Karlisle: The Broken Demesne
Karlisle is an odd system even by the standards of this region of space. The system has only a single intact planet within the system, the rest is filled to the breaking point with asteroids which vary from standard affairs to slabs the size of continents.
According to records retained in the Muspel archives this is because the system was set upon by a threat known as the "Scourge" at some point in M22. The only way to remove the Scourge and ensure its destruction was an intense orbital bombardment combined with exterminatus grade warheads. And then quarantining the system for around 1000 years, then during the age of the Imperium the Orks took and held the system preventing colonisation.
Karlisle itself is a relatively uninteresting world, it is a small planet that is rich in minerals. This is not due to the planet itself being rich in minerals, but due to the sheer number of meteorite impacts the world has suffered. The impacts have also destroyed all, but the smallest parts of the local biosphere many years before the orks even came into the system.
Taking the planet alone presented a unique challenge to the Trust as the orks inhabited and ruthlessly defended the asteroid belt, with the sheer scale of the asteroid field negating the deployment of large warships to drive them out. In the end the best light fleet commander in the Trust, Admiral Sarnow of Avernus was able to drive the orks out and allow for colonisation to begin.
Even then colonisation was not a smooth process, the constant danger of asteroid impacts destroying the fledgling colony forced the planet to focus on defence before everything else. Void shields strong enough to resist the meteors and anti-orbital batteries to deflect incoming projectiles.
In addition, a specially made device was created for the world known as the Prediction Engine. The sheer density of the asteroid field necessitates that any large ship needs some knowledge of the movements of the asteroids. While Trust ships can make their way through with luck, there will likely be some close calls as they scrape their way through even with their manoeuvring capabilities and advanced sensors. To counter act this in the early colonisation Diviners seconded from Avernus were used to sneak ships through, however this was quickly declared impractical due to a lack of psykers among other reasons. To counter act this the Engine was commissioned by the Trust. A massive series of cogitators designed by the Tech Priests of Avernus and built by the Artisans of Svartalfheim the Prediction Engine is made up of several thousand cogitators and 10 relay stations. The main body of the engine is located in a bunker deep on the surface of Karlisle, with the 10 stations dotted around the system. The stations constantly scan the system marking asteroids and project their data to the main engine which then uses the data to map the movements of the asteroid field with near perfect precision. When a ship enters the system after passing the relevant tests to confirm it is a friendly*, the engine will create a route for them to travel on and thus reach the Karlisle.
Economically the planet is expected to be incredibly powerful after it overcomes the hurdles of its early existence. Basic infrastructure had to be ignored early on to provide a safe base for the planet to begin colonisation safely and the population of the world is not very large compared to other Trust colonies. However, the sheer amount of potential resources present in the asteroid field, as well as the vast amount already present on the planet in the form of fallen meteors represents one of the largest sources of metal available to the Trust.
Military the planet's defences are incredibly strong, by virtue of the measures it needed to even begin, however the PDF is not as powerful as most colonies. This is not due to a lack of skill on the part of the colonists, on the contrary they are one of the more skilled PDFs in the developing Trust*, however they simply do not have the numbers that most planets have been able to create and sustain.
The Governor of the planet is Fernir Baltalikson. A semi legendary figure from the Vanir navy he served as the right-hand man to Solar Admiral Freyr during the age of the Imperium and into the foundation of the Trust and beyond. Only duty has led this stalwart gentleman to leave his comrade's side. Fernir is the current head of his house and has moved considerable resources into the colonisation of the world managing not only the resources of the Trust, but also of his own house to speed up the development of the world. With centuries of combat experience, masterful administrative abilities and diplomatic aplomb he intends to see his world thrive.
*There are numerous tests to confirm a friendly ship in the Trust, from simple IFFs exchanged automatically upon arrival in a system, unique spoken codes given by the captains of ships to even analysis of the unique signatures of the drives and engines of each ship. While paranoid, the Inquisition, especially Inquisitor Varquez who's experience as a Rogue Trader gives him great insights into the tricks ships use to fool port authorities and thus they insisted on the stringent security arrangements.
**This is especially helped by the population of the world developing an impressive sense for danger. While not even approaching the level of an Avernite the instinctual ability to leap out of the way of a falling micro meteor is starting to be engrained in the populace.
Recovered Technology-source undetermined
During the Engine's initial surveillance of the asteroid field one of the stations picked up a strange weak energy signature within a small asteroid. Further investigation revealed an entry way into the asteroid in which was located racks upon racks of automated mining drones. These drones are of an unknown design and are very basic in terms of technology, more sophisticated than a CAT, but only to the level that they can be favourably compared to servitors. Indeed the only interesting part is a small amount of basic grav technology that functions slightly better than a high end survo skull. They appear to have been intended as a way of quickly strip mining an area with little physical intervention. Under normal circumstances they would be sent to Avernus in the hopes of the Archmagos Explorator reverse engineering them and with luck increasing the amount of metal mined in the Trust, but the records of Muspelheim leave some concerns as to the origins of the drones. It is possible that the drones are left overs from an ancient human attempt to recolonise the system after the quarantine was lifted, it is also possible that they are remnants of Men of Iron technology intended to serve as a base point before expanding to ransack the system for its wealth. More disturbingly there are implications that this could be technology belonging to the Scourge that was destroyed in the system, which survived due to being deep within one of the other planets in the system when it was destroyed. Regardless of what is the case the Muspel archives do not have any insights and so the Drones have been quarantined pending further debate by the Mechanicus.
@Durin here's the new planet location somewhere in Colbalt, anything to change?
Anything to change here? Also I left the mining drones in the addendum and tried to throw some dust on whether or not they're even DAoT tech (I dunno)