What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters

more action sink having to update all our designs.

Again...sure it would be worse with the extra DB, but at least we could cram more stuff into our ships, allowing us to get allow more weapons, equipment, and other stuff onto our warships along with going ridiculously fast, shielded, and armored for each ship type. Would have allowed us to double down on our quality member.

while the cognition is fine, would have prefered to kick nurgle off our backs so we dont end up having to deal with the aftermath of fighting the rotten lord which is always messy as heck, including potentially losing large parts of our army from the leftover attrition damage they are going to unleash.
I just don't get why people thought that the Tier 3 Superweapons would work with our 'quality everything'. HeroCooky said that they cost around 12 DP each, that means that any ship class that has them is going to be worse in all aspects to what we could make without it except for when they are utilized. And that may not be that often as HeroCooky provided an example of an engine component doubling a ship's speed once per battle. Sure that's great when it's needed, but just being better at everything all the time is just... ... better.

Edit: Although it must be said that we will be upgrading all of our designs regardless after the mass research turn.
Edit: Although it must be said that we will be upgrading all of our designs regardless after the mass research turn.

True. And since the superweapon presence inherently warps the paradigm of fleet operation to maximise their effectiveness while minimising the side effects, it would make sense to remake everything from scratch. Break away with legacy patterns and design a completely new roster, fully utilizing the fruits of our progress without being limited by demands of old system.
285.M43 - Protect Your Soul


Gained Trait - Waking Titan - Increases the Action Cost of Development by 1, but automatically improves all Dev-Levels to at least X if they sink below.

Choose One Of The Following:
(1-Day Moratorium, 1-Day Voting Period)
[] A Wealth of Labor
(Gain: 50 Actions
Notice: Only 1 [One] Song or Symphony applies to these Actions.)

[] The Harvests of Faith
(Gain: Three Faith Turns.)

[] A Beacon Unto The Future
(Gain: Upgrade [A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Hand to Guide the Sword, A Mouth to Sing the Hymns, Two Feet to March against the Dark, and Eyes to See the Star Child's Light] to [My Soul Has Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Star...])

[] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 5]
[] Deep Space Beacons
With the advent of cheaper plasma reactors produced within the Candle Keeper's Manufactoriums, a plan has been brought up once again that many sophisticated worlds have entertained in one form or another: Deep Space Beacons. Due to the fact that civilian Warp Ships do not possess any Navigators, they rely on dipping in and out of the Warp for short bursts to travel between systems. This system of travel, also utilized by the Task Force(s) of the Star Child, is slow and unreliable. However, by assembling burning beacons within deep space, we can string lights between our systems and even utilize unstable Warp Routes we previously would have required Navigators to traverse.
(You can now construct Deep Space Beacons between your systems (2 Actions Total). Additionally, Unstable Warp Routes can be stabilized with DSBs (2 Actions Total). Can be Upgraded/Chosen again.)

[] Hardened Seedbanks
There exists the ever-present threat of a planet being cut off from the Federation by internal turmoil, external forces, natural disasters, or other similar cataclysms. A danger that has slowly wormed itself into the minds of many defensive engineers and planetary commanders tasked with ensuring a planet can meet an enemy and hold until relief forces arrive. To remedy at least a portion of that danger, large bunkers have been dug into the ground, not to keep people safe but to hold seeds, plants, and agricultural equipment to rapidly grow enough food to feed a population after such a disaster should the current agricultural fields or facilities be destroyed by accident or intent.
(Planets can recover from orbital bombardment, sieges, and catastrophes without inflicting penalties on Food Production or requiring Actions to aid.)

[] Merchant Marine
With the increasing amounts of heavy industry available, a slow-rolling initiative to create a Merchant Marine for military matters has been green-lit, allowing a slow roll-out of troops from within the Federation to the outside, if at the mercy of fleet deployments to protect these lightly armored ships.
(20% of your Total Controlled Systems is converted to Transport Capacity independent of your Fleets.)

[] *Mad Binary Screeching*
*Madder Binary Screeching*
(Auto-Complete 1 [One] Random Research Project at 0.1 Progress Per Turn.)

[] *Madder Binary Screeching*
*Even Madder Binary Screeching*
(Auto-Completes 1 [One] random Research Project at 0.5 Progress per Turn.)

[] March of the Machines
With a step, we deliver vengeance. With a knee, we shield our allies. With a roar, we defeat those daring to go against us. We are the wrath of the Machine Incarnate, for we are blessed to walk these worlds upon our legs forged by those whose hands adorn our amor. We are the doom of our foes reborn, for there are none that can deny our advance upon the hills and the cities, the forests and the swamps, the rivers and the mountains. We are the march of a thousand mechanical feet hitting the earth in unison and the last thing they shall ever see. That we swear.
(Improves the effectiveness of your War Walkers.)

[] Drumbeat of the King
Though they are not always available within void stations, bunker systems dug deeply underground, Cenote Worlds, and in some other situations, the last argument of the King held sway when it was first made, and it does so now. With thunderous proclamations, grid coordinates are deleted, with rumbling speed, entire houses and bunkers are smashed apart, and with the glint of binoculars, formations are shattered. Artillery remains the King of the Battlefield, and we shall see that we will spend bullets before we spend lives.
(Improves the effectiveness of your Artillery.)

[] Hands of the Queen
"Ours is not to ask why, but to do and die." The slogan of any boot on the ground, be they the recently conscripted knowing not where the end and start of a gun are, or the elite veteran clad in power armor and armed with hotshot lasgun, a dozen campaigns upon their backs and within their minds. The humble infantry are the first in the door, the last to leave, the first to die, and the last to live. They are the linchpin of any plan and the weakest link in the chain. And yet they hold, yet they fight, yet they march upon the orders of their superiors to doom and glory, guts and gods snapping at their heels. Over trench and forest, through houses and swamps, within caverns and void stations, through the worst and the best, the humble infantry shall do and die.
(Improves the effectiveness of your Infantry Units.)

[] Rumble of the Brothers
Have you heard the good word yet, sibling? There is no need to fear the foe, no need to shy away from its malevolent glint and deadly weaponry, for you are blessed! Clad in several tons of armor, wielding weaponry that none can match upon any battlefield safe the God-Machines Themselves, you shall fear no mortal or immortal, no angel and no daemon, for you are clad in a hundred tons of adamantium and come bearing the mercy of the Star Child upon their foes!
(Improves the effectiveness of your Tank Units.)

[] Thunder of the Sisters
"Well, looks like shit hit the fan again, and the ground-pounders are asking us to bail their sorry asses out once again. Well, no sense in making them wait, is there? Let's fly and go at 'em, sisters! Maybe we can bag a round of drinks as thanks afterward...or a boyfriend for the crew; who'd be up for that?" Thule-2346 seconds before getting another reprimand for her lack of discipline.
(Improves the effectiveness of your planet-focused airstrikes and CAS.)

[] Mandatory Medical Education
A healthy society is a productive society. A productive society can advance. A society that advances needs does not fear the echoes of the past. Twice over, the medical services of the Glimmering Federation collapsed due to the burdens placed upon it, and twice over, the people relied on nothing more than their skills, as any additional medical attention was spotty at best. Fearful of what a third collapse could bring, the Glimmering Council has handed down a requirement to each member planet to teach every citizen the basics of medical treatment and first aid regularly, hoping that, even if it could never be used, a population capable of always treating the most common injuries and illnesses does not fall victim to the same when in need.
(Reduces Medical Service reductions when integrating multi-Sub-Sector Stellar Polities.)

[] The Wonders Of Economy Of Scale II
"Look, the deal is simple. You buy a certain amount, I add a bit ontop, and we both make more money when the Fleet starts knocking on our doors on the Regular."
(Gain: Automated Production of Destroyers and Frigates at a 5:1 Ratio. 20% of total Action-given capacity. Must be directed. This Trait can be evolved via Research.)

[] Geo-Engineered Constructions
Bigger is often better. And there are few things bigger than these.
(Enables you to create Planetary Mega-Projects that give unique bonuses once completed.)

[] Behemoth-Treads
(You can now produce vehicles of the Behemoth-Class.)

[] New Armament Directive
(You can now begin production and development of War-Walkers from personal size to one step below those of Titan-Class.)

[] Plump And Happy And Healthy
With more food comes cheaper food. Cheaper food allows people to buy more, eat more, and make better nutritional choices.
(Glimmerlings have their malnutrition reduced to near nothing for as long as steady food supplies and supply lines exist on and to their planets.)

[] Dead Dawn Protocol
01010011 01101100 01110101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00101100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 01100100 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00101110 00100000 01010011 01101100 01110101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101001 01101100 01100101 01101110 01110100 01101100 01111001 00101110 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01010010 01110101 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100101 01110000 00101110 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101100 01100100 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100001 01110010 01110010 01100101 01101110 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110111 01100101 01100001 01110010 00101110
(Worlds automatically re-terraform after being subjected to non-planet-destroying Exterminatus-grade weaponry.)

[][Void Industry] Multi-Deck/Turret Arrangements
Space is at a premium within the cold vastness of the void, for every step you can walk is another that needs to be heated, cooled, watched, repaired, defended, and accounted for in a thousand minor things that can spell the doom of a vessel if neglected. By grouping weapons into multi-deck or multi-turret assemblies, the space required for weapons can be significantly reduced at a negligible cost to crew comforts.
(Gain: Multi-Deck/Turrets, which significantly reduce space required to mount multiple weapons of the same, or different, types in one ship.)

[][Void Industry] Military-Industrial Design Competition
There is greatness that no amount of fancy weapon or equipment can bring out. There is artistry in simplicity and genius in simple lines. The Glimmering Federation has harnessed the power of generations and the insights gained into all things void-related to its utmost in its pursuit of excellence, fostering an endless competition in its design bureaus that ruthlessly pushed at the edge of what is possible, leading to ships of eminence.
(Gain: +1 Maximum Level to all Design Brackets (e.g., Armor/Shields) for your Ships. All DB are treated as one step cheaper for all ships.)

[][Medical Services] Multi-Spectral Development Efforts
"'In all things: Do No Harm.' Heh. What a joke. Our job is to harm. Harm on an apocalyptical scale, butchering trillions so that singulars may live. It is our duty to create weapons and delivery methods to wipe out entire strains of life, erase them from existence, and ensure they can never return to harm us."
"Dramatic for someone working on anti-parasite medicines."
"My life's work is an anti-poop parasite drug; let me have this."
(Gain: Effective Multi-Spectrum Medicines against Bacterial, Viral, Parasitical, Spore, etc. Infections, Diseases, and Attacks.)

[][Medical Services] Omnipresent Augmentations
"I have one life. Who are you to deny me the body I choose?"
(Gain: Biological and Mechanical Augmentations become omnipresent for all Federation Citizens, boosting the industriousness, happiness, and capabilities of everyday people, alongside increasing the resilience of your armies.)
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As far as I remember, the Tier 3 equipment was meant for Grand Cruiser+ as it would be ruinously expensive on anything smaller than that.

And If I also remember correctly, Alectai was talking about Battleships with the right specialist equipment and the insane amount of weaponry they possess being able to wipe out most fleets single-handedly.

Just read a few pages back and you'll see what I'm talking about.

EDIT: The brawl that's about to go down in this thread will be legendary.
Current Available DP: 150 (Base: 120)
Special Rule: 1 DP Weaponry applies only 90% of their [Weapon Cramming] build-up. 1 DP Weaponry has a 90% Cost Reduction applied.

[] [Battleship] Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 20.000/22.000/24.000/26.000/28.000 Meters
-[] Width - 2.000/3.000/4.000/5.000/6.000 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1 Gravity
-[] Armor - Ultra-Light Starclad-Pattern/Light Starclad-Pattern/Medium Starclad-Pattern/Heavy Starclad-Pattern/Ultra-Heavy Starclad-Pattern/Deus Pattern Armor
-[] Shields - One Refutation-Pattern Void Shield/Two Refutation-Pattern Void Shields/Three Refutation-Pattern Void Shields/Four Refutation-Pattern Void Shield/Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)

Symphonia Arcanum Enginarium - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Enginarium can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Armis - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Armis can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Signum - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Signum can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Arma - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Arma can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Fuck, that's is very broken
[] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 5]

If I weren't determined to fire Bounty of Labour and do horrible horrible things to our science backlog, those things would be so, so tempting...

Edit: Also

Fuck, that's is very broken

Indeed. "Holy shit" is very appropriate IMO. Though Battleships more, my eyes went plate-sized at those 150 DPs
I think our naval consortium will be satisfied.
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[] Plump And Happy And Healthy
With more food comes cheaper food. Cheaper food allows people to buy more, eat more, and make better nutritional choices.
(Glimmerlings have their malnutrition reduced to near nothing for as long as steady food supplies and supply lines exist on and to their planets.)
This one's a duplicate.
[] A Beacon Unto The Future

i love getting either generic actions
or 5 faith turns in a row

but honestly i want the narrative anti-chaos trait,we are gonna reach all XV relative soonish anyways
we can always do math-fu and finds ways to semi-exploit things (as in one rushed dev every 10 or so normal turns)

but narrative traits are invaluable here

reduce that 1/100k chaos cultists rate to 1 in a million
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but honestly i want the narrative anti-chaos trait,we are gonna reach all XV relative soonish anyways
No we are not. Let's not lie to ourselves. Like straight up we are not getting that unless we dedicate time to it and no one here wants that because Dev is "boring". It will take 40 actions to get there. 25 if we use Mechandrite constantly. Like okay to put this into perspective using Bounty of Labour and General Mechandrite it would cost us 25 actions of the 40 here. We are not reaching XV before quest end which is in January.
Gain more actions than we could ever use, nerf our big psychic tool almost out of the game.

Get three sets of customizing religion traits.

Big combined Star Child spell.

A list within a list balanced by opportunity cost.

Those are some very loud and shiny keys.