I get what you mean, But at the same time, Is it actually a cash out if we are using it to get both a Permanent X tier trait, AND research that will provide permanent benefits, while we are struggling so hard to find the actions to do this kind of long term payoff?I'm just generally extremely hostile to the idea of taking an immediate cash-out this early in the game. Maybe if we were already a galactic player and we needed a miracle.
But this is the time to refine our foundations to a fine sheen, Civilian Warp Shipping is just so absurdly good for us that not taking it feels like a waste.
I am split between society and the bounty tbh, But I don't think bounty is actually that much of a Cash out, Since those 25 actions can be put into doing stuff that net permanent dividends, Such as Picking up New bombers, Upgrading our infantry gear, Upgrading our karnivores and opening up more Armiger related tech, all of which are hard to find the spare actions to do, But can have massive payoffs in terms of our military power for the rest of the game, especially when we are being warned that we are about to be smacked by some for of large threat.