1: Thank Svartalfheim for pointing out the possibility of a difference between full and resource colonies. Discuss the suggested differences. Propose that any system containing a human habitable planet must be established as a full colony. Propose that this Council only concern itself with establishing rules for full colonies as we have a series of questions to still answer on resource colonies. Rules for resource colonies (including if they are allowed) will be decided at a future Council after we have answers to the following questions:
a. What level of defenses are acceptable for a resource colony? Must the resource colony be setup so abandonment can occur easily? To what extent can we create resource colonies without overextending the Imperial Trust military? Propose the Security Council be given the task to evaluate these issues and present their findings and recommendations to the Council in ten years.
b. What STCs can be safely extended to a resource colony? Which ones cannot? How will this impact resource production? How viable will the resource colonies be? Propose that the Mechanics be given the task to evaluate these questions, with the assistance of Trust Administorum experts on efficiency. That the findings and recommendations be presented to the Council in ten years.
c. What would be required to protect resource colonies from rebellion threats and Chaotic infiltration? Propose the Inquisition, Ministorum, and representatives from the various Arbites organizations form a committee to review this question, and present their findings and recommendations to the Council in ten years.
d. What if resource colonies want to become full colonies? Some inhospitable and resource extraction planets can become major systems. Look at Nilfheim and Muspelheim. Will there be a method for resource colonies to advance if they prove themselves viable? Will they have the right to petition? Propose that the Governors consider these questions and that we discuss it again in ten years.
e. Point out that we need to know more about the density and distribution of resources in the surrounding systems to help us in evaluating this idea. Method to gain this knowledge to be addressed in a different proposal.
2: Propose that when a system wishes to establish a full colony they must seek initial approval from the Security Council, which shall evaluate both the extent to which it would extend the military resources of the Imperial Trust, and if there are any competing claims by outside powers that could entangle us in conflicts. Security Council decisions are preliminary until the next High Council meeting which will either approve or overrule the Security Council decision. The High Council must always approve the settlement of a system claimed by an outside power prior to colonization efforts beginning. (Point out Fjol IV as an instance where we would support colonization despite being claimed by an outside power - the Dark Eldar - because we'd be fighting them anyway.)
3: Propose that full colonies must have a minimum level of defenses, with STC availability tied to those defense levels. That there are required defense improvements that must happen by a certain number of years after colonization.
4: Propose that each system in the Imperial Trust can sponsor no more than one full colony at a time. However, systems that are uninterested in colonization may trade their sponsorship slot to another system. Or cooperate with another system in a joint settlement of their colony. This will prevent us from becoming overextended and limit us to nine full colonies at most at one time. It also provides incentives for colonizers to help their colonies achieve independence.
5: Propose that full colonies have protections: maximum taxation rate, a minimum portion of a colony's taxes that must be spent on it, a local government drawn from local residents, and right to petition the High Council (by the local government).
6: Propose that full colonies shall be established with the expectation of independence within one hundred years, at which point they will gain a seat on the Low Council. However, a favorable long term trade agreement may be established between the colony and colonizer, that can extend for no longer than 100 years after independence. If a colony has not achieved independence within one hundred years of its founding, it may petition the High Council to be moved from the colonizer's control and be directly administered by the Imperial Trust instead. In such cases the Trust will act to improve the colony to full independence as soon as possible.
7: Propose that full colonies must have at least one secondary sponsor (selected by the primary sponsor with agreement by the secondary), who, if the primary sponsor is cut off by warp storm, will take on responsibility for the defense and maintenance of the colony. If all the sponsors are cut off, then the Imperial Trust shall appoint a temporary sponsor until such time as the original sponsors are available.
8: Propose that over the next ten years, each system begin an initial exploration of their nearby systems for an assessment of resources and ease of colonization. And to establish Imperial Trust claims prior to the collapse of the Warp Storm. With aid by the Imperial Trust Navy to systems proportionate to the size of their system navy (offering more help to those with smaller fleets). Information gained to be shared at the next Council in ten years, when we assess the feasibility of resource colonies. Any current information (based on old records or more recent Navy scouting) to be shared with all Trust members at the conclusion of this Council so as to allow more efficient exploration over the next ten years.