[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
[X][Food Production] Yggdrasil Initiative
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
[][Food Production] Yggdrasil Initiative Grove-given technologies and directives/food to be eaten by the trillions
(You will begin converting Gas Giants into Yggdrasil-Worlds, enabling the utilization of bio-alloys in industry and feeding your populations beyond counting.) [][Food Production] Mental Gardens
(Raise the baseline mental health of all Federation citizens.) [][Food Production] The Greater Good
(Eliminates low-level poverty across all Federation worlds.)
My thoughts on Food options:
1. This likely reduces the trait degradation from fusing with Shipwrights Grove. It also does part of 3's effects with food. I don't think that HeroCooky has realized just how much 'stuff' you can get from this (Jupiter has 120 times the surface area to Earth). If this was taken as what it says on the text it would put us at near post scarcity in resources. That is just how large the amount of stuff this should give us.... Probably not going to be implemented as reality/the text would suggest.
2. We know our current baseline is 'average current day Earth to high end current day'. I would like to know how much of an increase this gives with context.
3. This just seems silly. Why, with the resources of option 1, would we even be struggling with poverty? We are 5/5 Iconoclasts, we shouldn't have that large of a below poverty line group, our whole thing is that we have no core-rural split and that we build everything up. For the edge cases.... we have charity's. If this was considered a problem (and as Iconoclasts it probably should be) why wasn't this brought up to us the players.
[][Heavy Industry] Hungering Maws
"We have two Planetmaws, yes...but how about three?"
(You can produce smaller Planetmaws, called Hungermaws, to improve the production of ships, armies, and titans.) [][Heavy Industry] Blot The Void
"The problem with a lot of void combat isn't on hitting the enemy; it is bringing enough ships to make your alpha-strike artillery barrage obliterate the enemy fleet without slowing down."
(Doubles your current ship production and fleet limits.) [][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
Voxx Primus is a world once set upon by a blight, hollowed out and poisoned with every toxin imaginable. It is now home to vast, lush plains, towering arcologies, and a sky as blue as Terra's once was. It need not be the only world of such grandeur...
(Automatically convert all worlds into paradise worlds over time.)
My thoughts on Heavy Industry options:
4. Description does not make sense. Says we can get a third Planetmaw but then says that we can't and we only get smaller versions that don't help with Dev Actions. Hungermaws seem to be things you would send with fleets on long range missions to help with supplies and have scattered in home systems eating asteroids to get the mentioned boosts. Questions: Do we have to build them with actions or do they come with the trait pick? If the former then not really worth it as we would have to spend a decent amount of actions on getting the boost. Also ship production boost likely not as good as 5 due to being split with armies and titans.
5. Simple MOAR SHIP trait.
6. Sounds interesting. BUT. What will Paradise Worlds give us mechanically and narratively?
[][Medical Services] Liberated Consciousness
"I am not saying that your previous body was inadequate. I am saying that you giving me uppies now is pretty fucking great!"
-Local SDF Thule to her Yeeni Boyfriend, now taller than her.
(Biomechanical advances enable Federation species to alter their bodies as they see fit without making those alterations inheritable.) [][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
No mutations. No grief. No changes. Only an end to a curse long-lasting.
(Eliminates all mutations not brought by active Chaos/Psykana interference.) [][Medical Services] Endless Crowns No More
Life. One injection away.
(Improve Rejuvenat Access to 50%)
My thoughts on Medical options:
7. Not needed. While fluff text is nice and gene edited soldiers have promise. The former is a 'would be nice to have' and the latter are competing with combat cybernetic augments for use cases. Plus, we are likely to get this sort of stuff when we fuse with the Shipwrights Grove even if its a lesser version. Pass
8. THIS. We have gotten confirmation from HeroCooky that there would be an option at Medical 15 that would hard counter Tyranid infiltration. This is it.
9. ... Honestly from some mental math I think that this (and the Grand Design boosted action) are not giving us a fair amount.
Turn 570.M43 - The Decade Ends had: -[] Rejuvenat Mass-Production (3/5)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 15% to 30%.)
Meaning that a baseline increase is 15% or 3% per Action spent. If we didn't use the Grand Design that means that option 9 would be worth 20% or 6.6 reoccurring Actions. A large investment but still within a turn or two's budget. But we did use the Grand Design so Rejuvenat Mass-Production increased it to what I think HeroCooky said was 35%. Plainly speaking. This both seems like a miniscule boost for using Grand Design AND makes the math for taking option 9 even worse, back down to making this Trait worth 5 Actions/1 Turn's worth of effort.
[][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
(The Lamenters now recruit 5 Chapters per Turn.) [][Military Industry] Legions of the Machine-God
(You can now design and create 1 Titan Legion per Action.) [][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force
(Quadruples all Automatons in your military and increases their effectiveness.)
10. Someone else has already done the maths for this option. This is the 'we get a Great Crusade sized Legion for the Tyranids' option. In gameplay terms, this is as close to mass producing our best quality units as we are likely to get.
11. Again mass produce our heavy units. Of note however, this isn't the greatest action economy wise, we would have to design more Titans which takes more actions. Not sure how the action efficiency maths out though.
12. Benefits are less biomass for Tyranids to eat, ridiculous initial expansion of low tier firepower. Might effect the fighters, might not. Not sure if this scales though since its tied to our total military so it could be outpaced by option 10's constant growth if we don't put serious effort into increasing the military to our sustainability limits.
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good [X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds [X][Medical Services] Endless Crowns No More [X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
So, coming out of this (none of the votes are very close so far), we're getting-
1)A welfare State that effectively eliminates indigent poverty.
2)Slow terraforming that will, in time, turn every planet we control into a world with a healthy ecology that's welcoming for humans even with the presence of arcologies.
3)The complete elimination of mutations not actively caused by Chaos (...OK, seriously, how big an issue is that actually?).
4)A military that's backed by a massive number of highly efficient combat drones.
...Yep, definitely going for the "best place in the galaxy to live in" award.
By the way, Cookie - if we upgrade our anti-Chaos trait, does that effect the neighbors we've shared a weaker version of this trait with, or does their version remain the same?
I mean, the next level is "Functional immunity to not-active Chaos Sorcery effects and a degree of inherent resistance even to that."
And we're functionally operating one step higher due to No Evil.
I do wonder what's going on with the milestone this time though, since Cooky seems to have been implying this one works differently than the previous two. I wonder if this will be the long rumored "Pick two" choice? We could get some of those other useful milestone perks and upgrade our resistance trait. Or even upgrade resistance twice, though I'm not sure how valuable that'll be unless we can hit the point where we can do large scale magic without inviting Chaos to mess things up.
I mean, the next level is "Functional immunity to not-active Chaos Sorcery effects and a degree of inherent resistance even to that."
And we're functionally operating one step higher due to No Evil.
I do wonder what's going on with the milestone this time though, since Cooky seems to have been implying this one works differently than the previous two. I wonder if this will be the long rumored "Pick two" choice? We could get some of those other useful milestone perks and upgrade our resistance trait. Or even upgrade resistance twice, though I'm not sure how valuable that'll be unless we can hit the point where we can do large scale magic without inviting Chaos to mess things up.
Honestly, I'm happy with our current level of Chaos resistance? As far as I can tell, in the wars with Chaos we've had in recent centuries, their ability to subvert us wasn't high enough to be a major factor.
Rather, in our current state, what decides wars seems to be "can you counter the other side's superweapon/super-sorcery", and numbers.
(Admittedly, with the turn toward drone warfare our military is about to take, I wouldn't mind enhancing our resistance to scrapcode and other similar forms of computer subversion.)
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force
[X][Food Production] The Greater Good
[X][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[X][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[X][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force
Faithful service to one's ideals is the greatest reward one can attain,
for what could be a better reward than the creation of the future one seeks to bring forth?
CHOOSE ONE: (6-HOUR MORATORIUM) [] My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Star
All your people are passively immune to Medium Chaos Corruption (Active Minor Chaos Sorcery, Odyssean Warp Travel, Daemon-Inflicted Wounds). This can be upgraded.
(Warning: Trait only applies to believers of the Star Child in full, but confers minor portions to others in proximity.)
The next ship(SINGULAR) you design has access to Faith Weapons and Equipment without requiring a Faith Turn. It will also gain a unique unknown Trait.
[] A Society Bold And Brave - (Write-In)
Choose any 1 [One] previously offered but untaken Trait.
[] My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Lord
minor active chaos sorcery
bruh we need this if we can upgrade this to the point of regular active sorcery we just win against chaos unless they focus us
also it means we can straight up fight deamons now and not worry about the corruption
if i understand it right odyssean warp travel is either travel in a weak warp storm or with a failing gellar field
this would 100% make us even more attractive to join and the narrative effects would be great
(Gain Trait: To The Altar - You can sacrifice Actions, Units, Places, and Populations for Rewards; the greater the sacrifice, the greater the Reward. Sacrificing the willing yields more significant results.)
Meet Alex Free-Leaf, 28, Mechanic for a local car shop. She secretly likes trashy romance novels of forbidden or doomed romances between Thule Pilots and Yeeni Maintenance members, experimenting with cooking, having her hair played with, and the touch of Yeeni fur. Dislikes that she can't get a Yeeni boyfriend, chocolate, and being accused of cheating at cards (she does).
She is also a minor anti-Chaos memetic beacon due to praying to the Star Child half-heartedly.
The above will be reality if you take the Faith Trait Upgrade.
[] My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Lord
All your people are passively immune to Medium Chaos Corruption (Active Minor Chaos Sorcery, Odyssean Warp Travel, Daemon-Inflicted Wounds). This can be upgraded.
(Warning: Trait only applies to believers of the Star Child in full, but confers minor portions to others in proximity.)
[] My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Lord
All your people are passively immune to Medium Chaos Corruption (Active Minor Chaos Sorcery, Odyssean Warp Travel, Daemon-Inflicted Wounds). This can be upgraded.
(Warning: Trait only applies to believers of the Star Child in full, but confers minor portions to others in proximity.)
What would this go up to when boosted by See/Speak/Hear/Do No Evil? (Would it be boosted?) We always have that Song active, so we effectively already have this.
The next ship(SINGULAR) you design has access to Faith Weapons and Equipment without requiring a Faith Turn. It will also gain a unique unknown Trait.
[][Kil'drabi] Great Migrant Shipyards
(Create an automatic SBG ticker (0.2 Progress per Turn) that can be spent to repair or build SBGs and Task Forces.)
[][Kil'drabi] The Nomadic Fleet
(The Kil'drabi will begin with ship construction anew, at 0.2 Progress per Turn. Earns you a Nomadic Fleet (1x Battlecolony, 2x Heavy Cruisers, 4x Light Cruisers, 14x Frigates) every full Action. Creates a Sub-Turn to create Kil'drabi Heavy/Light Cruisers (Complete with unique Doctrine bonus/malus).)
[][Kil'drabi] Experts Of Automation
(Gain 0.1 Research Progress per Research Action.)
[][Yeeni] Little Siblings Of The Federation
(You can designate an Action with a [Yeeni] tag to gain insights into both daily life within the Federation and direct the eyes of the QM to see what you want to read about.)
[][Yeeni] History Of Extermination
(Unlock [Military] Planetary Void Shields at 1 Action per Planet. Makes planets impervious to Orbital Bombardment. Assign 10 Planets with a PVS if chosen.)
[][Yeeni] Bone Seekers
(Enhances Scouting Efficiency by 30 Percentage Points and sets 20% as the absolute lowest Scouting Efficiency possible. May find metal skeletons in inconvenient closets.)
These are our other possible kin traits -- we took Nomadic Fleet and Bone Seekers. For the sake of it, I assume that immunity to Orbital Bombardment doesn't in fact block Mycetic Spores?
I can't find the choices for the Mothrame Kin and the Irrita kin, not sure what other traits we had on offer for those (and for other things at that matter). Maybe the Ancient Site gacha? I doubt it though.
That being said, I did find this quote -- is this going to be relevant or nah?
Edit: Also, did we gain an upgrade to the trait of Waking Titan? Sorry, seems dumb to ask, but it's not in the update so...
Edit2: This is a stupendously stupid question, but could we, I don't know, if we took the Heretical Trait, could we sacrifice dead planets we feed the Planetmaws to the Star Child in exchange for not having the lowered Development Cost?