The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Holy stars. The bears suplexed an Imperator titan. Ultrabears are best bears.
Its metal enough that Khorn won't torture them too much beyond the baseline requirement before letting them get somehow resurrected/replaced, because even he can't honestly hold loosing to something that awesome against you. That's not to say that intellect has much to do with how Chaos Gods operate, but intent can sometimes matter.
-The Sons of Cerberus engage in a several decade long battle with the Necrons of the <REDACTED> Dynasty on the world of <REDACTED>, the conflict only ending when the Chapter Master and local Overlord both are presumed dead after plunging into an artificial sun of warpfire - A form known to negate the Necron's ability to warp to safety when facing destruction.
That poor Overlord had no idea who they were messing with. Probably didn't even deign to learn that chapter master's name before the end.
The Dark Apostles especially were killed in particularly humiliating or degrading ways - at least one incident spoke of one being found after having been run over by a Rhino... repeatedly.
Oh my! Why, if I didn't know any better, I might have imagined that for some unfathomable reason the Astartes responsible for this held some kind of a grudge against their targets.
But surely, a Good and Noble Loyalist Chapter of such a late Founding would have no reason to have such against a Legion of Traitors during their first meeting, beyond that which is only naturally felt against all Traitor Scum, right?
/*Warning, Sarcasm Overload Detected*
Once more, the Sons of Cerberus and the Black Legion find themselves in a merciless, long lasting battle. This time, the clash found itself ended when the Sons of Cerberus Dreadnought known as 'End of Traitors' killed the Chaos Warlord by manhandling him and using him to bludgeon his own Master of Executions to death.
well, it appears the sons of Cerberus used the Jason sleeping bag method of killing, except they used two armored space marines to do it

You'd think we would have more resources with the reputation we've gathered.

Grimm honestly has resources and connections that are utterly terrifying for one man to have, he can, effectively, requisition whole planets from across the entire Imperium, get Astartes fleets created whole cloth, outfit entire Chapters and establish their ongoing logistical support with the Mechanicum and Administratum.

He has Forge worlds, entire Inquisitorial Ordos, Founding Chapters and all manner of vastly powerful Imperial factions making requests of his time and works that he can and does say 'no' to on a regular and repeated basis.

Grimm is an incredibly powerful man for pretty much any time period in the Imperium considering just who make polite requests of him.
I'm pretty sure Frog said that he isn't going to change the timeline until after he reaches postmodern 40K in the quest.
Not in big ways, the overall plots going to be the same but small details will be changed. Like weakening the Inquisition with the Synopt guys or making the Imperial Truth Bastion. What we do affects how horrible the Imperium is.
-Blood Ravens: The Blood Ravens have in their Reliquary one of the Sons of Cerberus' oldest artifacts, the 'Titan's Axe'. Strangely, while neither party has records of the Sons of Cerberus giving the artifact to the Blood Ravens, both of them are also quite certain it wasn't stolen either - how it ended up aboard the Blood Raven's flagship is a mystery, and so both Chapters act as if it was gifted for the sake of expediency.
Blood Raven Reliquary Attendant 1: "Hey, when were we uh "Gifted" this Ax, I don't remember ever seeing it brought in?"
BR RA 2: "Let me check the records.... Uhhhhh I'm not seeing any "Gifting" actually.... I am now deeply disturbed."
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I mean... the Timeline has changed. It's just that it has not shifted in any overly-dramatic ways.

But, well, The Imperial Truth, instead of being lost and forgotten to the fog of ages, maintains a holdout, enduring.
The Golden Sons are, well, doing their thing. And you can be damn sure that once they are done it will be quite the upset on the Status Quo.
The number of wide-ranging Chapters that work to eliminate Rebels, Corruption (both Mundane and Chaos) and plain Incompetence we have made has almost certainly resulted in an overall more stable Imperium.

The Forest might look the same from the distance, but when you look closer, the trees are a lot more healthy than they would have been otherwise.
Nope, still can't get over a mountain sized bear suplexing a mountain of demon forged metal into a mountain fortress. Still laughing.
Every chapter we make seem to face chaos marine at somepoint and generaly slaugther them,i'm pretty curious if we managed to make a statisticaly noticable dent in the total number of chaos marines
You know actually we don't have any farming based marines, but then again that's sorta not the point. Marines are made to fight some issue, and agriculture shouldn't be one of them. Well, not unless the crops and animals fight back, but then that would only be confined to the specific agri-worlds.

I think an Aquatic based space marine chapter should be made considering the difficulty for humans to fight in water. I mean if you want to be clean and accurate you go in there with a knife and spear, but if you want to kill everything in the waters you can drop a bomb that uses the shockwaves to kill everything, or sonar. Cuz like sub marines have killed marine live before by being too loud.
I think an Aquatic based space marine chapter should be made considering the difficulty for humans to fight in water. I mean if you want to be clean and accurate you go in there with a knife and spear, but if you want to kill everything in the waters you can drop a bomb that uses the shockwaves to kill everything, or sonar. Cuz like sub marines have killed marine live before by being too loud.
If we make one that specializes in Void Warfare we can double up...Cause fighting in Water and Void have similar if opposite issues.
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