Chapter 98: Sub vote
[X] Power

Creature Roll: (680 points)
Category Roll D50=50 Various, Entry Roll D150=5
500 Legion (Astral Chain), 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar), 100 Greythorne (Baten Kaitos)
Category Roll D50=15 Harry Potter/Percy Jackson, Entry Roll D104=62
200 Snallygaster, 50 Sorting Hat, 100 Streeler

Our first Creature roll in a while and with a fair amount of point. Two creature needs some precision the Legion and the Sorting Hat.

-Legion (Astral Chain): First of all you need to know that five different versions of this creature exist. Sword Legion, Arrow Legion, Arm Legion, Beast Legion, and Axe Legion. You'll need to choose one.
The second thing is that it does not conform to all the rules of the CM.
It can be summoned at will, with no per-day limit on the number of times it can be called on. But it can only remain summoned for 100 seconds at a time, with a cooldown of 100 seconds between each summoning.
It still counts toward the summoning limit.
It's linked to the summoner by an immaterial chain so it can't go more than 10m away from him (the Improved Distance power does not apply). It's controlled telepathically, no need for verbal orders, and the summoner can access the senses of the Legion at any time.
And finally, it's completely invisible to normal humans. (a few parahumans may be able to perceive it or at least its presence.)
It's not immaterial however and can affect the world around it. The chain itself is immaterial for everyone but you and the Legion, it may interact only with some Projection.
-Sorting Hat: The one we would get would be perfect, brand new as if he was created just yesterday. He wouldn't have any concrete knowledge about HP magic, just generality. He cannot teach legilimency or occlumency. It does not contain the Sword of Gryffindor.
His power revolved around determining someone's character and where they would fit best.
Note: I'm not adding these precisions to nerf the Hat, just to separate Canon from Fanon. And while the Sword is Canon I'm ruling that the Hat is merely a means to retrieve it not store it. As there is no Sword Of Griffondor in the Worm setting it doesn't work.

[] 500 Sword Legion
[] 500 Arrow Legion
[] 500 Arm Legion
[] 500 Beast Legion
[] 500 Axe Legion
[] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar)
[] 100 Greythorne (Baten Kaitos)

[] 200 Snallygaster
[] 50 Sorting Hat
[] 100 Streeler

[] 500 Sword Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 500 Sword Legion + 100 Streeler
[] 500 Arrow Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 500 Arrow Legion + 100 Streeler
[] 500 Arm Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 500 Arm Legion + 100 Streeler
[] 500 Beast Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 500 Beast Legion + 100 Streeler
[] 500 Axe Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 500 Axe Legion + 100 Streeler

[] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar) + 200 Snallygaster
[] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar) + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar) + 100 Streeler

[] 100 Greythorne (Baten Kaitos) + 200 Snallygaster
[] 100 Greythorne (Baten Kaitos) + 50 Sorting Hat
[] 100 Greythorne (Baten Kaitos) + 100 Streeler

[] Reject everything and keep points.

Voting will be closed Monday at 3 PM GMT
I know for Harry Potter i want to grab the Sorting Hat he is both a nice cheap option with an actually useful ability to have. But holy shit the Legions are probably the closest things to Stands we'll land on and I'm kind of debating between the Arm Legion and the Axe Legion because those are both solid defensive Legions one that produces sheilds and the other can act as armor.

I think the Arm or Axe legion would probably be the best ones there. Along with the Sorting Hat. Because fuck yeah sorting hat!

I like the Axe Legion a little more because of its skills. Though the Arm Legion can be worn. Tough call.

[] 500 Arm Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[X] 500 Axe Legion + 50 Sorting Hat

Beast is cool, but honestly fills other niches. The fact that the Axe can do a group speed buff and a forcefield for the player?

Also it has this;

  • Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Description: Automatically Chain Binds all nearby enemies
Talk about a perfect little tool for law enforcement. Just unleash it into a gang fight and ten seconds later all the piddly humans are trussed up.
[X] 500 Axe Legion + 50 Sorting Hat

Axe Legion is really good for the PRT role, not surprising given it basically served as the personal Legion of the SWAT captain equivalent in it's own setting. The shield and chain bind have been mentioned, it's ability to destroy objects other Legions can't could also come in really handy.

Arm Legion is able to do auto-bind too, but it's 'armor' seems to cover only part of the body, whereas the Axe Legion's force field seems to cover everything, specifically works on fire and gas, and can be used to shield other nearby people. It also uniquely has the 'Blue Shield' skill.

Blue Shield
Legion Skill Icon Blue.png Skill
Deploys multiple shields that block attacks.???Perfect Dodge + Sync

I think it's important to keep in mind the synergy of ALL the Legion abilities when thinking about this. Alex can see throught the Legion's eyes and deploy it up to 10 meters away, yet it is invisible to normal humans. What this means is that in a hostage situation you could send in Axe Legion, have it find the most vulnerable hostages, deploy a force field on a given hostage, and have the Axe Legion start binding everyone near it without any warning even as it attacks. The time limit on the summoning is still a big factor, but this is the kind of power that police dream about for dealing with criminals.

Note that Scorgem can already detect thoughts, but the Sorting Hat is probably still worth the points.
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For those who do not know, here is a walkthrough on the Axe Legion. All Legions are powerful and useful but the Axe Legion was the Swat Leader's Legion for a reason.


Special Abilities

The Axe Legion can create an energy barrier around itself and the protagonist, acting as a shield from attacks. The Legion can also counter attacks using its weapon.[1]

Additionally, the Axe Legion can inject energy into areas its weapon is stabbed, causing an explosion strong enough to destroy special objects or surfaces that cannot be broken by other Legion types.[2]
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[X] 500 Axe Legion + 100 Streeler

I wonder what Aylamon would think? They're appearance and function imply their a spiritual being, but the wiki states all the Legions are based on enemy Chimera. The Chimera are described as 'Solid Digital Data.' Right there in the first paragraph:


The Chimeras in ASTRAL CHAIN are a mysterious race of extradimensional invaders originating from the Astral Plane, who appeared in the Ark and began attacking the residents of the city, and dragging them through gates into the Astral Plane. They are the primary enemies that the player encounters...

Sounds like the wayward kin of the D-Reaper, or the mystery dimension that the D-Reaper is implied it might draw power from.
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Wonder if anyone else wrongly assumed that the Mountain Banshee was from ATLA like me? @zagan how likely is the sorting hat to me actually used in story? For things like Coil hunting and M\S screening? Or helping people find jobs? We already got the Starro right?
And would Bitch be able to use her power on Beast Legion?
And would Alex grow a..what are they called again?... neural tentacle? properly connect with the Mountain Banshee? I really wanna see how he bonds with that thing!
How would the Mountain Banshee fly under Earth's heavier gravity?

[X] 500 Arrow Legion
[X] 500 Beast Legion
[X] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar)
[X] 100 Streeler
[X] 500 Arrow Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[X] 500 Arrow Legion + 100 Streeler
[X] 500 Beast Legion + 50 Sorting Hat
[X] 500 Beast Legion + 100 Streeler
[X] 200 Mountain Banshee (Avatar) + 50 Sorting Hat
Wonder if anyone else wrongly assumed that the Mountain Banshee was from ATLA like me? @zagan how likely is the sorting hat to me actually used in story? For things like Coil hunting and M\S screening? Or helping people find jobs? We already got the Starro right?
And would Bitch be able to use her power on Beast Legion?
And would Alex grow a..what are they called again?... neural tentacle? properly connect with the Mountain Banshee? I really wanna see how he bonds with that thing!
How would the Mountain Banshee fly under Earth's heavier gravity?
Sorting Hat: The most likely use would be for checking people's trustworthiness, Piggot would certainly request our help in checking any new hire.
Bitch and Beast Legion: No, it's dog-shaped but it's in no way a dog or even biological.
Neural tentacle: Yes, the mountain banshee would "grant" it to Alex.
Mountain Banshee: For simplicity's sake I would ignore that and it could fly normally.