Boost Packs! - 1d10+7
- Jagdgewhere is it already? - 1d10+7
- Scantastic - 1d10+7
I'll take these!

Edit: The Jagdgewehr must be some sort of alien technology super-rifle. Or we need to fire everyone in that side-project. Jesus Christ.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: BOOST! Total: 4
4 4
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Gewehr Total: 1
1 1
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Scanning! Total: 6
6 6
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"KRAUN, are you sure you can't just give us the blueprints?"

"Why, what's the problem?"

"Your stupid gun is apparently impossible to understand. We've tried reverse engineering it for several weeks straight, with no progress at all."

Omake: Jagdgewtf
"KRAUN, are you sure you can't just give us the blueprints?"

"Why, what's the problem?"

"Your stupid gun is apparently impossible to understand. We've tried reverse engineering it for several weeks straight, with no progress at all."

"I assure you, there is nothing unusual about the Jagdgewehr Block Two."

"That's fine and all, but the very clean and well-polished casing says this is a Block One Prototype."

"...Oh. Now that would explain it."

"Explain what?"

"The Block One Prototype was built over the course of one week by one of our engineers after he spent three days asking for the most ridiculous materials like a ton of red beryl and the left tusk of an elderly elephant."

"...I'm sorry but I have to ask. Are you shitting me?"

"I shit you not. When we finally managed to get him what he asked to shut him up, he went crazier than usual, locked himself with all that stuff inside an Auto-Factory and came out with... that"

"...So what? He didn't leave any documentation or blueprints?"

"If you call doodles, rants, and random equations documentation, then yes he did. Anyway, the gun worked like magic. No jamming, it needed very little cleaning, amazing accuracy... but no one could make heads or tails of the insides. Best we could glean of how it worked was that the elephant tusk was used in the firing pin."
"If you call doodles, rants, and random equations documentation, then yes he did. Anyway, the gun worked like magic. No jamming, it needed very little cleaning, amazing accuracy... but no one could make heads or tails of the insides. Best we could glean of how it worked was that the elephant tusk was used in the firing pin."
I mean, Vulcan didn't have very good accuracy with it, but at least you're there on the no jamming-- mainly since it just ran out of ammo instead.
- Robo-Tanks - 1d10+9
- New Boats! - 1d10+9
- Sunfire Missiles - 1d10+9
Grabbing these!

E: Woohoo!
Ugh, I guess boats are arcane things.
Hiiii my babies come to daddy.
E2: Also, god damn, that was nearly the same as Highwind's.
BungieONI threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Robo-Tanks Total: 5
5 5
BungieONI threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: New Boats! Total: 1
1 1
BungieONI threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Sunfire Missiles! Total: 6
6 6
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Unfortunately, the Drone rolls were already taken by Bungie, but there's still plenty more things to throw dice for.
Grabbing these!

E: Woohoo!
Ugh, I guess boats are arcane things.
Hiiii my babies come to daddy.
E2: Also, god damn, that was nearly the same as Highwind's.
Oi vey. I do believe heads may end up rolling in Naval-Tech.,,

Guess I'll take these before we forget to do them...
- Breach Storage Power (Joint) - 1d10+13
- No-Fuse Shielded Polaris (Joint) - 1d10+13
- Entropy Dilution Fun (Joint) - 1d10+13
Edit: ...Can you just apply that 9 to the Polaris?
Nixeu threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Breach Storage NS (+13) Total: 15
6 6 9 9
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Entropy Dilution Field NS (+13 Total: 7
7 7
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So all that's left is the Combat Sling and the Redmond search if someone wants to grab those.
I'll do both.

Didn't know if that crit exploded or not, but did so just to be safe.
EvaUnit01 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Redmond Total: 7
7 7
EvaUnit01 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Combat Sling Total: 19
10 10 9 9
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...That is going to be the One Sling to Rule Them All.

Our rolls look worse than they are, I think. At least one of the botches was on a filler-project that we mostly just did to give our Breach tech guys a break from teleportation. Another was on a precautionary project to let us replicate a piece of equipment, should we lose it in combat. While annoying, it can wait. The ship refit not going through is a real b*tch, though. Luckily, since it's just schematics they're working with, it's unlikely that the ships have taken any damage.

As for the remaining rolls, there are some silver linings there, too. Two lower rolls landed on Joint Projects, which have higher bonuses, and involve two rolls. One of the two should be balanced by a near-crit, and the paired roll for the other isn't low, either. The 2 on the Shatterdome stings, but it's not critical.

The remaining rolls are pretty average, for the most part. Which is acceptable. And, with an 18 and a 19, it looks like we might finally get our hands on Breach Storage tech. The fix for the Fangs should have gone swimmingly, which is excellent, since we could use the firepower. The Polaris is a bit mixed, but then again, I don't know if it was necessary for it to be Joint Research, so it's entirely possible it's also going to be exceptional.

Overall, I think things went okay...even if, well...
...of fucking course the easiest thing critted
^This. Also, full disclosure, I may have jinxed it by thinking about how funny it would be, if it got a crit. That's my bad.
Our rolls look worse than they are, I think. At least one of the botches was on a filler-project that we mostly just did to give our Breach tech guys a break from teleportation.
Hopefully we didn't summon Mini-Cthulhu or something.

I don't have my truncheon on me.
Hopefully we didn't summon Mini-Cthulhu or something.

I don't have my truncheon on me.
If I were in Fyrstorm's shoes, I'd just make it backfire, and have them request more time away from these problems, and back to more conventional Breach Tech. As conventional as it gets, anyways. Have it be so utterly frustrating or mind-bending that they don't get any less stressed, basically. It was just supposed to be them going over our records and seeing what they could discover on the subject, after all.

Honestly, in some ways, having them actually open a portal would be a success, since I wasn't really expecting anything concrete from this anyways. Sure, they might have summoned mini-Cthulhu in the lab. But at least they'd have showed us summoning is a possibility. Might even have left behind clues on the subject.
If they summoned mini-Cthulhu, then someone is going to have to teach them the basics of responsible magic. Starting with "do not summon what you cannot kill". Because we clearly need to drill those basics way before we get to Japan. :V
If they summoned mini-Cthulhu, then someone is going to have to teach them the basics of responsible magic. Starting with "do not summon what you cannot kill". Because we clearly need to drill those basics way before we get to Japan. :V
Well considering who we're talking about here, the buncha nerds probably already had a wiiiiiiiiiiide variety of very killy things on hand and pointed at the gate terminus before they attempted to open it. :V