530.M43 - Has Been Rebuilt
Unverified Monstergirl
The following decriptions have been written by the wonderful @Alectai and @Genderite and cleaned up by me to make the quest compliant.
Aries-Quintus (Aries-V) Corvette
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 10 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 3x Sawblade Gunnery Turrets
-Equipment - Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Lattice Hulls/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Augmetic Security Departments/Expanded Snapshot Targeting Solutions/(HE/AP/CM) Macro-Cannon Shells/After-Burner Macro Shells
The new generation of the ancient Aries lineage, the Aries-Quintus, loses a slight degree of range for a tripling of its already impressive rate of fire, as well as the integration of extensive internal security systems, as while its agility can only be compared to the light craft of the Eldari peoples, the possibility still exists of something getting lucky and getting on board. That possibility has now been made considerably less likely to be effective, courtesy of the augmented security forces aboard each vessel.
Lupus-Quartus (Lupus-Q) Torpedo Destroyer
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 10 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 4x 'Duskborn Seekers' Torpedo Tubes/'Glittering Tear' Light Missile Batteries/1x Medium Burner-Seeker Minelayer
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Missile Swarms/Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying/(Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Crew Training/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Refractive Hull Coating/Stealth Engine Dampeners
The new generation of the Lupus-Class, making use of inspired creation to allow for torpedo runs at odd angles courtesy of their state-of-the-art munitions, and cunning disengagements courtesy of their sensor-baffling missiles coupled with the minelayer functionality, making a terrifying ambush predator that is even more deadly on the retreat than they ever were on the attack.
Pyxis-Tertium (Pyxis-T) Scout Sloop
-Length - 1.200m
-Width - 250m
-Acceleration - 10 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 2x 'Glittering Tear' Light Missile Batteries
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Spacious Crew Quarters/On-Board Supply Generation/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Veteran Crews/Tiny On-Board Manufactory/August Sensorium/The Celestial Orrery/Phantom Spirit
The next evolution of the Federation's Pyxis-Class Scout Sloop, the consolidation and enhancement of its stealth systems make it nigh invisible, and in the unlikely event it ends up detected anyway, its 'Glittering Tear' Missiles can allow it to disengage with ease, especially given its tremendous acceleration ability and the skill of its crews. Additionally, even greater sensors have been implemented into the design, allowing it superior local detection ability compared to its predecessor.
Serpens-Secundus (Serpens-S) Stealth Destroyer
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 10 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 1x Light Contagion Bomb/2x 'Rotfang' Pattern Light Plasma Macrocannon Turrets
-Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Autoloaders/(Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Veteran Crews/Phantom Spirit
The next evolution of the Serpens-Class, making good use of the 'Rotfang' Pattern Macrocannons to replace its previously anemic standard armament and strengthening its stealth functionality to the utmost limit. It can slip up on targets unaware in battle, quickly ablate the shields of even much larger vessels, and then drop a contagion bomb to apply permanent attrition to its victim, while also having enough protection to survive its attack run in good order.
Taurus-Tertium (Taurus-T) Troopship
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 9 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 4x Medium Hangars
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene Lines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Dedicated Ortillery/Dedicated Heavy Ortillery/Large Black Cat Troop Compartment x4
Taking lessons learned over the centuries, and combining them with the insights developed from the Black Cat's integration into the Federation, the Taurus-T has been born, making excellent use of space capable of fielding a tremendous number of ground forces to battle, and providing excellent orbital support between its strike fighter wings and integrated artillery. It is also dramatically faster than previous designs, allowing for rapid repositioning for new fire missions as needed and evasion from counterbattery fire in a pinch.
Sagittarius-Quintus (Sagittarius-V) Lance Frigate
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 9 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 2x Light Prow Lances/1x Medium Prow Lance
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategium/Augmetic Security Department/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Emergency Manuever Thrusters
The Sagittarius was nearly ideal in the previous iteration, and yet... there were still improvements made to power output, munitions management, and material sciences that allowed just a little bit more firepower to be eked out of the Lance Frigate. So the engineers replaced the lance weapon in the primary hull with one scaled for a Light Cruiser and called it a day, giving it an even more frightful punch at its traditionally enormous range.
Crux-Quintus (Crux-V) Heavy Frigate
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 8.5 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 6x 'Nightborn Seeker' Torpedo Tubes/2x Medium Missile Batteries/1x 'Glittering Tear' Light Missile Battery
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Autoloaders/Armored Life Pods/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lattice Hulls/Expanded Snapshot Targeting Solutions/BESH Missile Stores/Macross Missile Massacres
The Fifth Generation Crux takes full advantage of the New Model Fleet's inspiration to bring it into a new era of effect, replacing its torpedo tubes with the 'Nightborn Seeker' Pattern to improve the hit rate on its armaments, and stripping the mountings for the Khopesh Missile Pods in order to integrate the Glittering Tear Pattern launchers, allowing the Crux a new lease of life in its role as a screening vessel, by allowing it to suffuse the battlespace with increasing amounts of sensor chaff to confuse and dismay the enemy, even as the Federation's void ships fight on unhindered.
Scutum-Tertium (Scutum-T) Shield Frigate
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 9 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 1x Adherent's Light Lance Turret/2x Medium Lance Turrets/1x Anti-Voidcraft Defenses
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Improved Hardened Prow/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lance Scattershot Lens/Veteran Crews/Shrine of the Charging Revenant
The Scutum-Class Shield Frigate has always served as a heavy escort for the more vulnerable vessels of the Federation battle-line from its inception as a countermeasure to the Flyssa Destroyers, and the New Model Navy still has a place for it even now. Retaining its anti-void craft functionality, one of the Lance Turrets has been replaced with one of the 'Adherent' Pattern armaments, providing a constant stream of fire and preventing any shielded hostile vessel from refreshing its defenses until the medium lances cycle while also dealing horrific levels of damage while the short-range fire sears through the target.
Vela-Class Chrono Frigate
-Length - 2.000m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 9 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 1x Clockwork Heavy Missile Battery
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Missile Swarms/Autoloaders/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Augmetic Security Department/Rapid Snapshot Targeting Solutions/Macross Missile Massacres
An experimental vessel that uses the Dirut's nascent chronotechnology to deliver telling blows directly to the hull or internals of enemy vessels and survive the experience (especially when accompanied by a suitable escort). The performance of this is unclear, as the usual saturation of fire has--by definition--been reduced due to the complexity of the armament (though not as much as one might think, the Federation remains among the best at missile weapons in the known Galaxy), but expectations are promising.
Scorpio-Quartum (Scorpio-Q) Light Cruiser
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Triple Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 8x 'Darkest Hour Seeker' Torpedo Tubes/2x Heavy Missile Batteries
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Autoloaders/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Augmetic Security Department/Infused Armor Plating
The Scorpio's newest iteration proved something of a challenge, as, due to some oddities of ship design, it was astonishingly difficult to significantly improve on its already tightly managed structure. Yet the insight of the Star-Child and the demands of the New Model Navy project won out, and this new generation was developed, making use of the next category of advanced torpedo to give its already fearsome forward punch an even deadlier strike, making room for the large weapons by expanding on the hull just a little bit. While its already superb defenses haven't improved too much, primarily focusing on strengthening its slightly anemic resistance to hostile boarders, the Scorpio-Quartum nonetheless forces a terrifying threat to its forward arc, with its torpedoes able to cripple much larger vessels with a single punishing salvo if left unchecked, allowing it to better serve its role as a line-holder.
Gemini-Class Liturgical Cruiser
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 2x Sapphire Stenograph Turrets
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Enhanced Strategium/Rapid Snapshot Targetting Solutions/Icons to the Faith
An experimental craft intended to serve as an alternative to the Hydrus Class when dealing with Warp-based foes--or alternately, ones resistant to the radiation weapons of its inspiration. The Gemini-Class is a holy craft constructed to fire its arcane weapons to deliver the Star-Child's Mercy and Ruthlessness upon the most stubborn of targets.
Corona-Class Void Bastion
-Length - 4.400m
-Width - 600m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Triple Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 4x Medium Boarding Hangars
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Veteran Pilot Gene-lines/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Enhanced Strategium/Large Teleportarium/Blessed Temples of the Martial Ordos
Many foes seek to bypass the strength of the Federation's fleets, seeking to strike at the heart--and while our sailors are well prepared to defend hearth and home, sometimes, salvation requires heroes--and the Lamenters are otherwise preoccupied. To solve this problem has come the Corona-Class, a vessel that exists to be a mobile base for Templar Orders, providing all that they require to train, complete their great deeds--and in times of war, to support neighbor and kin with their finely honed arts of war, able to sally forth and reinforce allied vessels while keeping track of the greater confusion of naval war, either through their great launch bays of boarding craft, or the Teleportarium devices built within
Leo-Quartus (Leo-Q) Vanguard Cruiser
-Length - 5.400m
-Width - 1.000m
-Acceleration - 4 Gravities
-Armor - Light Fortress Armor
-Shields - Three Lattices
-Weapons - 4x Riptide Cannonades
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Lifepods/Lattice Hulls/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Improved Internal Security Systems/Expanded Snapshot Pinpoint Targetting Solutions/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division
The Leo was already nearly ideal, yet the one thing that had been lagging behind was its armament--too lightweight to mount a heavier caliber but too heavyweight to accept anything much smaller. The Riptide Cannonade is an elegant solution to this problem, maintaining the Leo's heavy batteries, but raising their rate of fire to levels not seen since the Dark Age of Technology--a hailstorm of righteous fury capable of shattering even the toughest hulls, fired with an uncanny degree of accuracy.
Cancer-Secundus (Cancer-S) Assault Cruiser
-Length - 5.200m
-Width - 900m
-Acceleration - 4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Bulwark Hull
-Shields - Three Lattices
-Weapons - Heavy Boarding Hangar/Improved Heavy Prow Ram/The Shatterprow
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Improved Hardened Prow/Improved Prow Spur/Fangs of Dew/Blessed Shrines of the Martial Ordos/Micro-Warp Jump Engine
The next generation Cancer Assault Cruiser, taking full advantage of the greater propagation of Psykers in the Federation and improved shipbuilding innovations to create a vessel that can tear apart damn near anything it goes up against while launching ferocious assaults against anything that remains intact after the Assault Cruiser collides with its intended victim. Early calculations say that a strike at full speed could crack a Battleship's spine, let alone anything smaller.
Draco-Class Artillery Cruiser
-Length - 4.800m
-Width - 700m
-Acceleration - 4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Triple Hull
-Shields - Three Lattices
-Weapons - 1x Prow Shadow of the Wing/5x Adherent's Light Lance Turrets
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Lifepods/Pure Lenses/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Crew Training/Veteran Crews/Enhanced Strategium/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice
-Detriments - Excessive Cooldowns
The Draco has a simple purpose: to gaze upon the wicked and see them turned to ashes with the Star-Child's most intense fires. A prow weapon capable of gathering the concentrated force of five rays of holy light, and channeling it in a fury capable of cracking starbases in twain. A ship beyond the Federation's limits to build, and may forever be a relic of old times. But when the need is greatest, the Draco may return to cast the light of judgment once again.
Phoenix-Secundus (Phoenix-S) Arc Cruiser
-Length -7.600m
-Width - 1.800m
-Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Fortress Armor
-Shields - Two Aegides
-Weapons - 1x The Holy Sword of the Child Turret/2x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/2x Green Arc Lance Batteries
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Lifepods/Pure Lenses/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Enhanced Strategium/Five-Fold Armor/Blessed Shrines of the Martial Ordos/Veteran Crews/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice
The Phoenix-Secundus is more an evolutionary advancement on its predecessor, rather than something revolutionary--though our initial signs of making our own spin on Concrete Mastercraft have led to being able to arrange the ship's armaments in such a manner that a single turret...sublimates in a way, discarding its original coloration to take on the Star-Child's heraldry, and striking with force that once was thought matchable only by the Ancients who originally built those vessels. While the details of how this arrangement allows for even a crumb of mastery over arc weapons defeats us, the power it exhibits is...not small.
Lepus-Secundus (Lepus-S) Grand Cruiser
-Length - 7.600 Meters
-Width - 1.800 Meters
-Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-Armor - Ultra-Light Starclad-Pattern
-Shields - Two Aegides
-Weapons - 12x Dawnborn Hound Torpedo Tubes/4x Ultra-Heavy Missile Batteries
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Auto-loaders/Missile Swarms/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Augmetic Security Department/BESH Missile Store/Expanded Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/Five-Fold Armor/Macross Missile Massacres/Splitter-Missiles
The Lepus-Class was already mostly functional, needing only a little more work to reach its potential. The added expertise learned from the Shipwright's Grove allowed its full potential to be unlocked. And then we also added a giant pile of void-shielded Torpedoes on top just for good measure, giving it a terrifying punch-up potential when it's already a very large and dangerous brawler.
Aquarius-Class Fleet Tender
-Length - 7.400m
-Width - 1.800m
-Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Fortress Armor
-Shields - Two Aegides
-Weapons - 10x Light Macrocannon Turrets
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Hymns of the Machines/Large Repair Bay/Titanic Blessed Manufactories of the Five-Fold Faith
The Aquarius-Primus was an acceptable prototype for the Federation's first steps into super-capital construction, but the New Model Navy requires a fully seasoned expert with enough production capacity to support the colossal forces that can be fielded nowadays. Enter the first true Aquarius--no longer a prototype design, and considered auspicious in the Star Child's Eyes, as the entire structure is a well-armored, forward production facility only a step beneath a full fleet yard, a single example able to supply much of its attendant battlefleet, even absent usable drydocks, and other facilities. Given actual support, the new Aquarius can maintain a formation's supplies and morale for decades.
Virgo-Class Fleet Carrier
-Length - 28.000m
-Width - 6.000m
-Acceleration - 1 Gravity
-Armor - Deus Pattern Armor
-Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-Weapons - 1x Prow Shadow of the Wing/50x Light Lance Turrets/8x Ultra-Heavy Hangars (2x Fighter, 2x Interceptor, 2x Bomber, 2x Rad-Bomber (Total: 576x Fighters, 144x Interceptors, 144x Bombers, and 96x Rad-Bombers))
-Equipment - Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Armored Bridges/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Lance Scattershot Lens/Augmetic Security Department/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Normalized Automated Ship Systems/Elite Crews/Arcane Lenses/Paw and Claw/Temperature Controls/Living Warp-Machines/Saintly N'Nonmiton Squadron
The production model of the Virgo-Class, the first Battleship built by the Glimmering Federation. In many ways, it can be called the ultimate manifestation of the original Carrier Doctrine that even now serves as the foundation of the Star Navy's plan, a single vessel capable of serving as the nerve center for an entire army of strike craft, while also blending the strengths of many of the Federation's peoples into a single cohesive whole. The enhancements to the design come in the form of vastly improved automation courtesy of the Free Duchy's designs, and the integration of a terrifying Main Gun, capable of channeling the entire vessel's self-defense armaments into a single cohesive blast capable of cracking anything short of another Battleship in a single blow. Also, at some point, the N'Nonmitons started glowing in battle; that's not normal, right?
Hercules-Secundus (Hercules-S) Battleship
-Length - 28.000m
-Width - 6.000m
-Acceleration - 1 Gravity
-Armor - Deus-Ultima Pattern Armor
-Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-Weapons - 3x Ultra-Heavy Rotary Plasma Macrocannon Turrets/2x Ultra-Heavy Rotary Plasma Macrocannon Batteries/2x Promise Pattern Plasma Macrocannon Turrets/60x Light Macrocannon Turrets
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Armored Lifepods/(Standard) Ship Shrines/Armored Bridges/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations)/Improved Internal Security Systems/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Expanded Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions/[High-Explosive+Armor-Piercing+Cluster Munition] Macro-Cannon Shells/Yeeni Auxillary Engineer Division/After-Burner Macro Shells/Shrine of the Charging Revenant/Icons to the Faith/Normalized Automated Ship Systems/Elite Crews/Micro-Warp Jump Engine/Ears of Hare Bnuy/Blessed Abbeys of the Martial Ordos/Infused Armor Plates/Twisted Knotted Vinealloy/Blessed Symphonia Arcanum Arma
The Hercules-Class was already nearly ideal, a fast brawler able to take the fight to the enemy and bring them low with accuracy and firepower. But there was more potential to still be excavated from this design--the Augmetic Security Department has been further enhanced, taking the form of multiple regiments of Templars to ward off hostile boarders, further improvements to the Arma Symphonia, and actual automation to help defray the costs of the rather manpower-heavy Battleships in terms of, well, manpower. Additionally, room was found to squeeze two of the Promise-pattern Macrocannon turrets into the gunline, giving the Hercules an option to shoot down pesky lighter craft that are just a bit too tough for the secondary guns to bring down in good time.
Cassiopeia-Secundus (Cassiopeia-S) Arsenal Ship
-Length - 28.000 Meters
-Width - 6.000 Meters
-Acceleration - 1 Gravity
-Armor - Medium Starclad Pattern Armor
-Shields - Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-Weapons - 1x Prow Darkness of the Void Cannon/4x Green Arc Lance Batteries/8x Green Arc Cannon Turrets/60x Light Lance Turrets)
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/Pure Lenses/Armored Lifepods/Tuned Shields/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Armored Bridges/Harsh Crew Training/Improved Internal Security Systems/Augmetic Security Department/Lattice Hulls/Enhanced Strategium/Lens Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Normalized Automated Ship Systems/Elite Crews/Silent Shimmershroud/Arcane Lenses/Temperature Controls/Paw and Claw
The Cassiopeia-Secundus doesn't appear to be significantly changed from the original version, still armed with a variety of powerful Arc weapons and still a well-balanced lance artillery vessel...and yet...something has changed--its primary battery--an upscaled Tetratek gun, has been altered--using science far beyond the limits of the Star-Mechanicum, and touching upon a secret of the divine. For the Cassiopeia-Secundus's primary gun fires nothing short of Ruination given its physical form. Its true potential is yet unclear.
Auriga-Secundus (Aur-S) Emergency Response Freighter
-Length - 6.500m
-Width - 1.600m
-Acceleration - 2.6 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Single Hull
-Shields - Singular Emitter
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Chapels to the Five/Medical Deployment Division/Orders of the Guiding Hands/Small Blessed Manufactories of the Five-Fold Faith/Propaganda Center
The Auriga-Secundus has been brought up to the realities of modern shipbuilding, focusing on the engines to achieve a fast emergency response. The defenses were left mostly as they were, with a slight increase in width to leave room to expand the Large Mobile Civilian Manufactory into several Small Blessed Manufactories of the Five-Fold Faith, providing corruption-resistant supplies.
Delphinus-Secundus (Del-S) Commissary Freighter
-Length - 12.000m
-Width - 4.000m
-Acceleration - 2 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Hexagrammic Grammophone: Comfort/3x Luxurious Crew Quarters
The Delphinus Commissary Freighter is a much-loved source of comfort to the weary crews of the Glimmering Federations Space Forces. So much so that there was some reluctance to change a design that had already incorporated many of the advances of the last few centuries. However, the creation of the Hexagrammic Grammophone and the discovery of the Psychic Melody of Comfort proved a perfect inclusion in this beloved craft.
Columba-Secundus (Col-S) Logistics Freighter
-Length - 12.000m
-Width - 4.000m
-Acceleration - 2 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - (Standard) Ship Shrines/(Standard) Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Hexagrammic Grammophone: Plants/3x Arboretums
While the Columba Logistics Freighter has much less... fervent love from the rank and file from the Star Navy, loved it still is. A regular supply of good food may be less obviously noticeable than a treasured reprieve, but it is still deeply appreciated. Similar to the Delphinus, the inclusion of the constant use of an appropriate Melody is hoped to greatly improve the effectiveness of this important workhorse of the Navy's logistical backbone.
Canis-Major-Secundus (C-Ma-S) Bulk Transport Liner
-Length - 12.000m
-Width - 4.000m
-Acceleration - 2 Gravity
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - (Standard)Ship Shrines/(Standard)Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Improved Internal Security Systems/Blessed Shrines of the Martial Ordos/Hexagrammic Grammophone: Community/2x Titanic Civilian Transportation Hold
The Cannis-Major has been rebuilt to use a standardized modern Heavy Freighter Hull that will allow commonality of parts and production to ease shipbuilding logistics. Combined with this complete overhaul, a large portion of its internal security system and the chapels to the Five have been replaced with Blessed Shrines of the Martial Ordos and standardized Ship Shrines. Together with the new Hexagrammic Grammophone playing a Melody to encourage Community amongst those onboard, these changes are hoped to provide a safe and calm voyage for the craft's 200 million passengers.
Canis-Minor-Secundus (C-Mi-S) Bulk Transport Hauler
-Length - 12.000m
-Width - 4.000m
-Acceleration - 2 Gravity
-Armor - Thick Double Hull
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - Unarmed
-Equipment - (Standard)Ship Shrines/(Standard)Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Internal Security Systems/Medium Blessed Manufactories of the Five-Fold Faith/2x Titanic Emergency Relief Cargo Hold
The Cannis-Minor has been rebuilt to utilize the standardized modern Heavy Freighter Hull to provide a commonality of parts and ease shipbuilding logistics. In combination with this complete overhaul, Medium Blessed Manufactories of the Five-Fold Faith have been added to allow a stream of holy equipment custom-made for on-the-ground conditions while the vast cargo holds of generic emergency relief aid are slowly emptied.
You Have 3 [Three] Actions. Currently Active ISC: [Green Horizons Colonization LTD]. Current Symphony: [A Cry for the Future]. Current Warp Tremors: [Medium - Rising].
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[Green Horizons Colonization LTD] - Settlement Invigoration Directive - Newly colonized Sub-Sectors will not have a Vulnerability Period to invasions due to quick-started industry and military installations.
[New Dawn R&D] - Anomaly Identified - Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
[Federation Post] - Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
[New Dawn R&D] - Anomaly Identified - Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
[Federation Post] - Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
The Devouring Mechadendrite - 20x Choirs.
A Glint of Genius - 40x Choirs.
Heartbeat of Industry - 50x Choirs
Unto Works Generational - 50x Choirs
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - 500x Choirs
Hippity Hoppity - 100x Choirs
Hiss of the Steam Valve - 555x Choirs
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - 100x Choirs
Dutiful Spirits - 200x Choirs
Class Is In Session - 60x Choirs
See The Seer - 450x Choirs
Love Unto Death - 2.000x Choirs
A Trusted Map - 555x Choirs
Ashen Fields - 1.302x Choirs
[Ex-Diaconate Worlds] - 300x Choirs
[Council Aid] - 800x Choirs
A Glint of Genius - 40x Choirs.
Heartbeat of Industry - 50x Choirs
Unto Works Generational - 50x Choirs
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - 500x Choirs
Hippity Hoppity - 100x Choirs
Hiss of the Steam Valve - 555x Choirs
Foretold Luminous Paths Seen - 100x Choirs
Dutiful Spirits - 200x Choirs
Class Is In Session - 60x Choirs
See The Seer - 450x Choirs
Love Unto Death - 2.000x Choirs
A Trusted Map - 555x Choirs
Ashen Fields - 1.302x Choirs
[Ex-Diaconate Worlds] - 300x Choirs
[Council Aid] - 800x Choirs
Warp Tremor Levels: [Warp Storm] - [High] - [Medium] - [Restive] - [Calm] - [Still]
None - Allow The Warp To Calm
A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn.
Grand Design - All Research Actions have their effects enhanced to the best possible degree they can provide. +0.25 Warp Tremors per Turn. This increased by 0.25 every Turn.
Lament Me Not - Whenever this Symphony is Sung after a great tragedy or great loss of life, the Warp will calm with the tears of the grieving and the mourning of the living.
None - Allow The Warp To Calm
A Cry For The Future - Gain 0.25 Actions for every Total Action spent. Actions gained this way are rounded up. +1 Warp Tremors per Turn.
Grand Design - All Research Actions have their effects enhanced to the best possible degree they can provide. +0.25 Warp Tremors per Turn. This increased by 0.25 every Turn.
Lament Me Not - Whenever this Symphony is Sung after a great tragedy or great loss of life, the Warp will calm with the tears of the grieving and the mourning of the living.
[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Write-In Sub-Sector)
Works of generations started today.
(Gain: A Consecrated Sub-Sector.)
[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Food Production XIV (0/1) - [1x 50% Discount]
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XVI (0/1) - [2x 50% Discounts]
-[] Heavy Industry XIV (0/1) - [1x 50% Discounts]
-[] Void Industry XVII (1/2)
-[] Medical Services XIII (0/1) - [3x 50% Discounts]
-[] Military Industry XIII (0/1)
(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)
[] [General] Colonize (Sub-Sector)
It is time to bring more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Irrita becoming our Kin, we will not lose any Development when colonizing worlds that are less than habitable due to them being terraformed into habitable worlds.
(Gain: One Colonized Sub-Sector.
Warning: Already occupied systems are not colonized.
Habitable Sub-Sectors: Chery (1/9 Systems), Gutson (11/11 Systems), Long Tower (4/9 Systems), Broken Tower (17/19 Systems), Yearning Tower(16/16 Systems), Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems).)
[] [General] Research:
01001101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101001 01100011 00100000 01010011 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001
-[X] Bubble Drive Prototype - Will complete in 900.M43
(Gain: Bubble Drive Prototype)
-[] Improved Biological Augmentations III - !!!WARNING!!! (0/5)
(Allow organic material to be utilized across Federation species.)
-[] Applied Genetic Manipulation - (0/3)
(Decreases the appearance of Mutants within your society by 13%.)
-[] Biological Warfare V - (0/10)
(Massively reduce vulnerabilities against diseases of all kinds.)
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation IIb (0/2)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 10% to 10.4%.)
-[] Dreadnoughts Upgraded (0/5)
(Gain: Further improve upon your Dreadnoughts.)
-[] Autonomous Automata !!!WARNING!!! (0/1)
(WARNING: Automata grow more capable of Independent Action.)
-[] Monofilament Missile Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Ground-Missile Damage.)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development IV (0/3)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (1/5)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4)
(Gain: 10 Destroyers and 3 Frigates every Turn.)
(Gain: Bubble Drive Prototype)
-[] Improved Biological Augmentations III - !!!WARNING!!! (0/5)
(Allow organic material to be utilized across Federation species.)
-[] Applied Genetic Manipulation - (0/3)
(Decreases the appearance of Mutants within your society by 13%.)
-[] Biological Warfare V - (0/10)
(Massively reduce vulnerabilities against diseases of all kinds.)
-[] Rejuvenat Experimentation IIb (0/2)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 10% to 10.4%.)
-[] Dreadnoughts Upgraded (0/5)
(Gain: Further improve upon your Dreadnoughts.)
-[] Autonomous Automata !!!WARNING!!! (0/1)
(WARNING: Automata grow more capable of Independent Action.)
-[] Monofilament Missile Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Ground-Missile Damage.)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development IV (0/3)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization III - [1 DP Equipment] (1/5)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4)
(Gain: 10 Destroyers and 3 Frigates every Turn.)
-[] Anti-Psychic Materials (0/5)
There are some materials that, for one reason or another, seem to repell psychic phenomena and works, which, in the right hands, could prove to be a boon in our anti-daemon efforts.
(Gain: Anti-Psychic Materials collected and understood.)
-[] Celestial Psyker Staves (0/12)
The ability to create psychic focii has long served the Glimmering Federation and the Celestial Choir well, and with centuries of knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With the Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body first-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/5)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
-[] Applied Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - (0/12)
Anti-Warp Sigils of potent etching, carved into the leather born from the willing, carved by hands that shiver in cold and burning pain, wrought into reality itself with the blood of ichor dripping from violated souls carrying out their creation. Shield these places, guard these items, know no rest and adhere to no master beyond this: hark against Thought and Cancer from the Deep Beneath Growth.
-[] Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts (0/50)
It is one thing to debate with reality to alter a state. Another to order it to cease reality in totality.
There are some materials that, for one reason or another, seem to repell psychic phenomena and works, which, in the right hands, could prove to be a boon in our anti-daemon efforts.
(Gain: Anti-Psychic Materials collected and understood.)
-[] Celestial Psyker Staves (0/12)
The ability to create psychic focii has long served the Glimmering Federation and the Celestial Choir well, and with centuries of knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With the Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body first-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/5)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
-[] Applied Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - (0/12)
Anti-Warp Sigils of potent etching, carved into the leather born from the willing, carved by hands that shiver in cold and burning pain, wrought into reality itself with the blood of ichor dripping from violated souls carrying out their creation. Shield these places, guard these items, know no rest and adhere to no master beyond this: hark against Thought and Cancer from the Deep Beneath Growth.
-[] Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts (0/50)
It is one thing to debate with reality to alter a state. Another to order it to cease reality in totality.
Hereteks Refuge - Reduce Research Cost by 20%, Rounded Up. +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
Academic Publishing Institutes - +0.15 Research per Action Spent.
Noosphere Unity - +0.05 Research per Action Spent.
[Song] - A Glint of Genius - +0.40 Research per Action Spent.
The Horizon Program - (Lords of Eternity and Shipwright's Grove) - +0.20 Research per Action Spent.
Children Of The Omnissian Daughter - +0.50 Research per Action Spent.
The Psycademia 'Wings of our Crucible' - Allows Psytech to be researched under [General].
(0.75 Research Banked)
[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
A new age of peace dawns on the Glimmering Federation, and with it rises the required needs of its various branches and plans to come to fruition, from subverting hostile polities to maintaining friendly relations with good neighbors. Thanks to an expansion in resources, the Ministry of SIIC can now focus on multiple things simultaneously.
[] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Choose Two)
With the allocated funds, a slow subversion of two Sub-Sectors can be undertaken. However, these efforts can be focused and accelerated with dedicated attention.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert two [2] Sub-Sectors simultaneously to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)
With the allocated funds, a slow subversion of two Sub-Sectors can be undertaken. However, these efforts can be focused and accelerated with dedicated attention.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert two [2] Sub-Sectors simultaneously to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)
Sub-Sector Ishanu
Suspected Subversion Time: Where The Clans Live ~310 Years
Modifiers: The Clans Do Not Bow -All Diplomatic Modifiers
Subsector Palace of Stars
Suspected Subversion Time: ~60 Years
Modifiers: Disunited Polities -~60 Years
Suspected Subversion Time: Where The Clans Live ~310 Years
Modifiers: The Clans Do Not Bow -All Diplomatic Modifiers
Subsector Palace of Stars
Suspected Subversion Time: ~60 Years
Modifiers: Disunited Polities -~60 Years
[] A Soul Smeared
An exploration fleet of New Dawn has stumbled upon an ocean world in a system between the major Warp Lanes. Normally, it would be flagged foe colonization, however when the fleet drew closer to confirm some strange readings, the entire planet seemingly tried to shoot at the fleet via incredibly primitive weaponry. The problem is that, as the Choir with the fleet confirmed, there is only one soul on the entire planet, not enough to coordinate the attempted attack, even with the use of machinery (which would have been noticed). And that one is smeared across the entire planet. Someone should investigate that.
(Gain: ???)
[] ISC Access - (Van Zandt Free Duchy/Shipwright's Grove/Mashan Temple Authority/Thrice-Fold Councils)
The Federation's ISCs are eager to spread their markets and customer bases beyond the Glimmering Federation, willing to brave the (relatively safe and profitable) unknown.
(Gain: Disables one random ISC per Turn and significantly improves relations with the Van Zandt Free Duchy/Shipwright's Grove/Mashan Temple Authority/Thrice-Fold Councils.)
[] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Choose Two)
Though tedious work, improving relations over time with steady hands instead of bold declarations and treaties will enable more of the latter to be wrought without any complications.
(Targets: Mashan Temple Authority, Van Zandt Free Duchy, and Shipwright's Grove.
Gain: Slowly improved relations.)
An exploration fleet of New Dawn has stumbled upon an ocean world in a system between the major Warp Lanes. Normally, it would be flagged foe colonization, however when the fleet drew closer to confirm some strange readings, the entire planet seemingly tried to shoot at the fleet via incredibly primitive weaponry. The problem is that, as the Choir with the fleet confirmed, there is only one soul on the entire planet, not enough to coordinate the attempted attack, even with the use of machinery (which would have been noticed). And that one is smeared across the entire planet. Someone should investigate that.
(Gain: ???)
[] ISC Access - (Van Zandt Free Duchy/Shipwright's Grove/Mashan Temple Authority/Thrice-Fold Councils)
The Federation's ISCs are eager to spread their markets and customer bases beyond the Glimmering Federation, willing to brave the (relatively safe and profitable) unknown.
(Gain: Disables one random ISC per Turn and significantly improves relations with the Van Zandt Free Duchy/Shipwright's Grove/Mashan Temple Authority/Thrice-Fold Councils.)
[] [AUTOMATIC] Improve Relations (Choose Two)
Though tedious work, improving relations over time with steady hands instead of bold declarations and treaties will enable more of the latter to be wrought without any complications.
(Targets: Mashan Temple Authority, Van Zandt Free Duchy, and Shipwright's Grove.
Gain: Slowly improved relations.)
Thrice-Fold Councils
Current Relations: Warm.
Trend: Increase.
Modifiers: None.
Mashan Temple Authority
Current Relations: Friendly.
Trend: Increase.
Modifiers: Cross-Cultural Harmonization.
Current Relations: Warm.
Trend: Increase.
Modifiers: None.
Mashan Temple Authority
Current Relations: Friendly.
Trend: Increase.
Modifiers: Cross-Cultural Harmonization.
[] [Military] Create Eight Grand Armies (Write-in Names) for (Sub-Sectors) or 8 Knight Orders (Write-in Names)
Grand Armies are composed of 2 SAGs per Sub-Sector System, which are composed of 4 Units each. Though each SAG will have its own Battle Standard and Motto, only those existing will be recorded in detail. A Grand Army requires you to specify each SAG as either Light, Medium, or Heavy, with the further moniker of Infantry/Mechanized/Tanks/Augmetic Legions Formations attached. All other specializations will be taken care of within the Grand Army itself. A Knight Order contains 20 War-Packs, one War-Pack consisting of One Questoris per Four Armigers, of variable Patterns.
(Gain: Eight Grand Armies or Eight Knight Orders.)
[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (3.800 Points per Action)
-[] 8x Nomadic Fleets [Automatic] (0.4/1)
-[] Refit All Fleets To New Standards (0/3)
Chose Names for Fleets: Triumph of Obliteration, Unfettered Zeal, Pathfinding Maw, Causal Wound, Tombmaker, Celestial Fanfare, Watchmen, Light-Sworn.
See Informational - Military Forces for Fleet Compositions/Point Values.
(Gain: Fleets.)
[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 DP), Frigate (2 DP), Light Cruiser/Freighter (4 DP), Heavy Cruiser/Freighter (8 DP), Grand Cruiser (16 DP), Temple Ship (25 DP), Battleship (50 DP)] - [150 DP]
-[] Nomadic Fleets Of Sector Ranges
-[] Lamenting Legion Fleets
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we, the Kil'drabi, Yeeni, and the archives of our planets tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a proud Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Information: Ship Classes requiring more DP than you possess take more than one Action to design.
Gain: Newly designed and built Ship Class/es.)
[] [Military] Construct God-Engines (100x Grandis (0/1), 60x Modeste Immensus (0/2), 20x Immensa Immensus (0/2), 10x Magnificus (0/3), 4x Momentus (0/4), 2x Deus Machina (0/5))
00101011 00101011 00101011 01001001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100011 01101111 01101100 01101100 00111010 00100000 01000010 01101001 01100111 00100000 01001110 01110101 01110100 00101011 00101011 00101011
(Proposed (and Valid) Designs: Tetrapod
Gain: Titan/s specialized ship/s capable of moving them. A sketch is Mandatory for Modeste Immensus and up. No AI or Reference Images allowed.
Retrieved Titans: Blade of the Rising Sun, Blade of the Burning Dusk.)
[] [Military] The Ancient's [Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort/Flowergarden/ Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Crucible of Bile/Temple of The Ancient Tombs/Bell Of Vitaes/Smiling Cat Tavern/Supple Slumber/Friends of the Mountains/Webbed Nests/Hallowed Grounds/Trainyard] - (Write-In Military Forces)
Hippity Hoppity has revealed to us a site where technology, rites, knowledge, or culture of the Ancients yet remain...if not how intact. It is far away from our borders, and thus the fleet sent there to uncover the truth must be guarded.
(Gain: One plundered Ancient Site.)
[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] Flag Armada Nova (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Nebula (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Quasar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Pulsar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Ashen Star (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Broken Void (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Magnetar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Aquarius-Class Fleet Tenders, 2x Hercules-Class Battleships, 3x Virgo-Class Fleet Carriers, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 16x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 17x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser)
-[] Flag Armada Nebula (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Quasar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Pulsar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Ashen Star (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Broken Void (44/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Flag Armada Magnetar (44/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Aquarius-Class Fleet Tenders, 2x Hercules-Class Battleships, 3x Virgo-Class Fleet Carriers, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 16x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 17x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser)
-[] Sector Battle Group Sphinx (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Centaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Basilisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hydralisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Necrolisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Kraken (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gorgon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gryphon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Wyvern (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dragon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Cyclops (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Phoenix (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Garuda (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Enfield (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Anansi (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Umbra (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scylla (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Chimera (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group K'uk'ulkan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Neko (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Elegua (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Mountain Fog (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scything Wing (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Thule Triumph (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Knight's Watch (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Saga Of Luthaire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Burned Offering (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Healing Fire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Watchwomen (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Ogun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Obatala (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Yemaya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oshun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Shango (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hungry Claws (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dusty Paths (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Bared Talon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
(4x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 10x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers)
-[] Sector Battle Group Overflow (19/10 Ship Capacity)
(1x Aquarius-Primus Fleet Tender, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 1x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser, 16x Serpens-Class Stealth Destroyer, 1x Hercules-Class Battleship)
-[] Flag Armada Black Cat (102/0 Ship Capacity)
(61x Little Paw-Class Missile Destroyer, 23x Mother Cat Troopship, 15x Cat's Fang-Class Lancer, 2x Tomcat-Class Artillery Cruiser, 1x Black Cat's Claw)
-[] Sector Battle Group Centaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Werewolf (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Minotaur (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Leviathan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Basilisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hydralisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Necrolisk (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Kraken (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gorgon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Gryphon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Wyvern (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dragon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Cyclops (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Phoenix (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Garuda (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Enfield (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Anansi (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Umbra (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scylla (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Chimera (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group K'uk'ulkan (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Neko (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Elegua (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Mountain Fog (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Scything Wing (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Thule Triumph (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Knight's Watch (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Saga Of Luthaire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Burned Offering (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Healing Fire (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Watchwomen (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Ogun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Obatala (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Yemaya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oshun (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Shango (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Oya (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Hungry Claws (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Dusty Paths (40/40 Ship Capacity)
-[] Sector Battle Group Bared Talon (40/40 Ship Capacity)
(4x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 5x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 10x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 8x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 4x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers)
-[] Sector Battle Group Overflow (19/10 Ship Capacity)
(1x Aquarius-Primus Fleet Tender, 1x Cassiopeia-Class Arsenal Ship, 1x Cancer-Class Assault Cruiser, 16x Serpens-Class Stealth Destroyer, 1x Hercules-Class Battleship)
-[] Flag Armada Black Cat (102/0 Ship Capacity)
(61x Little Paw-Class Missile Destroyer, 23x Mother Cat Troopship, 15x Cat's Fang-Class Lancer, 2x Tomcat-Class Artillery Cruiser, 1x Black Cat's Claw)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Once-Forgotten-Joy' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Stellar-Harvesters' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Purpose-Of-Unity' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unimpeded-Festival' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Abundance-Of-Flowering-Stars' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Memories-Of-Healing-Tunes' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hopes-Of-Long-Yearned-Truths' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Sighs-Born-From-Content-Minds' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trailblazing-Adventurers' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Shield-Of-Far-Flung-Homes' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thorny-Candlebringers' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Roaring-Sands' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Heraldic-Ambition' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lights-Within-Darkness' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Creation-Of-Hope' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Crests-Within-Shields' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Cards-Of-Foretold-Dusk' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hymns-Upon-Ichor' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unburdened-Breaths' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 1x Harbinger of Our Journey-Class Battlecolony, 6x Citadel of the Chronicle-Class Heavy Cruiser, 12x Feather of the Stars-Class Light Cruiser, 30x Spirit of the Writ-Class Frigate)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Bastion-Of-Pathways' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trade-Guardians' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Winged-Deliverance' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Stellar-Harvesters' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Purpose-Of-Unity' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unimpeded-Festival' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Abundance-Of-Flowering-Stars' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Memories-Of-Healing-Tunes' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hopes-Of-Long-Yearned-Truths' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Sighs-Born-From-Content-Minds' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Trailblazing-Adventurers' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Shield-Of-Far-Flung-Homes' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Thorny-Candlebringers' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Roaring-Sands' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Heraldic-Ambition' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Lights-Within-Darkness' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Creation-Of-Hope' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Crests-Within-Shields' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Cards-Of-Foretold-Dusk' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Hymns-Upon-Ichor' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] Nomadic Fleet 'Unburdened-Breaths' (49/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 1x Harbinger of Our Journey-Class Battlecolony, 6x Citadel of the Chronicle-Class Heavy Cruiser, 12x Feather of the Stars-Class Light Cruiser, 30x Spirit of the Writ-Class Frigate)
-[] Invasion Fleet 1 (84/90 Ship Capacity)
-[] Invasion Fleet 2 (84/90 Ship Capacity)
(9x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 80x Taurus Troopships, 4x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] Invasion Fleet 2 (84/90 Ship Capacity)
(9x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 80x Taurus Troopships, 4x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Alpha (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Beta (30/30 Ship Capacity))
-[] LRAD Gamma (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Delta (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Epsilon (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Zeta (50/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Eta (50/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 5x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 14x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 10x Sagitarrius Lance Frigate)
-[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper' (117/80 Ship Capacity)
(8x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 24x Aries-Tertium Corvette, 77x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer, 27x Taurus-S Troopship)
-[] Task Fleet Beta (20/20)
-[] Task Fleet Gamma (20/20)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 14x Sagitarrius-Tertium, 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier)
(3x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 4x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 13x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 6x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 5x Sagitarrius-Tertium Lance Frigate, 2x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer)
-[] LRAD Beta (30/30 Ship Capacity))
-[] LRAD Gamma (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Delta (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Epsilon (30/30 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Zeta (50/50 Ship Capacity)
-[] LRAD Eta (50/50 Ship Capacity)
(5x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 2x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 5x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 14x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 10x Sagitarrius Lance Frigate)
-[] Task Fleet 'Peacekeeper' (117/80 Ship Capacity)
(8x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 24x Aries-Tertium Corvette, 77x Lupus-Secundus Torpedo Destroyer, 27x Taurus-S Troopship)
-[] Task Fleet Beta (20/20)
-[] Task Fleet Gamma (20/20)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 14x Sagitarrius-Tertium, 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier)
-[] Logistic Fleet Mermaid (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Cherub (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Nymph (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Dryad (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
-[] Logistic Fleet Cherub (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Nymph (20/20 Ship Capacity)
-[] Logistic Fleet Dryad (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 9x Columba-Class Logistics Freighter, 9x Delphinus-Class Commissary Freighter, 1x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, 1x Libra-Class Light Carrier)
-[] Temple Ship/s
(The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark, The Last Word, The Seeker of Light, The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing, A Word of Peace)
-[] Independent Operations Task Force
(13x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carrier (0/13 SAG Capacity))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha - [5x Pyxis-Secundus Auto-Construction]
(138x Pyxis-Secundus Advanced Scout Sloop, 1x Spirit of Discovery Scout-Class Light Cruiser)
-[] Evacuation Fleet (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(4x Rustbucket-Class Conveyance Ship, 20x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter, 5x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner, 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler)
(The Pantagruel, The Divine Spark, The Last Word, The Seeker of Light, The Gargantua, The Fleeting Moment, A Feather From A Wing, A Word of Peace)
-[] Independent Operations Task Force
(13x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carrier (0/13 SAG Capacity))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha - [5x Pyxis-Secundus Auto-Construction]
(138x Pyxis-Secundus Advanced Scout Sloop, 1x Spirit of Discovery Scout-Class Light Cruiser)
-[] Evacuation Fleet (30/30 Ship Capacity)
(4x Rustbucket-Class Conveyance Ship, 20x Auriga-Class Emergency Response Freighter, 5x Canis-Major Class Bulk Transport Liner, 10x Canis-Minor Class Bulk Transport Hauler)
-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (52/52)
(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 6x Thunderous Declaration-Class Scout Destroyer, 6x Mournful Clarion-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 5x Lantern Bearer Mk.3-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 10x Resurgence Mk.3-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 8x Bloody Midnight-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 10x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 4x Thunderous Gunnery-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Cry-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies), 1x Tears of the Void (0/20 Companies), 1x 'Cry of the Redeemed' Void-Class (0/20 Companies))
(5x Andromeda-Secundus Pathfinder Ship, 6x Thunderous Declaration-Class Scout Destroyer, 6x Mournful Clarion-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 5x Lantern Bearer Mk.3-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 10x Resurgence Mk.3-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 8x Bloody Midnight-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 10x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 4x Thunderous Gunnery-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Cry-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies), 1x Tears of the Void (0/20 Companies), 1x 'Cry of the Redeemed' Void-Class (0/20 Companies))
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are sent to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: ~10 Sub-Sectors from Claimed Sub-Sectors. Scouting Efficiency: N/A (80% Three+ Sub-Sectors, 50% Five+ Sub-Sectors, 35% Nine+ Sub-Sectors.)
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)
[] [Psykana] Conduct Six Melodies (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come. As there are 10 Celestial Choirs free to pursue research, the High Council can ask them to pursue a target instead of what comes close. This will, naturally, be lost once they dip below 10 Choirs.
(Total: 19
Uncovered: Revenant II and Prophecy III.
Secret: Slumber II.
Star Child: Ruthlessness III and Brutality II.
Kil'drabi: Paths III, Community III, and Family II.
Irrita: Growth III, Plants II, and Hunger II.
Msk'fa: Comfort II, Revenge II, and Retribution II.
Dirut: Peace II, Clockwork II, Candle II, Sunset II, and Dawn II.
Gain: Six Melodies newly Conducted.)
[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.5/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song]
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Uncovered: Technology III, Prophecy II, and Revenant I.
Secret: Perception III, Silence III, Grounding III, and Slumber I.
Star Child: Protection III, Fire III, The Sun V, Humanity III, Creativity III, Song III, The Home III, Logic III, Unity III, Progress III, Compassion III, Hope III, Health III, Death III, Justice III, Wisdom III, Innovation III, Machinery III, Ruthlessness II, Brutality I, Mercy III, The Star, and Love III.
Kil'drabi: Void III, Struggle III, Paths III, Community II, and Family I.
Irrita: Growth II, Plants I, Harmony III, and Hunger I.
Msk'fa: Comfort I, Revenge I, and Retribution I.
Dirut: Time III, Clockwork I, Candle I, Sunset I, Dawn I, and Peace I.
Gain: Two Songs.)
[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (Choose Five Songs)
Words beyond meaning, songs beyond uttering, a hum of power that is the Warp reveling in its own power unleashed. A Symphony crafted from labor centuries long, and one that shall burn itself into history eternal, both mortal and Immaterial.
(Gain: A Symphony)
[] [Faith] Sigils (Input 3 Sigils)
Words of the Faith, given Shape and Weight by Faith and Fervor.
(Actions: [Fly], [Soar], [Nuke], [Heat], [Chill]
Subjects: [Us], [Them], [We],
Effects: [Joy], [Hurt], [Faith], [Wings], [Righteous]
Location: [Abyss], [Core], [Heaven], [Void]
Information: Sigils consist out of 3-5 Words.
Gain: 3 Sigils of the Faith. These enable your Faith Orders to create Small Miracles on the field of battle and at home.)
[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Write-In)
(Gain: Guidance on how to deal with or gain something.)
[] [Knightly Orders] Expand (2/4)
One war done. Many more remain. The Orders shall not be found without the numbers to fight them.
(Gain: All Knightly Orders double in size.)
[] [Chapter] Brothers For The Barge (11/?)
They must be ready for battle and barge.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain 1.2 Chapters per Turn.)
[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
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