We should probably leave the specifics of the shotguns to Fyr, actually. I mean, I, personally, was picturing something smaller than the standard depictions of shotguns, but not small as in "pistol;" I feel like that'd be too small to actually be effective. I'd consider forearm-length to be the minimum for an effective shotgun; anything less would only be useful on Cat 0 targets (note how the Judge's article specifically states that handguns loaded with shot are most commonly used for pest control- as in shooting rats and such).
And why would we make a shotgun the size of a pistol in the first place? That imposes all kinds of unnecessary restrictions- ammo capacity, firepower, muzzle velocity, accuracy, and probably several others that I can't think of offhand.

Put simply, I think that you're taking the "revolver" thing a bit too far.
Given that them being actual revolver shotguns was the concept that sold using the handheld guns in the first place, not really?
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I don't recall claiming that all carried guns would require 3+ Dex specifically (though I can see why you interpreted it that way), just that they would require Dex (while attempting to explain why the Machine Cannon requires 3, specifically). But anyway, since Fyr has confirmed that RS does not currently have the Dex to use them, I think this discussion is largely settled; QM statements trump basically everything else.

Though how, exactly, is the Vibroaxe thing reaching at all? I mean, it's not connected to the Jaeger, so it has to have an internal motor driving the oscillator, and it has to turn off when not in use to minimize maintenance, collateral damage, and recharging/refueling/whatever. The easiest way to accomplish this is "hold this button to turn it on." Think of it like a battery-powered saw; you need an "on" button or it doesn't work, and you'd probably want it to turn off automatically if you drop it on accident so you don't chop any limbs off, which means it stops when you're not holding the button.
The reaching part is that something like that would require 3+ Dex to activate. Buttons are significantly easier to operate than triggers. You could easily activate a button or switch even with mitten hands, unless the button designers are absolute imbeciles who don't understand the systems they're working with.
Leaves room for upgrades to actually let them articulate, standardization, helps with Drifting... take your pick. Me, I just don't think about it, and maybe you shouldn't either.
Not thinking about it also means we can't work around it. So I'm gonna continue thinking about it.
That sounds ridiculously complicated to me. The trigger thing is much easier to accomplish, since we already have the technology; a gun that plugs into the jaeger's hand would probably require a port in the gauntlet for it to interface with unless we invest extensively into nanotech.
It's literally not though. All you'd need to do is make the physical connection. Yes, it would potentially require a port on the Jaeger's end. Well, perhaps something closer to a stretch of exposed metal or fiberoptics. All you really need to connect two systems is a method for data to flow back and forth, and all that really requires is a connnection of conductive metal or fiber. Then you just shape the grip of the gun and/or the rest of the hand to bring the two into contact. It's a fairly simple engineering problem, really.

Mind you, touching the exposed metal would probably be bad. But that's a different issue. And possibly a selling point. Electro-hands aren't exactly a negative trait.
Unfortunately, "simple" also means "easy to crack." Plus, we'd probably need some new equipment (likely a specially-made gauntlet) to enable interfacing with those guns. If you want your guns to be unusable by enemies, you'd probably need some sort of nanotech interface + verification thingy, I feel.

...Sorry, I was gonna keep going, but it struck me too much like fearmongering. Suffice to say it involved "hacker" kaiju hijacking the controls of those trigger-less guns despite being us still holding them.
...Yeah, it would be easily cracked. Just not immediately cracked. In the heat of battle, i don't think Kaiju have the ability to suddenly mutate and produce new organs. I know Jaegers, Ryoushi, and Seijin, and Raubtiers can't. Eventually, yeah, they'd probably figure out how we did it if they captured one of our weapons permanently. But nothing's "unbreakable". Physical connections, however, are amongst the most secure (so long as neither end is connected to anything else wirelessly). Even physical connections that are technically wireless are very secure.

In principle, I guess a Kaiju could potentially screw with the connection wirelessly through electromagnetic means...but anything that can wirelessly influence a wired connection is already going to be able to f*ck with literally every piece of electronics that's involved in running our Jaeger. So we'd kinda have bigger problems, because they could easily just make our Pons explode or fry our Rangers alive at that point.

@BungieONI, this is literally just the deployment plan. Also, even if the SW is more coastal, Scatternail's speed is going to make shooting it difficult, in multiple senses. Also, it's a Cat IV. I don't think we can afford to have our naval forces sitting around with their thumbs up their asses after they miss the one shot they'll get on the f*cker running at ~16 units per round. Once he's within range, the odds are very good he'll be within charging distance of Tacit, and do so on his next turn. We're just not going to get much of a chance to wear the bastard down before Tacit engages. I'm willing to take a shot at it, but I'm not really willing to dedicate too much of our forces to doing it. If we can take out the Cat IIIs fast enough, Jagdhund can use the Skadi to rush in to help Tacit. That gives us an incentive to use the majority of our firepower to back her up, instead.

Honestly, the main reason I'm considering having Tacit backed by any of our forces is just in-case he goes down. Then we have someone on site to harry the enemy.

Also, why are you trying to scout with Dragonflies, when we have Condors?

[x] Plan Overwhelming Firepower in the Southeast v1.0
-[X] Neo-Seattle
--[X] Southwest
---[X] Jaegers: Tacit Ronin deploys 5 units from DP.
---[X] Air Force: 1 Condor deploys as close to the enemy as possible. 2 Type D Dragonflies deploy 10. All Banshees standard loadout, and all Quetzalcoatls, deploy the DP.
---[X] Navy: 2 Gunboats, 1 Moray, 5 units out, close to the shoreline, Moray submerged.
--[X] Southeast
---[X] Jaegers: Jagdhund deploy 5 units from the DP, Jagdgewher in hand.
---[X] Air Force: Remaining Dragonflies deploy 15 units out. Condor deploys as close to the enemy as possible. All Fafnirs and Drakon bombers, deploy at the 5 units out line, around Jagdhund
---[X] Army: Deploy all ground units on the DP, with the Hlin and Tyr at the center of the line. Hlin Barrier should be up.
---[x] Navy: Deploy the remaining Naval units (Murasames, Seawolf II) in the position that will give them the most amount of time to target the enemy, or near the 5 unit out mark if all water positions are the same.
-[x] Hold Skadi in reserve, carried by Megas, to be sent to either war zone if the battle seems to be ending.
--[X] Jaegers: Deploy Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun on land 15 units northwest from the DP.
--[X] Air Force: Deploy 15 unit's out, with standard loadout, Drakon's carrying Cracker Bombs.
--[X] Army: Deploy 5 units from the DP.
--[X] Navy: Murasame deploy in Possession sound as close to the Jaegers position as possible,
On another note, I've updated KRAUN's trade sheet with some new stuff, though it's mainly in the form of Mark VI-c weapons. Just letting you guys know.
On another note, I've updated KRAUN's trade sheet with some new stuff, though it's mainly in the form of Mark VI-c weapons. Just letting you guys know.
I had noticed there was new stuff when I looked at the page earlier. The VI-c series weapons are interesting. They seem to mostly be fairly light armaments; pistols, stun batons, and knives, as opposed to the VI-b series' axes, rifles, and carbines.
Given that them being actual revolver shotguns was the concept that sold using the handheld guns in the first place, not really?
I must've missed that, sorry. That said, if they absolutely MUST be revolvers, can we at least go long-barrel instead of snub-nose? I feel like barrels that barely clear the chambers are both ugly and impractical (the latter for reasons I have already gone over).

On another note, I've updated KRAUN's trade sheet with some new stuff, though it's mainly in the form of Mark VI-c weapons. Just letting you guys know.
Hm. Interesting... Would the Georgius fit those knife sheathes?

And from what I can tell, the M-7706 pistol seems like it'll be some sort of in-between thing- less rate-of-fire but more power per shot than the M-99 stuff, less power than the Jagdgewehr with an equivalent rate of fire, but its biggest advantage is probably gonna be one-handed usage.

Mark VI-c units probably dual-wield, judging by their loadout; my guess is that they open up with the batons and pistols, with knives as backups if the batons prove ineffective or are damaged, or if they can't use their pistols; they might carry Jagdgewehrs, too, considering the bit about reentering production. Kinda expecting the batons to have decent Parry stats, too.
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Also, why are you trying to scout with Dragonflies, when we have Condors?
Because they were specifically drone Dragonflies and when they die its not going to be a morale loss. I fully expect them too die when taking a peek at Scatternail.

And the naval forces you are deploying are honestly kinda too weak and slow to do anything more if they miss or do no damage. Like you pointed out when/if our Naval units miss against Scatternail it'd be nice for them to be usable in that case vs the Cat IIIs and the Gunboats and Moray are not those units.

If we want to have a naval unit that in theory can be used at the other battle site, then the Mura's or Seawolf are the only option speedy enough to hypothetically do it. If we toss that out as non viable because we're contemplating the only cross battle site deployment method to be the Skadi and air force then we shouldn't deploy the Navy at all using the precept that it can actually help with the other battle site in Seattle. And under such a thought we should instead deploy all Navy forces in Lake Washington so that Jagd's fight can end quicker and we can cram her in the Skadi to help Tacit.

If we conclude that Scatternail is so fast that we will basically get one shot, we shouldn't use the weakest units of our Navy, basically. And if we also conclude that we cannot actually move naval forces from one battle site to the other in relevant time and it takes Skadi or air force speed to do it, then we should concentrate our Navy so that we can move forces compatible with the Skadi and air force from the southeast to the southwest.

[X] Plan Water for Water, Land for Land Draft 4
--[X] Southwest
---[X] Jaegers: Tacit Ronin deploy 5 units from DP on the coast.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Scatternail.
---[X] Air Force: All Banshees standard loadout, all Quetzalcoatls, 2 Dragonfly squads, 1 Drakon with Cracker bombs. All forces deploy above Hiln under its Barrier.
---[X] Army: Elite Type 100 tank squad, 2 Type 100s tank squad, the Type 105 Laser and Type 1-8-AD tank squads deploy on the DP spread to avoid clustering. Hiln deploy with them, Barrier active.
--[X] Southeast
---[X] Jaegers: Jagdhund deploy 5 units from the DP wielding the Jagdgewher.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Intercessor and Clawface.
---[X] Air Force: All Fafnirs, 2 Drakon bomber loading Crackers, Elite Dragonfly squad, remaining Dragonfly squad deploy above Jagdhund.
---[X] Army: 4 Type 100 Squads, 3 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Teams, 4 Mortar Teams, 3 AKBs deploy on the DP. Tyr deploy with them.
---[X] Navy: All units except the Moray deploy in Lake Washington. Seawolf II at Depth 1.
--[X] Hold Skadi in reserve, carried by Megas, to be sent to either war zone if the battle seems to be ending.
--[X] Jaegers: Deploy Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun on land 15 units northwest from the DP along the coast. Phenom's Barrier turned on, Shogun clustered with him.
--[X] Air Force: Deploy above Jaeger's position with standard loadout, Drakon's carrying Cracker Bombs.
--[X] Army: Deploy 5 units from the DP along the coast. Heimdal deployed with them.
--[X] Navy: Murasame deploy in Possession sound as close to the Jaegers position as possible to intercept the Kaiju.

E: Pulled out the Moray because there is no point for it to be here for this battle.
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Hm. Interesting... Would the Georgius fit those knife sheathes?
You'd need to modify it a little, but it shouldn't take much research to turn it into a weapon that counts as a Knife for storage purposes (which is the condition to store something in the Knife Sheath). I've been envisioning the Georgius as about the same proportions as a Gladius, so it's just a little bit bigger than what I'd call a Knife, mechanically.
Super fast means a lot of muscle... spines along the back...

Guys, I think Scatternail's spines might by Hydralisk based, flexing to shoot them out super fast. It probably has a ranged weapon, in other words.
Super fast means a lot of muscle... spines along the back...

Guys, I think Scatternail's spines might by Hydralisk based, flexing to shoot them out super fast. It probably has a ranged weapon, in other words.
I kinda expected that myself, though I didn't make any Hydralisk connections. If anything, its anatomy is probably closer to Zerglings, since it's a quadruped.
Because they were specifically drone Dragonflies and when they die its not going to be a morale loss. I fully expect them too die when taking a peek at Scatternail.
I mean...why though? Even if it has ranged weapons, which it may or may not, I don't see it popping those immediately after seeing our units. Especially not a single unit that's not shooting at it.
And the naval forces you are deploying are honestly kinda too weak and slow to do anything more if they miss or do no damage. Like you pointed out when/if our Naval units miss against Scatternail it'd be nice for them to be usable in that case vs the Cat IIIs and the Gunboats and Moray are not those units.

If we want to have a naval unit that in theory can be used at the other battle site, then the Mura's or Seawolf are the only option speedy enough to hypothetically do it. If we toss that out as non viable because we're contemplating the only cross battle site deployment method to be the Skadi and air force then we shouldn't deploy the Navy at all using the precept that it can actually help with the other battle site in Seattle. And under such a thought we should instead deploy all Navy forces in Lake Washington so that Jagd's fight can end quicker and we can cram her in the Skadi to help Tacit.

If we conclude that Scatternail is so fast that we will basically get one shot, we shouldn't use the weakest units of our Navy, basically. And if we also conclude that we cannot actually move naval forces from one battle site to the other in relevant time and it takes Skadi or air force speed to do it, then we should concentrate our Navy so that we can move forces compatible with the Skadi and air force from the southeast to the southwest.
I'm deploying them there because, as you said, the enemy in the SE is going via land. The Moray doesn't have anything that can hit landbound targets, and the Gunboats only really get one good shot on land-based targets (the Dragon's Blood missiles). Scatternail is closer to an area that the Moray can hit than the guys in the SE. Thus, since neither one has substantial firepower, they are more useful as insurance against Tacit going down than they would be adding their firepower to the fight in the SE.

Honestly, I completely disagree with your conclusion that only having one shot means we shouldn't use the Gunboats in the SW. Rather, my conclusion that we're likely to only get one shot has led me to position those units that pretty much only get one good shot to the SW. Everyone else is more useful elsewhere.

And yeah, I'm assuming that none of our naval units can navigate the waterways fast enough to make a difference. The land forces can use the Megas/Jumphawks, even if they'll be a touch slower to reach the SW.
I mean...why though? Even if it has ranged weapons, which it may or may not, I don't see it popping those immediately after seeing our units. Especially not a single unit that's not shooting at it.
Because it might, pretty much and I'd actually be happy if it did because then we'd know it has a ranged weapon immediately before Tacit has to deal with the critter.

I'm deploying them there because, as you said, the enemy in the SE is going via land. The Moray doesn't have anything that can hit landbound targets, and the Gunboats only really get one good shot on land-based targets (the Dragon's Blood missiles). Scatternail is closer to an area that the Moray can hit than the guys in the SE. Thus, since neither one has substantial firepower, they are more useful as insurance against Tacit going down than they would be adding their firepower to the fight in the SE.

Honestly, I completely disagree with your conclusion that only having one shot means we shouldn't use the Gunboats in the SW. Rather, my conclusion that we're likely to only get one shot has led me to position those units that pretty much only get one good shot to the SW. Everyone else is more useful elsewhere.

And yeah, I'm assuming that none of our naval units can navigate the waterways fast enough to make a difference. The land forces can use the Megas/Jumphawks, even if they'll be a touch slower to reach the SW.
So I think where the disconnect here is is that, I do not think the Gunboats are capable of one good shot against a category IV because there's only two of them. It'll be a case of "Shoot, then wait around after doing nothing" in my mind. Whereas against a category III it might actually do something. Further, because they are so weak, I don't think they actually could help Tacit if he went down.

I'm deploying them there because, as you said, the enemy in the SE is going via land. The Moray doesn't have anything that can hit landbound targets, and the Gunboats only really get one good shot on land-based targets (the Dragon's Blood missiles). Scatternail is closer to an area that the Moray can hit than the guys in the SE. Thus, since neither one has substantial firepower, they are more useful as insurance against Tacit going down than they would be adding their firepower to the fight in the SE.
And this point seems to have the implied assumption that we will be able to herd Scatternail into the water where the Moray's torpedoes might actually be able to do something, because if not then it is of as limited use here as they are in the South East. Similar issues with the Gunboats regular weapons of missiles which are pretty weak. Herding Scatternail was a thought I entertained, but with his speed I'm not actually sure its feasible to do, especially when he can run outside of the range of the Gunboats weapons if he so wishes or engage with Tacit.

From all of this: If they are weak enough that them doing anything to Scatternail is dubious, if Scatternail moves fast enough to make herding it into the water extremely difficult, if Scatternail moves fast enough to be able to leave their weapon range and/or engage with Tacit, because there are only two of them and their basic weapons aren't all that great, if we can't move them to the other battle site in meaningful time; and if the other Kaiju are lower Category, there are more of them, most of our forces are deployed there in order to help Jagdhund finish her fight quickly, and if leaving one naval unit to help in the southwest is silly.

Then the idea I reach is just "concentrate all naval force in Lake Washington so that fight gets dealt with quicker". Intercessor and Clawface may end up being in range of the Moray's torpedoes, but frankly even if they don't, its not like it by itself would do anything against Scatternail. We could also just not deploy it, which is a thought I've entertained because its weapons are just not suited to this battle.
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So I think where the disconnect here is is that, I do not think the Gunboats are capable of one good shot against a category IV because there's only two of them. It'll be a case of "Shoot, then wait around after doing nothing" in my mind. Whereas against a category III it might actually do something. Further, because they are so weak, I don't think they actually could help Tacit if he went down.
Then the same applies to all of our conventionals, barring perhaps the Murasames. The Gunboats are comparable in individual strength to the Banshees. And what exactly do you think all the ground and air forces you want to assign to the SW are going to be doing if they only get the one shot? "Shoot, then wait around doing nothing" is pretty much the exact purpose our Cons generally serve. The only variable is how many shots they get off.
And this point seems to have the implied assumption that we will be able to herd Scatternail into the water where the Moray's torpedoes might actually be able to do something, because if not then it is of as limited use here as they are in the South East. Similar issues with the Gunboats regular weapons of missiles which are pretty weak. Herding Scatternail was a thought I entertained, but with his speed I'm not actually sure its feasible to do, especially when he can run outside of the range of the Gunboats weapons if he so wishes or engage with Tacit.

From all of this: If they are weak enough that them doing anything to Scatternail is dubious, if Scatternail moves fast enough to make herding it into the water extremely difficult, if Scatternail moves fast enough to be able to leave their weapon range and/or engage with Tacit, because there are only two of them and their basic weapons aren't all that great, if we can't move them to the other battle site in meaningful time; and if the other Kaiju are lower Category, there are more of them, most of our forces are deployed there in order to help Jagdhund finish her fight quickly, and if leaving one naval unit to help in the southwest is silly.

Then the idea I reach is just "concentrate all naval force in Lake Washington so that fight gets dealt with quicker". Intercessor and Clawface may end up being in range of the Moray's torpedoes, but frankly even if they don't, its not like it by itself would do anything against Scatternail. We could also just not deploy it, which is a thought I've entertained because its weapons are just not suited to this battle.
Re: the Moray specific stuff, it's there because it's possible that it might be relevant, while it's fairly unlikely to be relevant anywhere else, and so we might as well have it around for the contingency, IMO. It'll probably just be sitting around doing nothing, honestly, but we might as well have it there anyway.

And, again, same thing applies to literally all of our Cons. Yeah, none of them individually are strong enough to really dent a Cat IV. But two more platforms to shoot from is two more chances to hit something relevant. I'm really not sure what your point with any of this is. The only logical conclusion I'm drawing from what you're saying is "don't bother assigning any Cons to the SW". But that's not what you're doing, so I'm rather confused as to what you're even trying to argue here.

Edit: To be clear, I'm not assigning the Gunboats the SW because I think they have high firepower, but because they're units which literally only get one even remotely acceptable (aka "good") shot. The Dragon's Blood Missiles. I figure those units are the ones to assign to a situation where we only get one shot. Those who can fire multiple acceptable shots are best deployed where they can get multiple shots. It has nothing to do with firepower, and everything to do with the amount of ammo they have.
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Then the same applies to all of our conventionals, barring perhaps the Murasames. The Gunboats are comparable in individual strength to the Banshees. And what exactly do you think all the ground and air forces you want to assign to the SW are going to be doing if they only get the one shot? "Shoot, then wait around doing nothing" is pretty much the exact purpose our Cons generally serve. The only variable is how many shots they get off.

Re: the Moray specific stuff, it's there because it's possible that it might be relevant, while it's fairly unlikely to be relevant anywhere else, and so we might as well have it around for the contingency, IMO. It'll probably just be sitting around doing nothing, honestly, but we might as well have it there anyway.

And, again, same thing applies to literally all of our Cons. Yeah, none of them individually are strong enough to really dent a Cat IV. But two more platforms to shoot from is two more chances to hit something relevant. I'm really not sure what your point with any of this is. The only logical conclusion I'm drawing from what you're saying is "don't bother assigning any Cons to the SW". But that's not what you're doing, so I'm rather confused as to what you're even trying to argue here.

Edit: To be clear, I'm not assigning the Gunboats the SW because I think they have high firepower, but because they're units which literally only get one even remotely acceptable (aka "good") shot. The Dragon's Blood Missiles. I figure those units are the ones to assign to a situation where we only get one shot. Those who can fire multiple acceptable shots are best deployed where they can get multiple shots. It has nothing to do with firepower, and everything to do with the amount of ammo they have.
My focus was on the Navy since that's how this argument started and what I've been most considering. If we can't move them between fights, its pointless to put them somewhere they only get one good shot against a Cat IV, because they'd be more helpful against Cat IIIs with that one good shot. To assign the Gunboats and Moray to South West is a kind of throwaway in my mind when the rest of their friends are on the other side of the map and we want that battle over with as quickly as possible in order to send Jagd to help with Tacit. And the Moray is, just veeeeeeery small use case in the south west that there's so little point in actually deploying it at all.

Now you might think that doesn't track correctly with putting the air force and the land units I have in the South West and if I was treating them the same, it wouldn't. However, there are most importantly to me more of them. If we had four or five Gunboats I'd be putting them on the south west because by that weight of numbers they might actually do something. So in the case of the air force I cobbled together a force meant to give a good shot that is then fast enough to go to the other fight and maybe do something, or be available in the SW fight if we so decide at that moment in time sometime in the future.

For the land forces its worth it to take note that I used the tanks with Corrosion shells, which don't care for a thing's category, one squad of which is elite and then the acoustic tank which is based on Toughness tests to do bad things to our enemies. I don't expect a Cat IV this fast to have much Tou so I'm banking on it being able to force Tou tests that Scatternail might fail a handful of. For the Laser tank I expect it to be largely pointless against Arrowhead with his reflective coating so it might as well go here to poke the Cat IV along with the other semi-helpful army forces, even if it is the least helpful of the bunch.

E: I have also considered that deploying Cons to the South West is also pointless and there seems to be some convergence on that thought from you as well in which case I wouldn't mind a plan like it since it means we might finish South East yet faster, but given the above points I've raised I generally don't think its necessary.
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My focus was on the Navy since that's how this argument started and what I've been most considering. If we can't move them between fights, its pointless to put them somewhere they only get one good shot against a Cat IV, because they'd be more helpful against Cat IIIs with that one good shot. To assign the Gunboats and Moray to South West is a kind of throwaway in my mind when the rest of their friends are on the other side of the map and we want that battle over with as quickly as possible in order to send Jagd to help with Tacit. And the Moray is, just veeeeeeery small use case in the south west that there's so little point in actually deploying it at all.

Now you might think that doesn't track correctly with putting the air force and the land units I have in the South West and if I was treating them the same, it wouldn't. However, there are most importantly to me more of them. If we had four or five Gunboats I'd be putting them on the south west because by that weight of numbers they might actually do something. So in the case of the air force I cobbled together a force meant to give a good shot that is then fast enough to go to the other fight and maybe do something, or be available in the SW fight if we so decide at that moment in time sometime in the future.

For the land forces its worth it to take note that I used the tanks with Corrosion shells, which don't care for a thing's category, one squad of which is elite and then the acoustic tank which is based on Toughness tests to do bad things to our enemies. I don't expect a Cat IV this fast to have much Tou so I'm banking on it being able to force Tou tests that Scatternail might fail a handful of. For the Laser tank I expect it to be largely pointless against Arrowhead with his reflective coating so it might as well go here to poke the Cat IV along with the other semi-helpful army forces, even if it is the least helpful of the bunch.

E: I have also considered that deploying Cons to the South West is also pointless and there seems to be some convergence on that thought from you as well in which case I wouldn't mind a plan like it since it means we might finish South East yet faster, but given the above points I've raised I generally don't think its necessary.
Given how rarely acid seems to stick, our Tanks aren't necessarily just able to ignore the Cat of the target. And you're planning on having the Air Force in the SW bail to the SE? Do I have that right? Why? Banshees are less reliant than Hellhounds on the missiles, but their lasers are still pretty much pop-guns. There's no point. Plus, to get to the SE in any appreciable time-frame, they'd need to burn fuel. They can't do that twice, and can't undo it once it's done. If they're in the SW, they're pretty much going to want to be there for the duration. Especially when you're already writing off using lasers in the SE entirely because one of the two Kaiju might resist them.

I'm really confused by how you're thinking about forces distribution, too. Like...what does it matter how many of the Gunboats there are? Most of our Cons all do comparable damage to one another. You're basically saying it's better to send 5 units that 7, because the five units can do something of note, but two can't? That's not relevant. 7 shots is still better than 5. Your logic here genuinely doesn't make any sense to me.
Given how rarely acid seems to stick, our Tanks aren't necessarily just able to ignore the Cat of the target. And you're planning on having the Air Force in the SW bail to the SE? Do I have that right? Why? Banshees are less reliant than Hellhounds on the missiles, but their lasers are still pretty much pop-guns. There's no point. Plus, to get to the SE in any appreciable time-frame, they'd need to burn fuel. They can't do that twice, and can't undo it once it's done. If they're in the SW, they're pretty much going to want to be there for the duration. Especially when you're already writing off using lasers in the SE entirely because one of the two Kaiju might resist them.

I'm really confused by how you're thinking about forces distribution, too. Like...what does it matter how many of the Gunboats there are? Most of our Cons all do comparable damage to one another. You're basically saying it's better to send 5 units that 7, because the five units can do something of note, but two can't? That's not relevant. 7 shots is still better than 5. Your logic here genuinely doesn't make any sense to me.
The air force has more acid to throw than the two piddly gunboats, but the two piddly gunboats have a bunch of friends they can work with to do something. So I'm going to put the gunboats with their friends. I want Jagd's fight to end quicker, but there's an actual chance the air force might do something against Scatternail and because of weight of numbers putting the Gunboats with the navy makes me think the Navy as a whole might actually do something. (Plus it doesn't leave them as sitting ducks against a Cat IV)

And also I got confused, my bad, Arrowhead is in Everett. So neither of the Cat IIIs in Seattle are possibly immune to lasers. So the Banshees will plausibly still be helpful there even if they have to burn fuel, unless they get there and then have a single round of use (Its been a while since I last remember the effect) to fire their popguns, in which case it might just be better to use them against Scatternail. Bu that's a decision for that fight as its happening. The laser tank is just basically there with its friends to be there and throw plausibly useful stuff at Scatternail with the assumption that only the Acid rounds and Acoustics will be meaningful. I guess I could put it amongst the other SE army.
The air force has more acid to throw than the two piddly gunboats, but the two piddly gunboats have a bunch of friends they can work with to do something. So I'm going to put the gunboats with their friends. I want Jagd's fight to end quicker, but there's an actual chance the air force might do something against Scatternail and because of weight of numbers putting the Gunboats with the navy makes me think the Navy as a whole might actually do something. (Plus it doesn't leave them as sitting ducks against a Cat IV)
No. I strongly disagree. The Gunboats aren't going to make much of a difference in the Navy's overall performance in either plan. Their armaments don't magically become more effective because they're sailing with the rest of the navy. Whereas, now that I actually run the math, they're an almost 50% increase in the total amount of Dragon's Blood missiles being used in the SW, they're a drop in the bucket in the SE. There's a much more significant difference between 5 and 7 than there is between...god, what even would the numbers be in the SE? Whatever they are, 2 Gunboats is unlikely to finish that fight all that much faster, but may actually have some impact on the SW.

And literally everything in the SW is a "sitting duck". Again, you're basically just arguing for no Con support in the SW again. Against 8 Agi, there's very few Cons that aren't sitting ducks.

Edit: Also, apparently I need to point out, again, that this vote is deployment, and not "deployment and first turn." Stop trying to roll the votes into one, please.

Edit 2: Wait, hold up. The Gunboats are sitting ducks...but the way more expensive Hlin isn't...why? Unless you're planning on shipping it and the tanks to the other combat after they fire, those guys are stuck in the SW in your plan.
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And literally everything in the SW is a "sitting duck". Again, you're basically just arguing for no Con support in the SW again. Against 8 Agi, there's very few Cons that aren't sitting ducks.

Edit: Also, apparently I need to point out, again, that this vote is deployment, and not "deployment and first turn." Stop trying to roll the votes into one, please.

Edit 2: Wait, hold up. The Gunboats are sitting ducks...but the way more expensive Hlin isn't...why? Unless you're planning on shipping it and the tanks to the other combat after they fire, those guys are stuck in the SW in your plan.
Okay? Personally I think the air forces have enough speed to generally get away on their own if Tacit is keeping Scatternail busy.

I'm not? Where are you getting that idea?

Yes I think shipping them out is a good idea.
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Okay? Personally I think the air forces have enough speed to generally get away on their own if Tacit is keeping Scatternail busy.

I'm not? Where are you getting that idea?

Yes I think shipping them out is a good idea.
...Huh. Missed that. Though it does seem like you edited. My bad.

I have to disagree pretty heavily on shipping out our land units being a good plan. It's likely that shifting, even with fuel burning, will take too long to really be relevant. It'll take a turn to load the land units into transports, minimum, then another couple of turns to get to the area in question, and then it may take time to unload those units, as well. I'm not counting on us being able to reposition easily, just that, if it becomes a necessity, it can be done. I'm only even considering shifting Jagdhund because the Skadi is insanely fast, and because she can help in melee.

Also, by that standard, all of our units can evac. Even if Scatternail is fast, it's not going to bother with a few fleeing boats if it downs Tacit. No, it's going to go straight for our DP and wreck the city. That's what Kaiju do. Killing a few fleeing military units is going to be less appealing than taking out a city of several thousand. Part of the purpose behind our Cons in the first place is to give up their lives if necessary to keep a Kaiju from doing just that. To delay it, even if only for a short while. By pulling out our Cons immediately after firing, you're giving Scatternail free-reign to wreck the city if it manages to down Tacit. And going solo against a blazingly fast Cat IV is not necessarily going to be easy or a certain victory on our end.

You've also pulled the Tyr out of the area where we're trying to end the fight the fastest. That seems like a terrible idea. Yeah, maybe the rerolls might help, but the projected RoI there is just overall lower than the SE. It's honestly just not worth investing that many useful units there. I mean, the Hlin and the Tyr? Why?
...Huh. Missed that. Though it does seem like you edited. My bad.
You've also pulled the Tyr out of the area where we're trying to end the fight the fastest. That seems like a terrible idea. Yeah, maybe the rerolls might help, but the projected RoI there is just overall lower than the SE. It's honestly just not worth investing that many useful units there. I mean, the Hlin and the Tyr? Why?
Check again. Tyr is still in SE where it should be. (This kind of thing is really frustrating by the way, please be more careful)

Let me try to be as clear as possible to get my point across.

I want to minimize morale loss by minimizing loss of manned units. See me deploying Drones to poke the Kaiju so we could understand what they actually have, and hand Scatternail a completely expendable opportunity to tip its hand in our favor.

I want to minimize morale loss by minimizing loss of manned units, while still acting on the possibility of tagging Scatternail with something from the Cons that works to make Tacit's job easier. Units I use as a sub criteria must bring some kind of status effect (Acid) or relatively unique weapon type (laser, Tacit will probably be too busy stabbing to use his. Acoustic in particular).

I must deploy Something to the SW then if I want to follow the second idea of tagging Scatternail.

Alright then if I have to, what am I actually putting them at risk for? A very very fast high Category Kaiju with a potential unidentified ranged weapon. Because it is so fast we will have basically one round of shooting and then it will engage with Tacit likely at the end of the first round or as its first action in the second. This leaves me with a certain criteria of safety; units must be able to flee faster than four units (usual ground and small naval unit speed), preferably faster than ten a round, and Tacit must be engaged. I must have the first because we don't know if it has a ranged weapon or what form that weapon might take if it exists. If it doesn't, cool. I can likely leave them there or do Something Else, but that is for later plans that do not matter in the slightest beyond an offhanded mention right now.

I can assume that Tacit will be engaged because that's what Jaegers do. Ground units I can evacuate in the Megas are acceptable, particularly if they bring something special to the table that might hit a vulnerability like Corrosion Rounds or the Acoustic tank squad. Air units like the Banshees and Quetz are also acceptable because they bring Acid and speed that meets my first criteria. Dragonflies have Arges to help things be more effective. The Drakon can fly high enough and move fast enough to probably be safe and has bombs that might be of some help.

The Navy Gunboats do not qualify for the first safety criteria and are disqualified as options because I cannot evacuate them through the air. Do they bring anything unique to the table? Yes, Acid. Do they bring it in comparable numbers to the Air Force to make up for their lack of speed with sheer bulk of fire? No. Still disqualified. Put them with the other navy units then where they can add more weight of fire to Intercessor and Clawface.

A lot of this stops being as much of a problem if Scatternail turns out to be "just" a High Cat Kaiju with no ranged weapon. If we knew that I'd probably still put the Gunboats in the Southeast, because I generally right now want the progression of the Seattle battle to be: Kaiju are engaged > Intercessor and Clawface die/are incapacitated > Jagd goes to help Tacit.
Check again. Tyr is still in SE where it should be. (This kind of thing is really frustrating by the way, please be more careful)
...I can't tell if I keep accidentally looking at an older vote, or if my eyes are just malfunctioning. Though I think it's the latter.
Let me try to be as clear as possible to get my point across.

I want to minimize morale loss by minimizing loss of manned units. See me deploying Drones to poke the Kaiju so we could understand what they actually have, and hand Scatternail a completely expendable opportunity to tip its hand in our favor.

I want to minimize morale loss by minimizing loss of manned units, while still acting on the possibility of tagging Scatternail with something from the Cons that works to make Tacit's job easier. Units I use as a sub criteria must bring some kind of status effect (Acid) or relatively unique weapon type (laser, Tacit will probably be too busy stabbing to use his. Acoustic in particular).

I must deploy Something to the SW then if I want to follow the second idea of tagging Scatternail.

Alright then if I have to, what am I actually putting them at risk for? A very very fast high Category Kaiju with a potential unidentified ranged weapon. Because it is so fast we will have basically one round of shooting and then it will engage with Tacit likely at the end of the first round or as its first action in the second. This leaves me with a certain criteria of safety; units must be able to flee faster than four units (usual ground and small naval unit speed), preferably faster than ten a round, and Tacit must be engaged. I must have the first because we don't know if it has a ranged weapon or what form that weapon might take if it exists. If it doesn't, cool. I can likely leave them there or do Something Else, but that is for later plans that do not matter in the slightest beyond an offhanded mention right now.

I can assume that Tacit will be engaged because that's what Jaegers do. Ground units I can evacuate in the Megas are acceptable, particularly if they bring something special to the table that might hit a vulnerability like Corrosion Rounds or the Acoustic tank squad. Air units like the Banshees and Quetz are also acceptable because they bring Acid and speed that meets my first criteria. Dragonflies have Arges to help things be more effective. The Drakon can fly high enough and move fast enough to probably be safe and has bombs that might be of some help.

The Navy Gunboats do not qualify for the first safety criteria and are disqualified as options because I cannot evacuate them through the air. Do they bring anything unique to the table? Yes, Acid. Do they bring it in comparable numbers to the Air Force to make up for their lack of speed with sheer bulk of fire? No. Still disqualified. Put them with the other navy units then where they can add more weight of fire to Intercessor and Clawface.

A lot of this stops being as much of a problem if Scatternail turns out to be "just" a High Cat Kaiju with no ranged weapon. If we knew that I'd probably still put the Gunboats in the Southeast, because I generally right now want the progression of the Seattle battle to be: Kaiju are engaged > Intercessor and Clawface die/are incapacitated > Jagd goes to help Tacit.
Well, I think I see the problem here: I don't think minimizing manned unit losses is actually more vital than using units that are suited for the fight. We're going to lose units occasionally. That's just sort of the cost of them existing. Minimizing the consequences and odds of losing them is less important than using the right units for the right job, IMO. You're optimizing for a niche scenario (unit loss), with effectiveness in combat as your secondary concern. That shouldn't be your secondary concern.

The regular tanks are better suited for going up against softer targets, and against targets they get more hits against. They're also really good candidates for using the Tyr. The same, minus the Tyr thing, is true of the laser tanks and the Acoustic tank. Especially since the Acoustic tank is an AoE unit. The Drakons are also better against multiple targets. The gunboats are more suited to one-shot engagements. Could they be targeted by a ranged attack? Sure. That's always a risk. But I don't see a reason to start drastically altering our methodology to try and prevent it. Cons will always be at some risk. We shouldn't let fear of losing them keep us from using them to do the job we intended them for in the first place.

Edit: Also, the Dragonflies are the targets the vast majority of the time, because they're usually the closest to the enemy, while also often being clustered against AoE. Since Kaiju tend to have AoE ranged fairly often, they tend to be what gets hit. I don't think the boats are likely to be targets.
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[X] Nixeu
The plan is good enough, lets just get on with the fight.

@BungieONI I feel obligated to point out that Scatternail is both 10 km closer and much faster than the other 2 Kaiju, and so I would be suprised if the other 2 die before scatternail does.
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[X] BungieONI
The plan is good enough, lets just get on with the fight.

@BungieONI I feel obligated to point out that Scatternail is both 10 km closer and much faster than the other 2 Kaiju, and so I would be suprised if the other 2 die before scatternail does.
I'm probably going to just throw in the towel, honestly. It's not really worth this much arguing, lol. Though I did notice something you might want to consider, @BungieONI. Keeping all the tanks together with the arty and Murasames gives us just enough 150mm Cannons total to get 4 rerolls. Even if we instead shoot other stuff with the Murasames, three 150mm Cannons is still +/- a reroll.

...Actually, come to think of it, we'd potentially get three rerolls from having all of our Dragon's Blood missiles in the same place. Really leaning towards just having our all our Cons back Jagdhund, now. Eh, balls to it.

[x] Plan Overwhelming Firepower in the Southeast v2.0
-[X] Neo-Seattle
--[X] Southwest
---[X] Jaegers: Tacit Ronin deploys 5 units from DP.
--[X] Southeast
---[X] Jaegers: Jagdhund deploy 5 units from the DP, prone, Jagdgewher in hand.
---[X] Air Force: Dragonflies deploy 15 units out. All other units, deploy at the 5 units out line, around Jagdhund's position. Drakon's load Cracker Bombs, everything else standard loadout.
---[X] Army: Deploy almost all ground units on the DP, with the Hlin at the center. Hlin Barrier should be up. Tyr should be within 15 units of both the Navy and ground units, if possible. If not, it should start near the Hlin. 150mm Cannon, load Acid Shells.
---[x] Navy: Deploy all Naval units as close to the units on the DP as possible. 150mm Cannon, load acid shells.
-[x] Hold Skadi in reserve, carried by Megas, to be sent to either war zone if the battle seems to be ending.
-[X] Everett
--[X] Jaegers: Deploy Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun on land 15 units northwest from the DP.
--[X] Air Force: Deploy 15 unit's out, with standard loadout, Drakon's carrying Cracker Bombs.
--[X] Army: Deploy 5 units from the DP.
--[X] Navy: Murasame deploy in Possession sound as close to the Jaegers' position as possible.

Honestly, it seems like our botched sensor roll mostly just cost us time, so I don't think we really need scouting. Especially when additional data isn't likely to give us any substantial advantage.
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