The most important meeting
The chamber was the most secure room on the entire planet. Situated deep within a fort-like complex, each single wall thick enough to withstand direct tank fire and engraved to ward of psychic powers, patrolled by the best soldiers and the most incorruptible arbites.
That alone would matter little compared to the hives weapons, defenses and millions of soldiers. What made it so secure were the persons present. They were veterans of over fifty years of constant war with the hellish flora and fauna of their planet.
And the necessary paperwork to keep the planet running. So much paperwork needed to be slain each day. How gratifying it was to shoot it down in the shooting ranges. How strong the wish to be able to handle it elsewhere the same.
They were all experts in combating hostiles and paperwork alike. Except one recent addition to their numbers.
"I know it seems like a minor matter only but I really want to know your opinion on what the problem is" asked the man leading them the newcomer.
"The causalities are too high. Losing an entire regiment on patrol is just rare."
The leader mulled over the answer. It was right and the last time it happened was only a few years back but it was as well not the answer he was looking for. "Yes. But what lead to it happening? All the relief force was able to recover were short battle logs on the orders issued."
The logs showed that the regiment engaged some Congregation Asp until waking up some dragon fruits in the process of planting themselves. They had to disengage and during their fighting retreat got ambushed by a school of Camo Crocs. With the asps they were pressed threefold and without a clear path out the regiment got wiped out.
"Avernus?" was the sarcastic answer. It garnered amused and approving chuckling of the elders. Their experience was all too often pointing to the very same answer.
"You see Syr "continued the arbite "Those answer show how young and inexperienced you still are. While reading the report I could not avoid but feel that underhand tactics were used. One of the first victims was the commanding officer and it is a common tactic, especially those fallen to Chaos, to kill their stalwart seniors to come into power."
To this the living saint in the room nodded in agreement. "I agree Jane. But as the battle progressed the officers had to order again and again their man to hold their ground. I am afraid that as their conviction was tested they were unable to hold onto it."
"Saint Lin, it is true that they might have still won in the end but the logs show that the critically point happened sooner in the fight." objected the man tasked with overseeing matters of the void. "The unit broke apart with the death of their commanding officer. There were too many communications regarding the new chain of command to be any commanding happen."
"It changes nothing on the result. It is still just one of many causality reports, Admiral Parnell. The only difference is scale." Said the member of the administratum resigned.
Agitated by the statement the general of the lost troops retorted: "I hope my soldiers are more than numbers to your administration, Henry! The call for air support was launched as soon as possible. The differences between guard and navy, to which the air forces still belong, were the reason the relief came too late."
"Let us remain civil." The mayor of Dis chimed in. "There is the distinct possibility of another reason. Drago, I know that you do not keep track of it but two lieutenants of the regiment belonged to the same noble house. They have enemies powerful enough to delay response by a few minutes. This turned the situation deadly."
"Intrigue is always a possibility when all facts cannot be revealed. I ask you, Klovis-Ultan, to focus on what we have. All we know are the logs and they proof that the officers in command made misconceptions regarding the handling of the wildlife. Unlike the commanding officers his replacements did not know how to respond to dragonfruits correctly. Thereby the reason lies in insufficient training of the lower levels of commissioned officers." gave the leader of the mechanicus his analysis.
The blind man seated among them smiled and with a nod towards their leader timed so perfectly only he perceived it. "It is true that there is no hurdle knowledge fails to overcome but mortals cannot know everything. Even the capacity of your enhancements is limited Britton. It is far more possible that the hive mind of the asp laid a trap few mortal could have anticipated. The regiment was not experienced enough to handle the dangers a dedicated and entrenched foe could pose so short after its forming. But I ramble. Sargent, please tell us your opinion."
The soldier remained steady and alert on his post despite the attention of the mightiest persons on this planet. He had reached his position on the Governors Own by proving his skill against the worst the planet could throw at him. It was not the first time he guarded his charge in one of these meetings and the blind seer Ridcully made for some obscure reason sure to put him on the spot in most of them.
"Sir! They had the wrong equipment. During the time of the incident standard Everglade procedure is to outfit all patrolling regiments with Whirlwind Hydras to cut down the swarming Giant Mosquitos. They are sup par to fend off Dragonfruit." gave the soldier his assessment of the situation.
Ultimately the decision had to be adjourned as there were too many unknown. If and what should be done was pushed off until the departments could check if their initial conclusions or something else was responsible.
"You let me run into a tiger there!" accused Syr her father –and Governor- as they stepped back into the residential part of the palace.
"Was I that obvious?" asked Frederick his daughter not even attempting to defend himself.
There was acid in her answer "Yes! How do you except me to be your heir if you make me look like an idiot before the department heads?"
"We must have been at two different meetings. You handled yourself quite well through the budgetary discussion on ammunition and resupply." coaxed Frederick a wince out of her.
Syr refrained from speaking until they had given their orders for dinner to the palace staff and seated don in the dining hall. Her father made an educated but silent guess that she had found the matter quite bitter given the sweetness of the dinner she ordered.
"You did not let me run into a tiger there. The lot of you put a spider nest under my seat. It was far to rehearsed." she muttered giving her father the stink eye. "I don't understand why through."
The two remained silent until their meal arrived and during it. At the end as his daughter was still brooding Frederick gave her a probing glance. She caught its meaning but visibly had to steel herself to ask him to explain as Jane's teachings have ingrained the need in her to solve problems by herself in her.
"Opinions." was her father's one word explanation. "You have heard what the other thought. Can you guess what they would recommend to be done?"
Syr started immediately ticking her analysis of the department heads of: "Drago saw only danger and wants more control over and more numbers of the weapons –here aircraft- for his department. Volkiss thought 'paperwork' and would recommend posting more regiments there until some sort of quota is reached. Jane's first thought is practically always heretics and how to shoot them faster. Lin would probably ask for sermons for the soldiers to encourage them and they would love them for the reprieve they would provide."
"K-U sees plotting nobles but I have no idea what his solution would be." She continued more hesitantly. "Your bodyguard's reasons elude me although I understand his point but putting more anti-air in the regiments would not have helped either. The Mechanicus are always preaching about learning from one thing or another but even civilians learn how to handle the wildlife."
After another moment she shook her head. "Understanding Ridcully is most often pointless as he somehow makes it so that you only understand what he wants you to. I get Admiral Parnell's angle but the unit's chain of command held and proceed at a speed above what is expected from a PDF regiment."
"Shall I explain?" her father teased before continuing at her agreement. "You are right with Lin, Drago, Jane and Volkiss. It shows how well you know them."
"Klovis-Ultan wants privileges. Having arbites at his back to watch over other noble he can get more information without using his own resources. It is a most dangerous situation to put that much power into one noble without any oath beyond that of a hives mayor."
"Britton is angry about the wildlife intruding upon his work. He does not show it but he takes any change he can to secure additional funds to keep it at bay. Most of it he gets through research funds. The new void shields and weapon mounds in mechanicus buildings are all 'experimental' and 'are vital for research effort'. Not that he is wrong."
"Ridcully has seen more than most humans can. His daily routine is to remind himself that not all see the world like he does it. He tried to explain it to me like describing a picture to someone blind. Frustrating and unsatisfying. As such he ties to affect the big picture. There might be still no one who can see what he saw but many will 'feel' a part of it. What he said in the meeting can be translated to: 'The big picture will not change but stop overlooking the obvious.' It takes time to get used to a diviner."
"The sergeant's angle is a bit more complicated. For soldiers their weapons are their tools. How can I explain this to you? You have not yet seen war first hand. Hmm. Have you ever wondered why the commissioned officers of the guard receive CQC weapons? Look at me! My guards have rifles and I go into combat with a pistol and sword? The thing is that when it comes to officer needing to fight their unit's line is already broken and the enemy is charging them or they are charging tying the enemy up in CQC. Now compare it to what happened in Everglades. They were suddenly faced with a situation for which they were not equipped. It is a soldier's greatest fear to face something they have nothing to fight against with. There the situation was very close to it."
"For the captain of a ship there is nothing more important than the chain of command. On any imperial ship there is a clear chain of command that everybody on board knows. The crew needs it. Without it they could end up working against each other and never noticing it. The guard's process of taking command by informing that they take command is superfluous hick hack for Parnell. It is one of the things why the guard and navy hate each other."
Syr took her time thinking over it. Frederick took this time to nip on his drink. He was waiting for his daughter to ask the important question, to ask after the missing piece. He did not need to wait long even if the question was still not what he was waiting for. She was on the right way.
"Those are too many opinions for such a simple thing. It will be hell keeping them working together."
"You have it the wrong way around. They have to keep us working." He said with a spark of humor and honest smile. "As governor you decide. If there is nothing -budget, dispute, competence- to decide on than you don't have anything left to do but sit in your office and thinking about what else you would like to do."
"I have not seen any deciding from you on that matter. Do you even have one?" she asked the question he was waiting for.
"Of course. I am of the same mind as Henry." Frederick answered with what seemed to surprise her.
"Why? What he said during the meeting was at best depressing!"
"Because I am an administrator. Before becoming governor I was for over a hundred years a clerk in some office. It is what I have learned." he answered her truthfully.
Syr visibly swallowed her first retort before thinking again.
"What do you owe Henry to make him say that?" she asked at length and managed to make her father choke on his drink.
What followed were a practiced and familiar dance of maternal oversight, truth, lies, statements and promises home in loving families. Frederick managed over it to completely derail his daughter's train of thoughts from his dept. He booked it as a net win even if he had to promise her to bring her at the next opportunity to an extended visit to Avernus officer academy.
"What was this all about again?" he asked aloud. "I wanted to show you the differences."
"Believe me if I say that I know of the differences of idiocy in this room." His daughter ribbed without any malice.
"Na. Something more important. You see how the job makes you think in certain patterns first? I wanted to make you think about where you go next. I will always be at heart the clerk in an office because I learned it first."
"You have the change to choose unlike me. My father was of the administration and I was trained to fill his place from early on. I spoke with Britton and he would introduce you to the Mechanicus as his apprentice. Jane and Lin would both love to spend more time with you. On top there are waiting several application letters of military academies on my desk for you."
Looking her in the eyes to make her understand his seriousness he continued: "As a governor you have to decide. This next step is your first big decision."
Petting the suddenly stiff Syr comfortingly on the hand Frederick left her with her thoughts.
Remember: Klovis-Ultan hide as the mayor of Dis if he is not acting as an inquisitor. The Planetary Governors know he is an inquisitor lord. We don't know who else. While writing I presumed that only very few people know it and that Syr is not among them.
It should have been complete thursday! I take way to long to write these...