[X] Bury your dead, you can't bury all of them right now, but you can do some.
DC: 10 Bonus: 25
Several more soldiers work on burying the bodies, and now that they are starting to smell, they work extra hard. They mange to get two-thirds of the bodies in the ground, much better then the previous efforts.
[X] Search the (upper) city for more special swords.
DC: 60 Bonus:5
Two soldiers search for more swords in the upper city, but they fail. The soldiers do mange to cover quite a bit of ground, so if there are more attempts in the upper city, it should be a little easier, to find them, if there is any to be found.
[X] Search the (middle) city for other gear you might need. Blankets, backpacks, cooking pots, maybe tents? Those kinds of things.
Another group decides to keep looking for gear, and they do mange to find some, in the house of a poor merchant. They also grab a couple of carts to carry all the gear, and anything else they might want to take with them on the road.
(Company fully equipped for traveling)
[X] Have a sparring match, test each groups skills (besides most of the Beserkers, because they can't kill their opponets)
It turns out less like a sparing session and more like a session of ephinanies. By observing and battling the other groups, the Iron Warriors learned to learned to put skill into their blows, not just strength, the Everblockers actually learned how to attack and take advantage of their skill at blocking to counter-attack, the Whirlwind Fighters learned how to incorporate blocks into their fighting style, and even the Beserkers learned how to be more efficient from watching. The Sword-Saints improved the least due to their already high skill, but they advanced a little in every category and came up with some dirty tricks. All in all, the Company is less like peasants how picked up magic swords, and more like professionals. It seemed like the blessing of Grael was on their training session.
(New combat options, future combat DC's may be reduced)
[X] Search the (upper) city for stuff to make the banner with, then make the banner.
The soldiers didn't just make banners, they managed to make enough ribbons with the symbol on it for the entire company. Everyone tied them ar
ound their arms, and the company is now recognizable as a single group.
(Can gain reputation, no chance of confusing a company member with the enemy in a battle)
[x] Search the lower city for other gear you might need. Blankets, backpacks,cooking pots, maybe tents? Those kinds of things.
Finally, Kilden (default character name) checks the lower city for traveling gear, but she finds nothing. Probably because there is nothing to be found.
There is a lot of debate tonight over whether the company should stay, or follow the nobles. In the end, they decide to stay, but a few company members are worried about the empire coming back soon. Also, one company member realized that they haven't actually been looking for money and any valuables that may have been left behind, and the whole company felt idiotic.
[] Search the (lower, upper, middle) city for better armor.
[] Search the (lower, upper, middle) city for more "special" swords.
[] Search the (lower, upper, middle) city for food and water, your wielders will need them eventually.
[] Search the (lower, upper, middle) city for money and valuables.
[] Search the (lower, upper, middle) city for knowledge about the swords.
[] Bury your dead.
[] Have a another sparring match, test each groups skills (besides most of the Beserkers, because they can't kill their opponets), against each other. Although, you are not likely to improve much.
[] Build the shrine to Grael.
[] Write In
After that... (Regular Vote)
[] Leave and follow the nobles.
[] Leave and follow the enemy.
[] Stay in the city for a while longer.
OOC: I will give bonuses for Omakes, the size of the bonus depends on the Omake and they don't have to be too long, but at least a hundred or two words.
When you say shrine, I imagine a building or a room in one, not something you could take with you. We're probably going to be on the move, so I din't want to suggest it until we had some kind of space in which to make one. A wagon maybe?
It is small enough to fit in one of your new carts and one of you could probably carry it, although It would be very awkward.