"And we are one hundred percent sure the stealth is working?"
The Techpriest turned to the captain with a whir.
"Roger that. Navigation, begin dewarp preparation. When we come out, I want to be able to leave as soon as possible. Also, prepare to follow technology containment protocols. To the letter."
The bridge was calm, but the tension bubbling underneath was palpable. This was the first time almost every voidsman on this ship had left the cosy ten inhabited systems they knew. Friendly systems. Systems where every single ship wouldn't pounce on them at the first opportunity.
Callaghan was different. The system was a well respected minor shipyard 1000 years ago. One of the old Luna class cruisers in the Avernite fleet had been built here. Now, no one on board knew what to expect.
"Ensign Tak, put me on all channels."
"Broadcasting all channels captain."
The captain clasped his hands together behind his back and hauled himself up straight.
"All crew of the shadow class destroyer Carmen San Diego, this is Captain O'Rouke. We will soon be arriving into Callaghan. As you know, this world is held by the heretic forces who call themselves the golden legion. These shiny bastards will want to tear us apart and then put us back together again as meatpuppets, so I understand that you might be scared. I am. Still, chief enginseer Cox has assured me that the machine spirit will keep us safe, and by the emperor dead body, I believe him. We need to be ready to run silent as soon as we dewarp. Any section with problems with this needs to contact the bridge now."
O'Rouke turned the vox off and looked at his display panel. No messages had come in. the ship was ready. He tapped his console and reopened the vox channel."
"Captain O'Rouke to Carmen San Diego. Prepare for dewarp, and may the emperor protect us."
The captain changed the channel of the voxcaster. "Serafina, you heard all of that, take us out, quiet as you can."
The sensor operator saw a brief flicker of warp activity. She felt nothing about this, but a pulse of activity running through her brain indicated this was important. She engaged the long range scopes and... Nothing. She saw nothing. A brief burst of worry, followed by confusion, followed by more nothing. She, and she didn't have a name, had barely felt anything ever, so marked it up for later investigation, and went back to monitoring her warpscopes.
Captain O'Rouke looked at the long range scope footage again. Still nothing. It seemed the locals had missed their arrival.
He turned to his bridge crew. "Bring the main screens online, I want you all to see this".
The crew looked to the front of the austere bridge, and a trio of massive holoscreens flickered into life. Glittering in the display was a planet, beautiful and blue, and in front of that were shipyards that almost matched those around Vanahiem in scale. In the centre of this, was a gleaning golden statue of the emperor, larger than a battleship.
"Zoom in on the face."
The centre screen flickered, and the statues face loomed large over the bridge. Something seemed off about it. Generally statues of the emperor had a rageful, or happy, or dissapointed, or even dismissive expression. This one was just... Contented. The longer the crew looked at it the more they felt the saccerine monstrosity of the face stare at them, the more they saw the monster wearing the dead face of their god.
"Turn it off." The screen lingered for a second. "Do it!" The screen died.
"Now, I think, each and every one of you know what we are fighting. I first saw it young. After the Pink Skies, just before my family fled. Cultists. They killed people dear to me."
The crew knew O'Rouke was Avernite, but didn't expect this.
A young lieutenant spoke up.
"It was just so, wrong."
"Chaos is wrong McEwan. And that's why we fight it."
"Bring back the display. Blur all faces. Now, since you've seen the face of evil, let's look at this strategically. We can all tell this shipyard is enormous, but we don't know how productive it is. Assuming minor techbase increases since loss of contact, it should take them years to build anything, but someone will need to check back to confirm that. McEwan, if you are done retching, I need a report on all the ships in system.
McEwan looked up, her large green eyes still watering. She glanced down at her console, and let a smile climb onto her face.
"Got one, sir. Observation decks are way ahead of us. Not many ships in system sir."
"What, exactly do we have McEwan?"
"Sir. Seems like 55 monitors, 70 escorts, all imperial vintage, a dozen Luna's, 2 dominations and an Emperor, Sir."
"In the emperor's name! Afelhiems defense fleet could take them out!"
"Sir. The system defences are substantial outside of the ships. 50 defence platforms, sir!"
"We'll stay in system another few days. See if anything interesting shows up. Until then, I dare say we have found a perfect target. First Enginseer Cox! Make sure our stealth remains perfect. I don't want to suddenly have to dodge Nova cannons."
"And everyone. Ave Imperator!"
"Ave Imperator!"