The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Head to Nokai's place, and try to get lodging for the night. Offer to swap knowledge or trade favors, if she or her roommate are reluctant. Alternatively, try to enlist her to help fight off Jin Yazhu and his cronies.
[X] Head to Nokai's place, and try to get lodging for the night. Offer to swap knowledge or trade favors, if she or her roommate are reluctant. Alternatively, try to enlist her to help fight off Jin Yazhu and his cronies.
And vote is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Mar 26, 2020 at 9:39 PM, finished with 75 posts and 38 votes.
14. In The Doghouse
[X] Head to Nokai's place, and try to get lodging for the night. Offer to swap knowledge or trade favors, if she or her roommate are reluctant. Alternatively, try to enlist her to help fight off Jin Yazhu and his cronies.
Fighting four disciples would end badly for you. Talking would lead to fighting, which would end badly for you. Hiding could work in the short term unless they simply refused to leave. In that case, it would end badly for you. And the social scene is unknown to you right now. You have no clue who is friends with who, who will actually help, and who will simply let you twist in the wind. Asking for help would likely end badly for you.

There is no way to deal with this situation that does not end badly for you.

So that leaves only one choice: not dealing with this situation. When trouble comes for you, the best solution is to be elsewhere. You need to find a different place to sleep tonight.

Now you just need to figure out where you can actually rest your head for the night. The only secure place you can think of is A Moment of Eternity, and you're not certain that heading back there would be altogether wise. It may be a place not known by your other disciples, but spirit beasts and regular run of the mill animals are still in the area. You don't think your spirit would ever hear the end of it in the heavens if you were to fall prey to an ordinary snake while you slept. And that's a concern that comes with sleeping anywhere in the wilds- you've noticed that the Delving Heart is home to many, many snakes.

Which leaves you with finding someone to temporarily move in with. And since the Jai twins already live with you, there's only one person you've really talked with down here that you can ask: Nokai. The waste barbarian lives with a roommate and her dogs in a small shack-like building on the other side of the courtyard from your Spire. It might be a cramped fit but you can ask her if there's a corner you can rest in. Failing that, perhaps she'll help you get rid of the Jin and his… lackeys? Cronies? Servile worms? His followers. She may help you with Jin and his followers.

Slowly, you turn back and move through the alley. Once you've reached the main paths again you continue with your circuitous route, ducking off the main routes and through back corridors whenever you can. This turns what would normally be a five minute walk into a half hour journey, but you make it to Nokai's doorstep unmolested.

Hopefully she's home and you haven't just wasted time and effort getting here. Heaving out a tense sigh, you knock on the door. The worry in your gut vanishes right away as the sound of your knock is met by a dog letting out a dozen small yips, letting the occupants know that someone's here.

There's a bit of rustling behind the door that turns into muttering as someone gets closer to the other side. The door cracks open just in time for you to hear, "Back! Get back you… thing! Back!"

The dog the person is talking to lets out an unsatisfied grumble, but you guess it must listen because the yips grow quieter and fade away. With the dog dealt with, the door finishes opening and the person standing in it turns to you. It's a girl, no doubt Nokai's roommate, and you don't remember seeing her before. She's around your height but has to be at least half your weight, with a heavy sleeping gown draped over a thin frame of muscle and sinew. But what catches your attention about Nokai's roommate is her hair. It's a deep red, almost black, and falls to the small of her back. If it grew any longer she could wear it as a full-body shroud.

"Um, can I help you?" Nokai's roommate asks after looking you up and down.

You give her a guilty smile, embarrassment rising up your cheeks at bothering them when they're so clearly getting ready for bed themselves. "Yes, actually," you answer. "I am Kong Zhi, and I'm looking for-"

There's a yip of excitement and before you know it, your arms are full with a tiny fluffy body. Xue pants happily in your face before giving your chin a small lick. You sputter at the touch of the dog and look through the haze of white fur at Nokai's roommate. "... I am looking for Nokai," you finish. "Is she in?"

The girl looks from the dog to you and then sighs. "Nokai!" she calls. "It's for you!" Without another word she turns and walks away, leaving you staring at an empty doorway with arms full of dog.

You're not alone for long. A moment later, there's a yawn, and Nokai staggers to the doorway. Unlike her roommate, she's still dressed in her usual robes only they look rumpled, as if she's been sleeping in them. She rubs her eyes to clear them, but they look sharp and alert when she opens them. "Kong Zhi," she greets you. "What need?"

Xue barks happily in your arms, drowning out your answer. But when the snow white dog is done making noise you're able to speak. In quick, broad strokes, you outline the situation, taking care not to refer to that dog from the Jin family as "that dog from the Jin family,". Somehow, you doubt Nokai would look kindly on you calling someone a dog as an insult.

She takes in your story until your words peter out. Finally, she shrugs. "Fine. Can sleep here. Then we even."

Then you're even? What does she mean by… wait. Does she think she owes you something for helping her out with the message the other day? She… she does, doesn't she. That's why she seemed relieved when she decided you were a merchant: she thought you were giving her a down payment on something later. And now she has an opportunity to wipe the slate 'clean' and she's taking it.

Skill Up! Sense Motive +1!

You want to protest. You didn't help Nokai out before for a favor .You did it because she needed help! But if you point that out, will she decide not to help you now? Will you have to go turn and deal with that bastard from the Jin family without assistance?

You open your mouth- to say what, you're not sure- but are interrupted by a squawk of protest. "Excuse me?!" Nokai's roommate calls. "He cannot sleep here! There's barely enough room to breathe as it is! And he's… he's… a boy!"

"So?" Nokai calls back. "Lan, Lu, Xue, all boys. No problem there. Why problem Kong Zhi?"

The roommate dissolves into a mess of sputtering and confusion. Nokai shakes her head, dismissing her as being silly, and turns back to you. "Mo Hanying not wrong about space," she tells you. "You have corner. No more. Not fair to Mo Hanying if different."

"That's… that's more than enough," you reply, trying to keep your relieved expression off your face. "I truly do appreciate it, and I will repay your hospitality in the future." You step inside and Nokai closes the door behind you. You turn to Mo Hanying and give her a slight bow. "I will repay both of you. Thank you very much."

Mo Hanying is curled up on a mattress on the floor in one corner of the small shack, buried under at least a half dozen blankets. She peers out of her fabric den and lets out another humph of disapproval, but at least she doesn't try and throw you out.

Now that you're in doors, you can see that both of them spoke true about the space here. The entire shack is almost the size of your room back in the Spire. Mo Hanying's mattress sits in one corner and stretches out almost to the center of the room, where it meets a clay hearth. The other side of the hearth is taken up with an icebox, a table, and a few small stools. The rest of the room is featureless, save for the furry piles that are Nokai's dogs.

You let Xue down and move to the corner that looks the least occupied. The tiny dog follows you, and the moment you've sat down on the stone it's back in your lap. Nokai watches him with a fond smile on her face. "Xue like you," she observes. "More than he like most. Feel honored."

You nod solemnly as you scratch Xue under his tiny white chin. "I am. It is humbling to know that I am high in his esteem."

Nokai's head cocks to the side. "Talk funny," she says bluntly. "Bit strange. That why people want beat you?"

You snort. "I don't think so. I'm not really sure why they want to beat me- or even if they want to beat me. I could be overreacting."

Nokai drops onto the floor next to you. "Nah," she replies. "Not overreacting. Instincts say hunters coming. Instincts not wrong." She pats her lap, calling the shaggy Lan over to her. The heavy drop drops his head in his mistress's lap with a grumble of pleasure, and Nokai pats him before producing a wooden comb from… somewhere. You don't even see her pull it out. One moment, her hand is empty, the next she's combing her dog. "So tell. If not funny talk, why you think hunters after you?"

You would like to brush the question off. You've had a long day, you want to rest, and from the glare emerging from Mo Hanying's caccoon, you're keeping her awake as well. But Nokai's being very nice about this whole thing. It would be more rude to ignore her than it is to keep Mo Hanying awake.

"The only thing I know is that Jin Yazhu does not like me- as he should not!" you answer. At Nokai's questioning look, he continues. "Like I told you before, my father is a charmcrafter. My entire family is. The Kong family is beyond comparison in the artisans' arts. As such, we have been called to fix the mistakes of other, lesser, charmcrafters who labor under delusions of competence. The Jin family is one such crafter. They did substandard work which my Aunt was called in to repair. The Jin family has resented us ever since."

"As for the others, I couldn't tell you why. I have seen Geng Tu around, but I don't think I've shared three words with him. And I have no idea who the others are. But-"

You're cut off by a knock on the door.

Mo Hanying lets out a sigh of annoyance. "Again?!" she whines. "I suppose we are just running a public house tonight!"

Nokai shoots her a look and stands, displacing Lan with an annoyed groan. "I deal," she tells her roommate. "Stay there." She turns around back at you. "You stay there too. No noise. No trouble tonight." She goes to the door and cracks it open. "What want?" she asks the person on the other side.

Perception Check : 1d10s8. Dice Rolled: 9. One Success! Pass!

"Good evening Princess Tooth," a vaguely familiar voice says. It takes you a moment to recognize Geng Tu's voice from class. "Have you seen the crafter that lives in the Spire?"

Nokai pauses and seems to think for a moment. "No," she finally answers. "Not left home since training end. No chance."

"Are you sure?" Geng Tu presses. "I know he-" He stops and there's a moment of hesitation. Finally, Geng Tu continues, "Get your beast away from me."

Nokai sighs and whistles, calling Lu back from the doorway he had been sniffing. "Lu just curious," she protests. "That all."

Geng Tu doesn't respond, but you feel a tension in the air that wasn't there before. "You're sure that you have not seen the crafter?" he eventually asks. "You know what happens if you lie to me."

Nokai rolls her eyes. "Yes, yes, you big important person. No, have not seen Kong Zhi. Night now. Good luck in strange hunt." She backs away and closes the door in Geng Tu's face before he has a chance to answer. The waste barbarian doesn't move though. She stands in front of the closed door as if waiting for something. Eventually, her shoulders slump and she relaxes before turning and walking back to her seat next to you.

"Sorry," she apologizes. "Annoying visitor. Ignore. Anyway. Have idea why hunters that are not bad charm merchants after you."

You badly want to ask about what just happened. Nokai knows Geng Tu? She lied to him to cover for you? Why would she do that? Tooth Princess? You have so many questions! But you get the sense you were not supposed to hear any of what just took place. Besides, invading someone's privacy is a poor repayment for their hospitality. So instead of asking, you just look at the barbarian. "Oh? Why?"

"It because you weak."

You're not certain what you were expecting, but it certainly was not that. "Excuse me?!" you sputter.

"You weak," Nokai answers promptly. "That why jackals agree help. They think you weak. That if they do things you not able stop them. They right too."

Ignoring your gaping jaw, Nokai continues. "You not walk like warrior," she continues. "Don't know how plant feet to keep quiet. Breathe loud so no sneaky type. Show hands." Nokai doesn't give you a chance to protest before grabbing one of your hands off of Xue and peering closely at it. "Untrained weapons. Doubt ever thrown punch. Can feel spirit- feels strange, but no fight in anam."

You're reeling from the amount of just sheer rudeness on display in front of you. Everything else is forgotten. "What?" you manage to reply. "You're saying that they want to beat me because I'm not a fighter?"

"Not just that, but yes," Nokai answers. "Also because you alone. No brothers to get vengeance. If you down, all they deal with is you. No risk of calling pack."

Nokai absently scratches Lu's ears absently. "People like hunters. They want damage rivals. There test in not long. You lame hare. One not like you, others go along. That why you hunted."

You're not really sure how to answer that. So your mouth does it without input from your mind. "But I'm not a fighter!" you argue. "I'm not going to try and compete with them! I just want to work on my charms!"

Nokai shrugs. "Then you be lame hare. And one day, they catch you."

She looks across the room. "Should sleep. Not need much self, but Mo Hanying prepare murder us." You follow her gaze, and sure enough, Mo Hanying is staring at you with an expression that makes you half want to go and deal with Jin Yazhu instead of going to sleep. "She must be rested for spar tomorrow. Night."

Relationship Established! Mo Hanying: -1 (Annoyance).
Relationship Gain! Nokai: +1 (Acquaintance)
Relationship Loss! Geng Tu: -1 (Annoyance). Jin Yazhu -1 (Rival)

The waste barbarian stands and goes to put out the fire in the hearth, leaving you in the corner with nothing but the robes on your back and your thoughts.

And Xue. Who is remarkably comfortable.

It is your sixth day within the Delving Heart! How do you spend it? (Pick Two)
[] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[] You will begin construction of a new charm under the 'supervision' of Elder Yixue.
[] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to get to know her better.
[] You have discovered some information about the next step on your path: the Soldier's Step. You will work towards taking it immediately by cycling at a Natural Wonder.
-[] (Write In which Natural Wonder you are cycling)
[] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[] (Write In which Natural Wonder you are cycling)
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] You have heard of several disciples that you have not formally made the acquaintance of. You would like to expand your social circle, and so you will seek one of them out.
-[] (Write in which disciple you would like to speak with)
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] Write-In
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

Because if this is a lesson in ANYTHING, it's that we need to get better at not getting our asses kicked.
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...well, in her crude way, Nokai DOES have a point. If we don't want to be hiding forever, we either need to GIT GUD or have backup of our own who has our backs. Preferably both. SO, to that end:

[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

With the Sense Motive Rank up, we're slightly less Shit at social, so getting somebody who might have our backs is a bit easier, and finishing our Charm should help in the GIT GUD department.
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.

This is a pretty big hint as to what we should be doing. Make friends and gain some physical skills, even if they're not our focus.

It's likely the Step has probably become common knowledge already, but it's possible we can still gain some positive relationship points out of it.
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[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

I don't think one physical action is gonna help us get stronger fast, maybe later, I think allies would help more at the moment. Even Nokai said this, we need a pack for help.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.

Yea about what I expected. Easy prey with valuable tools. I was hoping after the second successful perception check that it might be just the rival or that the elders would afford us some protection, but this isn't that kind of place I guess.

Anyway, you know what beats enemies? Friends.
We're being targeted not just because they think we're weak, but because we're ALONE. Its easier to acquire friends in a short period of time than it is to get strong enough to beat 4 people.

Edit: Soldiers Step added. Not really a secret but they might have missed it anyway.
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[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She did you a good turn and you would like to get to know her better.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.

Yea about what I expected. Easy prey with valuable tools. I was hoping after the second successful perception check that it might be just the rival or that the elders would afford us some protection, but this isn't that kind of place I guess.

Anyway, you know what beats enemies? Friends.
We're being targeted not just because they think we're weak, but because we're ALONE. Its easier to acquire friends in a short period of time than it is to get strong enough to beat 4 people.
...well, in her crude way, Nokai DOES have a point. If we don't want to be hiding forever, we either need to GIT GUD or have backup of our own who has our backs. Preferably both. SO, to that end:

[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

With the Sense Motive Rank up, we're slightly less Shit at social, so getting somebody who might have our backs is a bit easier, and finishing our Charm should help in the GIT GUD department.
Could you guys add the soldiers step write in to the jai twins action? Even if they do know, the thought would still count for something.
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Second of Eternity
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[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity

I don't see the point in that, really. We're trying to be their friend, not buy them off.

They offered us information for free, why not do the same for them?
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Second of Eternity
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[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.

Because if this is a lesson in ANYTHING, it's that we need to get better at not getting our asses kicked.

Yes, we need to become better at not being kicked, and this means NOT PHYSICAL. We won't become strong enough to fight four people in any time near, not with physical training anyway. If we complete the soldier step, and get one or two charms, we could fight them four. But even better, we can get allies.

[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.

The only reason I'm going for the charm is that we don't know the effects of the step, so it might not give us the bonuses we're looking for, and having a complete charm, a defensive one, but still, will make our fighting stronger, while also make our worth in other people's eyes go up. Don't forget that, while we have none yet, fame is both weapon and armor, if well wielded.
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.

Get more dice so cycling at the Natural Wonder is more efficient.

[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
[X] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.

[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
I like the title of the update.

[X] You have finished the construction of your charm, and now all that remains in the infusion. For that, you will need to cycle anam. And since you lack medicines, you need to do so at a natural wonder.
-[X] A Moment of Eternity
[X] You are going to speak with the Jai Twins. You have been a poor roommate as you have been consumed with constructing your charm; you will attempt to fix that.
-[X] Share the secret of the Soldier's Step if they do not already know it.

So it's likely 2 days before we finish the charm unless something crazy lucky occurs.