Any Minor Wound from a non-Blunt source automatically inflicts 1 Ongoing (Neck or Torso Wounds increase the amount), and any Major Wound from a non-Blunt source automatically inflicts 3 Ongoing (again, Neck or Torso Wounds add onto this). In addition, Vitals Damage can inflict additional ongoing.

That's about it.
Does a cat 5's ability to ignore the extra effects of the first 2 minor wounds it receives also negate the ongoing from those wounds?
No, since they're an inherent effect of the wound. By "extra effects" it means stuff like the penalties, Vitals/Eye/Head Damage tables, or extra Ongoing from Neck/Torso wounds. Base Strikes and Ongoing still go through.

Unfortunately, the city's sensor net malfunctions and reboots mid-scan, going dark for a couple minutes before returning to its duties. By the time they're back up and running, however, the kaiju are much closer, and Neo-Seattle's defenders are going to have to scramble ASAP.

Approaching from the southwest is SE-27-023, designation "Scatternail". The kaiju's body plan is long and semi-quadrupedal, with developed limbs and an array of multiple spines along its back. Its chest and head are very toxic, but that's all the scanners can read. Scatternail is moving at incredible speeds along the ground, easily beating out Tacit Ronin's base speed, and more than matching its OMEN-assisted bursts, all without being airborne. It's gonna be troublesome to deal with this one, even if just because of the limits its speed will put on the deployment of support.

SE-27-024 and SE-27-025 aren't nearly as speedy, but still appear quite nimble. The first, designated "Intercessor", is almost identical to the Cat III "Traverser" encountered a few weeks ago, though it doesn't have the heavy metallic protrusions. Meanwhile, the second, "Clawface", is so named because... well, it doesn't really have a face, just a pair of pincer-like prongs sprouting out of the front of its head. Its limbs all seem very similar to each other, more so than Intercessor's do, and radiation levels are higher than average, but that's all the scanners can really make out right now.

Scatternail is about 10 kilometres southwest of the city, moving along the coastline. Intercessor and Clawface are 20 kilometres southeast of the city, following about the same route Laidon did. You can manage to Shift a railgun battery to support the SE sector, but Scatternail's moving too quickly for you to Shift in a second railgun bat in time. Beyond that, deploy as you will.



In contrast to Neo-Seattle's systems, Everett's scanners are working just fine, and quickly return their initial readings of the new opposition.

EV-27-006 "Anton" and EV-27-007 "Arrowhead" are two very different kettles of fish. Anton bears some resemblance to Barricade, though it seems to have fewer but larger limbs than the previous kaiju, and is significantly taller. Unlike Barricade, it doesn't seem to have an ablative layer, but its density is high enough that even bare flesh would do a decent job at resisting weapons fire. Arrowhead, meanwhile, appears to have a heavily faceted, semi-metallic coating. Its body plan is mainly bipedal, though it appears to have a quarter of tentacles in place of normal arms-- the electromagnetic readings around these appendages are higher than normal, so they've almost certainly got some sort of additional capability or offensive enhancement.

Both kaiju are travelling at a rather sedate clip, though this seems to be mainly because Anton's not very fast-- as Arrowhead's profile suggests relatively good reaction speed and mobility. In any case, there's plenty of time to deploy before they arrive, and lots of room to work with in terms of tactical positioning.

Anton and Arrowhead are about 35 kilometres northwest of the city, and moving relatively slowly-- mainly due to Anton. You'll be able to make use of naval assets, though these two probably won't stay in optimal range for their weapons unless you let them get significantly close to Everett. Beyond that, you may deploy as desired.
why wouldn't we have shifted the rail guns as soon as we got the direction readings? I was actually thinking about that.

also, could we research a sensor augment that would prevent critical fails on these initial sensor rolls?
Okay, initial impressions of this wave...

Scatternail is obviously a blitzer. Not sure if it has perks to support its run speed or if it's just that fast, though. Unfortunately, due to terrible rolls, that's all we've really got to go on for it. I feel like this one's gonna suck...

Intercessor seems fairly straightforward. Traverser-lite, from what we can see. The lack of protrusions implies that it doesn't have a barrier, I think.

Clawface is definitely a melee build, probably focused on biting attacks. I've got a hunch that it's a grappler, too.

Anton is probably a tank, like Barricade. I'd send Phenom to fight it, personally; I doubt RS will be effective at punching through its armor. Unfortunately, I feel like it'll be sticking close to Arrowhead for the most part, so we won't be able to divide and conquer.

Arrowhead seems like a grappler, judging from the tentacles (as proven by octopi, tentacles are good at grabbing things). They've definitely got something more to them, though (my first thought is Electric or Fire secondary damage, depending on conductivity), and I wouldn't be surprised if it can melee with a bit more range with them too.

why wouldn't we have shifted the rail guns as soon as we got the direction readings? I was actually thinking about that.

also, could we research a sensor augment that would prevent critical fails on these initial sensor rolls?
Because the scanners crashed before we could confirm directions?

But yeah, I think some sort of redundancy would be a good idea for our scanners.
The railguns aren't constantly kept powered up, since they do require a non-insignificant portion of the city's power grid to function. Bringing them online takes time, as does moving them into position, which is why they require sufficient warning in order to participate in a Sector that isn't the one they're normally assigned to.

Scatternail just isn't giving you that time, because it's going to get to the perimeter before you can get the other railguns there.
Technically, you can deploy anything you want to (except a second Railgun Bat), you just effectively have to start at the perimeter, and only have like 2-3 rounds to move stuff around before Scatternail is close enough to shift things into combat mode.
[x] Plan Divided forces
-[X] Seattle
-[X] Southwest Sector Deployments
--[X] Railguns warm up
--[X] 1 Type 108-AD Acoustic Tank Squadron (1 Type-D)
--[X] 3 Mechanized Anti-Kaiju Brigades
--[X] 4 AG-60 'Dragonfly' Autogyro Scout Squadrons (4 Type-D)
--[X] 2 A-KA-78-L ELITE 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons
--[X] 3 A-KA-78-L 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons (2 Type-D)
--[X] 2 Field Resupply Squad
--[X] 2 PL-160 'Quetzalcoatl' Gunships
--[X] 2 PL-161 'Fafnir' Heavy Gunships
--[X] 2 PB-20 'Drakon' Bomber Squadrons
--[X] Tyr Deploys
--[X] Tacit Ronin deploys 5 units in front of wall, everything is on/above wall as applicable, spread to avoid clustering, and within tyr's range
-[X] Southeast Sector Deployments
--[X] Northeast railgun shifts to here, Southeast railgun warms up
--[X] 1 elite tank
--[X] 6 normal tanks
--[X] 3 artillery
--[X] 1 laser tank
--[X] 1 elite Autogyro
--[X] 3 normal Autogyros
--[X] 1 Drakon
--[X] Any naval units that have enough range to hit the incoming Kaiju
--[X] Hiln deploys
--[X] Jadghund Deploys at the edge of the hiln shield towards the incoming Kaiju
--[X] All units deploy on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, within the Hiln's shield bubble (Or on the ground in front of wall if neccessary)
-[X] Everett
--[X] Everything deploys on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, aircraft above
--[X] Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun deploy 5 units ahead of wall, 5 units apart

IDK that's probably good enough
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Only real issue I have with the fact that people are talking about kicking feet right now is that they seem to be disregarding the possibility of bayonets. A Georgius Blade attached to the barrel would be a perfectly acceptable melee option, should one ever be required, and it would also be perfectly thematic for a gunslinger of pretty much any description.

I mean, yes, RS has higher HtH right now... but I'm pretty sure every hand-held gun we've seen so far has required at least 3 Dex to use, which means we'd probably have to focus on it pretty extensively to give it its full loadout. Yes, I know, we've only seen the stats for two hand-held guns, both of them built for generalists like Jagdhund. Doesn't make my concerns any less valid, and I'd like to get its Dex up at least one point by the time we research a shotgun just in case we need it to equip the thing.

Of course, if RS gets retooled so all its guns are built-in then that's a non-issue, but every time it's come up LDj has stated that he wants the shotguns to be handheld, which suggests a minimum required Dex value.
All of the purely Carried guns we've got are rifles, though. And the Schwert Gewher is technically sorta carried, and lacks such a requirement. I would expect a pair of shotguns to have Str preqs, honestly.
Don't see any reason we couldn't stick a bayonet onto what amounts to a sawed-off shotgun.
Honestly, I'd say we should probably use the Taurus Judge or Crye Precision's SIX12 as a basis for the shotguns, rather than just a sawed-off. In the former case, yeah, no, a bayonet would be silly.
Not in person, but yes. I have a cousin who works for the US branch of CZ firearms. The bayonet is intended so someone can't manhandle your slide back to prevent firing, and presumably for having a bit of CQC capability.

Also per a product description I trawled across:
Not all that applicable to a revolver, but good to know.
Unfortunately, the city's sensor net malfunctions and reboots mid-scan, going dark for a couple minutes before returning to its duties. By the time they're back up and running, however, the kaiju are much closer, and Neo-Seattle's defenders are going to have to scramble ASAP.

Approaching from the southwest is SE-27-023, designation "Scatternail". The kaiju's body plan is long and semi-quadrupedal, with developed limbs and an array of multiple spines along its back. Its chest and head are very toxic, but that's all the scanners can read. Scatternail is moving at incredible speeds along the ground, easily beating out Tacit Ronin's base speed, and more than matching its OMEN-assisted bursts, all without being airborne. It's gonna be troublesome to deal with this one, even if just because of the limits its speed will put on the deployment of support.
Oh dear. We have a speedster. Lovely.
SE-27-024 and SE-27-025 aren't nearly as speedy, but still appear quite nimble. The first, designated "Intercessor", is almost identical to the Cat III "Traverser" encountered a few weeks ago, though it doesn't have the heavy metallic protrusions. Meanwhile, the second, "Clawface", is so named because... well, it doesn't really have a face, just a pair of pincer-like prongs sprouting out of the front of its head. Its limbs all seem very similar to each other, more so than Intercessor's do, and radiation levels are higher than average, but that's all the scanners can really make out right now.
High radiation levels aren't a great sign, neither is seeming lack of eyes. And I'm not sure if Traverser minus Barrier is a good thing either, as it may have something else to compensate for the lack of Barrier.
Scatternail is about 10 kilometres southwest of the city, moving along the coastline. Intercessor and Clawface are 20 kilometres southeast of the city, following about the same route Laidon did. You can manage to Shift a railgun battery to support the SE sector, but Scatternail's moving too quickly for you to Shift in a second railgun bat in time. Beyond that, deploy as you will.
Along the coastline, you say? How kind of the Kaiju Masters to give us a target for the Seawolf II to test its weapons on. Maybe. The other guys are also probably within range though, so we have choices. Either way, though...

*laughs in HE Missile*
EV-27-006 "Anton" and EV-27-007 "Arrowhead" are two very different kettles of fish. Anton bears some resemblance to Barricade, though it seems to have fewer but larger limbs than the previous kaiju, and is significantly taller. Unlike Barricade, it doesn't seem to have an ablative layer, but its density is high enough that even bare flesh would do a decent job at resisting weapons fire. Arrowhead, meanwhile, appears to have a heavily faceted, semi-metallic coating. Its body plan is mainly bipedal, though it appears to have a quarter of tentacles in place of normal arms-- the electromagnetic readings around these appendages are higher than normal, so they've almost certainly got some sort of additional capability or offensive enhancement.

Both kaiju are travelling at a rather sedate clip, though this seems to be mainly because Anton's not very fast-- as Arrowhead's profile suggests relatively good reaction speed and mobility. In any case, there's plenty of time to deploy before they arrive, and lots of room to work with in terms of tactical positioning.
Arrowhead sounds one with a secret of some sort. I'm guessing it also resists Fire from lasers or something along those lines. Maybe an anti-laser designator design? I think Arkon had something like that.
[x] Plan Divided forces
-[X] Seattle
-[X] Southwest Sector Deployments
--[X] Railguns warm up
--[X] 1 Type 108-AD Acoustic Tank Squadron (1 Type-D)
--[X] 3 Mechanized Anti-Kaiju Brigades
--[X] 4 AG-60 'Dragonfly' Autogyro Scout Squadrons (4 Type-D)
--[X] 2 A-KA-78-L ELITE 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons
--[X] 3 A-KA-78-L 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons (2 Type-D)
--[X] 2 Field Resupply Squad
--[X] 2 PL-160 'Quetzalcoatl' Gunships
--[X] 2 PL-161 'Fafnir' Heavy Gunships
--[X] 2 PB-20 'Drakon' Bomber Squadrons
--[X] Tyr Deploys
--[X] Tacit Ronin deploys 5 units in front of wall, everything is on/above wall as applicable, spread to avoid clustering, and within tyr's range
-[X] Southeast Sector Deployments
--[X] Northeast railgun shifts to here, Southeast railgun warms up
--[X] 1 elite tank
--[X] 6 normal tanks
--[X] 3 artillery
--[X] 1 laser tank
--[X] 1 elite Autogyro
--[X] 3 normal Autogyros
--[X] 1 Drakon
--[X] Any naval units that have enough range to hit the incoming Kaiju
--[X] Hiln deploys
--[X] Jadghund Deploys at the edge of the hiln shield towards the incoming Kaiju
--[X] All units deploy on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, within the Hiln's shield bubble (Or on the ground in front of wall if neccessary)
-[X] Everett
--[X] Everything deploys on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, aircraft above
--[X] Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun deploy 5 units ahead of wall, 5 units apart

IDK that's probably good enough
1. God that's sloppily formatted.
2. From the sounds of it, we can deploy our Navy at both locations in NS (@Fyrstorm?).

Honestly, I'm fairly tempted to send most of our Cons to the SE. Obviously going to want some backing up Tacit, but TBH, I expect that Scatternail has some method of taking advantage of its speed to counter enemy fire (either Dodge or Heightened Evasion), and that same speed is going to limit how many shots we get on it. I think this is mostly going to have to be a K-Scale fight. High mobility units would probably be best, ones that can potentially actually reach the other fight if given the chance. I'm thinking the Banshees, as well as like half the scouts, and maybe the Gunboats or Quetzals, too. Gunboats aren't fast, but they only get a couple of good shots, and I feel like there should be some naval support. Definitely not the Murasames, and probably not the Seawolf II, either. That pretty much just leaves the Gunboats. And certainly not the Tyr. That should go to the SE.
[x] Plan Divided forces
-[X] Seattle
-[X] Southwest Sector Deployments
--[X] Railguns warm up
--[X] 1 Type 108-AD Acoustic Tank Squadron (1 Type-D)
--[X] 3 Mechanized Anti-Kaiju Brigades
--[X] 4 AG-60 'Dragonfly' Autogyro Scout Squadrons (4 Type-D)
--[X] 2 A-KA-78-L ELITE 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons
--[X] 3 A-KA-78-L 'Banshee' Assault Helicopter Squadrons (2 Type-D)
--[X] 2 Field Resupply Squad
--[X] 2 PL-160 'Quetzalcoatl' Gunships
--[X] 2 PL-161 'Fafnir' Heavy Gunships
--[X] 2 PB-20 'Drakon' Bomber Squadrons
--[X] Tyr Deploys
--[X] Tacit Ronin deploys 5 units in front of wall, everything is on/above wall as applicable, spread to avoid clustering, and within tyr's range
-[X] Southeast Sector Deployments
--[X] Northeast railgun shifts to here, Southeast railgun warms up
--[X] 1 elite tank
--[X] 6 normal tanks
--[X] 3 artillery
--[X] 1 laser tank
--[X] 1 elite Autogyro
--[X] 3 normal Autogyros
--[X] 1 Drakon
--[X] Any naval units that have enough range to hit the incoming Kaiju
--[X] Hiln deploys
--[X] Jadghund Deploys at the edge of the hiln shield towards the incoming Kaiju
--[X] All units deploy on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, within the Hiln's shield bubble (Or on the ground in front of wall if neccessary)
-[X] Everett
--[X] Everything deploys on the wall, spread to avoid cluster, aircraft above
--[X] Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun deploy 5 units ahead of wall, 5 units apart

IDK that's probably good enough
The naval options are not much help in the Southeast of Seattle unless we deploy them around Mercer Island, since the Kaiju are advancing from inland, better to have them deployed against Scatternail I think. Though honestly it might work.

I'm gonna bet Scatternail has toxic "nails" it can fire from its head and neck like some kind of evil snake-gecko Seregios.

As it stands I think our best bet is to keep Scatternail trapped on the coast so that naval components have options, and we might be able to take occasional potshots with torpedoes along with missiles. Intercessor and Clawface look a bit like reduxes of Traverser and Maulisaur from week 47, with Intercessor specifically called out as such. I'm betting that like Maulisaur, Clawface doesn't have eyes and is a big fat monster meant to brawn its way through.

We also need information on these guys so I'm thinking of sending the autogyro drones both to get eyeballs on them and as potential bait for ranged attacks from Scatternail.

For Everett I'm thinking that letting the Kaiju get close so we can level the naval assets at them is a good idea, Shogun still has his Fins so he can actually make use of the Depth system if necessary while Phenom hangs back and wrestles thing to death. So deploy the Murasame RX of Everett along the wall and have the other forces in support.

Thus I will suggest this plan.

[] Plan Water for Water, Land for Land Draft 1
--[X] Southwest
---[X] Jaegers: Tacit Ronin deploy 5 units from DP and hold a Charge (We can do this, I know we can because Fyr has said so) using OMEN.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Scatternail staying 15 units away. Paint with Arges.
---[X] Air Force: All Banshees standard loadout, all Quetzalcoatls, 2 Dragonfly squads paint Scatternail with Arges once in range, 1 Drakon with Cracker bombs. All forces except Drakon Overwatch. All forces deploy above Hiln under its Barrier.
---[X] Army: Elite Type 100 tank squad, 2 Type 100s tank squad, the Type 105 Laser and Type 1-8-AD tank squads deploy on the DP spread to avoid clustering. Hiln deploy with them, Barrier active. All forces Overwatch.
---[X] Deploy all Navy components along the southwestern coastal perimeter wall: Seawolf II run a Dex Scan on Scatternail as a Free Action.
--[X] Southeast
---[X] Jaegers: Jagdhund deploy 5 units from the DP Overwatch with Dolch.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Intercessor and Clawface staying 15 units away. Paint with Arges.
---[X] Air Force: All Fafnirs, 2 Drakon bombers, Elite Dragonfly squad, remaining Dragonfly squad deploy above Jagdhund. Dragonflies pain with Arges. Fafnirs Overwatch.
---[X] Army: 4 Type 100 Squads, 3 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Teams, 4 Mortar Teams, 3 AKBs deploy on the DP and Overwatch except the AKBs.
--[X] Jaegers: Deploy Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun on land 15 units northwest from the DP. Phenom's Barrier turned on, Shogun clustered with him and Overwatching.
--[X] Air Force: Deploy above Jaeger's position with standard loadout, Drakon's carrying Cracker Bombs.
--[X] Army: Deploy 5 units from the DP. Overwatch with Corrosion shells and other weapons. Heimdal deployed with them and Overwatching.
--[X] Navy: Murasame deploy in Possession sound as close to the Jaegers position as possible, Overwatching with Pilum Railgun.

Couple questions @Fyrstorm Everett's Kaiju are currently moving along the coast northwest of Everett towards Shaker Church right? Its a bit unclear if they're out there swimming in the water or tromping down the coast. Other thing is how close are Intercessor and Clawface to the coast and how much can our Seattle navy smack them?

To the rest of the thread here's a basis to go off of. The AKBs won't overwatch because they have a max range 10 units shorter than the rest, they're bail out crew we can move up if we need more dakka.
All of the purely Carried guns we've got are rifles, though. And the Schwert Gewher is technically sorta carried, and lacks such a requirement. I would expect a pair of shotguns to have Str preqs, honestly.
I fail to see how "our carried guns are rifles" is a counterpoint to my "we'll probably need Dex to use the shotguns."

The Schwert (and Dolch), while aimed with the hands, are also directly connected to their wielders, so the firing mechanism most likely doesn't actually have a trigger in the same sense that a carried gun like the Machine Cannon does. It's probably in the thigh (or shoulder if you put a Dolch there), like the IE-10, rather than on the outside of the gun like a rifle.

Most likely, Dex 3 is the minimum requirement to move individual fingers without moving the rest of the hand (a requirement to fire a hand-held gun accurately). The Vibro-axe, incidentally, probably uses a similar mechanism to activate the oscillator (and thus shares the Dex requirement).
Honestly, I'd say we should probably use the Taurus Judge or Crye Precision's SIX12 as a basis for the shotguns, rather than just a sawed-off. In the former case, yeah, no, a bayonet would be silly.
We should probably leave the specifics of the shotguns to Fyr, actually. I mean, I, personally, was picturing something smaller than the standard depictions of shotguns, but not small as in "pistol;" I feel like that'd be too small to actually be effective. I'd consider forearm-length to be the minimum for an effective shotgun; anything less would only be useful on Cat 0 targets (note how the Judge's article specifically states that handguns loaded with shot are most commonly used for pest control- as in shooting rats and such).
Not all that applicable to a revolver, but good to know.
And why would we make a shotgun the size of a pistol in the first place? That imposes all kinds of unnecessary restrictions- ammo capacity, firepower, muzzle velocity, accuracy, and probably several others that I can't think of offhand.

Put simply, I think that you're taking the "revolver" thing a bit too far.
Arrowhead sounds one with a secret of some sort. I'm guessing it also resists Fire from lasers or something along those lines. Maybe an anti-laser designator design? I think Arkon had something like that.
I dunno, I think Fyr said that he'd be holding off on gimmick kaiju for a bit, so its "secret" is probably actually pretty straightforward. A hidden weapon at most.
Honestly, I'm fairly tempted to send most of our Cons to the SE. Obviously going to want some backing up Tacit, but TBH, I expect that Scatternail has some method of taking advantage of its speed to counter enemy fire (either Dodge or Heightened Evasion), and that same speed is going to limit how many shots we get on it. I think this is mostly going to have to be a K-Scale fight. High mobility units would probably be best, ones that can potentially actually reach the other fight if given the chance. I'm thinking the Banshees, as well as like half the scouts, and maybe the Gunboats or Quetzals, too. Gunboats aren't fast, but they only get a couple of good shots, and I feel like there should be some naval support. Definitely not the Murasames, and probably not the Seawolf II, either. That pretty much just leaves the Gunboats. And certainly not the Tyr. That should go to the SE.
...Yeah, Scatternail probably does have some sort of evasion bonus, given how fast it is; can't believe I missed that. Unfortunately, that's as far as I can extrapolate from what little we've got so far.
2. From the sounds of it, we can deploy our Navy at both locations in NS (@Fyrstorm?).
Hm... let me check the last time this came up...

But sure, you can get the Navy to Lake Washington.

...Yeah, you can do it. They're passing close enough to it.
Couple questions @Fyrstorm Everett's Kaiju are currently moving along the coast northwest of Everett towards Shaker Church right? Its a bit unclear if they're out there swimming in the water or tromping down the coast. Other thing is how close are Intercessor and Clawface to the coast and how much can our Seattle navy smack them?
1) They're on the coastline
2) Intercessor and Clawface are in range of naval assets, if you deploy them in Lake Washington.

"we'll probably need Dex to use the shotguns."
Can confirm. You'll probably need 2-3 Dex to hand-wield weapons effectively (usually 3, but some can be used with only 2, and you can always try to specifically make a gun with a prerequisite of only 2 Dex).

Still, you're gonna be upgrading Revolver to Mark III eventually, so it shouldn't be too big a deal, whatever it turns out to be.
I fail to see how "our carried guns are rifles" is a counterpoint to my "we'll probably need Dex to use the shotguns."

The Schwert (and Dolch), while aimed with the hands, are also directly connected to their wielders, so the firing mechanism most likely doesn't actually have a trigger in the same sense that a carried gun like the Machine Cannon does. It's probably in the thigh (or shoulder if you put a Dolch there), like the IE-10, rather than on the outside of the gun like a rifle.

Most likely, Dex 3 is the minimum requirement to move individual fingers without moving the rest of the hand (a requirement to fire a hand-held gun accurately). The Vibro-axe, incidentally, probably uses a similar mechanism to activate the oscillator (and thus shares the Dex requirement).
*sigh* You really need me to break this down? Fine.

You're going off a sample size of 2. Both of which are similar weapons, no less, and thus likely to have similar preqs. You have no idea the reasons behind that preq, either, or if less complicated or different types of weapons will have different requirements, because we have no data on the subject to speak of. Calling drawing the conclusion that literally every carried gun needs 3+ Dex "premature" would be an understatement of the highest magnitude. And the Vibroaxe thing is a big enough reach I'm surprised you didn't pull something. I think the simpler explanation is that lower Dex would result in the weapon being more likely to damage the Jaeger carrying it than the enemy.

Also, that entire explanation makes my inner engineer scream in agony. What sort of sociopath would design a robot with individually articulated fingers, but either power them all off the motor, or not wire/program the robot to use them properly? Why waste so much time and effort on something like that and not utilize it? If you're going to give the thing what is effectively basic ass grabby claws/mitten hands, give it a basic ass clamp for a hand.
We should probably leave the specifics of the shotguns to Fyr, actually. I mean, I, personally, was picturing something smaller than the standard depictions of shotguns, but not small as in "pistol;" I feel like that'd be too small to actually be effective. I'd consider forearm-length to be the minimum for an effective shotgun; anything less would only be useful on Cat 0 targets (note how the Judge's article specifically states that handguns loaded with shot are most commonly used for pest control- as in shooting rats and such).
I was mentioning those because they're the only two real-life revolver shotguns I know of. Personally, I agree that something more like the SIX12 would probably work better.
And why would we make a shotgun the size of a pistol in the first place? That imposes all kinds of unnecessary restrictions- ammo capacity, firepower, muzzle velocity, accuracy, and probably several others that I can't think of offhand.

Put simply, I think that you're taking the "revolver" thing a bit too far.
...No, like, literally, it doesn't apply to revolvers, even if they're not pistols. They don't have a slide mechanism that needs protecting, and that's part of the purpose of that bayonet setup. The "melee weapon" part sounds like a secondary benefit, and possibly more for utility than for combat, from what Knight said.
Can confirm. You'll probably need 2-3 Dex to hand-wield weapons effectively (usually 3, but some can be used with only 2, and you can always try to specifically make a gun with a prerequisite of only 2 Dex).

Still, you're gonna be upgrading Revolver to Mark III eventually, so it shouldn't be too big a deal, whatever it turns out to be.
Why exactly is that? Is it more "you're likely to shoot yourself in the foot", or is it the finger thing? Because we could probably build a handheld weapon that completely bypasses a trigger mechanism if it's the latter. Just have some circuitry in the grip that interfaces with circuitry in the Jaeger's hand, or have a little lead that automatically wires itself into the Jaeger'e systems when the gun is picked up, and presto! The gun is wired directly into the Jaeger's systems. Would have the side benefit of not allowing Kaiju to use said firearms as easily. Hell, might even stop our enemies from using our guns, if they steal or loot them.
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1) They're on the coastline
2) Intercessor and Clawface are in range of naval assets, if you deploy them in Lake Washington.
Good good!

[X] Plan Water for Water, Land for Land Draft 2
--[X] Southwest
---[X] Jaegers: Tacit Ronin deploy 5 units from DP on the coast and Overwatch with 2 Laser Vulcans.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Scatternail staying 15 units away. Paint with Arges.
---[X] Air Force: All Banshees standard loadout, all Quetzalcoatls, 2 Dragonfly squads paint Scatternail with Arges once in range, 1 Drakon with Cracker bombs. All forces except Drakon Overwatch. All forces deploy above Hiln under its Barrier.
---[X] Army: Elite Type 100 tank squad, 2 Type 100s tank squad, the Type 105 Laser and Type 1-8-AD tank squads deploy on the DP spread to avoid clustering. Hiln deploy with them, Barrier active. All forces Overwatch.
---[X] Navy: The 2 Murasame, and the Moray at Depth 1, deploy on the coast near the DP, Overwatch.
--[X] Southeast
---[X] Jaegers: Jagdhund deploy 5 units from the DP Overwatch with Dolch.
---[X] Scouts: 2 Type D Dragonfly check out Intercessor and Clawface staying 15 units away. Paint with Arges.
---[X] Air Force: All Fafnirs, 2 Drakon bombers, Elite Dragonfly squad, remaining Dragonfly squad deploy above Jagdhund. Dragonflies pain with Arges. Fafnirs Overwatch.
---[X] Army: 4 Type 100 Squads, 3 Anti-Kaiju Artillery Teams, 4 Mortar Teams, 3 AKBs deploy on the DP and Overwatch except the AKBs. Tyr deploy with them.
---[X] Navy: 2 Gunboats and Seawolf II deploy in Lake Washington. Seawolf II at Depth 1. All Navy units Overwatch.
--[X] Jaegers: Deploy Phenom Sable and Revolver Shogun on land 15 units northwest from the DP along the coast. Phenom's Barrier turned on, Shogun clustered with him and Overwatching.
--[X] Air Force: Deploy above Jaeger's position with standard loadout, Drakon's carrying Cracker Bombs.
--[X] Army: Deploy 5 units from the DP along the coast. Overwatch with Corrosion shells and other weapons. Heimdal deployed with them and Overwatching.
--[X] Navy: Murasame deploy in Possession sound as close to the Jaegers position as possible to intercept the Kaiju, Overwatching with Pilum Railgun.

So I agree with @Nixeu that only our fastest naval vessels should be deployed against Scatternail because its a fast Kaiju and we should expect to need to move them to the other fight. Interestingly our Muras are our current fastest naval forces at 8 units so I'll put them over there and leave the rest in Lake Washington, since the Gunboats move at 4 units and the Seawolf moves at 4 or 8 if it runs.
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Why exactly is that?
I... believe it was a finesse thing? Sort of representing the tactical flexibility and ability to adjust on the fly? It's not as much a physical dexterity concern, though that is improved with higher Dex.

Honestly, it's kind of just another holdover from earlier vTW quests. I don't have a better answer than that.
You're going off a sample size of 2. Both of which are similar weapons, no less, and thus likely to have similar preqs. You have no idea the reasons behind that preq, either, or if less complicated or different types of weapons will have different requirements, because we have no data on the subject to speak of. Calling drawing the conclusion that literally every carried gun needs 3+ Dex "premature" would be an understatement of the highest magnitude. And the Vibroaxe thing is a big enough reach I'm surprised you didn't pull something. I think the simpler explanation is that lower Dex would result in the weapon being more likely to damage the Jaeger carrying it than the enemy.
I don't recall claiming that all carried guns would require 3+ Dex specifically (though I can see why you interpreted it that way), just that they would require Dex (while attempting to explain why the Machine Cannon requires 3, specifically). But anyway, since Fyr has confirmed that RS does not currently have the Dex to use them, I think this discussion is largely settled; QM statements trump basically everything else.

Though how, exactly, is the Vibroaxe thing reaching at all? I mean, it's not connected to the Jaeger, so it has to have an internal motor driving the oscillator, and it has to turn off when not in use to minimize maintenance, collateral damage, and recharging/refueling/whatever. The easiest way to accomplish this is "hold this button to turn it on." Think of it like a battery-powered saw; you need an "on" button or it doesn't work, and you'd probably want it to turn off automatically if you drop it on accident so you don't chop any limbs off, which means it stops when you're not holding the button.
Also, that entire explanation makes my inner engineer scream in agony. What sort of sociopath would design a robot with individually articulated fingers, but either power them all off the motor, or not wire/program the robot to use them properly? Why waste so much time and effort on something like that and not utilize it? If you're going to give the thing what is effectively basic ass grabby claws/mitten hands, give it a basic ass clamp for a hand.
Leaves room for upgrades to actually let them articulate, standardization, helps with Drifting... take your pick. Me, I just don't think about it, and maybe you shouldn't either.
Because we could probably build a handheld weapon that completely bypasses a trigger mechanism if it's the latter. Just have some circuitry in the grip that interfaces with circuitry in the Jaeger's hand, or have a little lead that automatically wires itself into the Jaeger'e systems when the gun is picked up, and presto! The gun is wired directly into the Jaeger's systems. Would have the side benefit of not allowing Kaiju to use said firearms as easily. Hell, might even stop our enemies from using our guns, if they steal or loot them.
That sounds ridiculously complicated to me. The trigger thing is much easier to accomplish, since we already have the technology; a gun that plugs into the jaeger's hand would probably require a port in the gauntlet for it to interface with unless we invest extensively into nanotech.
That sounds ridiculously complicated to me. The trigger thing is much easier to accomplish, since we already have the technology; a gun that plugs into the jaeger's hand would probably require a port in the gauntlet for it to interface with unless we invest extensively into nanotech.
The simple option for a wireless trigger is the same sort of idea behind portless charging pads like for an Iphone. It's not excessively complicated, nor in the context of the quest where a lot of this is only fluff would it be all that difficult to engineer a line of "trigger-less" guns for low Dex K-Scales.
The simple option for a wireless trigger is the same sort of idea behind portless charging pads like for an Iphone. It's not excessively complicated, nor in the context of the quest where a lot of this is only fluff would it be all that difficult to engineer a line of "trigger-less" guns for low Dex K-Scales.
Unfortunately, "simple" also means "easy to crack." Plus, we'd probably need some new equipment (likely a specially-made gauntlet) to enable interfacing with those guns. If you want your guns to be unusable by enemies, you'd probably need some sort of nanotech interface + verification thingy, I feel.

...Sorry, I was gonna keep going, but it struck me too much like fearmongering. Suffice to say it involved "hacker" kaiju hijacking the controls of those trigger-less guns despite being us still holding them.
Unfortunately, "simple" also means "easy to crack." Plus, we'd probably need some new equipment (likely a specially-made gauntlet) to enable interfacing with those guns. If you want your guns to be unusable by enemies, you'd probably need some sort of nanotech interface + verification thingy, I feel.

...Sorry, I was gonna keep going, but it struck me too much like fearmongering. Suffice to say it involved "hacker" kaiju hijacking the controls of those trigger-less guns despite being us still holding them.
Unless simple also means autistic mode peer to peer networking only between it and the Jaeger/Raub. And the point in my mind at least isn't too keep them from being used by enemies, its just to let low Dex K-Scales use them.
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I mean, you can also have a signal transfered through contact surfaces, but...

also, for Revolver Shogun's hand-to-hand fighting purposes: have we considered J-scale pointy brass knuckles? Those were integrated into handheld pistols pretty well for CQC purposes.

alternatively: knifegun.