The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

65. The Negotiations
A/N: A big thanks to the 22 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[] Jai Fa
As you drink your third cup of tea, your mind slowly turns over every option in your mind. Most of them are discarded quickly for obvious reasons- no matter what kind of statement choosing Ming Hui would send, the fact remains that he would lose and lose badly- leaving you with only real champions to pick from. You could ask Jai Fa, who you have fought alongside and who's strength of arms and convictions you have witnessed first hand.. Or you could approach Mo Hanying, and sacrifice some strength for a bolder statement to the masses.

Your tea slowly drains down to the dregs as you think. Jai Fa is the stronger combatant, but Mo Hanying is more driven to win, whatever the cost might be. The latter seems to have a keener tactical mind, but your housemate has a warrior's instinct that cannot be trained. Both have their own flaws but both also have too many strengths to list out.

In the end, you make your decision on one factor and one factor alone: trust. You trust both Mo Hanying and Jai Fa to some extent, but you trust them to do very different things. You trust Mo Hanying to do what is best for Mo Hanying before all else. But Jai Fa? As long as it doesn't conflict with some desire of Jai Shouxi, you trust Jai Fa to do what is best for you. And that's what you need for this duel: someone who you can trust to set aside their own competitive spirit and training to instead show off your charms to their greatest extent. That's something Jai Fa is certainly capable of.

The last of the tea passes your lips and you place the cup down on the table in front of you with a solid clicking sound. Jai Shouxi glances up from his notes and reads your expression. "You have made a decision then," he guesses.

You nod, and he leans back in his chair. "Excellent. So, who will be carrying the banner for Kong Zhi on that momentous day?"

As you open your mouth, you hear the screeching of the metal door to the first floor. It swings closed a moment later and the sound of footsteps replace it as they slowly climb the stairs. A moment later, the two of you are joined by the person who was just on your mind. Jai Fa strides into the room, a fresh cut over one eye and her robe sleeves tattered. She greets you both with a quick nod and moves past you, heading for the icebox.

As she pulls a meal from it Jai Shouxi speaks up. "You look like you have had an eventful morning, sister dear! May I surmise that the other party looks far worse?"

Jai Fa glances at him and kicks the door to the icebox closed before dropping down on a stool beside her brother. "No," she answers, slurping a cold noodle into her mouth with almost unseemly relish. "They were most elusive. But the lessons they imparted were more than worth several scrapes."

You wait for her to elaborate, but to no surprise she does not, instead choosing to focus on the bowl before her. Jai Shouxi gives her a half-shrug. "I am certain that you will be the one to administer those lessons next time," he reassures her. "And then it shall be… whomever you fought bleeding in their kitchen!"

Jai Fa allows her brother's words to pass by her like the wind. You do the same, allowing Jai Shouxi to talk himself out before you speak up once more. "You have excellent timing," you finally venture. "I was hoping to speak with you."

Your friend glances up and swallows. "About our next trip into the deeps?" she guesses.

You shake your head. "No, not this time. I wished to speak with you about my duel." Both sets of eyes across from you latch onto your face. Jai Fa seems mildly interested in what you're about to say, while Jai Shouxi looks almost gleeful. You pause for a moment under the new scrutiny, and then continue.

"My duel requires that I select a champion to stand for me and use my charms to their advantage in single combat. If you are willing, I would ask you to fight for me in this contest."

Jai Fa thinks for a moment. "When is it?" she asks.

"Almost three weeks from today," Jai Shouxi promptly informs her.

His sister nods. "Very well. I will be honored to represent your skills in your challenge-"

"-if the rewards are suitable."

Jai Fa's mouth slams shut, and she turns her gaze on the one who has just spoken up. For his part, Jai Shouxi doesn't seem to notice his sister's reaction. His focus is entirely on you. "After all," he continues. "While you may be our friend, Kong Zhi, you can hardly expect my skilled and brilliant sister to help you out of the kindness of her heart! She does have other things she could be doing with her time. Valuable things. Important things. Things that can be used to further her own advancement."

He places his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands. "It is only fair to reward her for sacrificing those opportunities, is it not?"

You cannot argue with his logic. It would be churlish to expect Jai Fa to help you for nothing. However, the way Jai Shouxi has just taken over this conversation rubs you the wrong way. "Very well. What would you ask for as your payment, Jai Fa?"

Your friend's mouth opens- and slams shut. Jai Shouxi speaks in her stead. "We are not asking for the world, Kong Zhi. Whatever you think is fair will be more than enough."

...sometimes, you really do not like Jai Shouxi.

But very well. He wants to know what you think is fair? You know just what to offer.

What do you offer Jai Fa to be your champion?
[] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep.
[] You will select one of the charms Jai Fa will be using in the duel for her to keep. (Selection will be made after the duel.)
[] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for no cost.
[] After the duel, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for only the cost of the materials.
[] They wish to receive payment? Very well. You can pay them with talents and sect points.
-[] Write-In Payment Amount
[] Jai Fa was more than willing to help you before Jai Shouxi stuck his nose in. She will still be willing to help you if you do not offer a reward, you're sure of it.
[] Write-In
Heh. Jerk. The kind of jerk I like, mind you.

Nah, he's right enough, and the fact that he's so happy about it means he understands that we're able to provide them with something high tier in exchange for their services, which is good enough.

[X] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep, other than the charm already promised to Xu Yun, of course.
[X] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for no cost.

IIRC we've got the budget for a freebie, and given that I think we're planning on having Fa be part of our adventuring party, we're liable to reap the karma we sow now quite soon.
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[X] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep, other than the charm already promised to Xu Yun, of course

This seems like fair payment, while also saving us from having to spend more time on commissions. Both of the Charms we're planning on are very impressive.
[X] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep, other than the charm already promised to Xu Yun, of course.

This'll sting, but I'd rather not be stingy with our friends.
man, shouxi is too canny for kong zhi's good. not entirely sure what would be the optimal reward - i think we should offer one to remain friendly with them both. i'm torn between whether kong should just gift one of his past charms or go full hog and make a new charm for her. for now i think i'll go:

[X] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep, other than the charm already promised to Xu Yun, of course.

just so kong can give her something but also focus on the elders.

edit: put in the option i meant to paste
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[] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for only the cost of the materials.

We can DD this commission, and it'd be more suited for her since it would be designed for her specifically anyways.

EDIT: Changed my mind to doing the commission for free.
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[X] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for no cost.

It's what we paid Shouxi for the Clockmaker's Rest.

So if it was valuable enough for his time, clearly it's enough for Fa's. Unless he want's to admit that Fa is better at fighting then he is at refining... :cool2:
[X] After the duel you will craft a quality charm for no cost specifically made for Jai Fa to cover an area she thinks she needs help in, but she will leave all other decisions to you.

I figure this gives us freedom to be creative. the main issue we have had with commissions is that we feel like we have not been able to experiment or be creative. This way she can get a charm that does something she needs, but we maintain our creative freedom to a large extent.
[X] After the duel, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for only the cost of the materials.

I think that giving a customized charm is the best option because it will be tailored for her use during the third expedition into the Deeps. The only major drawback that occurs to me is the possible delay to that expedition while we are finishing her new charm.
[X] After the duel, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for only the cost of the materials.

I think that giving a customized charm is the best option because it will be tailored for her use during the third expedition into the Deeps. The only major drawback that occurs to me is the possible delay to that expedition while we are finishing her new charm.
Let's face it, that's a huge drawback.

This is just adding further to our already impacted schedule.
[X] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for no cost.
[X] Once this is all over, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for no cost.

Jai Fa will be spending time and likely pills on this matter. A commission where we cover the costs seems reasonable. This is especially in light of the fact that we basically did the same thing for Shouxi in exchange for the Clockmaker's Rest. And the materials for a decent charm won't cost too much.

Also, Jai Fa is an ally. Arming our allies with charms will benefit us in the future, as they are better able to do things both for themselves and us.
I say we just give her the moment's respite - it'd be very useful for her "get punched in the face until they're too tired to fight me anymore" strategy - and we'd rather not take damage in the first place, plus our hands are full of rings right now, we need to make some space.
Personally, I'm voting for making Jai Fa a Charm not only because it'd be better designed specifically for her, but also because we've sunk a lot of time and money in our duel charms. At least with the commission, the cost of the materials would be paid for. We're not exactly overflowing with cash, to say the least.
[X] Jai Fa will be able to select one of the charms she will be using in the duel to keep, other than the charm already promised to Xu Yun, of course.

Prefer this one. Seems to fit. She will probably pick the Archer because it really would suit her but might as well give her the choice. Plus really do not want to commit to a charm in the future again so soon.
[X] After the duel, you will be happy to craft Jai Fa a charm to her specifications for only the cost of the materials.