What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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As for how to fight the bigoted Imperial Syncreticism, we need to fight it with logic and rhetoric. Cold numbers show how their programs, plans and pogroms would be a net deficit not worth undertaking.
Trying to reason or debate with hateful religious fanatics seems a bit counterproductive.

Then again, with enough effort and resources poured into it, maybe.
Trying to reason or debate with hateful religious fanatics seems a bit counterproductive.

Then again, with enough effort and resources poured into it, maybe.

I believe the objective of the reasoning and the debating is to put it into public consciousness that this is a stupid idea that goes against all of our morals, ethics, history, practicality, and even competency.

Once the public has been sufficiently inoculated from the Imperial Sickness, we can then do other actions to marginalize those technically within our bounds and remove those definitely going outside them.

It's essentially the best of propaganda campaigns, the type that's actually true.
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The infiltration gives the Federation a good reason to ask the Lamenters for a honorguard for the tomb after the 621 campaign is over.

Anyways, is there any way to use this to soften the Federation's stance towards non-hostile factions/races that don't follow the Star Child and don't particularly want the religion since they have their own religion that helps them against Chaos already?
Good to know my intuition was right about The Child.

I know it might be too early but which Heresy are we thinking of dealing with next?

Also next turn we get the "Stuff?" from the Inventories, feels like shinies.
-[] The Imperial Syncreticists
The Imperial Syncreticists are the leftovers of the Imperial Dogma from within Neon. Their believers and priests seek to reconcile the differences between the Droman Creed and that of the Imperial Dogma into one unto the Holy Child. To say that this has to be stamped out is to tell the obvious, as several portions directly threaten our Kin, and others seek to undo the protections granted to those mutated under the aegis of the Star Child with extended mercy by enforcing genetic isolation.
. . . rereading what they plan to do to mutants, aren't we already enforcing genetic islation via castration and spaying of mutants to prevent them from procreation?

or did i miss something about how we are treating mutants in our federation?

maybe its the wording and i'm getting confused but are they saying to purge mutants via no breeding or purging mutants with flamers?
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Damn bro, The Star Child himself casually said "Nuh Uh" to time and proceeded to unalive this fool. Wonder if the Spirit option would've been Teeln waking up to do the deed himself. Somewhere in the warp Vashtor's absolutely livid over not even getting his puppet's Soul from this failure.
So yeah, the heresy was growing. The other 5 are growing too, right this moment. Embedding themselves deeper and deeper, making them ever costlier to remove.

But 5 AP is unimaginably high price to pay, especially so soon. So like a mantra, I will repeat- we should spend an action on beefing up Order of Cerberus, especially Five Hearts (the teachers, counsellors, investigators), forming a functioning mental health industry symbiotic to our inquisition.
This would at least slow down the spread of heresies and corruption in general, also improving QoL a bit.

And when we do go after the others, we'll have better tools at our disposal, both for re-education and tracking down the most influential figures.
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Trying to reason or debate with hateful religious fanatics seems a bit counterproductive.

Then again, with enough effort and resources poured into it, maybe

I see this more as a means to lessen and stop recruitment for the Syncretists. Because while a handful of them maybe beyond saving, by showing everyone else how stupid they are with facts and logic about why murdering a good fraction of our population for not being pure humans is a smooth brain move we discredit these morons and make everyone rightfully shun them.

I know it might be too early but which Heresy are we thinking of dealing with next?

Either the Cog boys who want to create a collective conscious, or the Rose people to crackdown on that sexiest bullshit, and who actively ignore the fact that our Greatest Spiritual Leader and Prophet of the Star Child WAS A MAN!!!!!

The fact that they are starting to get into positions of power is exactly why we need to clamp down on them now and spend that Five AP before they get enough voices to influence our next Congressional meeting/whatever.

Plus look what happened with the Age of Apostasy? Ya'll want a repeat of that here in the Federation? Yes we have Cerebus but still, better we actively try to clamp down on this shit then wait for them to get to work.

As for the mental health stuff it's a good idea, and also someone did try doing a write-in for it a bunch of turns ago. But incorporating Cerberus in it somewhat could be pretty helpful and give it some good foundation.

. . . rereading what they plan to do to mutants, aren't we already enforcing genetic islation via castration and spaying of mutants to prevent them from procreation?

or did i miss something about how we are treating mutants in our federation?

We already do in some ways by forbidding them to reproduce, but chances are the Syncretists would take that to the extreme, like if a mutant is born in a community, that entire community is then forbidden to procreate and castrated. Given these guys are diet-Imperials I'd bet they'd genuinely try to pull something that stupid off if they had the power to.
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...was Teeln a fucking Isekai Protagonist?
Hey man, the guy showed up, started a religion based around shit getting better by being better people, got himself a Magical Bunny Woman Wife, was declared Space Pope, lived in a nation that used Clone Warrior Women as Ace Pilots, with Bro Ogryn, Chad Space Noodles, and Adorable Hyena People Engineers thrown in the mix.

All of whom fought against Not!Space Catholic Church and Literal Demons From Literal Hell.

Either he was an Isekai Protagonist, or I am fucking with y'all. Either or.

Hey man, the guy showed up, started a religion based around shit getting better by being better people, got himself a Magical Bunny Woman Wife, was declared Space Pope, lived in a nation that used Clone Warrior Women as Ace Pilots, with Bro Ogryn, Chad Space Noodles, and Adorable Hyena People Engineers thrown in the mix.
don't know who Bro Ogryn (plz link their 1st appearance) is but don't forget about Professor Smarty Pants, who submitted the beatin' sticks for the knights, its a shame that his genius wasn't recognized by the commanders in spiffy hats.

[X] The Five Pillars of Anti-Syncretism:
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don't know who Bro Ogryn (plz link their 1st appearance) is

Ogryn is both the singular and the plural of the name of the- species? Abhuman feels inhumane, and I highly doubt they can exchange genetic material with non-Ogryn.

All of the little tidbits of "We named this thing after an Ogryn who did life saving things" are in reference to how Ogryn are as a general rule, excellent people and thus Bros.

For more clarity, read it as "Ogryn Bros" rather than "Bro Ogryn" if the singular plural causes you difficulties.
So, given that the Chaos space forces are basically broken in 621 thanks to the holy fuck massive offensive that the Mashan launched and our own significantly smaller one, we should be able to do a heresy action plus focus on our ground forces in the upcoming turn. We'll want to finally build a bunch of Blazing Suns packs for the upcoming campaign to take that last remaining uncontested Chaos system.
[X] The Five Pillars of Anti-Syncretism:

Hey man, the guy showed up, started a religion based around shit getting better by being better people, got himself a Magical Bunny Woman Wife, was declared Space Pope, lived in a nation that used Clone Warrior Women as Ace Pilots, with Bro Ogryn, Chad Space Noodles, and Adorable Hyena People Engineers thrown in the mix.

All of whom fought against Not!Space Catholic Church and Literal Demons From Literal Hell.

Either he was an Isekai Protagonist, or I am fucking with y'all. Either or.


more akin to a extremist version of NOT!Space Catholic Church...and ironic enough there is a catholic church in 40k, they just hang out in Guillimans domain and are basically left alone or rarely mentioned, by all accounts they live pretty decent lives despite the fuckery of 40k.

but still, isekai protag makes a better version of NOT!Space Cathloic Church, gets a bunny mage wife, started a religion, got bro ogyrn's, space noodles who like super ships and live in them, saw us through several wars against chaos, crazy not-Zeon, pirates, evil elf pirates, and fought with actual space elves against greater evil. Oh yeah and made best pals with the Lamenators who despite their seeming curse are honored and held in awe.

oh yeah, he even lived to the point he carved his life/love story for bunny into the very cess-pit that is the warp itself and made it into a law of it.
[X] The Five Pillars of Anti-Syncretism:
-[X] Teaching: Sunlight is not always the best disenfectant, but something clear and cool and good is. Redouble emphasis in education of the contributions of both the Kil'drabi and the Yeeni, and in more 'news' perspectives, the alliance with the Mashan and the fact that for every Xenos aligned with Chaos there are many even without the Federation that stand against it.
-[X] Exposure: While Yeeni are not yet Kin, perhaps it is time to experiment with more mixed bodies as much as possible, if not in war--where the matter seems complicated--than at least in general, allowing exposure to do two things: first to make others used to them, and second, just as importantly, to exposure the secret bigots among us, so that their monstrous conceits will draw light by their objections and inability to pretend to be unbiased.
-[X] De-Listing: Among those bodies, such as Holy Orders, or those coming from the School of the Federations, that have official backing (or clergy assigned to military units), begin a hunt of sorts for Imperial Syncretic sympathy or belief. Rather than punishable by death, at least if it doesn't go further than inclinations into actions, the punishment will be one that will drive those ambitious climbers from the movement: being delisted, defrocked, removed from positions and if need be turned back into a civilian. This will mean that only the truest believers or those acting so secretly as to be indistinguishable from a True Believer can survive within these ranks.
-[X] Criminalization: While some of the beliefs of Imperial Syncretists cannot truly be fought by prison or pyre, there are many things that such organizations are liable to do that ARE undeniably crimes beyond any doubt. The hammer is to fall, but with both force and subtlety, and his falling of the hammer will likely drive such sects so far underground as to be unable to spike rebellions--in context of Teaching and Exposure--or force them to come face to face with their Heresy. Or destroy them, that's certainly not a bad outcome.
-[X] Enthronement: These actions are not merely to be decreed by the Council, as religiously-guided as it is, but instead they are to be affirmed and made doctrinal by a meeting, a Holy Conclave that will explore the history of this heresy, find new and interesting ways to root it out, and emphasize in an Official Manner the incompatibility of this with the world that has been built by the Federation: if you're in favor of Imperial Syncretism, you might as well be against clean water and plentiful food!
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