The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
Doesn't that run the risk of potentially annoying Siani though, unlike Alectai's write-in?
Not really. Or at least, not anymore than he is annoyed with everyone's usage of the Court names, not just his own.

And really, if Senior Sister Xiong Eryu thinks it's fine to call the Eighth Court the Caretakers, then Zhi should be fine doing the same.
I think it is most important that Zhi doesn't share the name of the Court. But sharing that everyone in the Court appears to be some form of crazy would be entertaining and accurate.
Guys, there is nothing taboo about the name Caretakers.

You are all taking Siani's words out of context in some mistaken belief that not calling the Eighth Court is proper name would curry favor with him ... That's not what it is.

Siani's objection to the name Caretaker is the objection he has to every Court's name. The only name he does like is Tantoi's Administration because it's a simple descriptor rather than some fancy name assigned to the Court by the Elders and the Disciples. Hell, if Siani had his way, I imagine that the Delving Heart wouldn't be named at all -- it'd just be called "The Sect In the Caves of So-and-so Mountain". Because his distaste for names is that the Court Names aren't great descriptions of what the Courts actually do, which is a sentiment for all Courts besides the Administration -- the names don't actually describe what the Court does, and so Siani finds them distasteful.

Not calling the Caretakers the Caretakers is silly and ridiculous pandering to a guy whose not actually around to comment on it, under the mistaken idea that the name is somehow taboo because Siani isn't a fan of fancy names in general. After all, Senior Sister Xiong Eryu told us the Court was called the Caretakers, and that that was the Court's name. Siani's distaste for the name is immaterial compared to that simple fact. So let's just follow our esteemed Senior Sister's example and call the Eighth Court the name it has been given -- the Caretakers.

Because if we had any intention of pandering to Siani's distaste and beliefs about names, we oughtn't have named our demon-conjuring-box Dance at the Midnight Crossroads, we'd have called it "Spirit-Warrior Conjuring Box Charm"... And would name all our future charms similarly utilitarian names rather than artistic ones because Elder Siani has a distaste for names that aren't simplistic descriptions of functionality. But no. That's ridiculous -- just as refusing to call the Eighth Court the Caretakers is.
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[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
Can I just point out we maybe shouldn't do this in front of artists we don't know who almost certainly aren't well-disposed to us right now?
Can I just point out we maybe shouldn't do this in front of artists we don't know who almost certainly aren't well-disposed to us right now?

You can. Many won't listen, because indulging in passing amusement and counting on the QM to save them is why they are here, but you can.

[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
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Can I just point out we maybe shouldn't do this in front of artists we don't know who almost certainly aren't well-disposed to us right now?
You can. Many won't listen, because indulging in passing amusement and counting on the QM to save them is why they are here, but you can.
I am voting for the write-in, but we're not really talking about anything truly classified even in the third prewritten option.

Besides, the artists we don't know who aren't well-disposed to us are right now stuck in a "I'm only really listening to myself talk" loop with our senior. I don't think they're in any sense a meaningful threat.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
[x] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
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I am voting for the write-in, but we're not really talking about anything truly classified even in the third prewritten option.

Besides, the artists we don't know who aren't well-disposed to us are right now stuck in a "I'm only really listening to myself talk" loop with our senior. I don't think they're in any sense a meaningful threat.
"Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else."

What makes you think Zhi, acceptable-but-not-great speaker but very dense socialite, is capable of tap dancing on the line of acceptability with that vote? That he is capable of telling the difference between expressly forbidden, verboten but not expressly forbidden, and safe to discuss in the throes of anger?
What part of this write in makes you think it's impossible for Zhi to get loud enough to draw their attention?
Zhi doesn't really know anything he's not supposed to talk about besides [Redacted] and we're not going to have a Bad End; we already voted not to do that. This isn't a high stress high consequences vote.
"Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else."

What makes you think Zhi, acceptable-but-not-great speaker but very dense socialite, is capable of tap dancing on the line of acceptability with that vote? That he is capable of telling the difference between expressly forbidden, verboten but not expressly forbidden, and safe to discuss in the throes of anger?
What part of this write in makes you think it's impossible for Zhi to get loud enough to draw their attention?
I'm reading this more as exasperation than anger, but sure, maybe he'll get their attention. And then they'll wonder why he's talking about a Deception-aspected deer, a weird auction, a turtle-guy who is very into self-improvement, a too-enthusiastic warrior guy, a cool Dream senior who is relatively sane, an incredible Elder Sister who everyone should praise, and their leader, a Sage who delights himself in finding new weird things and poking them.

Again, I'm voting for the write-in, but I don't think it'd be disaster to rant. At the absolute worst, some of the new Ninth Circle initiates will have a negative opinion of the Caretakers, but what do we care? We're not the PR Court, we're the Troubleshooting Court.
The idea that we will fuck ourselves over because of the vote here doesn't really fit the vibes. Indeed, I think honesty would instead be good for our relationship with our buddies. It shows we trust them and don't intend to hold back stuff that isn't secret

...besides, it would be funni for them to learn about glorious elder sister Xiong.
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[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
The idea that we will fuck ourselves over because of the vote here doesn't really fit the vibes. Indeed, I think honesty would instead be good for our relationship with our buddies. It shows we trust them and don't intend to hold back stuff that isn't secret

...besides, it would be funni for them to learn about glorious elder sister Xiong.
I'm not saying we don't tell them - I'm saying we don't tell them now.

EDIT - Spelling
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[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
[X] A more in depth explanation. I will tell them some details, including the name, and give them a more accurate idea of my duties.

Not a huge fan of long quotes that won't actually be quotes. I know it will be interepreted in spirit, but then it's essentially the same as this vote but with more ambiguity. The key question the author is asking is "how much information do you want to share?" So with a write-in that question should be directly answered.
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
I really like senior brother Naixin

[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
[x] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.

I wonder just how long before the regret sets in for Daiyu and Zhuan Kun. My guess is about five minutes in, maybe ten at the outside.
Guys, there is nothing taboo about the name Caretakers.

You are all taking Siani's words out of context in some mistaken belief that not calling the Eighth Court is proper name would curry favor with him ... That's not what it is.
This assessment of my motivation is entirely wrong, and ironically, I'm being taken out of context.
I know it isn't taboo, although we do know from side stories that the name is not common knowledge.
I hardly think that we'll get any curried favour from not saying something. There are far more productive ways to keep Master entertained.

I just want to answer Daiyu's question but have her realise later on that Zhi never told her the Court's name. She didn't ask for the name, just what it does.
Got to work the Ivory Ferryman's stat bonuses. ;)
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.