The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Looks like the twisting spire is winning by three votes as of this post.
Adhoc vote count started by TheBiggerFish on Mar 10, 2020 at 10:19 PM, finished with 63 posts and 44 votes.
@Vesvius one of our weaknesses is that we use attacking arts slower than others would. Can we get around that by making charms that attack for us?
With no further votes and no further discussion, I'm going to call this vote closed. You're living in a spire with your mystery roommate(s).
In other news...Is our cultivation resource literally 'mana' spelled backwards? Or does it have a different origin for the name?
Beleive it or not, that was unintentional. I didn't realize that was true until someone mentioned it in discord.

Actual origin is that I was sick of Ki, Qi, Chi, and everything else with the same name, so I went to other languages. Anam is Gaelic for soul.

It is also mana spelled backwards. Which is hilarious to me.
7. A Proper Residence
For a very long moment you survey your options.

There are several small homes within stone's throw of the courtyard. You could lay your pack down in one of them easily. There's even one that looks like it hasn't been touched yet; you would be able to have at least a few moments of solitude if you were to go there. Or perhaps you could approach the pyramid. It's a handsome looking building that would certainly be a worthy home. But it's been claimed by a thin man with ornaments threaded through his hair who is almost undoubtedly a noble of some persuasion, and he's selecting his living companions from a flock of eager lampreys. You have no desire to be one of them.

For a moment, your eyes land on Nokai. The barbarian is far away from the courtyard by the time you see her. She must have been among the first to finish Elder Lei's exercise. For a moment you're tempted to follow after her. She seemed like a decent sort for a waste barbarian and you could think of worse places to live than surrounded by dogs if she would have you. But you stop to reconsider as she selects her home far away from the courtyard and ducks into it. Her home of choice would be cramped if manageable confines for two people, but with all of the dogs, you'd be surprised if Nokai's roommate could eke out a few square feet to lay their bed. You'll find somewhere else to sleep.

You turn away from Nokai and continue your scan of the homes. No others really seem to jump out at you- at least, none until you spot a spire near the very back of the courtyard. It's a tall structure that seems to have been carved entirely out of one large stalagmite that stretches towards the roof of the cavern. If it weren't for the door set in it's base and the several windows carved in the sides, you'd think it was just a piece of stone. It's out of the way, it's impressive to look at it, it looks like it would give a great view from the top, and perhaps best of all, the windows are all dark. If you move quickly, you would be able to lay first claim on it. It's perfect.

"Teng Lim! Ming Hui! " Elder Lei calls. Two more disciples stir at his words, the nervous one who had asked questions before the exercise and the heavy set boy from outside. "Your exercise is complete! Seek your housing!"

If you want the spire to still be empty by the time you reach it you need to move now. And so you do, taking the long way around the Prospector's Tears to avoid getting in the way and making a beeline for the spire as soon as you're away from the crowd.

The spire is a lot larger than you had thought. What looked like a small door set into the side from far away is actually almost twice your height and made of what seems like bronze. It's so heavy that you have to give an effort to open it, and you wind up throwing your shoulder against it like you're trying to knock a man over.

Once you're passed the door you get your first look at your new home away from home. It's divided up into several floors with spiral stairs set in the side connecting them. The first is a large, featureless room devoid of any ornamentation besides lamps set in the walls. The second is smaller, but more ornate, with the stalagmite carved into several smaller rooms. The top floor is by far the smallest and is again a single room, but it's still half again as large as your rooms back home. And you were right; the view is amazing. From the window in the top floor you can see all the way across the cavern, seeing everything that the pillar of light illuminates.

This one is definitely yours. You drop your tool roll and your few possessions at the foot of the bed. You can probably set up a workshop in here if you arrange things correctly. You would probably need a table though. Getting one all the way up here won't be an easy feat. You could always get a lighter weight one you suppose, but you doubt anything you could easily carry up here would hold up under the stresses of your crafting.

You're jarred from your thoughts by the sound of the bronze door scraping open again. There's a moment's pause and then a voice echoes through the spire. "Hello?" it calls. "Is anyone here?" You suppose it would've been too much to hope for no housemates at all. You head down the stairs and back to the entrance hall to greet the newcomer.

Or, rather, newcomers. Two disciples are standing in the entrance hall. One, a small woman is shouldering the door closed behind them. The other, an equally small boy, is walking around the hall with a small torch and jabbing at the lamps. He stops when he notices you and raises a hand.

"Hello!" he greets you cheerily. "Are you the only one here or are we too late?"

You stop at the base of the stairs and inspect them both in the flickering newborn light. The two are clearly siblings or close cousins at the very least. They share the same slight build, short stature, and gray hair. Even their clothes are the same style and cut. The only real differences you can make out from a quick glance are their hairstyles. The boy has his hair long and pulled back into a tight coil, while the girl's hair is shaven on the sides and short on the top.

As they look back at you, you notice another difference between them: their expressions. The boy seems just thrilled to meet you. His face is split wide in a friendly smile and his eyes are innocent and almost unassuming. The girl, however, has barely looked at you since she finished closing the door. Her eyes dart around the entrance hall, searching for threats or attackers in every shadowy corner. When she finally does look at you she seems… well, not hostile. But close. Her mouth is set in a line and her eyes are suspicious.

You stop your inspection and step towards them. "No, I am the only one who has come here so far," you answer. "I guess your eyes were also caught by this place?"

The boy nods eagerly. "And how!" he chirps. "Why would anyone even want to live anywhere else when you can live in an obelisk? The idea that there's a brawl of those boring houses near the courtyard is just strange, is it not?"

Wait, there's a brawl going on outside? You kind of want to see that. But this isn't the time, not when you have potential roommates to meet. "Agreed," you reply. "I've already set up my things at the summit, but the second level has several rooms free. I-"

"What if one of us wants the highest room?" the girl cuts in. "What would you do in that case? What makes you deserve the top position?"

That brings you up short. "Umm… I got here first?" you hazard. "But if someone really wanted it, we could come up with some arrangement. Perhaps-"

"No," the boy interrupts. "That will not be necessary. Though I thank you for your consideration. My sister and I will be quite satisfied with the rooms on the second level. Won't we?" The last comes out as a growl directed at the girl who still glares at you.

She doesn't answer him. "We should just take the top floor as well," she argues. "There's only one of him; we could do it easily."

The boy rolls his eyes and goes to respond, but you've had enough with people talking over you. You tune his words out as you meet the girl's hostile stare with a calm look of your own. "I apologize if we've gotten off on the wrong foot," you say directly to her. "But could we please wait at least a few moments before we begin threatening each other? Leaping straight into it just seems rude."

Persuade Check: 1d10s8. Dice Rolled: 10, explodes into 3. 1 success! Pass!

The girl mulls over your words. Finally, she sighs and straightens up before offering you a shallow bow. "My apologies," she says. "It's been a very long day, but that is no excuse. You have offered us no wrong yet and I should not treat you as if you have."

You nod. "It is not an issue at all," you answer. "I understand that tempers are short with the travel and the caves." Apologies made and excuses accepted, you return the bow. "I am Kong Zhi. Might I have your names?"

The two trade glances. "Kong?" the girl repeats. "Are you perhaps related to Kong Shuren?"

You puff up slightly. "Ah! You've heard of my father! Yes, I bear the honor of being his son."

The boy's smile grows even wider, if that's at all possible. "Excellent! I was privileged enough to see your father at work several seasons ago. He was called upon to repair our Aunt's heirloom cloak. Now it's truly difficult to even notice his repairs- and if one sees them, it's only to the detriment of the original craftsmanship, for his work far outstripped it."

Fixing a cloak charm? You wrack your memory for any traces of that. It does ring a bell… yes! You remember hearing from a servant that Father had been in a foul state after working on a cloak ambitiously named the Shroud of Seven Thunders. Apparently, the original charmcrafter hadn't been fit to button his own shirt, let alone weave thunder anam into wool. Thankfully, he'd been paid handsomely to fix what the original creator had ruined and it had only heightened the Kong family's reputation. The client had been..

Yes! You remember now. An Imperial Witness! A person charged by the Steadfast Court to speak for a specific place, town, or spirit that cannot speak for itself. Only the most important and prosperous places were appointed a Witness, for only those places needed someone to speak on their behalf before the Emperor in Steel. Impressing the Witness had been more than enough to compensate Father for having to deal with substandard charms.

Now what was she the witness for…? You're fairly certain it was a lake, one rich in rare fish and home to powerful water anam. Was it the Jade Springs? No, the Azure Gardens! That was it! "The privilege is entirely mine," you answer. "I have heard of your Aunt's own talents, and she must truly be skilled to be able to stand for such an important harbor!"

The two grin at your recognition and, unless you misread them, trade impressed looks. "Your memory does you credit," the boy answers. He claps his fist to his palm and nods at you. "I am Jai Shouxi of the Azure Gardens Jai Clan."

"And I am Jai Fa," the girl adds with her own nod, "also of the Azure Gardens Jai Clan. We are pleased to meet you." She lets out a long breath. "We had thought that we might live alone for a time, but perhaps we could share this space, Kong Zhi."

"Besides!" Jai Shouxi adds. "We truly don't have much of a choice anymore. Almost everywhere else worth the stone it's made from is taken by now. We must either coexist or scratch and claw for scraps."

You consider their words and shrug. "That seems fair. The second level will be yours for the most part, and I shall take the top. Unless there are any objections?"

Both Jais consider it and shake their heads. "That is acceptable," Jai Fa answers. "Now if it's alright, I dearly wish to put my things down."

You chuckle and get out of their way. You guess that as far as roommates go, you could do much worse.

Relationships Established! Jai Fa, Jai Shouxi: 0 (Neutral)
The three of you spend an hour getting yourself situated before the last traces of anam bleed from your body. When they go, they take your energy with them and the weariness of your long day rushes back into your body like an old friend. You barely have time to bid Jai Fa and Jai Shouxi good night before you fall on your new mattress and instantly fall asleep.

A loud blare of noise blasts you awake the next morning and almost has you fall from your bed. You glance out of the window and see the source: a figure standing in the middle of the courtyard wearing only a hood. He's holding a long horn over one shoulder and is hammering a post into the courtyard's ground with his free hand. Once he's done his work, he's gone in a flicker of motion.

You rush down stairs, making yourself presentable as you pass by the twins, and head out to the Courtyard in record time. You're not alone; it seems that the horn blast has jarred almost everyone from their sleep. You have to weave through the disciples to make it to the post the hornblower left, drawing more than one annoyed word and angry look.

There's a message inscribed on the post.


The sound you have just heard was the waking tone, sounded by Sixth Circle Brother Tang Hai. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. You will not hear it again. From this point forward, your waking and sleeping cycles are your own to manage.

Currently you stand as members of the Ninth Circle. You are the most junior and unskilled of all who reside within the Delving Heart. You are also the only members of the Ninth Circle; there are no others. This is because if anyone remains in the Ninth Circle by the end of the year, they are expelled from the Delving Heart. We have no patience or tolerance for the unskilled or the lazy.

In these next two weeks, there will be several classes or workshops available to you. You can find a list of their times and locations below this message. Go to them or don't at your own discretion. This time in its entirety is for you to get your bearings. Use it wisely.

It then proceeds to list a bunch of meeting places- that you don't know where they are- for various meetings.

Well. It seems like you two weeks to familiarize yourself with the Delving Heart. After that, something big will be asked of you- and if you fail to achieve whatever they ask, you'll be expelled from the sect.

The news hits everyone differently. Some disciples barely have finished the message before they run towards the Prospector's Tears at top speed. Nokai stares at the post as if wondering what strange wisdom it has to impart. Others gape gormlessly at the message like they can't believe what they're reading. A few just laugh and wander off. Teng Lim produces a charcoal stick from somewhere and starts copying over the list of meetings on his hand.

As for you? You square your shoulder. You've got work to do.

How do you spend your first day in the Delving Heart? (Pick Two)
[] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.
[] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.
[] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[] You have two new roommates in Jai Fa and Jai Shouxi. You would like to get to know them better.
[] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
[] Write-In (Tag @Vesvius for approval. You may attempt to combine actions if you so choose (Drag a person along to a lesson), but be warned, this will have repercussions.)
[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.

Always pick a mystery box first. Who knows there may be stuff to learn about physical training, pill refining, charm crafting, anam or cultivating there.
[] You will attend physical training, under the supervision of an elder.

Our door is damn heavy. This would be useful

[] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.

This is a must do.

[] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.

This is also a must do if we don't want to get expelled.

[] You have two new roommates in Jai Fa and Jai Shouxi. You would like to get to know them better.


[] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.

Doggos & Floof.

[] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.

Random encounter.

[] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.

Nokai stares at the post as if wondering what strange wisdom it has to impart.
...she's illiterate isn't she?

[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
-[X] See if Nokai would come along, her dogs would be of great help in finding valuable mysteries.

Do her a favor and cash in on the search
[X] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.

one practical option, one mystery option
@Vesvius do we get any kind of passive or random events affecting our relationship with our roommates just by virtue of being our roommates? Just wondering how high of a priority to put on social actions with them.

For now, I think I have to go with the high leverage choices:
[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.

Nokai needs help, so we have a good shot at a positive interaction here.

For the other one, everything else is built on the foundation of anam. Even using our family's method, we still have plenty to learn.
[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.

[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
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[X] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
-[X] See if Nokai would come along, her dogs would be of great help in finding valuable mysteries.

Floof. I have priorities.
@Vesvius do we get any kind of passive or random events affecting our relationship with our roommates just by virtue of being our roommates? Just wondering how high of a priority to put on social actions with them.
You'll get little things, but if you actually want any kind of real relationship with them, you'll have to put in the work. Otherwise you'll just be sleeping in the same place and not really interacting.
[X] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[x] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.

Seems she can't read imperial text. Helping her out would be a low effort way to make a positive connection.

[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.

[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.
[] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
Sure barbarian with doggos is great, but the mystery box could have anything, even barbarian with doggos!
[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.

Let's start with the basics and help keep our barbarian friend from falling too far behind due to illiteracy. Plus she likely has some serious strengths for the sect to accept a likely illiterate barbarian, and likely in areas where we are weak. Plus we may want to get a bit of experience under our belts before exploring the mystery box so we actually know what we are looking at
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[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.
[X] You wish to spend time with Nokai. She seems like she needs help, and you're curious what brings a waste barbarian to the sect.

[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You will attend lessons on the nature of anam and cultivation, under the supervision of an elder.
[X] You will attend a seminar on pill refining and charm crafting, under the supervision of an elder.