Well, technically yes. But then you have to remember that the plan has Extra Assault Packs as an option which would allow greater number of assault marines. And since on a technical, assault marines are more easier to train and get than Champion thus getting more them of them in the long run, right?Wouldn't having more champions generally mean that there are more melee masters?
Admittedly, I was looking at the equipment options of both plans to compare and trying to figure out the potential pros & cons since I knew it would influence in how they fight (to what degree IDNK). Extra Assault Packs option would allow more assault marines in larger numbers than normal and have more marines fighting in close to melee ranges, but the More Thunderhawk option would be able leans itself by transporting & moving marines & carrying their equipments around to other places more faster and thus theoretically be better & useful into playing with the strengths of a Legion-sized & numbers space marine chapter.
You get what i'm trying to figure out and explain, no?
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