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[] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier - (Deep Investigation: Nat 100)

Edit: forgot about the moratorium
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Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier - (Deep Investigation: Nat 100)

I have this mental picture of us taking Jing Mai on a ride in our Iron Tiger Convertible like some teen heartthrob-slash-playboy. In truth, she'll probably be the one taking us for a ride. No problemo. Either way, I like her personality.


I wanna be thorough. I'd like to finish our investigation in full rather than simply jump the gun with just Mai. Let's see everything the two others have to offer. We only get to choose our wife once, after all, heaven willing (as in, that we won't have to look for another one so soon).

I MIGHT write an omake of Jing Mai being brought into the Iron Tiger Project, then her first date with potential future hubby in the compound itself…
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The Date
The Date
Despite all the privileges and advantages your position had afforded you, both then and especially now, you would be the first person to admit that it had its price.

As heir apparent to the Great Leader and Supreme Commander of an entire nation and its military, your safety and security was among the nation's chief concerns, especially as your father grew older. Certain actions were to be restricted, certain requests were to be refused, and certain people were to be avoided. As such, your love life was pretty much nonexistent. To say nothing of ulterior motives and questionable personages, anyone sincere enough would have had to deal with all the extra hoops and loops dating the son of the Great Leader would entail, not to mention demanding certain personal criteria and connections. Not exactly conducive to a genuine romance.

To that end, you had resigned yourself to a political, if not highly practical, courtship and eventual marriage. And your thought process in inviting Jing Mai had been little different.

You had requested a meeting, of sorts. Perhaps a walk somewhere, or even lunch together. Your marital status and the expectations heaped upon you and your position would have made it clear what exactly you'd be implying with such an invitation, and Jing Mai was certainly sharp enough to realize and professional enough to understand. However, the reply back had made you remember her current circumstances as well, and why it would be inappropriate and potentially troublesome to conduct your date anywhere else other than where she was currently restricted to.

It did not take you long to recall that her standing in the military, combined with her love of heavy military machinery, had made it all but impossible to not include her in the Iron Tiger project. In fact, she'd somehow found out about it, ensured her source could not be exploited by anyone else, and promptly submitted a request to join the project as a pilot directly to your Minister of National Defense.

Despite the breach of protocol, and violation of the chain of command, her citations, professionalism (at least prior to this action), apparent value to such a project and her prompt actions in dealing with the info leak, had seen to her request being granted. Like the rest of the soldiers and staff in the secret facility, she'd been restricted to within the compound, so as to avoid any sensitive information from being leaked. Hence why you'd found yourself making a "surprise visit" to the facility.

Even remembering the exact number describing her height, you still found yourself marveling slightly at her stature. Chiseled like some Greek sculpture, her muscles were quite obvious even under her uniform. Her stoic expression even as she greeted you (with a salute, no less) only added to the intimidating aura about her. Even if you had only read about the Amazons of Greek mythology, you could not help but decide that the woman in front of you was a prime example; and while cute would not be the first word you'd describe her with, you cannot deny she has ferocious beauty about her.

For some reason, you have a rogue urge to see her with fake tiger ears and a tail…

After your first encounter, she'd taken you on a tour of the facility. You had seen the blueprints (when they were finally combined again to give you the whole picture of the facility) and had visited it's command bunker before, but the operations and population had only grown since. She also introduced you to many of her colleagues and peers, the engineers, mechanics, staff and, of course, her fellow pilots.

Included among the latter was Captain Ru Hiro.

On the outside, the two were pretty much opposites. Despite both being captains, Jing Mai favored range and sheer firepower while Ru Hiro preferred closing in with superior speed and agility. While the former scored slightly higher in marksmanship and skills in operating heavy machinery, the latter was slightly more skilled in CQC and assault operations.

In fact, they had become the poster girl and boy, respectively, of two factions in the military. One focused on the doctrine of ranged firepower and close fire support and the other on assault tactics and guerrilla warfare as a means of executing field ops. Thankfully, the two sides remained professional, and maintained no more than a friendly rivalry between them, similar to the two captains in front of you now, each harboring a stoic respect for the other.

In fact, if you hadn't seen either of their files, you'd think they were siblings.

It was through interactions such as these that you'd gotten a clearer look at who your prospective bride-to-be was as an individual. Past the stern and professional facade was someone incredibly passionate in things she held dear. Among those were her nation and her people, something clear for all to see from her service record. Almost as well known, but only by her peers, was her loyalty and sense of camaraderie, something you begin to find in her interactions not just with her rival captain, but even her subordinates and the project's engineers and support staff.

Speaking of which, some of them, at least those who'd worked up the courage to speak of more than a greeting to you, regal you of one story of Jing Mai daring Captain Hiro to ask the mechanic he'd been crushing on out to a date (in the compound, of course).

But the least known, to the nation at large but not to anyone in the military, is her love for all things loud, heavy and lethal. This, you bear witness to as she finally shows you to her personal machine. Apparently the heaviest laufpanzer model amongst the fifty you had found, the machine is cleaner than when it was originally discovered, and clearly well-maintained. It also sports some very intimidating back and shoulder-mounted, long range weaponry, with both "arms" also being smaller caliber guns. Its legs, each even thicker than the torso of Captain Hiro's machine, could easily crush a tank underneath, with the overall beast of a mecha being almost 16 meters in height.

Jing Mai regales you with the machine's capabilities, including it's modular weaponry. She also tells you of some of the modifications and alterations that have been applied to it since the project had started. Things you are aware of already, of course, having kept abreast of its developments. But it is her voice itself that you listen to, the fondness and joy buried beneath all the technical data and jargon she'd clearly memorized. It's clear that she's grown quite attached to it, if not the project itself.

You had thought that cute felt inappropriate a word to describe her. Hearing her now, however, you can't help but revise your initial impression.

As you continue to smile and prompt her on speaking more of her thoughts on the Iron Tiger project's virtues and (currently being worked on) flaws, you decide that you do like Captain Jing Mai.

You won't go so far as to say you're in love, whatever that must feel like; and you're quite aware that neither is she, but you do think it wouldn't be impossible either. And as your thoughts briefly turn to the other candidates, you wonder if you should hold back a bit to consider other options some more, perhaps look for more candidates. Or if you should go ahead and begin courting Jing Mai in earnest.

After all, if you could find a complete set of manuals and blueprints to a secret Nazi mecha project complete with 50 working prototypes, it shouldn't be strange to find actual romance while courting a fierce tigress of an army captain. Right?

Note: Ahhhhhh, I went overboard with the length again. Also, I feel really clumsy with dialogue, so I figured I'd turn it into our MC processing his thoughts on his Nat 100 candidate.

With regards to making her part of Iron Tiger… seriously? Did any of you guys really expect otherwise? There was literally no way she wouldn't be part of it. You'd have to roll a Nat (-) 100 for that. Also threw in a catgirl reference for all you catgirl enthusiasts. 😏

Anyways, sorry if it feels long and rambling. I realized I had to throw Hiro in halfway through, but there you go. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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[X] Keep Looking (Next attempt rolled with +98)

The completionist in me is wondering if there's anything else we missed with the other two, and if a fourth candidate might prove somehow better.
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