The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

...Oh Shouxi would either love this job, or loathe it.

On the one hand, dealing with people uuuurgh.

On the other, he's an Omega level Troll and would be allowed to indulge that aspect of him for situations exactly like this one, on people who have shown to have earned it.
I feel like Jai Fa probably has the more relevant experience for her aunt's job than Jai Shouxi does, after having had to wrangle both ShouxI and Kong Zhi for an extended period of time.
Let's take the Blooming Spear of the Auroch. In this case, you need one more Insight. When you get it, BSA will take on new aspects, and instead of being at Phase 5/5, it will instead be phase 5/?. You'll be able to cycle into it to improve it, and then ultimately integrate it for further reward. It could be a stat bonus. It could be a trait. It could even be a boat! The sky's the limit.
Bow I'm just imagining a man meditating and getting knocked out by a boat falling from the sky. Lovely image.
I feel like Jai Fa probably has the more relevant experience for her aunt's job than Jai Shouxi does, after having had to wrangle both ShouxI and Kong Zhi for an extended period of time.

I disagree. From the quest start it's shown that Shouxi is a people's person, while Fa... is not. He enjoys dealing with people meanwhile Fa enjoys beating people.

The only kind of judge that Fa would be better at than Shouxi is of the judge Dredd variety.
Working Name: SnAxe
Materials: The Monster's bones (16 Steel) and Snake Mother's skin (14 Beast)

The axe is a huge battle axe where the suitable bones are used to form the shaft. The part of the snake skin is used for the grip while the majority is used to cover most of the blade, not the edges. The edges of the skin will have a steel plate sown into them allowing it to be fused to the blade. Further more overlapping sharp steel plates, reminiscent of snake fangs, will be sown onto the skin.

Effect: The axe channels a beasts piercing fangs allowing it to cut whatever the wielder wishes. The Steel's maleability allows the axe to transform seamlessly into scale mail armor providing Hardness to the wearer.
Alright, we seem to be out of axes. So I'm calling an end to the submission phase. Thanks to everyone who submitted an idea for your hard work!

Now comes the boring part: me and Ct have to go through the ideas and narrow it down to just our favorites. This could take a while. Please bear with us while we do our thing. Once we're all done, we'll make another post and get the vote underway!
The FInal Axe Vote
Alright, everyone! After some very careful deliberations and combing through the last bunch of pages, Ct and I have managed to narrow down the field. But before we get to our finalists, I just want to thank everyone for submitting their ideas. We greatly enjoyed seeing everyone's ideas and creativity on display. If yours wasn't picked, don't worry too much. This was a very tight competition; there were a bunch that made one shortlist or another that barely didn't make it to the final dance.

But now, let us move on to the grand climax of this whole thing: the finalists! Below are our five four favorite charms from the bunch, each with a few notes from your favorite QMs as to how we think they'd develop mechanically. Please note that as always, mechanics are very preliminary. They can change drastically as the charm is developed.

Now, without any further delay, let's see who made it to the grand finale!
The Rose of Battle:
Axe Charm (Weapon)
Components: Still Growing Sapling (Wood/Life 13), A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), Brass Knocker (Force 3)
Inspiration: The Twice Forged Thicket, and Jai Fa's pretty but painful nature.
Construction: The Sapling forms the axe haft. The Anvil is used for the blade. The Knocker is reshaped as a counter-weight.
Appearance: I picture the final charm to have an organic living metal appearance, more like it was grown, rather than constructed from separate pieces. So it will be a massive bladed axe, but with a slightly crooked shape. There will be a massive axe blade, but the other side will resemble a massive sharpened rose thorn. Perfect for ripping into things, or tearing armour off. The entire weapon has thorns of steel growing out of it, more on the blade and less where Fa would grip it. Emerald dust used to form a pattern of leaves from the counter-weight all the way up to the tip of the blade, which also draws out and links the Earth anam from the Steel and Wood aspects. Turquoise to inlay a single elegant rose into the blade, to match Fa's eyes.
Function: The main feature of this weapon is the numerous steel thorns that grow on it. These can break off when the axe hits an enemy, embedding the thorn in their body. The thorn then grows to hinder their movement. Through an expenditure of anam, these thrown can also be fired as a ranged attack. The number of thorns is limited, but can be replenished by cycling anam into the weapon, which also allows the weapon to regrow from any damage and resharpen itself.
Aspect usage: Wood/Steel makes the growing steel thorns. Force used to fire them as a ranged attack when needed. Life/Wood to allow the charm to be repaired/regrown through cycling (and a splash of water). Steel/Life for cutting life directly when needed.

I realise that this only has a base BT of 23 and looks a bit light on Steel. However, the use of Chui Dao to construct this will convert some of the other anam to Steel, which could end up with all aspects perfectly balanced (meme), and I expect we'll get at least a starting BT of 30 (if not more) from the design phase. Which when doubled down on, makes this at least as strong as Dance at the Midnight Crossroads.
I would also like to see what effect performing the design phase in an anam rich environment like the Twice Forged Thicket will have, as that is a mechanic we haven't tried yet.
I have decided not to add any of the new materials onto this, as while they have the right aspects, they don't really have the right material properties. I also don't want to throw big materials at something when it means we'll just take even longer to finish this.
A DD should be more than sufficient to make up for any shortfalls in the materials (which are still pretty good anyway).
QM's Notes: This one would probably cause a debuff effect if Fa keeps tempo while using the axe. The exact effects are still up for debate. This is definitely a weapon for a prolonged battle, though.
Companion of Steel

Materials on Hand
: A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), Brass Knocker (3 Force), Vestige's Ice (8 Ice).

Function: Kinetic energy (the force) dealt by and to the wielder of the axe is stored within it, as a battery of sort, and the user can unleash it, partially or completely, in a variety of ways.

The catch?

The energy taken in by the axe always manifests as steel.

Fa wants to add extra strength to her attack?
Big steel gauntlets cover her arms as she attacks.

She wants to protect herself from incoming attacks?
Solid honking blocks of steel bar the way.

She wants to be faster?
Her feet become clad in gleaming greaves that make her go faster or the surrounding ground becomes as burnished steel, increasing her speed.

She wants to release the stored energy as a ranged attack?
It's unleashed as a barrage of giant steel balls, spikes and shrapnel.

The limits of her versatility (can Fa say make out of the energy a steel cage that traps her and the enemy, or chains that hinder her opponents?) will likely depend on the final BT.

The force materials conceptually serve as the "receiver", the ice material as the "battery", the steel materials serve as the "output" and "mainframe".

Form: A gleaming and gargantuan two-handed and twin-headed axe, its core is that of reshaped monster's bones, within which the Vestige's ice is cleverly hidden and made to fit.
The core is covered by the thick steel obtained from the shaking anvil, fully encasing it, and it's further completely covered in an additional thin layer of brass, made from the melted brass knocker.
The Axe is burnished to a shine.

PS. The usual ingredients, but hopefully an interesting effect.
...combined with...
So. We know Fa's techs (admittedly from before her current learning spree but whatever that's the info we have) are named Tyrant's Blade for the Warrior tech and Guardian's Bulwark for the Defender. I figured we could name her axe in the same style.

Name: Warlord's Delight
  • Materials: The Monster's Bones (Steel 16), Vestige's Ice (Ice 8), A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7), Brass Knocker (Force 3)
  • Physical Description: The bones are forged into the monstrous scaffolding that outlines this savage looking double-bladed axe, filled in with the Anvil's force-imbued steel as the Vestiges's Ice runs in veins throughout and capped with a spike forged from the knocker.
  • Effect Description: "Steel is more than brute force," your Senior once told you. "It is far more than the weapons it can form. The true strength of steel is the potential it can hold and the malleability it contains." As Fa strikes, the Force created will be channeled to and feed the malleable Steel and Ice that form her weapon. With each blow given or received, Steel and Ice alloy will bleed out of the haft and over her form, forming a crystalline armor that synergizes with her own defensive techniques. As battle drags on, she grows - and her axe grows with her. Not only will this let her smash her foes harder for longer, but the potential held could be reversed as well - burning the armor into Force to propel Fa at whatever or whoever in particular she felt needed a giant axe and giant armored artist thrown at them.

Totally not ripping off the Akura bloodline armor, nearly as hard as Ves is ripping off Cradle ahem.

Yeah, Fa wants to S M A S H. So I like the idea of an effect that has her getting her Hulk on as she fights. Some people have rightly pointed out the issue she had fighting at distance and the fact that she's a bit slow, but the solution of an Archer tech baked into the axe rubs me the wrong way. Fa wants to smash with her axe. The obvious optimal solution is thus to avoid weak ass Archer nonsense and instead throw her and the axe at whatever cowardly foe is outside smashing range, so that they're now inside smashing range. She could also use it as a movement tech in general I suppose. Some sensible people lame worrywarts might point out throwing yourself at a foe is a really aggressive move, to which of course we must reply "no shit that is very much the point you pleb" and also that Fa has a good defensive suite already, so a way to leverage that by letting her get some aggressive/movement in seems a good move to make.
QM's note: These two are both great, but also very similar. So we would condense these down to one concept with influence from both concepts. The final product would use all mats specified and would end with another weapon built for a marathon, not a sprint. Only this time, it's one that would buff Fa, not debuff her opponent.
Frozen Forge.
Materials: Vestige Ice (8 Ice), Brass Knocker (3 Force), Still Shaking Anvil (7 Steel/Force)
Appearance/Crafting method:
The head and main haft of the weapon are forged of the Anvil, producing a double headed axe blade. The Vestiges ice has been repurposed into a number of blue decorations that embody the head of the axe, held in place through the ever useful angels tears, with these showing scenes of a hammer and anvil, steadily but forcefully creating an armoury that is familiar to one that is now Lost. Brass from a melted knocker is inscribed(Engraved? I don't know words) down the haft in winding patterns that perhaps look like an avalanche rushing forwards with terrifying force.

A knockers purpose is to transfer force, and such happens here. Any attack blocked with the haft of the Forge will transfer the force absorbed to he head of the Axe, ensuring that the defender is protected from attacks. But far more important is the gathering of force to act as raw material.

Ice has no inherent purpose, yet the concept of freezing, to hold something in place, is vital here. The Channelled force is frozen in place around the heads of the Axe, keeping it steady and turning it from Raw material into something that can be shaped and used.

And finally the Anvil. The Purpose of an anvil is the Act of Creation, and so it is here, where frozen force is Reshaped into the form of Axe Blades that extend from the main body, their strength reinforced through the use of Steel. These Blades can inevitably extend to a Ludicrous Size - At maximum Capacity, the overall width of the weapon would be twice that of Fa, and given they are composed of force rather than metal, the wielder will lose no speed from holding such a colossal implement of destruction.

However, much as it pains me to admit, sometimes a Giant Fuckoff Axe isn't practical, rare as those occasions can be. Therefore, an array in the handle creates a temporary barrier between the Ice Anam and the force, using the concept of steel as a wall or shield. Though instantaneous, it destabilises one of the axe head, releasing the force held within all at once, which can accelerate a blow towards an opponent or detonate it whilst still lodged within. In this way, it becomes an avalanche, slowly building a mass of Ice and Snow, to be released in one thunderous moment.

Force is the Metal. Ice is the Flame. Steel the tools that grant it new form, and the Swings of the Axewoman the mighty blows of a Master Smith. A smithy that uses no heat - A Frozen Forge.

...god I'm filled with purple prose today.

But basically, Idea is to synergise with Fa's defensiveness in a way that reduces anam Cost, gives her an Axe that can be as Fuckoff Big as she wants, and a way for her to just hit them really hard.

Edit: Oh fuck you van ropen, I totally thought of this first! :V (Not actually mad, Your idea is neat)
QM's Note: this one lends itself to a charge mechanic. It would build up charges with each use, with Fa then expending them as needed when she wants to add some extra punch to her technique.
Sing The Second Verse

* The Monster's Bones (Steel 16)
* A Still Shaking Anvil (Steel/Force 7)
* Brass Knocker (Force 3)

A marriage of brutal blades shaped from white steel bones, dark and intricate if not delicate self propelled gearwork and a polished brass spring. This appears at first as massive single bladed axe and with each blow or deflection its brass spring winds itself, storing Force for future use. The gearwork is not merely to transfer Force though, the wielder may trigger a transformation that reconfigures the weapon into a similarly sized and brutal sword, or back. As long as the brass coil has some measure of Force to spend this transformation is fast and only lends more impulse to a swing. Alternatively the wielder may choose to vent all remaining Force stored in the weapon in one blow, inefficient but deadly and tends to interact explosively with any other anam involved.

Zhi's recent experiences in making his Fractal have led him to believe flexibility is key in a charm, and that combat is best resolved with a good balance of surprise and overwhelming force applied at key moments. But ever an artist at heart there is one concession away from "merely" a weapon, the coil and gearing produce distinct notes as the weapon stores, works and releases force. Which in the hand of an expert produces simple pleasant tunes.
QM's Note: We're not nuts about the axe/sword shifting so we'd tweak it to go from axe to shield, giving it some nice symmetry with A Pond, Reflected. This one wouldn't reward Fa for winning- it would reduce damage she would take from losing, building up charges that would let her prevent damage later. Definitely the most defensive minded of these four.

Let's give it up for our five four finalists!

Just like last time, we're on approval voting here. So vote for as many or as few as you'd like. The one with the most votes by the end of the voting period will be Zhi's final plan selection for Fa's Axe!

WHO WILL WIN?! (Vote for as many as you'd like!)
[] The Rose of Battle
[] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight
[] The Frozen Forge
[] Sing the Second Verse
[X] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight

Strictly speaking I think I like The Frozen Forge's mechanic tiny bit better but it's also 'just' an 18 BT weapon and while, yea, sure, BT is a fuzzy mechanic I don't think I can do KZ's girl Fa a disservice by skimping on the goods when there are other high BT that are comparable.
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[X] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight
[X] Sing the Second Verse

I think I like the effects for these two best. Jai Fa could use some more defense from what I remember.
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[X] The Rose of Battle
[X] The Warlord's Companion of Steel Delight

Both of these seem fine to me.

First one is closest to my idea, second one is also pretty solid because offense is the best defense in this system.