The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
Ancestors above, what is wrong with my seniors?! Is Kumi truly the only normal one?
Naive Kong Zhi thinking that Kumi is remotely normal...

Zhuan Kun studies both Naixin and the lead disciple from Silverwing Hall. After a moment, he shakes his head. "I suspect not," he answers. "Though I do not believe their conversation would be any more productive were they perceiving each other's words."

I think it is most important that Zhi doesn't share the name of the Court. But sharing that everyone in the Court appears to be some form of crazy would be entertaining and accurate.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
[] "As someone who is below even a neophyte as in incomplete soldier, I cannot be entirely sure, but given my training, I would say the Eighth court, The Caretakers, are a group with a broad mandate. To take care of the Delving Heart. Any problem that falls outside the skills or responsibilities of the other courts is our purview, and I have little doubt that what happened at the auction house would warrant someone from my court if we had not solved the issue so quickly. As it stands, I expect my Elder to have words with me on my lackluster presentation at the finale when it came to questioning Cang Yong. We take care of the strange, the weird and the exceedingly rare problems that others cannot or will not."
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.

Zhi Rants time.
Daiyu joined the Hand because they were the court that would let her travel.
Once she understands the eighth she's going to want to transfer. Traveling to strange locations and solving weird problems is way more her thing than spending weeks mastering particular tea ceremonies.
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."

You forgot the X.
Pretty sure he doesn't hate it, given he is considered THE Caretaker of the Delving Heart?

No, he hates it and has mentioned it. He's just stuck with it because one of his predecessors named it that and he's not allowed to change it. Also, it was mentioned in the chapter:

I've never been forbidden from talking about the Caretakers, only discouraged from mentioning that name due to Elder Siani's distaste for it.
Daiyu joined the Hand because they were the court that would let her travel.
Once she understands the eighth she's going to want to transfer. Traveling to strange locations and solving weird problems is way more her thing than spending weeks mastering particular tea ceremonies.
But the question remains as to whether Siani finds her interesting enough to want to keep her around.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.

But the question remains as to whether Siani finds her interesting enough to want to keep her around.

Indeed, that is the question.
Pretty sure he doesn't hate it, given he is considered THE Caretaker of the Delving Heart?
Nah he had this whole rant about it.
Elder Siani sighs and turns a mournful gaze on Xiong Eryu. "Why did you tell him the name?" he groans. "Especially when I made it a point to tell you not to!"

Xiong Eryu is unfazed by Elder Siani's whining. "And I made a point to ignore you," she replies, busying herself with tucking her sect token away. "It is the name of your court, Master, a proud one rich in history and legacy. It will not go away because you do not like it."

"Why do we even need a name?" Elder Siani asks her, you, and the universe at large. "Why do any of the courts need a name? They are all so… flowery!" He sighs once more. "We should all take a page from Tantoi. They asked what her court should be called, she told them that they are the Administration because that is what they are. It is simple, it is effective, and it gets the point across."
He doesn't like the name of the Caretakers, and he dislikes the names of the other courts more, but he still dislikes them having a name.
I feel like saying "Almost everything" is liable to get us a bit needled by Siani upon our return. Not for breaking any taboos but like. For being a bit overdramatic.

That said, there's worse things to do than to rant every so often out of annoyance at something.
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.

I want another rant.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.
[X] Almost everything. Frankly, it would be healthy for me to rant about the insanity of my court. I will hold back certain, forbidden details, but fully regale them with everything else.

Zhi rant. Zhi rant. Zhi rant!
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."

Not going for the rant unless someone adds that we don't say the name.

Overall, I don't think Daiyu would want to be part of this madness just for the sake of being able to travel.
[X] A more in depth explanation. I will tell them some details, including the name, and give them a more accurate idea of my duties.

I feel like Alectai's write-in is basically the same as this, but would rather get Ves' take on how KZ would describe it. I figure that Ves' would be more organic an explanation than just blurting out a whole lot of information all at once.
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."
[X] "The Eighth Court--at least from my experience so far--specialize in solving exotic problems that would otherwise slip beneath notice or require unusual talents and abilities to resolve--investigation, research, deduction, and when possible, resolution of the issue. Our little adventure in the Twelve Winds was actually an excellent example of what one of the Eighth Court's missions might look like and the sort of threat we'd need to identify--a creature of unknown aspect with unusual powers that had no obvious counters. Just compressed down into the space of a few hours instead of days and weeks and with far more witnesses than would normally be ideal. There may be more to it, but I am still in the Eighth Circle, there's only so much I'm privy to."