The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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I'm think we ether do a white scars chapter on a planet near Fenris or we do an iron hands chapter on that one planet where we get the randomized bolter trait
Fot all those who oposed politics, this is second chaapter that needed Custodes influence to survive. The inquisition problably knew the were comissioned by big E, knew that they were close to the custodes, and even then they required a custodes to come out and say "leave them alone".

So much for no imperial would even try.
Don't overreact, you are acting like they would had absolutely had this chapter destroyed rather than just having some issues. Especially since even without the Custodes it was clear our guys had the support of Emperor.

Also it is really just coming across as immense fear mongering when you ignore context completely. For example the one chapter that we made that had political issues were created with the quester knowing full well it would be an issue due to the factors involved including how opposed the Imperial Truth is to the Imperial Faith. And of course the only reason they were in deep shit anyway was because we explicitly got them involved in politics anyway.

And you are also ignoring certain factors and context for this chapter as well. The only reason we had any potential issues with the Inquisition was because of this chapters empathy for civilians. Otherwise hey likely would have not given anywhere near of a shit about a good number of them getting killed off.
It's not that Emperor's Children geneseed will cause them to have selfcest. Is that, it combined with Iron Hands will cause them to be Chapter of the Narcissuses. Ferrus and Fulgrim were best friends. Such combination will result in extreme self-love stemming from vestigial genetic memory.

Selfcest ultimate.
Wow this has to be one of the most cursed things I've read in a 40k quest quiet impressive actually! 😅
you know, for when you have to be absolutely sure your target is dead
When you want to say: "fuck this guys in particular"
Vulkan's sons always get the weird skin pigments it seems. Nocturne gave the Salamanders their pitch black skin and fire red eyes. Now Emperor's Landing I assume has made the Golden Sons' pigment solid Gold with molten Gold eyes. Also the scales probably don't do wonders for hair growth.
It also might lessen the scrutini the Black Dragons will suffer, since there is now a precedent for the sons of vulkan to develop this types of mutations.

Now what i think this guys are for is to allow Big E basically coffee breaks from the golden chair. IIRC Emps could heal himselfs if he wasn't stuck in the chair, someone mentioned in this quest before, so the our Golden boys job would basically make a line and sit on the throne for a couple minutes each lets say 5 minutes each, times 1000 thats 3 and a half days Emps would have to spend out if that chair healing, resuming that the 1st guy is not ready for round 2 by the end of it, and codex complaints numbers, wich we know they dont have, they have more. So i presume the idea is for one day GS being able to last enough so Big E can be removed from the throne and healed
Now what i think this guys are for is to allow Big E basically coffee breaks from the golden chair. IIRC Emps could heal himselfs if he wasn't stuck in the chair, someone mentioned in this quest before, so the our Golden boys job would basically make a line and sit on the throne for a couple minutes each lets say 5 minutes each, times 1000 thats 3 and a half days Emps would have to spend out if that chair healing, resuming that the 1st guy is not ready for round 2 by the end of it, and codex complaints numbers, wich we know they dont have, they have more. So i presume the idea is for one day GS being able to last enough so Big E can be removed from the throne and healed
I fear the first time big e stands up he will then collapse cause golly the cramps he must be feeling.
Don't overreact, you are acting like they would had absolutely had this chapter destroyed rather than just having some issues. Especially since even without the Custodes it was clear our guys had the support of Emperor.

I still remember people saying, no one would even try, or consider because it would be suicide, here we see that the custodes came out to say nay.

Maybe it was not needed, but the fact is, that they have.

Also it is really just coming across as immense fear mongering when you ignore context completely. For example the one chapter that we made that had political issues were created with the quester knowing full well it would be an issue due to the factors involved including how opposed the Imperial Truth is to the Imperial Faith. And of course the only reason they were in deep shit anyway was because we explicitly got them involved in politics anyway.

I don't ignore, but that chapter also had a custodes come out to force a truce, and said truce has inquisitors watching that no one tries underhanded methods to harm the other, something i already said.
Te point that we made them for that explicitly is not counter to the fact that that chapter needed custodian involment to avoid termination. Because fighting the Eclesiarty and the enemies of the imperium would see them dead.

Also a little tired that you call my opinions "fear mongering", when WH40k is a Grimm Dark, and i merelly pointed possible scenarios. There were realistic chances that any of that would happen.
hell, the fact that the problem would come from inquisitors wanting to purge civilians did not come up! and that could have lead to a Months of Shame scenario.

And you are also ignoring certain factors and context for this chapter as well. The only reason we had any potential issues with the Inquisition was because of this chapters empathy for civilians.

So....? the fact remains that you said that there would not be problems with the Imperium, and had not custodes intervined before a problem could form, there could have been a serious problem.

All that i want to say is, next time, if you don't want something, at least use arguments, instead of repeating the same and accusing others of fear mongering.
It also might lessen the scrutini the Black Dragons will suffer, since there is now a precedent for the sons of vulkan to develop this types of mutations.
good point

As for the chapter purpose it seems like they are making themselves into replacement throne sitters. I would imagine they prefer to use the geneseed of the marines best able to endure the crucible thrones to make the next generation.

(somewhat crazy idea. What if the Emporer is actually a Golden Son that got set back in time)
-Grey Knights: The Golden Sons are perhaps the only Space Marine Chapter within the Imperium, aside from maybe the Exorcists or Seraph Brotherhood, that come even close to having the same absolute incorruptibility as the Grey Knights. Between this and the fact that the average Golden Sons psyker is actually even stronger than his Grey Knight counterpart, albeit in exchange for Psyker abilities not being universal as they are for the Knights of Titan, the Grey Knights have come to consider the Golden Sons among their greatest allies in the war against Chaos.
If I remember correctly there Grey Knights can combine their psykick might into something greater than the sum of their parts, how many Grey Knights would you need until the Grey Knights collective psykic powers become more powerful thabln the equivalent number of Golden Sons?
Also do the Golden Son Librarians get the same gear as a Grey Knight?
-Blood Ravens: The Blood Ravens have been gifted the Gilded Hammer, a powerful weapon of the Golden Sons that is said to banish any Daemon struck with it for five millenia, and on occasion flat out kill them permanently, though not with the same reliability as the Emperor's sword. Though this is the only relic they have ever seen fit to give the Blood Ravens, it is a gift so wondrous that the Blood Ravens treat it with nothing less than the utmost reverence.

the Ravens do have a tradition of trading relics, aside from their tendency to salvage just about anything from a bitfield that isn't actively tainted. They also tend to pick enough fights with chaos that giving this to them is probably a good use of it, since the Golden Sons don't really need it.

edit: it was a good idea to mix in salamdners, if they are being groomed to withstand the stress of the throne, mixing in some Vulcan for durability is a good fit for their purpose.
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If we do place white scars chapter on the scottish planet it would probably be a good idea to also give them the Inquisition/Tzeentch Cultists mission as it would give them experience with predicting and countering plans/actions of those under the thrall of Tzeentch.
Maybe. I think its more likely that we see the Throne modified so that a whole bunch of Golden Sons bear the load.

And now I have an image of the Golden Couch stuck in my head. :lol:

edit: it was a good idea to mix in salamdners, if they are being groomed to withstand the stress of the throne, mixing in some Vulcan for durability is a good fit for their purpose.

...A part of me is morbidly curious of what if it were Mortarion mixed in instead. :o
I hope, I sincerely hope, that when we make our 10th Chapter, I'd want them to be given an exemption to make a Legion except only comprising of those who want to volunteer or for redemption purposes.

I know it's a stretch, but I want them to be given exemption by the Emperor himself for Grimm's work of making the Crimson Thrones.
I hope, I sincerely hope, that when we make our 10th Chapter, I'd want them to be given an exemption to make a Legion except only comprising of those who want to volunteer or for redemption purposes.

I know it's a stretch, but I want them to be given exemption by the Emperor himself for Grimm's work of making the Crimson Thrones.
It might work, have "The Legion Repentent" (temp name) stationed in a monastery orbiting Caida and rather then using Gene seed to expand their ranks any space marine who feels they have failed can petition their chapter master to be be sent to the Legion's fortress monastery.
I hope, I sincerely hope, that when we make our 10th Chapter, I'd want them to be given an exemption to make a Legion except only comprising of those who want to volunteer or for redemption purposes.

I know it's a stretch, but I want them to be given exemption by the Emperor himself for Grimm's work of making the Crimson Thrones.
The problem I see with this idea is why would Grimm be involved then? Grimm is a genetor. If these are marines from other chapters looking for redemption then there isn't a need for a specific geneseed and Grimm's expertise. If your letting a legion of repentant marines to exist you don't want to let them have the ability to replenish by making new space marines.

The idea is cool but its more of a political and administrative decision that would ultimately be out of Grimm's wheelhouse.
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Now what i think this guys are for is to allow Big E basically coffee breaks from the golden chair. IIRC Emps could heal himselfs if he wasn't stuck in the chair, someone mentioned in this quest before, so the our Golden boys job would basically make a line and sit on the throne for a couple minutes each lets say 5 minutes each, times 1000 thats 3 and a half days Emps would have to spend out if that chair healing, resuming that the 1st guy is not ready for round 2 by the end of it, and codex complaints numbers, wich we know they dont have, they have more. So i presume the idea is for one day GS being able to last enough so Big E can be removed from the throne and healed
True, once they get strong enough then someday they might be able to shares enough burden of the actual golden throne on terra. To alleviate his pain and hopefully get him to reply coherently someday.

Also, it is so weird that there isn't more notable attempts by Thousand sons to try to get their secrets. Since we know Light Bringers, Steel Champions, and Keeper of truth had a very public and notable fights against their lost and damned 'brothers'. So, actually surprised Ahriman or Magnus or any thousand sons legiobs didn't have a notable battle attributed to their name with the Golden sons. Though having Wordbearer and Black legions as their main foes are damned awesome regardless. Hmm may be it occured in some of tge battles that get redacted.
Golden Sons could also just be sold as descended from Vulkan, which would not even be entirely incorrect. The first chapter Grim made, the Verdant Eyes, also has psykically focused Salamanders, so it would not even be that out of left field.
Golden Sons could also just be sold as descended from Vulkan, which would not even be entirely incorrect. The first chapter Grim made, the Verdant Eyes, also has psykically focused Salamanders, so it would not even be that out of left field.
Yeah, but Verdant Eyes still battled Thousand Sons. With Golden Sons, they did not, they fought daemons of tzeentch but not Thousand Sons.
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