Theoretically, you can choose all three, your people are okay with polygamy in all its forms.
Practically, that will result in them, and your kids, trying to murder each other and gain your favor by any means necessary to be asssigned as your successor. There will be real problems with a harem for a person in your position. If you were anyone else, it would look different.
So choose that option only after you purged the horny from your system, and had a good long thonk if a disfunctional, murderous (and unsafe for the children) family is what you want in exchange for waifuX3.
My first instinct was something for the mechas again. But then…
Would a bonus for finding a general be fine?
[X] +1 to Finding an older experienced general.
In-lore, it could be a relative of Jing Mai in the army, or one of her direct superiors. Or just someone pleased that your favoring the military with your interest in one of their model soldiers.
I was actually thinking it'd help us find someone who's even-tempered, politically savvy, reliable, competent and is realistic in that s/he knows the MC can't always cater to the military's demands and would side with MC in reigning in the wilder elements among the militarists. 👀
[X] Plan: Power To The People
-[X] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[X] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Expand Your Mines (Harmful) (Urgent)
--[X] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+2 Reputation, +Allies)
-[X] Militarists
--[X] Find an older, experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIS BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
-[X] Industrialists
--[X] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
-[X] Iron Tiger Research Group (Allows Modifications) -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep looking for a potential spouse. You'll find someone you click with soon. You know it.
---[X] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier - (Deep Investigation: Nat 100)
--[X] Improve relations with the communist Southeast Asian countries. Possibly start the process of a trade agreement pact.
--[X] Go outside in disguise and chill amongst the citizens. It's been a while since you've had some Me Time.
[X] Light Industry
-[X] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
(4+2=6 - Optimal)
Electricity is the great equalizer for many a nation, as productivity of those without and those with are worlds apart. Great machines and massive assemblies can be run by one, while the other has to make-do with hands and muscle. But the improvements of industry are not the only thing that one should look at with the tiny miracle of bottled lightning wielded by humanity in mind! No, there are a myriad of things that benefit from electrification; lights are the first and foremost among them all. Now, for the first time in nearly forty years, the streets of the capital are once more lit up by electrical lights, while your hospital and distribution centers shine in the dark while their workers, nurses, and doctors work hard to bring food, resources, and health to the people. In addition, electrical lights now illuminate the interiors within selected homes (randomly chosen among those in range of your network expansion). Soon all of your people will be able to enjoy that little facet of life enjoyed by so many others, with more to come: freezers and electrical cooking among the forefront. But it would be best if you continued pushing the electrification effort to have any impact.
-[X] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
(10+2=12 - Boosted)
The construction of the new power plant went perfectly! There were no accidents, nothing to even suggest any poor materials had been substituted by anyone corrupt, and the output is even above what had been calculated! Which delayed the start of production as your engineers checked over everything again, only to return with the news that the equipment they had been given was a newly created improvement, which they weren't notified of. Luckily that was more of a problem with a missing letter and communication than an indication of a sabotage effort. Nonetheless, the new plant is up and running, and electricity has started to flow along the newly constructed lines into homes, factories, streets, and your hospital.
-[X] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
(11 - Boosted)
Though the experts who will teach and research within the Black Fire Alloy Institute (named after the meteorite blades your ancestors used and worked with for thousands of years) aren't the youngest anymore, they are nonetheless the cream of the crop you have around. And aren't bound up in other (secret) efforts. Moreover, their efforts have already impacted your steel industry, and the plans for the new Steel Foundry were revised to use more modern principles and some local modifications.
-[X] Expand Your Mines (Harmful) (Urgent)
(9 - Optimal)
The shafts were deepened, outlying mining villages expanded, safety features distributed, and quotas set to satisfy the Chinese demand as per your deals with various factions and prominent politicians. The first ship-load of precious and rare minerals have already been sent over, with lithium, bauxite, yttrium, neodymium, and thulium among the first batch. Unfortunately, deaths that cannot be avoided while mining these minerals, though you hope that could soon change, have risen dramatically due to the expansions. Cases of metal poisoning have increased by 7%.
--[X] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+3 Reputation, +Allies)
(11 - Boosted)
If you are honest, you wouldn't even see what was falsified and changed if you didn't know where to look after being told where to look! They really did a number on these numbers! (Heh.) The cover story of the Iron Tigers being created after a shipment of Laufpanzers to Japan had been sunk was a stroke of genius! That you gained the inspiration by recovering surviving scientists and blueprints even allows you to obfuscate the truth further (whatever that was) while technically not lying! Genius!
-[X] Militarists
--[X] Find an older, experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIS BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
(4+1=5 - Optimal)
It took some time to find a general among your forces you could trust with the project's magnitude (mainly because you have like... five), but you saw her in Su Ji. She is the spitting image of a general and has more than one time been told that she can't be used in propaganda because she is too stereotypical. Fortunately, she is also incredibly loyal to the people and the revolution in all aspects and not afraid to speak out when something goes against that or hold off on cleaning corruption within the ranks. SO when you approached her with a "Secret Project," you knew that she would keep her mouth, and that of her subordinates, shut. It took her all of seven minutes and thirteen seconds (to read the documents you gave her) to accept the position you wanted to offer her. Immediately, she went to work scraping off everything that could even tangentially be linked to the Nazis, but she noted that to provide perfect cover, you should create native Iron Tigers as soon as possible; even prototypes would be sufficient.
-[X] Industrialists
--[X] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
(8 - Optimal)
The dinner went as well as you could hope for, with fourteen names now on the lists for permanent observation after they agreed to listen to your proposal and the risk inherent in doing so. Having shown them the plans, the blueprints, and specifications of the Iron Tigers you currently have and those you could, theoretically, build, their eyes widened. Then all of them went wild in the following four-hour discussion of what is needed and how to create Iron Tigers for civilian purposes. You won't even attempt to pretend that you understood a fourth of what they spoke about, but they seemed very excited about the possibilities.
-[X] Iron Tiger Research Group (Allows Modifications)
(10 - Boosted)
Trusted and experienced scientists, engineers, and military designers have been gathered, sworn to oaths, papers, and revolution, before even allowed anywhere near the compound where the Iron Tigers have been stored. Though the moment they saw them, papers and pens went flying, sketching and calculating improvements, modifications, prototypes, and feasibility of every model within the bunker. For now, and thanks to the titanic enhancements made by the nazi-scientists within the fields of alloys, electronics, and mechanical engineering, they have created a set of (current) limitations native Iron Tigers will have to abide by. Currently, Iron Tigers can't exceed 10 meters in height and 70 tons in weight. Luckily, the necessary skeleton and mechanisms of a single meter are 3 tons, so you should be able to fit 40 tons of ammo, equipment, soldiers, weaponry, and other things within the chassis. Experience, industry, improvements in alloys and machinery, and general scientific improvements will further increase what you can work with.
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep looking for a potential spouse. You'll find someone you click with soon. You know it.
---[X] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier - (Deep Investigation: Nat 100) After your first impression of Jing Mai, you continued to spend time with her, even as you tried to see other options. Official meetings regarding the Iron Tigers turned into "official" functions where the both of you stuck close, then into personal talks with no work even mentioned, and before you knew it, you could only smile when thinking of her. And so, you asked her, not as the Great Leader or the Supreme Commander, but as Jungming, a young man that genuinely wanted to know her more. Things continued, and pleasant meals or exercises soon turned into other directions. Maybe it was love, perhaps it was finding someone you just fit with, but at the end of the second year of your reign, you discovered that you wanted her. And she wanted you too if the way she eyed you after your exercises was any indication. However, you could have done without her scooping you up after a particularly exhausting work-out and locking you and herself into a closet. Not that you didn't enjoy it (the things she could do with her tongue!), but maybe a little warning before? Though you now have something very exciting to look for after your work-outs, if her eyes are any indication.
--[X] Improve relations with the communist Southeast Asian countries. Possibly start the process of a trade agreement pact.
With the Vietnam war seemingly still going strong and several new divisions of infantry shipped over by the Americans, your diplomatic efforts were stymied by the war, and most attention focused elsewhere. Still, you managed to gain goodwill from many friendly nations and a secure line to Lê Đức Thọ, who is currently gearing up for a new offensive against the south, and willing to pay top-money for any military goods or canned food you can spare.
--[X] Go outside in disguise and chill amongst the citizens. It's been a while since you've had some Me Time.
Things are, however slowly, improving. The new harvests from the agriculture zones have provided a boost of food for many, with the cannery now in full effect, further increasing the food available for all. Of course, it would be best if you still did work on furthering food production, mainly to hit the target you set yourself, but with three more years open, you are sure that you don't have to mono focus on the plan.
[+1 to Finding an older experienced general - The Date
+4 to Create A Modern Iron Tiger - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly]
Reputation - (42/100 Reputation, +1 for 2(Two) Turns - A Hard Climb To The Top, But Not Impossible) People's Opinion - (42/100 Reputation, +1 for 2(Two) Turns - Ours is to do and die, but at least we can complain. Quietly.) Chinese Opinion - (6/10 - Aha.) History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)
Light Industry - Meh Heavy Industry - Adequate Military Industry - Adequate Agriculture - Horrible - (Stark Improving)
[] Light Industry
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
--[] Construct Freezer Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Electrical Stove Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2 to Geothermal Power)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Geothermal Power Plant (Helpful) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Improve Your Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct A (Iron Tiger Derived) Electronics Factory (+5 Reputation) (Harmful) (Steel Foundry Needed)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military (+4 to Design A Native Ship)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design Infantry IT-Alloy Bodyarmor (+4 Reputation)
-[] Design Police IT-Alloy Bodyarmor And Shields (+2 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Recover Your Sunken Fleet (Harmful) (+4 Reputation) (+4 People's Opinion) (+4 to any Naval Action)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 2(two) Turns - Plan, +2 to Farming/Animal Husbandry (Chinese Experts), +2 to Farming/Fishing/Animal Husbandry (Technocrats))
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Marry Jing Mai (+5 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN) [] Political
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have the Nationalists look into trade regarding your fishing and other agricultural trade goods with other nations. Primarily where the value of our goods can net us a larger quantity of food coming in than going out to feed our people. (-1 Reputation)
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and bring up suggestions on how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-4 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN) [] Secret Projects (+4 to Create A Modern Iron Tiger)
-[] Iron Tiger Electronics Manufacturing (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.)) [] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
-[] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Jing Mai do together in the next six months.)
Talks About The Closet
After Wei Jungmin and Jing Mai vanished into a closet, a maid/butler that saw them is now in possession of nuclear-grade rumors, and they are more than willing to spread them in the rumor mill!
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Let's just say that letting a bunch of scientists and engineers loose on the Iron Tigers may not have been the best option if you wanted to avoid bloodshed. Mainly because both professions immediately started to clobber each other over the head due to the stark differences in their design philosophy. Which created that abomination.
(+4 to Create A Modern Iron Tiger)
The Paperwork Never Ends
Li Jia may not have chosen his meeting spot "to work on paperwork" with Zhao Chin with stealth in mind. Not that the latter ever noticed.
(+1 to Chinese Opinion)
[] Plan: Modernization
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
--[] Increased energy efficiency
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Twin Sickles Botanical Research Institute, Consolidate and Improve Upon Technocrat + China Knowledge) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Silver Pearl Marine Science Institute, Consolidate and Improve Upon Technocrat + China Knowledge) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Marry Jing Mai (+5 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion)
-[] Have the Nationalists look into trade regarding your fishing and other agricultural trade goods with other nations. Primarily where the value of our goods can net us a larger quantity of food coming in than going out to feed our people. (-1 Reputation)
-[] Iron Tiger Electronics Manufacturing (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Personal Actions
---[] Personally vet the bodyguards that will be assigned to Jing Mai and our future children. The ones that make it through the intel department's inspections, of course.
---[] Conduct a surprise inspection of our recently created navy.
--[] Lover Action
---[] Bring an army jacket, miniskirt, and tiger ears to your honeymoon and let her do what she likes.
It'll show up once you have created an impact strong enought to change a status. Also, your Food has already improved from Abyssal to Horrific, which will get its last boost to Bad before stagnating again this turn.
Its been so long that all pollution has already been filtered/removed by the eco-system.
It is noted as harmful because you don't exactly have the ships and technology/equipment to recover the wrecks without racking up a serious death toll.
-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Personal Actions
--[] Lover Action
---[] Commission her her own personal Iron Tiger and present it to her in private while wearing a schoolgirl outfit and tiger ears.
Someone else can think of the two personal actions.
Oh Jesus Christ, I'm gonna have to veto that so hard.
Not just because you (Wei Jungmin) are really not the type of person to go so hard into Big Dick Dictator Mode right off the bat, but also because you, currently, do not have the capacity to even build any Iron Tiger beyond extremely experimental prototypes.