The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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I'd be okay with a Salamanders chapter on Scottish world. But no Thousand sons.

Gross get your mage shit away from my scottish bro warriors.
We could make a one from Leman Russ. Canonically the Space Wolf didn't have suscessor until the ultima founding.

Something about their Geneseed not implementing well in anyone, not from Fenris. I feel it would be like that is a "Challenge accepted" moment for Grimm. Beside Grimm is Bro with the Space Wolfs right?
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This is one of the most metal things I have ever heard of and the sheer awesomeness of it blows my mind
Even better are the Radiant Riders, where the Dreadnought is also a crazy powerful psyker.

That's the sort of thing that warrants one of those old hardcore 40k official arts.

I think Scottish Space Wolves would be funny, but they're not listed as an option...
The consensus is that we need to unlock them by placing a Space Marine Chapter on the only Fenris Region world that's available to us.
We could make a one from Leman Russ. Canonicly the Space Wolf didn't have suscessor until the ultima founding.

Something about their Geneseed not implementing well in anyone, not from Fenris. I feel it would be like that is a "Challenge accepted" moment for Grimm. Beside Grimm is Bro with the Space Wolfs right?
Main problem that Space Wolves really like to deal with the problem themselves, and even then, they seen meddling with gene-seed as something no one can do unless they are Leman Russ or Emperor. Which I think Leman would call them stupid AND he would ask why they didn't ask Grimm for help.
Just Pointing out that Extra Champions will be great for Anti Chaos Chapters to help deal with Named Daemons and the like
I think that we might want to look into making an anti-champions chapter at some point. With a not just extra champions but having at least one legendary combat skill to help make them better at fighting enemy champions. They would also be great against Orks since they would be able to take out war bosses and Nobs much more easily.
Honestly, an Auditor chapter based on the Smurfs would do a lot of good just because it help clean up the administratum and probably checke Vole. You try and justify embezzlement or lazyness to a space marine with centuries of training.
I wonder if Grimm was used as consultation for the creation and establishment of the Grey Knights cause I bet he can squeeze more juice out of their super unique geneseed lel.
Maybe. I think its more likely that we see the Throne modified so that a whole bunch of Golden Sons bear the load. I highly doubt any single space marine will be able to power the astronomicon. Perhaps one can direct the others, but not do it by themselves.
The Astronomican isn't powered by the Emperor, he only channels its power. The Adepta Astronomican directs the colossal psyker choir that powers it.
Main problem that Space Wolves really like to deal with the problem themselves, and even then, they seen meddling with gene-seed as something no one can do unless they are Leman Russ or Emperor. Which I think Leman would call them stupid AND he would ask why they didn't ask Grimm for help.

Does Bjorn know about the Wulfen? It would be hilarious if he stomped into Grimm's lab in a rage dragging the Chapter Master of the day by the ear with his power claw. The oldest wolf probably knew Grimm personally.
Eeeh. Might be a good idea to go "do our own thing" for one of the next chapters and create a chapter just for Grimm. Goals would be to protect him, gather more resources from their domain to aid in the creation of new chapters for the Long Founding project, maybe have a ready pool of trainers for the newly created chapters and, by adding all the Apothecaries, give him a pool of apprentices and assistants to help him and to ensure that, should he die, his knowhow survives.

And, who knows, maybe, around M41, he might even manage to afford a vacation.

Would be also a good chapter to stack training picks like politics, counterintel and so on to keep annoyances away from him.
I don't think there is really a point in creating a chapter specifically for Grimm for things like that. For one he is one of the most important Admech guys in the whole Imperium if not the most important considering that the freaking Emperor directly orders him while on the throne. He also has an absurdly good track record of making some of the finest SM chapters that have every existed.

He is more than likely getting all the resources he could ever need and best bodyguards around. Heck, he may have some of the SM's from chapters he created as part of said guard.
This was an absolute blast of a Chapter! Golden magic dragon boys riding giant dragons in their huge robot coffins suits is so surreal. Also, uh, does not taking any requests deprive us of the points we get for character creation?

Alsooooo, there's another thing I'm curious about, considering that people want to create a chapter to um, keep the nobles in check. Would that affect Grimm negatively? Like, limit the amount of resources/points he has access to?
This was an absolute blast of a Chapter! Golden magic dragon boys riding giant dragons in their huge robot coffins suits is so surreal. Also, uh, does not taking any requests deprive us of the points we get for character creation?

Alsooooo, there's another thing I'm curious about, considering that people want to create a chapter to um, keep the nobles in check. Would that affect Grimm negatively? Like, limit the amount of resources/points he has access to?
If they are too busy with the nobles outside of terra I doubt the terrain nobility will care.
-Civilian Empathy: Marines from this Chapter care deeply for the civilian population of their home planet, and all the Imperium's people.

and that the Golden Sons flatly refused to allow the Inquisition to purge their citizens. Any attempt by the Inquisition to avenge this slight to their authority die when the Custodes bluntly inform the Holy Ordos that they can and will take the side of the Golden Sons on the matter.

For all those who oposed politics, this is second chaapter that needed Custodes influence to survive. The inquisition problably knew the were comissioned by big E, knew that they were close to the custodes, and even then they required a custodes to come out and say "leave them alone".

So much for no imperial would even try.
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