[x] Plan Oops
-[x] Neo-Seattle
--[x] Build 1x GAPAS (-1600 R, though the real change from previous total is +2400 from nixing the Mirage Cloak)
--[X] Perform an in-depth examination of the Berserker Fang samples
Alright, throw me a 1d10+11 for Berserker Fang research.
At the moment, I have three main things (or maybe four or five, technically) left to write up for the Downtime; the results of your Kitsap salvaging, the result of this Fang analysis, and your two Joint Research projects.

Edit: Joint Research is done!
Last edited:
Week 51: Downtime, Part 1
(Week 51: Downtime, Part 1)

[x] Plan Crusade Build Up, Phase 5: Siege Time 3.0
-[x] Neo Seattle
--[x] Normal Actions
---[x] Build 14x Garnele Autonomous Rifles (-26,250 R)
---[x] Build 4x Sovereign Links (-16,000 R)
---[x] Trade: Sell to KRAUN: 12x Garnele Autonomous Rifles, 3x Sovereign Links (+60,350 R)
---[x] Build 4x Thunderspray Jaegrenades. (-2080 R)
---[x] Install Sovereign Link (Spine) and 2x Garnele Autonomous Rifles (Location: Pelvis) onto Jagdhund
---[x] Build 1x GAPAS (-1600 R)
---[x] JR: Design improved Destroyer Talons, built with Blocking and Grappling in mind (better Block, new or improved Grapple Moves including super/finishing moves, make Holds and Chokes cheaper/easier to execute or better, etc) (Use Viceroy Token)
---[x] Perform an in-depth examination of the Berserker Fang samples
---[x] Research an improved Anti-Armor Laser Cannon using UV lasers.
---[x] Salvage Naval Base Kitsap, Bangor section (Trident Submarine base), focusing on computers/data/blueprints, fissile materials, intact facilities/gear, repairable hulls, and scrap, in that order.
---[x] Salvage Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton section (Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Shipyard and Inactive Ship Storage), focusing on anything useful for creating our own aircraft carriers (usable hulls, informative/useful hull fragments, blueprints, data, equipment, etc), fissile materials, repairable non-carrier hulls, misc gear, and scrap, in that order.
--[x] Free Actions
---[x] Transfer 5000 R, two Gyroscopic Stabiliser Feet, one GAPAS, and one Tristan-class Frigate to Everett.
---[x] Trade: Buy 2x Targeting Arrays and 2x CMP-7s from KRAUN (-1400 R) (Comms)
---[x] JR: Perfect the XMST, with more control over the destination and better range. (Use Grae Token) (Breach)
---[x] Research and adapt Terrornook's mixture of coagulants and painkillers for medical use. (K-Sci)
---[x] Research Impact/Electric-damage bombs/missile warheads, using Vortex's Arc Bombs and the Thunderspray Jaegrenades for reference as needed (Con Tech 1)
---[x] Improve the 150mm AAR-02 Corrosion Shell, focusing on stickier acid and greater armor corrosion once stuck. (Con Tech 2)
---[x] Research a way to increase the range of our UV laser weapons (focusing the Micro UV Laser Vulcans). (Con Tech 3)
---[x] Fix the misfiring issues with the 420mm Plasma Charge Magazines. (J-Tech 1)
---[x] Research to improve our Kinetic Guillotine's range, and add the capability to switch between Edged and Impact damage (J-Tech 2)
---[x] Discount Thunderspray Jaegrenades (Munitions)
---[x] Scan for Kaiju (Hunt Scanner)
---[x] Build 5x Type-D Mortar Carrier Teams, (-180 R) (MPFs)
---[x] Build a Tristan-Class Missile Frigate (Dockworks)
---[x] Recycle nothing
---[x] Interrogate Prisoners: Call in experts to conduct subtle psych evaluations disguised as interrogations, looking for signs of mental and emotional manipulation, intense indoctrination, etc. (Free)
Total cost before Trade: -42,250 R, Income from Trade: 60,350 R, Post-Trade Expenses: -10260, Final Total: 50,726
-[x] Everett
--[x] Actions
---[x] Improve Population to 8 (-8500 R)
---[x] JR: Perfect the XMST, with more control over the destination and better range.
---[x] JR: Design improved Destroyer Talons, built with Blocking and Grappling in mind (better Block, new or improved Grapple Moves including super/finishing moves, make Holds and Chokes cheaper/easier to execute or better)
---[x] Research Trade Center Comms Augment
---[x] Uninstall the EW Suite, Install GAPAS.
--[x] Free Actions
---[x] Improve Phenom's HtH (20 rolls) (J-Tech 1 and 2) (800 R)
---[x] Build 3x AG-60 Dragonfly (Type D) Squadrons (-108 R) (MPFs)
---[x] Interrogate Prisoners: What sort of government/command structure do the Blue Stars have?(Free)
(Total Cost: -13408 Final Total: 392 R)

First on the list of this week's activities is a far larger investigation/salvage operation of Naval Base Kitsap-- after all, while the Protectorate's already recovered quite a number of watercraft from around that area, all of those were found outside the base, with everything actually inside it left untouched by them.

Despite a few struggles, results are actually quite promising!

First off, the remaining wrecks previously spotted outside the base are earmarked for scrapping-- they're in no condition for repair, but the raw materials should still be useful.

+5000 Resources!

Searching through the Bangor section, it's immediately evident that quite a bit of damage has been done by the kaiju. The submarines have been mostly demolished, and the conventional ammo depot is in frightening shape. However, not everything has been lost. After some preparations to deal with any residual radiation, a team is sent to examine Bangor's strategic nuclear storage. It's clear enough that the supply hasn't met with any catastrophic failures, since Kitsap is still relatively intact and nobody remembers hearing a thermonuclear explosion coming from the west side of Puget Sound, which means that there either haven't been any failures, or such failures were more of the leakage variety than the "nuke goes off" variety. Regardless, it's a good idea to make sure everyone's properly protected. Examination of the storage area provides a truly exciting find; as it turns out, much of the nuclear stockpile is intact and salvageable! However, heightened radiation levels suggest not all the nukes are completely intact, so the team grabs whichever ones are immediately identifiable as "safe", and hightails it out of there for decontamination.

+7 points of Nuclear Stockpile!

You may now produce Strategic Weapons! Each Strategic Weapon produced will consume a point of Nuclear Stockpile in addition to the Resource cost. That said, while I am a kind and merciful GM who hath given thee access to nuclear weapons… I'm not giving you guys actual nukes fresh from the base, at least not in an immediately deployable form. You already have the blueprints to make them, and abstracting the resource like this is my way of providing a bit of balance.

Further salvage of the Bangor section may provide additional points of Nuclear Stockpile; these are just what you managed to safely salvage for now.

Oddly enough, though, the team noticed that a good number of nukes were outright missing from storage. Understandably concerned by the fact that somebody might just have a dozen or so nuclear weapons lying around, the investigation teams set to work, trying any intact computer systems in order to figure out where the weapons might have gone. After some heavy searching, an answer is eventually found… at least, sort of. Apparently, at some point in 2024, a number of nuclear weapons were requisitioned from Kitsap by "Project Asgard". Unfortunately, there's not much else you can find on it-- aside from being under joint aerospace/navy authority, any further information on Project Asgard is encrypted beyond what the teams can crack out in the field. Still, the computers are packed up and shipped back to Neo-Seattle, where further decrypting might be attempted, or yet more useful data might be found.

Encrypted Military Computers gained! Added to inventory!

This will require a little more investigation on your part.

Finally, while none of the submersibles are actually in any sort of working condition-- kaiju really hate submarines, apparently-- some of their equipment is still salvageable. In particular, quite a number of sonar systems, far improved from Neo-Seattle's own, are stripped out of the hulls. These could easily be integrated into a coastal city's sensor net, providing an immense boon to any allies units trying to fight an underwater threat.

Advanced Sonar Net (Scanners Augment) found! Added to inventory!
If installed, the Advanced Sonar Net will grant one city, and any allied units equipped to it, a +2 bonus on tests to detect threats in the water (Dexterity, Scanners, or any other such test).

The other area of search, the Bremerton section, also has quite a variety of finds. Most of the mothballed hulls have been ruined by the kaiju, and are only usable as scrap, but a surprising amount of the fuel depot is still intact, and the new resource is quickly marked for transfer back to the Protectorate.

+10000 Resources!

Far more impressive, however, is the discovery of a heavily damaged, but still fairly intact, Nimitz class supercarrier! It's only barely able to be considered seaworthy-- mainly due to the hull having few enough holes to not sink right away-- and would definitely need a lot of work to get running again, but if repaired could easily provide an incredibly useful asset to the Protectorate! Alternatively, examining its superstructure and innards could make it much easier to design a homegrown Carrier for the Protectorate-- though the Nimitz class would have to be dismantled in the process.

[ ] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Supercarrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[ ] Scrap the Carrier! (+7500 Resources, +1 Bremerton Token (Supercarriers), no Nimitz for you)

If you keep the Carrier, you'll need to spend more actions getting it seaworthy and stuff. On the plus side, repairing a carrier is gonna be cheaper than building a brand new one, so you'll likely ultimately save some money. Up to you guys.

Finally, while the actual carrier may not be usable right away, there are a few vehicles that might be a bit more immediately viable-- if only barely. Hidden in hangers and storage onboard and around the Nimitz class are several dozen FA-18E and FA-18F Super Hornets, enough to make up three or so squadrons! Despite their abandonment, the fighter craft are in surprisingly good shape, and should be fully functional once more with a little bit of love, care, and intense technical maintenance. Of course, given modern atmospheric conditions, it's likely the Hornets would only be able to fly for about an hour or so before their engines chewed themselves to bits, so it's not all sunshine and daisies, and some would argue they'd be more useful as scrap. The choice, however, is ultimately up to the council.

[ ] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 FA-18E/F Super Hornet Squadrons)
[ ] Scrap the Hornets! (+5000 Resources, no Super Hornets for you)

If repaired, the Hornets will be immediately usable, though atmospheric conditions will limit how long they can be on the battlefield before needing to land and get repairs. On the plus side, they'll probably be the fastest non-Skadi unit you currently have access to.

Meanwhile, the city's manufacturing plants and dockworks are running at full tilt, churning out weapons, vehicles, and all manner of other gear-- even a brand new missile frigate! However, only a fraction of these are actually meant for Neo-Seattle's own use, with the rest destined for transfer or trade.

14 Garnele Autonomous Rifles constructed!
4 Sovereign Links constructed!
4 JED-3-ec Thunderspray Jaegrenades constructed!
1 GAPAS constructed!
Tristan-Class Guided Missile Frigate constructed!
4 AKM-22D Type-D Mortar Carrier Teams constructed!

Of course, that still leaves more than enough to grant at least one of the city's Jaegers a few new toys to play with. Jagdhund's firepower is dramatically increased with the addition of a new Sovereign RWS Link and a pair of Garneles on her back skirting armour-- even if the extra weight is now pushing the limits of what the Jaeger's currently able to handle.

Sovereign Link installed! 3/3 Augment Slots filled!
2 Garnele Autonomous Rifles equipped!

By default, each Garnele will carry three magazines of Assault Rounds (manufactured for free with the Garneles' construction). You may, of course, specify otherwise.

A large shipment, consisting exclusively of all the other remote weapons and their control equipment, is sent off to Outpost Michael for exchange with KRAUN. The staff are certainly glad to see another batch of gear arrive, with one even commenting that the goods might see some use in refitting the Mark VI-a units.

3 Sovereign Links, 12 Garnele Autonomous Rifles sold to KRAUN!
+60350 Resources!

However, the transport craft don't return from their drop-off point completely empty-handed. While the resource payments should be shipped over later in the week, the Protectorate Council had also made their first order of KRAUN-built gear from their allies, and KRAUN has obviously delivered.

2 Targeting Arrays, 2 CMP-7 Super Combat Gauntlets bought from KRAUN! Added to Inventory!
Targeting Array
Carried Weapon Modification
Each Targeting Array may be applied to any single carried ranged weapon.
A weapon with a Targeting Array may take the Aim action in combat, and gains an Aim Bonus of +2. The weapon must be held in two hands to benefit from the Aim action, even if it may otherwise be fired with one hand.

For the record, the Targeting Array's Aim ability isn't restricted because I don't want it on your Dolch-- it's restricted because one of the weapons KRAUN's developing can be optionally held in one hand, and said weapon will be mounting a Targeting Array. It's not balancing for you-- it's balancing for me (and by "me", I mean "the NPCs under my control").

CMP-7 Super Combat Gauntlet
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +3
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

The CMP-7 is just a really solid hand all-around. It's fully compatible with any weaponry the previous CMP Gauntlets could use and maintains the same level of manual dexterity, but features redesigned reflex circuits and shock absorbers, letting it block or deflect incoming blows faster and more easily than its predecessors. Damage is obviously a bit on the mediocre end, but KRAUN Jaegers usually rely more on their carried weapons for that anyway.

Meanwhile, the second shipment of gear is immediately sent off to Everett, mainly consisting of construction materials and jaeger equipment, while the newly-finished Tristan-Class simply sails its way north to its new docks.

5000 Resources transferred to Everett!
2 Gyroscopic Stabiliser Feet transferred to Everett!
1 GAPAS transferred to Everett!
Tristan-Class Guided Missile Frigate transferred to Everett!

Most of what's left to do is just research, starting with some more work on the Protectorate's DEW situation. The newly-obtained Anti-Armour Lasers are effective, but have some clear flaws-- namely, in their comparatively short range and low rate of fire-- and the idea is to try and integrate the UV tech into them to create a more effective weapon. Unfortunately, the combination proves harder to facilitate than expected-- mainly due to the difference in internal mediums, though other aspects are troublesome as well-- and by the end of the week the only thing the project has for results is some notes and small-scale prototypes, though these could definitely be of use to further laser development.

Research Failed! +1 Disposable Bonus to Improved Laser Designs gained!

Some bright spark in Kaiju Science has the idea of adapting the mix of coagulants and painkillers used by the Category IV "Terrornook" for human use. While this idea is enthusiastically supported by the rest of the research team, their work stalls only a few days into the week as producing a version of the chemicals that A) works as intended, and B) doesn't have hideous side effects on carbon-based biology proves impossible. It might be a viable route for the Raubtier project, but sticking Kaiju-made painkillers into humans is liable to kill a lot more than just their pain.

With that project a clear failure, K-Science tries to make progress on something-- this time, pulling out the Berserker Fangs for some serious analysis. Results prove astonishingly effective, providing a truly massive amount of data! K-Science isn't going to go into much detail, simply due to the sheer glut of information they've gained, but suffice to say that the analysis has granted immense insight into both further Fang development, and generation of Skofnung's Ionic Particle Screen, effectively tripling the amount of research data that they'd previously had from Skofnung. In addition, they've figured out how to synchronise the control mechanisms of the Berserker Fangs with the Sovereign system, meaning any unit with said system should be able to command the seven Remote Weapons as easily as any other Fang!

+2 Skofnung Tokens gained!
Berserker Fangs may now be freely operated by Sovereign Link!

Apologies for the lack of technobabble fluff this time. Honestly, coming up with rewards for this was hard enough-- hopefully, two extra Tokens for Skofnung's goodies and free control of the salvaged Berserker Fangs is sufficient for you guys.

C-Tech does its best with its assigned projects, though results are somewhat on the mixed end. First off is an attempt to design a heavier electrical munition for the heavy missile launchers and bomb bays of the Protectorate' naval and air assets. While the large size of the projectiles should make such research far easier, no solid results are made by the end of the week. C-Tech's simply gonna need more time for this.

Difficulty of future Arc Bomb research reduced.

On the other hand, improvements to the Corrosion Shells are finished surprisingly swiftly! By swapping the solvent to one based more on the fluid used in Dragons' Blood, a far more effective, lingering result can be obtained. Designated the AAR-03 munition, the replacements are soon being shipped to all 150mm cannon-equipped combat units in the Protectorate.

Corrosion Shells now deal +0 Damage instead of -1 Damage! Damage bonus treated as +2 for purposes of Acid Sticking!

While the combination lasers might not have worked, C-Tech's trying its hands at fixing a different sort of laser-related issue-- the abysmal range of its Micro Laser Vulcans. And, well, they succeed. It's not a perfect solution by any means, as the lasers lose a lot of energy past their optimal range, to the point that they're little more effective than the sort of weapons that the Protectorate's infantry used to be carrying, but considering the size of the lasers and the atmospheric conditions they operate in, such a result is really the best that can be done for now.

Micro UV Laser Vulcans now have the following stats:
Micro UV Laser Vulcans: 1d10 Fire damage. -1/-3 Damage. AP 1/0. Range 10/15/-. Hits on 5+. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges. Use secondary Damage/AP values when firing beyond Short Range.
Micro UV Laser Vulcan Broadside has been similarly modified.

J-Tech also has its share of trouble. One project is fixing the misfiring issues of the Jagdgewehr's plasma rounds. By the end of the week, new plans are drawn up for heavily reinforced shell casings that should completely remove the risk of a catastrophic misfire-- though, in turn, a magazine of these reinforced rounds cost half again that of the normal plasma rounds, so it's far from a perfect solution.

Plasma Charge Magazines may be constructed as Reinforced Plasma Charge Magazines! Reinforced rounds cost 750 Resources per magazine instead of 500, but lose the chance to Misfire.

Unfortunately, work on modifying the Kinetic Guillotine goes absolutely nowhere. That's really all there is to report.

Scans of the surrounding territory produce some... interesting results. For the first time, it's getting hard to find any kaiju-- the lands immediately surrounding Neo-Seattle are almost completely vacant of the monstrosities, save for an occasional Category I or Zero. Oh, sure, Smirker and Dissenter haven't budged a hectare from their lake, and Tara's still a very clearly active presence, but many kaiju previously nailed down seem to have vanished outright. Armstrong, Bristlethorn, Roughneck… even Rime has left the sensor net's range, leaving their territories open and unattended. Just as concerning, however, is Leadhead's behaviour-- the Category V has abandoned the ruins of Portland, and begun heading northwards seemingly for no reason at all. While its pace is slow, and its ultimate destination still unconfirmed, whatever reason something as powerful as a Cat V might have for completely relocating itself can't be good.

If there's one positive about these changes, it's that the next attack will likely come significantly later, freeing up time for more... active combat operations. And just in time, too; with Tara's stronghold now wholly completed, the Protectorate may very well have to make its move, lest the fortress become a more permanent addition to Washington.

Interrogations-- or, rather, psyche evaluations disguised as interrogations-- of the numerous prisoners are brought underway. Results are… unclear, and hard to nail down. Ultimately, though, the experts request they be granted an additional week to conduct further evaluations and organise their data.

Beyond that, all that's left is to wait for the results of the Protectorate's joint research projects.



While Everett is definitely habitable, there are nonetheless quite a few remnants of the destruction previously wrought upon the city-- but surely enough, the Protectorate's doing their best to deal with it. Ruined buildings are demolished to make way for newly fabricated habs, damaged streets are re-paved, and whole sections of the city's civil infrastructure undergoes renovation. Widespread humanitarian aid goes out to refugees and displaced civilians, and over the week the city's population swells by a third.

Everett's Population to 8!

Means of streamlining the Protectorate's trade process are considered, but ultimately found unfeasible to implement in a consistent manner. For now, considering the kaiju presence in the western US and the atmospheric conditions, there's not very much that can be done to speed things up without simply dedicating more effort to the trade routes.

With more gear made available by the latest shipment, the Electronic Warfare Suite is removed from Revolver Shogun, and a GAPAS is installed in its place, granting the Jaeger a defense that's a little more useful against Kaiju.

Electronic Warfare Suite removed!
GAPAS installed!

In addition to their joint projects, the J-Tech facilities of Everett also work on improvements to Phenom Sable's CQC abilities. New optimisation software is drafted up, though it has a few bugs that need fixing, and it's likely a few hardware additions will also be needed to get the most out of it. Still, it's a start.

8 Successes!
Phenom Sable at 8/25 points to HtH 5!

The handful of MPFs established in Everett also do their best, pumping out over a dozen autogyro drones to bolster the city's scouting capability.

3 AG-60D Type-D Autogyros constructed!

Much like in Neo-Seattle, interrogations are somewhat stifled, and Everett's going to need at least another week of work if they want their questions answered.


Joint Research:

Two main projects are undergoing Joint Research this week, with Neo-Seattle pulling out data from several different sources to assist-- namely, the recently found CQC info from Viceroy, and the limited teleportation readings taken from Grae. With these, results should be all but assured… or, at least, that's the hope.

First off is a redesign of Phenom Sable's signature Destroyer Talons. While these appendages have already proven themselves ludicrously effective in their role, they could always be better at blocking and implementing new grappling techniques-- and, as such, those are the main areas this redesign is focusing on. Despite some serious stumbling blocks on Neo-Seattle's part, Everett's immediate access to Phenom lets them pick up the slack, and by the end of the week the improvements to the blueprints have been finished. The newly designated "VN-19" iteration of the Destroyer Talons should feature improved anchoring and armour coverage to better deflect incoming attacks, even when retracted. In addition, a redesigned hydraulic system and several locking bolts should enable the massive claws to seize opponents even tighter.

That said… it's not a perfect improvement. The new Talons are on the expensive end, and still inhibit more delicate manipulation when extended. In addition, the new locking mechanisms are somewhat finicky, and can't function properly when the progressive blades are engaged, meaning that Phenom would need to actively choose which function to have active at any one time. Still, it's a start.

Viceroy Token consumed!
VN-09 Destroyer Talons updated to VN-19 Destroyer Talons!

VN-19 Destroyer Talons
1400 Resources
Built-In Melee Weapon

Attack Dice: 1d10+2
Parry Dice: 1d5+2
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: +4
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength+1
Cauterizes wounds.
Stance Change: A Jaeger with Destroyer Talons has two 'hands' on each arm, and can activate or deactivate this extra pair almost instantly. As a Free Action once per round, the Jaeger may decide whether its Destroyer Talons are extended or retracted. When extended, the Jaeger suffers -1 Dex, and is unable to properly wield handheld weapons, but gains the attack profile and special abilities of the Destroyer Talons in turn. The Jaeger may still carry things in its hands, but all carried weapons count as Improvised instead of their normal profile. When retracted, the Jaeger cannot use the Talons as weapons (though they may Block or Parry with them), but otherwise operates as normal.
Vice Grip (Active Stance only): Upon entering a Grapple, and every round the Jaeger remains in a Grapple, choose whether Progressive Vice or Joint-Lock Vice is active. Only one Vice Grip option may be active at a time, even if more than one set of Destroyer Talons is active.
- Progressive Vice: Each round the Jaeger wins a Grapple, it inflicts 1d10 Edged damage to a random location on the opponent, dealing 1 extra point of damage on a Natural 10. This damage cauterizes wounds.
- Joint-Lock Vice: Each round the Jaeger wins a Grapple, it may maintain any Submission Holds or Chokes on the opponent for 0 AP and no Action, and reduces the cost of all Grapple Actions directed towards a Choked or Submission Held opponent by 1 AP, to a minimum of 1.
A number of opponents up to the number of Destroyer Talons currently active may be targeted by Vice Grip in any one round, though each opponent may only be targeted once by any Vice Grip option per Grapple round.

Each set of VN-09 Destroyer Talons already produced may be upgraded to VN-19 Destroyer Talons for 500 Resources during a Repair Action!

You get some nice new hand stuff, but that Nat 1 did have some side effects-- namely, higher price and needing to swap between free damage and easier Holds.

Meanwhile, the other project attempts to fix some of the XMST's issues-- in particular, its lack of precision and comparatively short range. Progress is slow, and not at all easy, but with some heavy referencing of Grae's own teleportation readings, a handful of improvements are made to the design. It's still slow to activate and recharge, and still has a twenty percent chance to burn out with each use, but the margin of error has been reduced from nearly a kilometre to roughly half that, and both maximum and minimum possible range have been slightly improved.

Grae Token consumed!
Difficulty of future Teleportation research permanently reduced!
Experimental Macro-Scalar Teleport updated!

Experimental Macro-Scalar Teleport
7500 Resources
As a Full Round Action, a Jaeger with an XMST can attempt a teleport. Roll 3d10+Dexterity to determine the current jump's maximum range in units, and select the exit point up to that distance. Afterwards, roll 1d5-- on a natural 1, the jaeger lands right on target, otherwise roll an extra 1d5 to determine how many units it is displaced north (2), east (3), south (4), or west (5) respectively. After a teleport, the jaeger must wait 2d5 rounds for it to recharge, and counts as having moved on its next turn for any Standard Actions it would take.
Each time a jaeger teleports with the XMST, roll 1d10 afterwards. On a 1-2, the XMST burns itself out, and shuts down until it can be repaired.
The XMST may only be equipped to Mark II+ Jaegers.

Teleportation research is hard, but now that you've gotten some actual application of Grae's data being used in this, any further attempts are going to be much easier-- since you sort of actually know what you're doing now.


And with that, the week is over, leaving just two main things on the council's plate. One is Tara's Fortress, to be the target of the Protectorate's next major operation... and the other is Ashley Langley, who's finally finished the adjustment therapy for her new limbs, and has been physically cleared to resume piloting.

Throw me a Scanners roll (1d10+7) for your pre-deployment scouting and analysis of Tara's Fortress.

Ashley Langley may now resume piloting of Tacit Ronin, though her mental state
could result in unknown side effects for the Jaeger. Alternatively, you can try to really make sure she's in the best mental state for piloting, though this will obviously prevent her from deploying. Whichever option you choose, she'll still be receiving therapy and stuff on the side-- this just decides if you want to take a chance and have her pilot for this fight.
[ ] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)
[ ] On second though, better do some extra therapy first. (Ashley does not pilot Tacit Ronin this week, roll 1d10 for extra therapy.)

Edit: made a clarity edit. The Hornets you found are all FA-18E and FA-18F Super Hornets.
Edit 2: fixed the
Nimitz Token option.
Last edited:
Throw me a Scanners roll (1d10+7) for your pre-deployment scouting and analysis of Tara's Fortress.

Ashley Langley may now resume piloting of Tacit Ronin, though her mental state
could result in unknown side effects for the Jaeger. Alternatively, you can try to really make sure she's in the best mental state for piloting, though this will obviously prevent her from deploying. Whichever option you choose, she'll still be receiving therapy and stuff on the side-- this just decides if you want to take a chance and have her pilot for this fight.
[ ] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)

i got the roll, and let's go, I'm willing to take a chance.

[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)
Lone Courier 6 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Have fun storming the castle+7 Total: 6
6 6
[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)

The Super Robotness of this calls to me :V
it's back

[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)
I will also need your votes on what to do with the Carrier and the Hornets.
Roger that. Loot, ho!

[X] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)
Last edited:
[X] Scrap the Carrier! (+7500 Resources, +1 Bremerton Token (Supercarriers), no Nimitz for you)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)

Scrap the Carrier, pays for the Hornets, and we can use the Token to kickstart research on a Super Carrier for Operation Weeaboo Magic
Last edited:
[X] Scrap the Carrier! (+7500 Resources, +1 Bremerton Token (Aircraft Carriers), no Nimitz for you)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[X] On second though, better do some extra therapy first. (Ashley does not pilot Tacit Ronin this week, roll 1d10 for extra therapy.)

Rather NOT get surprised by a negative trait.
Roger that. Loot, ho!

[X] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
Roger that. Loot, ho!

[X] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
Hey you should edit in your ashley vote too
[X] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[X] On second though, better do some extra therapy first. (Ashley does not pilot Tacit Ronin this week, roll 1d10 for extra therapy.)
It's a risk to be sure, but we might not even get a trait, or the trait could be positive, two good outcomes, one bad, odds are in our favor here
@Fyrstorm can we use research actions to upgrade the Superhornets to fly for longer after we fix them?
You guys have researched magic before. I'd have no right to stop you from researching jet engines that can survive post-TdJ atmospheric conditions for longer than an hour. Just wait until next downtime (when you actually have actions you can use), then knock yourselves out.

Edit: Also, the downtime post has been edited for clarity. All the salvageable jets are Super Hornets.
Last edited:
So i had an Idea for a weapon we could build later? A Spear. Yes i know spears are kinda blasé, but the spear would use a Georgius Blade as the tip, with a kaleidoscoping pole on the haft, the entire purpsoe being to jam it into the target and have he head shatter in such a way as to cause massive trauma and serve to deter Kaiju from charging lest the skewer messes them up horribly. In man's long history big pointy sticks have been the go to for dealing with gribbles in anything resembling melee.
So why keep the carrier? The Hornets we all see theuse for but what's the nimtz good for? Wouldn't it be better to use it as a baseline for creating a Super Carrier capable of carrying a Jaeger and token force of Conventionals?
First on the list of this week's activities is a far larger investigation/salvage operation of Naval Base Kitsap-- after all, while the Protectorate's already recovered quite a number of watercraft from around that area, all of those were found outside the base, with everything actually inside it left untouched by them.

Despite a few struggles, results are actually quite promising!

First off, the remaining wrecks previously spotted outside the base are earmarked for scrapping-- they're in no condition for repair, but the raw materials should still be useful.

+5000 Resources!

Searching through the Bangor section, it's immediately evident that quite a bit of damage has been done by the kaiju. The submarines have been mostly demolished, and the conventional ammo depot is in frightening shape. However, not everything has been lost. After some preparations to deal with any residual radiation, a team is sent to examine Bangor's strategic nuclear storage. It's clear enough that the supply hasn't met with any catastrophic failures, since Kitsap is still relatively intact and nobody remembers hearing a thermonuclear explosion coming from the west side of Puget Sound, which means that there either haven't been any failures, or such failures were more of the leakage variety than the "nuke goes off" variety. Regardless, it's a good idea to make sure everyone's properly protected. Examination of the storage area provides a truly exciting find; as it turns out, much of the nuclear stockpile is intact and salvageable! However, heightened radiation levels suggest not all the nukes are completely intact, so the team grabs whichever ones are immediately identifiable as "safe", and hightails it out of there for decontamination.

+7 points of Nuclear Stockpile!

You may now produce Strategic Weapons! Each Strategic Weapon produced will consume a point of Nuclear Stockpile in addition to the Resource cost. That said, while I am a kind and merciful GM who hath given thee access to nuclear weapons… I'm not giving you guys actual nukes fresh from the base, at least not in an immediately deployable form. You already have the blueprints to make them, and abstracting the resource like this is my way of providing a bit of balance.
Perfectly acceptable. Hell, probably preferable.
Oddly enough, though, the team noticed that a good number of nukes were outright missing from storage. Understandably concerned by the fact that somebody might just have a dozen or so nuclear weapons lying around, the investigation teams set to work, trying any intact computer systems in order to figure out where the weapons might have gone. After some heavy searching, an answer is eventually found… at least, sort of. Apparently, at some point in 2024, a number of nuclear weapons were requisitioned from Kitsap by "Project Asgard". Unfortunately, there's not much else you can find on it-- aside from being under joint aerospace/navy authority, any further information on Project Asgard is encrypted beyond what the teams can crack out in the field. Still, the computers are packed up and shipped back to Neo-Seattle, where further decrypting might be attempted, or yet more useful data might be found.

Encrypted Military Computers gained! Added to inventory!

This will require a little more investigation on your part.
...Huh. That definitely looks interesting. One wonders if perhaps someone was working on their own nuclear engine technology. If so...well, it's quite possible investigating this will lead us to the Blue Stars. Even if it doesn't, it's still quite promising.
Far more impressive, however, is the discovery of a heavily damaged, but still fairly intact, Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier! It's only barely able to be considered seaworthy-- mainly due to the hull having few enough holes to not sink right away-- and would definitely need a lot of work to get running again, but if repaired could easily provide an incredibly useful asset to the Protectorate! Alternatively, examining its superstructure and innards could make it much easier to design a homegrown Carrier for the Protectorate-- though the Nimitz class would have to be dismantled in the process.

[ ] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[ ] Scrap the Carrier! (+7500 Resources, +1 Bremerton Token (Aircraft Carriers), no Nimitz for you)

If you keep the Carrier, you'll need to spend more actions getting it seaworthy and stuff. On the plus side, repairing a carrier is gonna be cheaper than building a brand new one, so you'll likely ultimately save some money. Up to you guys.
As nice as a token would be, I think keeping the hull and repairing it will have comparable results, unless we really want to make our carriers also submarines.
Finally, while the actual carrier may not be usable right away, there are a few vehicles that might be a bit more immediately viable-- if only barely. Hidden in hangers and storage onboard and around the Nimitz class are several dozen F-18 Hornets and F-18E/F Super Hornets, enough to make up three or so squadrons! Despite their abandonment, the fighter craft are in surprisingly good shape, and should be fully functional once more with a little bit of love, care, and intense technical maintenance. Of course, given modern atmospheric conditions, it's likely the Hornets would only be able to fly for about an hour or so before their engines chewed themselves to bits, so it's not all sunshine and daisies, and some would argue they'd be more useful as scrap. The choice, however, is ultimately up to the council.

[ ] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[ ] Scrap the Hornets! (+5000 Resources, no Hornets for you)

If repaired, the Hornets will be immediately usable, though atmospheric conditions will limit how long they can be on the battlefield before needing to land and get repairs. On the plus side, they'll probably be the fastest non-Skadi unit you currently have access to.
Hm. Honestly, I think we might want to fix these up. We could potentially fix their engine issues with a bit of research, and having them as an example to work off of for future units would probably be quite helpful.
Targeting Array
Carried Weapon Modification
Each Targeting Array may be applied to any single carried ranged weapon.
A weapon with a Targeting Array may take the Aim action in combat, and gains an Aim Bonus of +2. The weapon must be held in two hands to benefit from the Aim action, even if it may otherwise be fired with one hand.

For the record, the Targeting Array's Aim ability isn't restricted because I don't want it on your Dolch-- it's restricted because one of the weapons KRAUN's developing can be optionally held in one hand, and said weapon will be mounting a Targeting Array. It's not balancing for you-- it's balancing for me (and by "me", I mean "the NPCs under my control").
Definitely worth equipping, and possibly reverse engineering. Same with the hands, only we can't equip those for our upcoming fight.
Most of what's left to do is just research, starting with some more work on the Protectorate's DEW situation. The newly-obtained Anti-Armour Lasers are effective, but have some clear flaws-- namely, in their comparatively short range and low rate of fire-- and the idea is to try and integrate the UV tech into them to create a more effective weapon. Unfortunately, the combination proves harder to facilitate than expected-- mainly due to the difference in internal mediums, though other aspects are troublesome as well-- and by the end of the week the only thing the project has for results is some notes and small-scale prototypes, though these could definitely be of use to further laser development.

Research Failed! +1 Disposable Bonus to Improved Laser Designs gained!
Well, I guess we at least have slightly better odds next time.
Some bright spark in Kaiju Science has the idea of adapting the mix of coagulants and painkillers used by the Category IV "Terrornook" for human use. While this idea is enthusiastically supported by the rest of the research team, their work stalls only a few days into the week as producing a version of the chemicals that A) works as intended, and B) doesn't have hideous side effects on carbon-based biology proves impossible. It might be a viable route for the Raubtier project, but sticking Kaiju-made painkillers into humans is liable to kill a lot more than just their pain.
...Yeah, you know what, that does make sense.
With that project a clear failure, K-Science tries to make progress on something-- this time, pulling out the Berserker Fangs for some serious analysis. Results prove astonishingly effective, providing a truly massive amount of data! K-Science isn't going to go into much detail, simply due to the sheer glut of information they've gained, but suffice to say that the analysis has granted immense insight into both further Fang development, and generation of Skofnung's Ionic Particle Screen, effectively tripling the amount of research data that they'd previously had from Skofnung. In addition, they've figured out how to synchronise the control mechanisms of the Berserker Fangs with the Sovereign system, meaning any unit with said system should be able to command the seven Remote Weapons as easily as any other Fang!

+2 Skofnung Tokens gained!
Berserker Fangs may now be freely operated by Sovereign Link!

Apologies for the lack of technobabble fluff this time. Honestly, coming up with rewards for this was hard enough-- hopefully, two extra Tokens for Skofnung's goodies and free control of the salvaged Berserker Fangs is sufficient for you guys.
Works for me! I'm honestly fairly tempted to equip those, though developing our own versions should probably be done while we still have examples. Best to learn from the Ascalon Blade incident.
C-Tech does its best with its assigned projects, though results are somewhat on the mixed end. First off is an attempt to design a heavier electrical munition for the heavy missile launchers and bomb bays of the Protectorate' naval and air assets. While the large size of the projectiles should make such research far easier, no solid results are made by the end of the week. C-Tech's simply gonna need more time for this.

Difficulty of future Arc Bomb research reduced.
Better than last time. Not that that's saying much.
On the other hand, improvements to the Corrosion Shells are finished surprisingly swiftly! By swapping the solvent to one based more on the fluid used in Dragons' Blood, a far more effective, lingering result can be obtained. Designated the AAR-03 munition, the replacements are soon being shipped to all 150mm cannon-equipped combat units in the Protectorate.

Corrosion Shells now deal +0 Damage instead of -1 Damage! Damage bonus treated as +2 for purposes of Acid Sticking!
Excellent. Exactly the sort of upgrade they needed.
While the combination lasers might not have worked, C-Tech's trying its hands at fixing a different sort of laser-related issue-- the abysmal range of its Micro Laser Vulcans. And, well, they succeed. It's not a perfect solution by any means, as the lasers lose a lot of energy past their optimal range, to the point that they're little more effective than the sort of weapons that the Protectorate's infantry used to be carrying, but considering the size of the lasers and the atmospheric conditions they operate in, such a result is really the best that can be done for now.

Micro UV Laser Vulcans now have the following stats:
Micro UV Laser Vulcans: 1d10 Fire damage. -1/-3 Damage. AP 1/0. Range 10/15/-. Hits on 5+. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges. Use secondary Damage/AP values when firing beyond Short Range.
Micro UV Laser Vulcan Broadside has been similarly modified.
Eh. Not great, but against foes of comparable size, more than enough.
J-Tech also has its share of trouble. One project is fixing the misfiring issues of the Jagdgewehr's plasma rounds. By the end of the week, new plans are drawn up for heavily reinforced shell casings that should completely remove the risk of a catastrophic misfire-- though, in turn, a magazine of these reinforced rounds cost half again that of the normal plasma rounds, so it's far from a perfect solution.

Plasma Charge Magazines may be constructed as Reinforced Plasma Charge Magazines! Reinforced rounds cost 750 Resources per magazine instead of 500, but lose the chance to Misfire.
...You do realize this just means we can charge KRAUN more for them, right? It's not a perfect solution for our personal use, mind, but uh...definitely not a loss for them as a trade good.
Scans of the surrounding territory produce some... interesting results. For the first time, it's getting hard to find any kaiju-- the lands immediately surrounding Neo-Seattle are almost completely vacant of the monstrosities, save for an occasional Category I or Zero. Oh, sure, Smirker and Dissenter haven't budged a hectare from their lake, and Tara's still a very clearly active presence, but many kaiju previously nailed down seem to have vanished outright. Armstrong, Bristlethorn, Roughneck… even Rime has left the sensor net's range, leaving their territories open and unattended. Just as concerning, however, is Leadhead's behaviour-- the Category V has abandoned the ruins of Portland, and begun heading northwards seemingly for no reason at all. While its pace is slow, and its ultimate destination still unconfirmed, whatever reason something as powerful as a Cat V might have for completely relocating itself can't be good.
Oh, sh*t. Well, that's definitely deeply concerning. But that's for us to worry about in the future.
Interrogations-- or, rather, psyche evaluations disguised as interrogations-- of the numerous prisoners are brought underway. Results are… unclear, and hard to nail down. Ultimately, though, the experts request they be granted an additional week to conduct further evaluations and organise their data.
And I am quite willing to give them another week.
First off is a redesign of Phenom Sable's signature Destroyer Talons. While these appendages have already proven themselves ludicrously effective in their role, they could always be better at blocking and implementing new grappling techniques-- and, as such, those are the main areas this redesign is focusing on. Despite some serious stumbling blocks on Neo-Seattle's part, Everett's immediate access to Phenom lets them pick up the slack, and by the end of the week the improvements to the blueprints have been finished. The newly designated "VN-19" iteration of the Destroyer Talons should feature improved anchoring and armour coverage to better deflect incoming attacks, even when retracted. In addition, a redesigned hydraulic system and several locking bolts should enable the massive claws to seize opponents even tighter.

That said… it's not a perfect improvement. The new Talons are on the expensive end, and still inhibit more delicate manipulation when extended. In addition, the new locking mechanisms are somewhat finicky, and can't function properly when the progressive blades are engaged, meaning that Phenom would need to actively choose which function to have active at any one time. Still, it's a start.

Viceroy Token consumed!
VN-09 Destroyer Talons updated to VN-19 Destroyer Talons!

VN-19 Destroyer Talons
1400 Resources
Built-In Melee Weapon

Attack Dice: 1d10+2
Parry Dice: 1d5+2
Block Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 3
Grappling Bonus: +4
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength+1
Cauterizes wounds.
Stance Change: A Jaeger with Destroyer Talons has two 'hands' on each arm, and can activate or deactivate this extra pair almost instantly. As a Free Action once per round, the Jaeger may decide whether its Destroyer Talons are extended or retracted. When extended, the Jaeger suffers -1 Dex, and is unable to properly wield handheld weapons, but gains the attack profile and special abilities of the Destroyer Talons in turn. The Jaeger may still carry things in its hands, but all carried weapons count as Improvised instead of their normal profile. When retracted, the Jaeger cannot use the Talons as weapons (though they may Block or Parry with them), but otherwise operates as normal.
Vice Grip (Active Stance only): Upon entering a Grapple, and every round the Jaeger remains in a Grapple, choose whether Progressive Vice or Joint-Lock Vice is active. Only one Vice Grip option may be active at a time, even if more than one set of Destroyer Talons is active.
- Progressive Vice: Each round the Jaeger wins a Grapple, it inflicts 1d10 Edged damage to a random location on the opponent, dealing 1 extra point of damage on a Natural 10. This damage cauterizes wounds.
- Joint-Lock Vice: Each round the Jaeger wins a Grapple, it may maintain any Submission Holds or Chokes on the opponent for 0 AP and no Action, and reduces the cost of all Grapple Actions directed towards a Choked or Submission Held opponent by 1 AP, to a minimum of 1.
A number of opponents up to the number of Destroyer Talons currently active may be targeted by Vice Grip in any one round, though each opponent may only be targeted once by any Vice Grip option per Grapple round.

Each set of VN-09 Destroyer Talons already produced may be upgraded to VN-19 Destroyer Talons for 500 Resources during a Repair Action!

You get some nice new hand stuff, but that Nat 1 did have some side effects-- namely, higher price and needing to swap between free damage and easier Holds.
Not bad. Not bad at all. Extra cost was expected, so that's no big deal. There certainly are obvious improvements that can be made, but these are more than good enough to warrant upgrading to at our next possible opportunity.
Meanwhile, the other project attempts to fix some of the XMST's issues-- in particular, its lack of precision and comparatively short range. Progress is slow, and not at all easy, but with some heavy referencing of Grae's own teleportation readings, a handful of improvements are made to the design. It's still slow to activate and recharge, and still has a twenty percent chance to burn out with each use, but the margin of error has been reduced from nearly a kilometre to roughly half that, and both maximum and minimum possible range have been slightly improved.

Grae Token consumed!
Difficulty of future Teleportation research permanently reduced!
Experimental Macro-Scalar Teleport updated!

Experimental Macro-Scalar Teleport
7500 Resources
As a Full Round Action, a Jaeger with an XMST can attempt a teleport. Roll 3d10+Dexterity to determine the current jump's maximum range in units, and select the exit point up to that distance. Afterwards, roll 1d5-- on a natural 1, the jaeger lands right on target, otherwise roll an extra 1d5 to determine how many units it is displaced north (2), east (3), south (4), or west (5) respectively. After a teleport, the jaeger must wait 2d5 rounds for it to recharge, and counts as having moved on its next turn for any Standard Actions it would take.
Each time a jaeger teleports with the XMST, roll 1d10 afterwards. On a 1-2, the XMST burns itself out, and shuts down until it can be repaired.
The XMST may only be equipped to Mark II+ Jaegers.

Teleportation research is hard, but now that you've gotten some actual application of Grae's data being used in this, any further attempts are going to be much easier-- since you sort of actually know what you're doing now.
Not quite as much of an improvement as I'd like, but the permanent decrease to research difficultly should come in rather handy for fixing those flaws.
Ashley Langley may now resume piloting of Tacit Ronin, though her mental state could result in unknown side effects for the Jaeger. Alternatively, you can try to really make sure she's in the best mental state for piloting, though this will obviously prevent her from deploying. Whichever option you choose, she'll still be receiving therapy and stuff on the side-- this just decides if you want to take a chance and have her pilot for this fight.
[ ] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)
[ ] On second though, better do some extra therapy first. (Ashley does not pilot Tacit Ronin this week, roll 1d10 for extra therapy.)
Hm. I'm...honestly not sure about this one.
[X] Scrap the Carrier! (+7500 Resources, +1 Bremerton Token (Aircraft Carriers), no Nimitz for you)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)
[X] Yo, Ashley, get in the robot! (Ashley pilots Tacit Ronin this week. Tacit Ronin may gain ???(+/-).)

Scrap the Carrier, pays for the Hornets, and we can use the Token to kickstart research on a Super Carrier for Operation Weeaboo Magic
...Why are we not just making the carrier we have already into something able to fill that role, though? Because I feel the need to point out that the token is for aircraft carriers, and not Jaeger carriers. Whereas we could quite easily repurpose the hull into a mobile Jaeger repair base, the same way we repurposed the PT boats into support vessels. That's the main purpose we want a "super carrier" for. Which the Nimitz already is. That's literally the name of its class of warship. And we're certainly not so strapped for cash that we need to scrap it to repair the jets. We just got another 15k R from raiding Kitsap.
So why keep the carrier? The Hornets we all see theuse for but what's the nimtz good for? Wouldn't it be better to use it as a baseline for creating a Super Carrier capable of carrying a Jaeger and token force of Conventionals?
...Yeah, if that's your goal, that's not a reason to scrap it. That's a reason to keep it. It will cost us less to repurpose the existing hull than it would to build a brand new one.

[X] Keep the Carrier! (+1 damaged Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier, in severe need of repairs and refitting)
[X] Fix the Hornets! (-4500 Resources, +3 F-18 Hornet Squadrons)

Kinda unsure which to pick for the Ashley option, so I'm leaving that blank for now.