[X] China: Secure, Contain, Protect
-[X] Loyalist areas of operation will be covertly fortified ahead of time and staffed by reliable personnel.
-[X] Representatives will be sent to Tibet to negotiate for its support of the Loyalist cause in exchange for post-war independence (and generous developmental aid from CyPac).
-[X] A few squadrons of Anatas plus a few Taos will be moved to Vietnam ahead of time on 'training exercises' for CyPac.
-[X] The Chinese fleet moored in Guangchou will be resupplied for interdiction of sea based smuggling routes and shore support.
-[X] When the balloon goes up, the Guang and Soviet air forces will move in from the north, east, and south and shoot down every enemy plane they come across. They have the technological edge here, and establishing air dominance will be a huge boost to the effectiveness of the allied forces assisting the Loyalists.
-[X] A no fly zone will be established that will make it harder to smuggle shit into the country by air. Patrolled by Soviet and Guang aircraft on the coast once the initial air campaign winds down, with the aid of our AEW&C aircraft.
-[X] Soviet armored columns will reinforce loyalist forces on the ground, providing the bulk of the infantry, tanks, and IFVs.
-[X] Guangchou will provide combined arms IT units for use in urban and hazardous terrain and logistic support.
-[X] The first priority of the ground campaign is to secure the coastline in order to make smuggling supplies by sea more difficult and hopefully degrade the logistics of the NLA and Warlord forces in the interior.
-[X] The second priority will be to seize and maintain control over key industrial and agricultural sites to both fuel the loyalist war effort as well as minimize the humanitarian crisis.
-[X] The bulk of Guanghou's contribution of non-IT military personnel will go towards securing and maintaining refugee camps for those displaced by the fighting. The language is closer to Mandarin so they'll have an easier time of this than the Soviets.
-[X] Vietnamese forces will move to reinforce Loyalist forces in Yunnan province, where their experience in guerilla warfare will hopefully be useful to closing off the Burma road which is absolutely going to be used to try to smuggle weapons and equipment to the NLA and Warlords in order to prolong the conflict.
-[X] The overall allied strategy is to prevent foreign influences from prolonging the conflict, and supply loyalist forces so they end up as the last ones standing. Securing the peace will take some serious work later, but that can wait until the war is won.
Listen, I'm (not legally) an engineer, not a general. You wanna talk to me about rockets, I can go all day. Don't ask me to plan a campaign.
[X] Plan: Managing Expectations
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Found the Ouvry (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: + 1 PttF = +1 Total)
A modern, professional volunteer organization with trained personnel and up to date equipment and operational standards, recruiting from our overwhelming applicant pool, with the goal of forming a labor army that can undertake large infrastructure projects quickly and efficiently.
Everyone gets a few months of basic training that includes physical conditions to make sure they can handle any requisite physical labor without injuring themselves, workplace safety, training in how to use basic tools, etc.
Then there are follow up specialization streams for vehicle drivers, masons, machinists, etc.
They get the equivalent of BDUs but in high vis instead of camouflage (winter and summer), noise protection (for construction sites instead of gunshots), hardhats instead of helmets, etc.
We're going to start working on Dragon Rail next turn IMO and we want to have this in place.
AND we're looking at a pretty major uptick in infrastructure spending over the second half of the plan (housing, agri), so we might see increased effectiveness for those actions with this in place.
I'm also concerned about our recruiting pool getting too big because the thought of that many young folks with nowhere productive to put all their energy is… something I'd prefer not to gamble with.
-[X] Light Industry
--[X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
Same as last time, helps with healthcare and gives us positive rep. I imagine we're slowly moving towards more and more native production of the
WHO essential medicines list.
--[X] Expand Medical Imaging Plant (+0 Rep) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
Building on the medium breakthrough we had before, we're going to forge ahead and work on more cutting edge medical imaging systems. Not so much inventing new stuff, but catching up to the west by establishing local manufacturing of things like PET scanners, NRI imaging (aka MRIs), electron beam tomography (CT scans), etc. We have decent industrial espionage capacity with regards to civilian stuff, so that'll help.
The other reason I want this compared to a vaccination drive is that in a d12 system, that +5 is very powerful, and it will more easily drive breakthrough events. In turn, we can turn around and export out fancy medical imagers in exchange for stuff we want from our allies.
--[X] Auto-Serology (+0 Rep) (Bonus: + 2 Electronics + 1 Automation + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +6 Total)
Given how we're pushing up against limitations on trained experts, I'm gonna assume we're short on lab techs. And given that we're very good at automation, developing some equipment to automate away a bunch of the repetitive work of the people who run blood tests and whatnot would let us do more of said tests.
And again, this is the sort of tech we can export in exchange for stuff we need.
@HeroCooky, does the +1 to Automation count towards this as well or is it overridden by our +2 to Electronics?
-[X] Generic Appliance Factory (+2 Reputation)
Between the Ouvry creating more jobs, and this supplying some consumer goods, we can hopefully keep the situation stable in terms of PO loss.
-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+4 Reputation) (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PffF = +1 Total)
I had to boot a medical action to fit this one in, but frankly we need the Rep and our food situation
is deteriorating, though not very fast.
-[X] Political
--[X] Healthcare Reform (Sub-Vote) (-7 Reputation) (-9 People's Opinion) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
Don't look at me like that, y'all wanted healthcare reform as an explicit plan goal and this is our last shot to put the Focus bonus to use.
--[X] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
---[X] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
We need the rep and the educated professionals.
-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 3/3 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (-6 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
Yes, the -8 rep hurts, but it is what it is. It gives us more actions next turn with which to recover Reputation. There are some very juicy CyPac options that will come in very handy.
-[X] CyPac
--[X] Military Intervention - Benin (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
---[X] Optional: Dispatch forces.
--[X] Military Intervention - West Saharah (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
---[X] Optional: Dispatch forces.
All promises we made, and ones we want to act on sooner rather than later IMO before our enemies flood these places with arms and equipment to bog us down in insurgencies.
I've also added a general Dispatch Forces action to all of them to season our troops and equipment and get them used to working in peacekeeping and anti-insurgency operation the likes of which we'll probably have to partake in during the Chinese Civil War.
I don't have the time or energy to get more detailed than this, I'll leave the exact breakdown of what we send where up to our in-universe military planners.
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: PRESENTATION!
It occurs to Jungmin that as the guy who kind of spearheaded the formation of CyPac he's going to end up very visible on the international scene, which gets him thinking about how he presents himself.
"What do you think Mai, should I grow out my hair? Maybe add a red and black stripe?"
--[X] Personal Action: You need more friends, loser.
"Not me."
"Go away, you know I'm even more married to my job than you are."
--[X] Lover Action: Go trekking with your wife in the beautiful wild environment of Guangchou.
"One of these days I'm going to trip on a rock or get bitten by a snake and I'll die and it'll be super awkward for you to eulogize."