What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Voting will open in 3 hours, 48 minutes
I would have had the suggestion to put some Melee Plasma Weapons on our karnivore, but I figured we're not at that level of technology yet. If we meet the Voters, I would suggest starting a tech exchange for that type of technology or starting some serious research into plasma weapons. because if a karnivore with its current weapons causes a massacre, with one equipped with plasma melee weapons it will cause a hecatomb.
Beat stick one handed
@HeroCooky got me dead thats funny.


If the Seraphim class jump rig is what i think it is, then the only thing scarier than a melee class knight is one that can accelerate faster at you and is capabile of 3D maneuverability. Good shit! Like holy shit just get the jump jets, a pair of shield gauntlets, and drop kick everything.
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If only I had access to a keyboard. I really think that Karnivores need a heavy shield and would write something up but not on a phone.

Hm, could it use the directional ion to launch concussion waves I wonder...
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 26, 2024 at 11:36 AM, finished with 19 posts and 15 votes.
610.M42 - A Contract Soon Unfulfilled
[Your time is running out] the Little Forge said, its rasping echo like burning coals.

"I do not see how," I replied, lazily looking at the fleets moving across the section of space the Humans had designated '621.' Always them with the odd names. They did not have an ounce of creativity.

[Systems under siege] the Little Forge continued, changing the view on the hololith to show my "troops" fight against the rocks and the humans, both sides flinging sorcery and missiles galore, artillery shells landing and shattering bodies in the same breath as the amusing echoes of the Dogs slavishly marched to war and destruction once more. [Fleets in duress] it spoke, showing the thundering barrages of fleets utterly inferior splatter against ships of spheres and thin white needles, the first fighting like advancing avalanches as the latter sought to dance and soar across the void with fighters and speed. Amusing. [A Contract soon unfulfilled.]

"I always fulfill my contracts," I replied with a nine-mouthed smile, looking the Little Forge into its burning face, the grills of the metal mask barely disguising the screaming souls being melted within for a better purpose. "Do not worry, Little Forge." The heat intensified, and I laughed lightly at their anger. "I will get you what you bargained for. After all...only a single island for a Seal Breaker? Careless."

+++Report regarding Operation GOOD NEWS+++

Current Casualties:
[28%] of all sent Ground Troops
[11%] of all Lamenters have fallen in defense of Refuge Sanctorum.
Unrecoverable: 1x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 1x Dauntless Mk.1 Light Cruiser,
Recoverable: 1x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 1x Endeavour Light Cruiser, 2x Cobra Destroyers, 1x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer

We took the bite. Now we need to hold. The Admiralcy suggests that all losses are replaced and eyes set upon a slow expansion of the Fleets once the current war has passed and all obvious threats are eradicated.

News From The Mashan:
A General Neutrality Agreement has been offered until the Chaos Forces in Sub-Sector 621 are dealt with, with a Diplomatic Conference suggested once the war is at an end to decide who gets what and what the future of diplomatic contact will look like.
[] Accept (-1 Action once 621 is Chaos Free)
[] Deny (The ones who hold a system gain it. May damage relations with the Mashan.)

You Have 3 [Three] Actions. Currently Active ISC: [New Dawn R&D]
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[Green Horizons Colonization LTD] - Resettlement Initiatives - Increases colonized worlds by 50% if the Action {Colonize Planet/s} is used.
[New Dawn R&D] - Anomaly Identified - Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
[Federation Post] - Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).

[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Food Production VI
-[] Civilian Infrastructure VI
-[] Heavy Industry VI
-[] Void Industry X
-[] Medical Services VI
-[] Military Industry VI

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
It is time to bring two more worlds into the fold. Thanks to the Kil'drabi becoming our Kin, we can now categorize Frozen, Ash, and Volcanic Worlds as Habitable instead.
(Gain: Two colonized Worlds.
Habitable Worlds: Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent), Itani - Grubbub (Lichen and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons), Turriamnish's Hope - Hope (Steppes and Moss), Monresast - Monresast Major (Arboreal and Savanna)
Hostile Worlds (-1 Void Industry): Qulach's Forge - Node 17c (Acidic Atmosphere)
Deathworlds (-1 to All): Qulach's Forge - Qulach's Forge (Fallout, Glass, Industrial Ruins, and Chemicals))

[] [General] Research:
01001101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01000010 01101001 01101110 01101000 01100001 01110010 01101001 01100011 00100000 01010011 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001
-[] Poke The Weird Ship
(Gain: Information?)
-[] Burner Seeker Mines
(Gain: An upgrade to your Mines. These weapons automatically seek out non-friendly ships within a medium radius around themselves.)
-[] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies
(Gain: Two Missile Upgrade Equipments and Hangar Upgrades.)
-[] Snapshot Cogitation Improvements
(Gain: Missiles have increased Breakthrough against Hostile AM-Systems)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Anti-Ork Ecology Cleansing Methods, Hive Crops, and other Agricultural Wonders
(Gain: Our cities are more challenging to siege because they have more food. Better infiltration of Hives. Reduces time to conquer Ork Worlds.)
-[] New Boarders for a New Age
(Gain: New Boarding Craft.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/2)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization
(Gain: 1 Destroyer every Turn.)
-[] Academic Initiatives (0/2)
(Gain: +0.1 Research per Action Spent.)
-[] Psytech Foundings (0/4)
(Gain: Rudimentary Understanding of Psytech. Not the ability to create it.)

Hereteks Refuge - Reduce Research Cost by 20%, Rounded Up. +0.2 Research per Action Spent. (0.8 Research Banked)

[AUTO] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [9/10]
Though it will likely take over two centuries to review everything both planets have archived or put into storage, we may find some noteworthy things. Slowly Auto-Completes after one Action spent.
(Gain: Stuff?)

[] [General] Propaganda For The Foreign Masses - [0/4]
With the Glimmering Federation struggling to digest its recent mass acquisition of systems and populations, some have raised the possibility of using the Federation's more diplomatic abilities and capabilities to subvert, convert, and then integrate new systems without causing mass casualties or widespread destruction. A Propaganda office outfitted with ships, Choirs, materials, factories, and a mandate to do just that should bring foreign systems into our sphere of influence and then the Federation as a whole. It will be pricy, though.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert one [1] random system at a time to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)

[] [General] Jolly Economic Co-Operation - [1 Remaining]
Despite what people may think, selling a shit-load of materials at discount prices will make you more money than trying to sell them at the standard markup. However, there are only so many materials to sell until the industries are behind and need to restock and be able to supply the same once again.
(Gain: 50% Discount on your [Develop] Actions taken in the same Turn (1 Dev into 2, 2 into 4). Ashan Families like you more.)

[] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 4x War-Packs] or 3x SAGs - [System/s] - [Weight: Light/Medium/Heavy] - [Type: Infantry/Mechanized/Tanks/Augmetic Legion] - [Classification: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn/Kil'drabi]
Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by soldiers with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Kil'drabi Units can go into temperature enviroments Humans would require special equipment with ease. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability, with Tanks allowing a myriad of armored spearheads or operations to proceed, and an Augmetic Legion consists of cybernetically enhanced humans, equipped with high-end implants and prosthetics that set them far above the human baseline, allowing for far more dangerous deployments. Light Units are better for low-logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments and strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness. Heavy Units rely on solid logistics to continue working while offering an equal force concentration in return. A War-Pack comprises 15 Karnivores grouped in Packs of 3 Knights each, alongside the infrastructure/logistics to support and rebuild their Knights.
(Gain: Three SAGs. These contain [Four Units] chosen from the above choices. Tanks require no Classification.)

[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points]
Ships are produced at these rates: Scouts at 1 FP, Destroyers at 2 FP, Frigates at 4 FP, Light Cruisers at 8 FP, and Heavy Cruisers at 18 FP.
You can refit for 10 FP: Two Libra-S to Two Libra-T, Three Crux to Three Crux-S, and Four Taurus into Four Taurus-S in one Turn.
(Gain: Chosen Fleet.)

[] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
Though the schools created to equip and train our missionaries for all possible environments and situations have quickly grown to smooth out all failures and bumps in their curriculum, some military think tanks have poked at the possibility of creating a home-grown version of the Imperial Sisters of Battle mentioned in both records and the descendants of a squad on Saget VII. This would include streamlining the usage of the Militaristic Faith Orders to use them in battles on the front line and training those dedicated to spreading and defending the Faith of the Star Child as parts of the military directly in the use of bullet and sword in heavy power armor.
(Gain: Unlock Templars, boosting your military.)

[ ] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes - [Available: Destroyer (1 FP), Frigate (2 FP), Light Cruiser (4 FP), Heavy Cruiser (8 FP)] - [8 FP]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we, the Kil'drabi, Yeeni, and the archives of our planets tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a proud Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Information: Ship Classes requiring more FP than you possess take more than one Action to produce.
Gain: Newly designed and built Ship Classes.)

[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] 32x Free Celestial Choirs
-[] Task Fleet Alpha (20/20 Ship Capacity)
(2x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 3x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony, 1x Libra-Tertium Light Carrier, 2x Libra-Secundus Light Carrier, 3x Crux-Class Missile Frigates, 2x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 5x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 2x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 2x Taurus-S Troopship (0/10 SAG Capacity))
-[] Task Fleet Beta (18/20)
(2x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 1x Libra-Tertium Light Carrier, 5x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 2x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 5x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 2x Crux-Secundus Class Heavy Frigate, 3x Taurus-S Troopship (0/15 SAG Capacity))
-[] Task Fleet Gamma (20/20)
(2x Andromeda, 1x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony, 1x Leo-Primus Heavy Cruiser, 2x Endeavour Light Cruiser, 2x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer, 2x Cobra Destroyers, 2x Falchion-class Frigate, 2x Words of the Writ-Class Frigate, 4x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 4x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/2 SAG Capacity))
-[] Independent Operations Task Force
(5x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carrier)
-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (7/10)
(1x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 2x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 3x Lantern Bearer-Class Commandeering Ship (0/3 Companies), 1x Resurgence-Class Torpedo Hunter, and 1x Bloody Dawn-Class Light Cruiser (0/2 Companies))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha
(4x Circinus-Class Scout Sloop, 1x Spirit of Discovery Scout-Class Light Cruiser)

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues, squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all Their Protectorates, and send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are sent to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: ~10 Systems from Claimed Systems. Scouting Efficiency: 75% Adjacent Systems, 40% Three+ Systems, 10% Five+ Systems.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come. As there are 10 Celestial Choirs free to pursue research, the High Council can ask them to pursue a target instead of what comes close. This will, naturally, be lost once they dip below 10 Choirs.
(Total: 30
Uncovered: Technology.
Secret: Slumber, Silence, Perception, and Grounding.
Star Child: Hope II, Compassion II, Humanity II, Mercy, Creativity III, Health II, Unity II, Innovation, Machinery, Logic II, Progress II, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun II, The Home II, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void II, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: Two Melodies newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Star Child: Protection I, Fire I, The Sun I, Humanity I, Creativity II, Song III, The Home I, Logic I, Unity I, Progress I, Compassion I, Hope I, Health I, and Void I.
Gain: A Song.
Sung: Dirge for the Innocent, Bound To The Stars, A Web Of Song.)

[] [Faith] Sermons To The Families
Though the Ashan Families are not fans of strangers walking into their homes and preaching about strange deities, they are fans of allowing honored guests to preach an interpretation of a sanctioned faith (even if it is a weird interpretation) in exchange for money. However, they will still check if said guests are preaching Chaos, just to be sure.
(Gain: The Ashan Families allow your priests to preach in their territories.)

[] [Faith] The Great Heresies
Though it is infuriating to many that splits and cracks have already started to appear within the structure of our faith, especially when the Prophet hasn't even been laid to rest in his last resting place, these splits were inevitable. There was no way to prevent those who strayed from established Doctrine, so we must expend effort to bring them back into the fold, even if some start to whisper about altering Doctrine itself to incorporate some parts of their beliefs into ours.
(Gain: Reconcile, Syncretise, Legalise, or Crack Down on a Heresy.)
-[] The Particularists
The Droman Creed emphasizes the different qualities and roles of each of the Five, encapsulating the Co-equal Oneness of the Five-One, One-Five, yet some believe this to be a Pantheon. For the Particularists, this is the furthest from the truth, as they believe the Five-One to not be co-equal within their shared Divinity, but One-As-Five, mixing everything into one being by denying the uniqueness of each Five to not deny the Oneness of them all.
-[] The Anti-Particularists
The opposite to the Particularists, they have twisted this section of the Creed to its utter limit: I believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emepror, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five. They believe one can pair the Five-One according to their "Co-Equal Hierarchy," represented by a square with four edges and the Star Child in the middle. In this, they claim that the Emperor and Omnissiah are on the Left and Right of the square, with the Community of Faith and Motive Force in the lower left and right, relating to each other in their respective roles and relations as they come together to create the Star Child.
-[] The Imperial Syncreticists
The Imperial Syncreticists are the leftovers of the Imperial Dogma from within Neon. Their believers and priests seek to reconcile the differences between the Droman Creed and that of the Imperial Dogma into one unto the Holy Child. To say that this has to be stamped out is to tell the obvious, as several portions directly threaten our Kin, and others seek to undo the protections granted to those mutated under the aegis of the Star Child with extended mercy by enforcing genetic isolation.
-[] The Adherents of the Divine Lines
Those who call themselves the Adherents of the Divine Lines hold to the idea that a Divine Lineage exists at all, claiming that, as the Space Marines and Primarchs are the children of the Emperor-and-Omnissiah as well as the Star Child, a clear line of Divine Heritage exists that allows those who partake in its shared blood to better understand and enact the will of the Five-One unto the face of the galaxy, and that the Glimmering Federation need only right what has so long been silenced.
-[] The Order of the Nurenor Roses
The Order of the Nurenor Roses is the epitome of those Cerberus hunts, for they are a Heretical Sect most foul. They believe the Star Child to be a woman instead of genderless. They seek a society split by task and by gender, with women as the spiritual rulers and men as the material leaders, the place of one designated by birth and skill, using the Thules as evidence for the success of such a practice despite all the evidence to the contrary, and more.
-[] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
This outgrowth of the Star-Mechanicum was recently discovered and has, as far as Cerberus knows, been founded by an unknown Magos after the Nuking of the Forge, when they found an artifact of unspecified power and nature. However, interrogations have since revealed that this artifact was a receptible of data and contained several teachings within its form that range, by their descriptions, from "perfectly acceptable" to "utterly heretically." The various sects of the Aetherical Cog are cellular by nature and differ in several ways, even amongst themselves, but all hold to the central belief that a Divided Consciousness is no longer tolerable. Instead, they seek the Convergence, the day when all minds are joined as one under the guidance of the Star Child to be but a cog for their designs of peaceful unity.

[] [Chapter] As The Codex Demands (6/7)
Once again, unto the fields of training.
(Gain: The Lamenters fill out entirely for the first time in millennia.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)

AN: Before you @ me, Lord Snizzle Snuzzle would have trash-talked any decision you would have made.
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Okay, I think we do two building actions and also finally do the fucking Hive Research. The Building actions will help us reload and Hold, and the Hive Agriculture action will put us in poll position since we've now entered the final stages of the war, or so it seems.
I'll wait for someone smarter than me to come up with all the good ideas/plans, but maybe getting Shipyard Automatization could help us passively expand our fleet?

It's only one action right now.

EDIT: Disregard, I just found out how completely overpowered our ship building is, I was still mentally stuck at the beginning of the quest.
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[] Plan: Fight Both This And The Next War
-[] Accept (-1 Action once 621 is Chaos Free)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] x2
-[] Anti-Ork Ecology Cleansing Methods, Hive Crops, and other Agricultural Wonders
Before you @ me, Lord Snizzle Snuzzle would have trash-talked any decision you would have made.

Of course, Just like I am contractually obligated to not respect Lord Sizzle at all
Current Casualties:
[28%] of all sent Ground Troops
[11%] of all Lamenters have fallen in defense of Refuge Sanctorum.
2x Scorpio-Class Light Cruisers, 1x Dauntless Mk.1 Light Cruiser, 1x Endeavour Light Cruiser, 2x Cobra Destroyers, 1x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer

We took the bite. Now we need to hold. The Admiralcy suggests that all losses are replaced and eyes set upon a slow expansion of the Fleets once the current war has passed and all obvious threats are eradicated.

News From The Mashan:
A General Neutrality Agreement has been offered until the Chaos Forces in Sub-Sector 621 are dealt with, with a Diplomatic Conference suggested once the war is at an end to decide who gets what and what the future of diplomatic contact will look like.
[] Accept (-1 Action once 621 is Chaos Free)
[] Deny (The ones who hold a system gain it. May damage relations with the Mashan.)

Diplomacy is a No brainer, -1 action AFTER the fight for teh chance to maybe not have to fight them is just good diplomacy.

Those replacements are... expensive, but our ship production is actually only a destroyer or so off from replacing all of it. we need to replace 4 cruisersso 32FP, and then 2 destroyers. If that the recommendation? Yah.

So thatlocks in a Fleet build action. I really want the templar action, But that can wait until AFTER the big war.
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Ok. So, stomp on a heresy and do a build order and maybe start preaching to the Ashan, the hive action, or shipyard auto.

Here's a plan;

[] Plan: Holding Fast and dealing with the back lines.
- [] [Faith] The Great Heresies
-- [] The Imperial Syncretists (Crack Down)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points]
- [] [General] Research
-- [] Shipyard Automatization
-- [] [Free] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies
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[] Plan: Last build up of the war
-[] Accept (-1 Action once 621 is Chaos Free)
-[] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points]
--[] 1st: 4x Scorpio (32 FP), 2x Aries-S (4 FP)--36 FP Total
-[] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 4x War-Packs]

Some big mechas to stomp Chaos on the ground and more ship to blow up Chaos in sapce. We can get the Hive tech next turn when we are actually in a position to use it the turn after.
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[] Plan: Fight Both This And The Next War
-[] Accept (-1 Action once 621 is Chaos Free)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] x2
--[] 1st: 4x Scorpio (32 FP), 2x Aries-S (4 FP)--36 FP Total
--[] 2nd: 2x Aries-S (4 FP), 4x Crux-S (16 FP), 1x Libra-T, 1x Scorpio 16 FP)--36 FP Total
-[] Anti-Ork Ecology Cleansing Methods, Hive Crops, and other Agricultural Wonders

There we fucking go. Five Scorpios, four Aries-S's, 4 Crux-S's, and a Libra-T.
The Vehicle tab seems to have been fully updated, including the New Armiger Patterns, Time to go see what survived to mass production and what was considered to much :p

Looking over the patterns I didn't expect the Starcoil to be paired with the Omega, But it does make perfect sense.
Part of me is sad that the seraphim is limited to a single pattern, I was almost hoping to see the reaction of the Chaos assholes when they had 2-3 patterns of Seraphim equipped knights, with a well rounded loudout Dive straight on top of them as if to say anything you can do I can do better. Part of me is sad their is no Dual Thermal-cyclone Seraphim armiger who just Gets into your face, completely bypassing the biggest weakness of its Dual super-melta's.

Oh well, All of the Patterns look pretty cool anyway's, And its not like we can't make more patterns later after initial adoption (and once we have more then 1 war pack)

... Oh! the morrigans teething issues with its Ion shield is fixed because we did the tech! that's nice
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I think we can get away with one fleet build action. Build 4x Scorpio and 2x Aries-S.

And use the other two actions for Heresy and the Hive tech plus another research thanks to the Heretek bonus. I'm leaning towards ore tech.

@HeroCooky we should be at .8 in banked research btw.
Are we at least killing their ships or are our own ships just exploding off of magically respawning SDFs @HeroCooky ?

Like, our losses are pretty clear and grinding, but you keep saying "Damage inflicted: Little to none" if that's described at all. We just lost Four Light Cruisers in one fell swoop, but no reports on actual losses inflicted in turn. Are the Scorpios just unexpectedly weak or are we just fighting an obnoxiously strong enemy?

We just did a major build on them too, but if anything that just cost us more of them, so what's gong on? Are they still somehow outproducing us despite cutting off their access to Cheap Portal Fodder?

The Recommendations here are even "We need more ships" rather than "We need better ones", so I think we're broadly meeting our expectations, it's just weird that we keep seeing how heavy our naval losses are (Even with Lattice Hulls, apparently it's not stopping us from being able to retrieve and recover damaged ships enough to get them out of the battlespace, so we're apparently losing these battles.)

Ultimately, I guess. "Are we doing something wrong or are we just industrially on the back foot here?"
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with 0.8 research banked we can take two research actions for the cost of one

Oh, that's a point. Hmm.

A part of me is almost tempted to pair the Hive Thing with 1/2 on the Research action bonus thing, for maximum long-termism, but obviously it could also be very valid to do something of military value in terms of quality, or the, "1 Destroyer a turn" thing.
Voting will open in 3 hours, 48 minutes