The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Vesvius on Aug 1, 2021 at 1:41 AM, finished with 120 posts and 88 votes.

  • [X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.
    [x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. The anam-laced desserts are truly spectacular - tarts that burn with heatless fire, bird-shaped pastries that flap their wings and turn their head, and candies that let out thundercracks when bit into. Just walking by the shop and looking into the window was an experience itself - Father would only let you *inside* once per trip, and each time was to be treasured.
    [X] Ismail's Kebab Shop. A small shop selling grilled ground meat cooked on rotating skewers and a vertical grill. The aroma of cooked spiced meat wafts down the entire street while the always cheerful Ismail makes small talk with his customers. According to Aunt Bi, it makes a terrific late night snack after drinking at the bar across the street.
    [X] The Furnace. A barbecue place with the finest cuts of meat. Also, your father said it's the only place in the city that has a bar worth anything. Pricy, but you know that Artists looking for the best of Immortal Cuisine in Soaring Crow go here.
    [X] The Cobalt Kettle. A tea house with an incredible selection of teas, and selection of light snacks. They have a reasonable selection for Artists and it is also a wonderful place to study.
    [x] Write-In: The Filigreed Carp: A high end pastry and dessert shop run by a set of triplets, each of whom tries to outdo the other in artistry and delectability. You used to treasure just the opportunity to walk by the shop and look in the window at their delicacies when you were a small child - your father only took you there on three occasions, each very special
    [X] Sweet Poisons: a sweet shop? That you found when you got lost as a child though the ingredients they use is the same as what Aunt Bi's uses in her... baking but oddly enough it taste great though you wonder why the proprietress look at you weirdly.
    [X] Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.
    -[X] If she's there eating Aunti Bi's cooking is always an unforgettable experience.
    [X] Actually, now that you think of it, the most remarkable food you ate in Soaring Crow was when your Auntie Bi cooked. You aren't sure if she'll be there -- she's often traveling -- but if she is, Kumi really should introduce herself as your friend and ask if she can try her cooking.
    [X] Write-In: Discount Ding's All-You-Can-Eat Bread Shed. Even as a tiny child, Kong Zhi was unusually practical and frugal, and would always save his lucre to buy what he fancied were charm components and gifts for family members.
In regards to wasted initial skill points Ves has reassigned one before,
Unused Skill Point reassigned from Knowledge (Mineralogy) to Investigation!
If Appraise has never been of use then it will probably share the same fate as Mineralogy. I wonder what skill will replace it, Intuition would be nice to have.
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In regards to wasted initial skill points Ves has reassigned one before,

If Appraise has never been of use then it will probably share the same fate as Mineralogy. I wonder what skill will replace it, Intuition would be nice to have.
Sure, it could be reassigned, and should if it just falls under something like 'early quest weirdness' that sorta happened before the mechanics were fully laid out. Recall that the reason it was chosen was that 1) Appraise was shown one of the examples of skills, which I think anchored a lot of people on it and 2) KZ is a crafter so it seems intuitive that he's able to appraise items.

Or it could be used? KZ is literally about to inspect and judge (appraise, even!) a dozen charms. Rolling Appraise could give further insight to the charms (which KZ would voice) and make KZ seem much more impressive and further build his reputation as a hotshot charmcrafter.

Other uses for Appraise could be, I don't know, rolling it during market actions and more successes = more/better items shown, using the linkage of KZ using his knowledge base and discerning eye to pick out hidden treasures among the trash. Or rolling when harvesting and successes = an additional item harvested as KZ has better understanding of what's valueable etc etc.

Appraise isn't bad/wrong by itself, it just wasn't utilised. Imagine how different the quest would've been with an additional +3 cycling? Or Athletics, or a point or two extra in Sense Motive & Perception.
I think we should Appraise Jai Shouxi next time he thinks about cutting off one of KZ's fingers.
See if he likes being studied...
Catching up on this quest and I have to say, are the Spirit Shrews supposed to be Wombles?

Cause in my mind, it looks like you negotiated with a clan of Wombles. . .
172. A Meeting of the Minds
A/N: A big thanks to the 42 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here.
>Uncle Han's. A humble stall with an incredible beef noodle soup. The best bowl in town, and it has a gregarious owner. Perfect place for a bowl and to hear some gossip.
"It would have to be Uncle Han's stand," you finally answer. "There is no other place in Soaring Crow that comes close."

"Uncle Han?" Kumi echoes. "Your Uncle runs a restaurant? I thought all of your kin were charmcraters."

You shake your head at Kumi's words. "Oh, no, Uncle Han is not actually my Uncle. I do not think he even has any siblings. That's just what everyone calls him. Uncle Han runs a small stand on the west bank of Soaring Crow on the second… no, the third level of the canyon. It does not look like anything special but everyone in town knows that it is."

Memories of steaming spiced broth simmered with fragrant herbs and fiery spices begin to waft through your mind. You can almost taste the perfectly seared beef and feel the chewiness of the noodle in your mouth. "Uncle Han serves the best beef noodle soup I have ever had the good fortune to taste. If you are spending any amount of time in Soaring Crow, you would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not stop by at least once. And don't skimp on the condiments."

Your senior's eyes light up and she smacks her lips together, clearing imagining the culinary delights in her future. "That sounds perfect. My thanks, Kong Zhi. I will be certain to put your palette to the test when I reach Soaring Crow. If it passes my rigorous testing, I may even find it in my heart to bring a bowl back home to the sect for you."

"You have 'rigorous' culinary testing?" you ask with a raised eyebrow. "Does it involve eating as much as physically possible and then finding a quiet place to take a nap?"

"Please, junior," Kumi scoffs. "When you are a Dream Artist, there is no such thing as a nap. I am merely expanding the horizons of my Art."

You can't hold back a chuckle at the offended expression she manages to paste on her face as she speaks. But as you laugh, the rest of what she says sinks in. "Wait, bring me a bowl?" you ask. "I doubt the soup will keep all the way from Soaring Crow."

Kumi waves off your concerns with a casual wave of her hand. "You can do many marvelous things with Stasis Rings," she informs you. "If I store it properly, the bowl I put in your hands will feel just like it came from your not-Uncle's pot."

"Really?" you ask, intrigued by her words. "I did not think Stasis Rings had that ability. Every time I hear of them, they seem like fairly straightforward things, where you put something in it and take it out later."

"For many Stasis Rings, that would be true," Kumi allows. "But there are a great number of them. Just as two Artists have their differences, even if they were trained identically, so too do Stasis Rings differ. Some are simple boxes contained in rings. Others are designed to store specific types of things and take better care of their cargo. Different rings can have different effects- some can even create a small manor for you to live in."

The look in her eyes leaves you no doubt that her examples were not chosen by accident. Your thumb goes to the small golden band sitting on your fourth finger, unconsciously spinning it in place. "Oh, Elder Siani told you about it," you say.

"Told me about it?" she replies with a laugh. "That is certainly one way of putting it. I was the one who found it in the Warren. Master offered me a few techniques for it when he wanted to find you a suitable reward, and when he told me who it was for, there was no way I could refuse!"

If you were still normal, you would be turning a bright red from the fondness in Kumi's voice. But thanks to the Fractal View, you are always red, so your cheeks only turn a faint purple. "Thank you for your regard," you mumble out with a nod.

"Thank me by taking care of it!" Kumi responds. "I had to go over sixty floors deep to get that ring! Covet it like the treasure it is, and bond it. Sooner rather than later!"

"Bond it?" you ask. "Like my Cloud's Breath?"

Your senior nods along with your question. "Exactly like that. It is not a difficult procedure. A few drops of blood and running your spirit through it should be enough. Once it's bonded, the ring can still be taken, but getting into its contents becomes substantially more different.."

You waste no time in putting Kumi's advice to use. A quick nip at your thumb draws a bead of blood, and a slight change in your breathing allows a bit of your anam to course through the ring. The band warms on your finger for a split second, heating to a point just shy of pain. Right as you're reaching to take it off, the metal cools, returning to its previous inert state.

"See? All done," Kumi cheers. "And now almost no one, besides you, can open your precious treasure trove unless you break the bond or you die- but at that point, you won't really be worrying about the fate of your ring, will you?"

You can only shake your head at Kumi's flippancy- before you pause. "Wait. Senior Sister, you have a Stasis Ring."

Kumi preens at your use of her title even as she answers you. "Of course. I have several. You will be hard pressed to find a disciple above the Eighth Circle without at least one."

"Then… then why am I carrying all of your stuff?!"

Your shrug emphatically in Kumi's direction, drawing her gaze towards the half-dozen bags slung across your shoulders. Her eyes dart from your face to the bags then back again, an impish smile growing on her face. "Kong Zhi!" she exclaims, mock-offense loud in her voice. "Do you object to spending such quality time with your beloved Senior Sister?! I thought our bond of respect and trust meant something to you!"

The next hour is spent in a similar vein, with Kumi bemoaning your coarse nature and uncaring- though still very cool- attitude as she continues to lead you from shop to shop. Clerk after clerk bears witness to her performance. One even begins to applaud after a particularly dramatic flourish leaves her pressing the back of her hand to her forehead. All you can do is sigh and carry on until she loses interest in her game.

Thankfully, you do not have to wait long, but not because Kumi decides to stop. Instead, as she's mid-proclamation, the constant chatter of the village suddenly falls quiet as if it were a bird whose cage someone has thrown an enormous blanket over. You glance up, scanning the roads around you only to find the villagers either gone or retreating, glancing behind you all the while.

You follow their gaze- and quickly find the source of their rout.

Coming up the streets behind you is Nokai, a determined look on her face. Her hounds follow her like obedient children, purpose in all of their movements. Only one dog moves ahead of her: Xue, who is sniffing the ground before him like it is hiding the great secrets of the universe.

Xue's path leads him directly towards you and Kumi. Your Senior takes in the oncoming Waste Barbarian with a curious gaze, mild confusion on her face. "Excuse me," she calls as Nokai approaches you. "Is all well?"

Nokai's eyes snap up from the ground, darting from Kumi to you in quick succession. She glances back down at Xue, who paws at the ground, before stepping forward. "You Kong Zhi senior. Where Kong Zhi?"

Kumi's mild confusion deepens, becoming true bewilderment. "I… is this perhaps a trick question?" she asks.

Nokai's fingers twitch and move to her side, where she clenches them around her robes. "Not find Kong Zhi," she almost growls. "Look. Tower empty. Not courtyard. Xue scent, find you. Where?"

...oh. Right. Nokai hasn't seen you since you completed the Fractal View and-

Oh, hunger within, Nokai hasn't seen you since Elder Siani's expression of power. She looked for you in the Spire, but the Jai Twins must not have been home to inform her of what's happened. So she began looking for you, only to not find you at the end of your scent trail. No wonder she's in a state.

You hurriedly step forward, raising a hand in her direction. "Nokai, it's me- Kong Zhi. I apologize if I have caused you worry, but I am fine, even if I look a touch different."

Nokai's eyes lock onto you and she stares, squinting heavily. She looks from you to the Fractal View to the Midnight Crossroads on your back and then back at your face. After a moment, she turns and looks at Xue as she grunts something that sounds like a question in her guttural tongue.

Xue's answer leaves nothing to doubt. The small white cloud of a dog leaps forward, letting out a happy yip as he does. You're barely able to catch him and cradle him before he plummets to the ground. As a reward, you are treated to a face full of fluff and slobber as Xue expresses his gratitude for the catch.

When you push Xue away from your face, you find Nokai almost sagging with relief. "Oh," she sighs. "Fine. Good see." She reaches out and claps your shoulder, squeezing it tightly as the tension leaves her body.

After a moment she lets go, straightening up once more before looking you up and down. "Change!" she barks out. "Form nice! Color good."

Beside you, Kumi clears her throat. "Excuse me, but I believe I may be missing something," she states. "Is all well?"

You nod at her as you reach out to return Nokai's shoulder clasp. "Yes, all is well," you tell her. "Nokai was just worried about me. She hasn't seen me since I finished my charm or since the… incident the other day."

Kumi nods in understanding. "Of course," she mutters. Then she turns to Nokai, smiling broadly at your friend. "No need to worry! I've been making sure he hasn't gotten into too much trouble!"

Nokai scoffs at that. "It Kong Zhi," she says. "Kong Zhi need minder not fall big cliff front."

Your senior glances to you. "Oh, I like her," she says.

You shake off the horror you feel at your senior meeting with one of your best friends before turning back to Nokai. "Nokai? Why were you looking for me in the first place?"

"Oh!" Nokai exclaims. "Yes!"

She reaches behind her and plucks Lu from where he had been sitting peacefully. The curly-coated dog lets out a disgruntled huff, but allows himself to be held out in front of his mistress. "Lu track terrible," she informs you bluntly. "Need teach better. Kong Zhi help?"

"Um…" you respond. "I am not sure what I can teach Lu in the art of tracking that you cannot."

"Oh, no," Nokai answers. "Not help teach. Kong Zhi not find long-neck in short grass. But need… bait." do not like where this is going. "I think that I… I am currently busy!" you quickly answer. "My senior sister needs my assistance to-"

Suddenly, your shoulders feel far lighter. A glance to your side shows Kumi leaning back, ring on her finger glowing as it finishes absorbing the bags you were hiding behind. "Nonsense. I am no lilting flower who would swoon at the thought of going it alone, nor would I ever dream of keeping my beloved junior from such a noble endeavor!" she answers through the broadest grin you have ever seen. "Please, Kong Zhi, consider any obligation you feel towards me discharged. Have a wonderful time with your friend!"

that traitor.

Nokai does not miss the opening. She grabs you by the scruff of your neck like she would a disobedient puppy and turns, marching you from the security of the village walls. Any pleas you might make die on your tongue, any requests for mercy go unheard. This is happening.

And happen it does.

Your next several hours are spent playing the most frustrating game of hide and seek you have ever experienced in your life. Nokai lets you go and encourages you to run and conceal yourself, lingering behind with Lu as she strives to teach him the tricks of tracking. It doesn't matter how far you run, how quickly you move, or how well you hide yourself. Nokai always finds you.

The first round ends quickly. You try and just run, moving as quickly as you can to escape the oncoming hounds. It ends less than five minutes later. Zhao catches up to you in no time at all and tackles you, knocking you to the earth with care you did not expect from the large hound and lightly digging his enormous teeth in the back of your neck.

You take a different tact on your second attempt. This time, you make for a small creek and dig yourself a quick den, counting on the mud and waters to muffle your scent. It even works- for a time. Eventually it's Xue that finds you, burrowing deep into the mud and pawing at your face with his tiny nails until you turn over so he too can treat you like a parent with a disobedient puppy.

Your third attempt ends far sooner than your second. With the creek failing, you took the opposite approach, climbing the Brightmaples to the best of your ability. Sadly, the best of your ability is… not great. Lan spots you before you make it halfway up.

When the shaggy dog pulls you to the ground, teeth in the back of your neck of course, Nokai is frowning.

"Is all well?" you ask as you free your robes from Lan's mouth. "Am I not performing this august task to your standards?"

Nokai absently shakes her head. "No, Kong Zhi run like frightened bunny. Well job. Lu just...not pick up fast."

At her side, the dark dog glances down at the ground, shame clear on his canine face. Nokai takes note of his body language and drops to a knee instantly, rubbing Lu's belly as she mutters soothing words into his ears. "No, not your fault. Mine. Need better teach."

Nokai lets out a contemplative noise as she soothes Lu. "Not learn watch. Not learn do either. Knows what do and not do. Maybe… show?"

Your friend nods to herself and stands up. "That it!" she proclaims, slamming a fist into her palm. "Know what do! Lu not learn anymore- Lu teach!"

Nokai turns to you and grins broadly. "Kong Zhi! You terrible hunter. Lu show how track! Learn by teach! Good plan!"

"I… see," you slowly drawl out. Honestly, though the idea appears hasty and foolish at first glance, the more you think on it, the more merit Nokai's plan seems to have. After all, your own skills have improved by showing others what to do. Going over the basics of Charmcrafting with Mei Daiyu has allowed you to reexamine things you already knew from a different angle and glean additional information. If Lu already knows the mechanics behind tracking, having him show you what to do might actually help reinforce what he has learned.

That is, if you are able to be taught by a dog.

Nokai does not give you the chance to refuse, though. After a few mumbled instructions to Lu, she's off, vanishing into the underbrush. The rest of the hounds quickly follow, filling the air with sounds of breaking twigs and rustling leaves. In seconds, you are alone with Lu.

The small dog takes charge. It patiently walks forward, showing you the branches and leaves disturbed by Nokai's passage. You follow him as he leads you through the foliage, stopping as he points out each scuffed footprint and broken blade of grass. Lu leads you a good way further into the Brightmaples before suddenly stopping.

A moment's inspection of the trail shows you why. The path, though partially hidden, has been one simple unbroken trail this far. But now it's diverging. Four smaller paths branch out from this juncture, each heading in another direction.

Lu looks up at you. It's clear what he's asking.

Which path do you follow? Who do you attempt to track down?
[] Xue. His path is small and difficult to follow. It will be a good challenge for Lu.
[] Zhao. His path is large and obvious. A victory will do wonders for Lu's confidence.
[] Lan. His path is hard to spot, but all you need to do is follow the trail of white hairs.
[] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.
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[x] Xue. His path is small and difficult to follow. It will be a good challenge for Lu.

Xue likes us. This will be easy!
[X] Lan. His path is hard to spot, but all you need to do is follow the trail of white hairs.
[x] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.
Amusement value. We have 8 Survival dice with the omake bonus, so might be able to pull it off.
[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.

You want to get good at something the best way is to fail until you don't
[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect.

The look in her eyes leaves you no doubt that her examples were not chosen by accident. Your thumb goes to the small golden band sitting on your fourth finger, unconsciously spinning it in place. "Oh, Elder Siani told you about it," you say.

"Told me about it?" she replies with a laugh. "That is certainly one way of putting it. I was the one who found it in the Warren. Master offered me a few techniques for it when he wanted to find you a suitable reward, and when he told me who it was for, there was no way I could refuse!"

If you were still normal, you would be turning a bright red from the fondness in Kumi's voice. But thanks to the Fractal View, you are always red, so your cheeks only turn a faint purple. "Thank you for your regard," you mumble out with a nod.

"Thank me by taking care of it!" Kumi responds. "I had to go over sixty floors deep to get that ring! Covet it like the treasure it is, and bond it. Sooner rather than later!"

Kumi. Best. Senpai. Is there any reason why we shouldn't ask her out on a date when she returns from her mission?
[X] Nokai. Her path is almost non-existent, but still, It's the last thing she'll expect

If it actually has a chance let's go for it.
[X] Lan. His path is hard to spot, but all you need to do is follow the trail of white hairs.

Zhao and Nokai are alphas; not my first choice to run down. Between Xue and Lan, Xue is the crafty, tiny one. Let's go with Lan.