we had on hand.

The dance at the midnight crossroads really emphasized what we thought it would: bullying with sheer quality/numbers.

Ultimately, I can't complain about the results, but our future crafting goals are clear: build for synergy between charms, and broaden our crafting base.

For early socials, I like Fa, Shouxi, and Hanying, but this could be a good time to broaden our friend group.
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Huh. More than once, I honestly didn't think Kong Zhi was going to win. It really felt like Jai Fa was missing that something extra to pull out the victory. Glad it worked out though.
I'm pleased with this update, it was very exciting. I have to say I'm very glad we didn't lose this duel, imagine how much social stress we would've gained. Overall I'm satisfied with how the duel turned out and hopefully we get time to rub it in Jin's face.
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I am almost sad for Yin, in many ways I think he handled the challenge a lot better and smarter than we did and certainly took it a lot more seriously though to be fair he was the one who initiated it so I suspect he had more time to prepare. If that last charm we crafted hadn't turned out as well as it did I am pretty sure he would have had this and probably quite handily to beat. Certainly if we ever get into another duel like that more preparation will probably be a good idea, especially if coupled with going for a lengthier combat which would probably also be better to showcase charms and synergies.

That said I also think that the fight showed us why the duel was so well visited and probably perceived as an anomaly, if its standard to send in specially equipped champions the ressource and time requirements are probably comparatively high and really not something you do casually.
I wonder why Yuan Luoyang didn't like to rule the challenge in our favor; I don't know if he was related to Jin Yazhu or if it has something to do with Kong Zhi's family.

I don't think anyone would pressure them to make sure we win, but it's still a little strange.