Because Alectai's apparently busy I'm going to take a look at the new void unlocks.
It's been posted before, but lol.
[] [Battleship] Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length - 20.000/22.000/24.000/26.000/28.000 Meters
-[] Width - 2.000/3.000/4.000/5.000/6.000 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1 Gravity
-[] Armor - Ultra-Light Starclad-Pattern/Light Starclad-Pattern/Medium Starclad-Pattern/Heavy Starclad-Pattern/Ultra-Heavy Starclad-Pattern/Deus Pattern Armor
-[] Shields - One Refutation-Pattern Void Shield/Two Refutation-Pattern Void Shields/Three Refutation-Pattern Void Shields/Four Refutation-Pattern Void Shield/Five Refutation-Pattern Void Shields
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
28 km by 6 km brick that can move at 1 G with Deus armor and 5 refutation-pattern void shields... and you've still got 123 DP left over. What a ship.
Well, let's see what we spend all that DP on:
Arcane Lenses - Engraved and shaped in rituals that even the Star-Mechanicum can barely perform, these lenses are the best that can be produced.
Cool cool. Stack the range on the lances to absurd degrees.
Power-Spurs - A titanic ram coated in plasmatic-wrath, it is sure to break the spines of even voidstations.
Haha RAMMING BATTLESHIP. I mean, this might be better on a ramming Grand Cruiser that's meant to break the spine of battleships. I'm not entirely sure. Still, I do like the idea of making a super-cancer ramming ship.
Splitter-Missiles - This ships missiles now contain missiles. Why? Because missiles, that's why!
I don't know if a battleship is a missleboat, but I appreciate the spirit. Though it would be funny to put a ton of kopesh pods on the outside and throw a cruiser's mass in missles at somebody in one salvo.
Temperature Controls - A sizeable enclave of Irrita have taken colonized this ship, turning their natural resistance to extremely high and low temperatures to an advantage in maintenance, but mainly in improving the heat-exchangers in your weaponry and aiding anti-boarding operations.
@HeroCooky This is supposed to be Kil'drabi, right? Otherwise seems... fine?
Living Warp-Machines - A sizeable enclave of Irrita have taken root on this ship, turning the Warp-Engine and Gellar-Fields from beasts of metal and arcane sciences into living organisms of awesome might and contempt for the forces of the Warp.
Ok this is cool. I love the idea of a ship that's extra-warp-resistant.
Paw and Claw - A sizeable enclave of Yeeni have settled on this ship, vastly improving damage repair and maintenance capabilities (alongside Thule morale).
Nice nice. Important for a carrier ship.
Lifeship Hangars - Even though they are a favorite target for many an Imperial or Xenos out there, lifeships will ensure that the entire crew has enough space to form a small armada on its own, strong enough to dissuade small packs of destroyers from attacking immediately.
... eh? If you're planning for your battleship to get blown up you should put that effort into making it tougher.
Luxurious Crew Quarters - More spaces dedicated to luxuries, more happy people. More happy people, more crew, in time and right now. More crew, less worry when they start to die.
Also pretty eh on this.
Arboretums - An entire hydro- and bio-sphere is contained within this mighty vessel, capable of feeding its crew without resupply for, potentially, decades if fully shut out from any intake of base materials such as base minerals and water.
Ok, this is fun. We could make generation-ships!
Military Bastions - Carrying an entire System Army Goup within its bowels, this mighty ship is unlikely to fall to anything that won't already destroy it from without.
Oh I like this one. Boarding: No.
Gravimetric Violation-Modulators - Gravity has long been conquered. Now it responds to the tugs of its leash as we see fit. Improves the maneuverability of your ships.
Oooh. Synergy with the ramming! Maybe it'll get upgraded by the necron tech.
Voidshield-Surge Capacitors - There is an art to over-tuning Void Shields without destroying them, or needing to conduct extensive repairs. The Engineseers assigned here have mastered it.
Shields good - I could see cramming this into a light-cruiser shield-tank.
I'm confused about the difference between these things: Enginarium is engines, Armis is guns, signum is... sensors? and arma is... guns again? I'm confused.
Symphonia Arcanum Enginarium - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Enginarium can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Armis - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Armis can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Signum - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Signum can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Symphonia Arcanum Arma - Utilizing the might of a Choir specialized and in-tune with the Machine-Spirit of this mighty vessel, the Symphonia Arcanum Arma can double the output of their assigned speciality for a short, in terms of void battles, amount of time. (Requires a Choir to operate.)
Now for guns! First the biggest ones:
Ultra Heavy Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons - These Ultra Heavy Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons use plasma-based propulsion to deliver their massive munitions faster, over longer distances, and more accurately, at dizzying speeds.
20x250m Torpedos - These titanic missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy nearly every ship with a well-placed shot within moments after impact. This variant comes with three salvoes stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
Heavy Tetratek ARc Cannonade - The Heavy Tetratek Advanced-Reach (Grade c) Cannonade is a spinal weapon that has a range measuring in AUs, a temper of the moodiest Machine Spirit, and the ability to "jump" its destructive power within an entire fleet, devastating them with the fury of lightning and the Motive Force directed against the foes of the Machine God. It also, unfortunately, has a reload-time measured in hours.
Wow. I
really like the Heavy Tetratek. That's awesome. One-shot a
fleet. That would be a good thing to put on... every single battleship.
Now the battleship only weapons.
Notice! Due to their size, these weapons cannot be mounted on anything smaller than Battleships.
Super Heavy Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons - These Heavy Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons use plasma-based propulsion to deliver their massive munitions faster, over longer distances, and more accurately, at dizzying speeds.
Ultra Heavy Rotary Macro-Cannon - With several tricks of space-saving measures, logistical contortions, and the sacrifice of easy maintenance, a Ultra Heavy Rotary Macro-Cannon delivers twice the pain of a Ultra Heavy Macro-Cannon at only a bit more expenditure.
Ultra Heavy Prow Lance - Lances fire coherent beams of energy siphoned directly from the ship's reactor and are only limited in their cooling systems for firing duration and hurt delivered. Prow Lances takes that concept to a concerning level, sacrificing the ability to aim in exchange for more power pumped through their titanic catalysts.
Ultra Heavy Rad-Lance - A weapon utilizing radioactive processes to propell a titanic spinal-beam of power against the enemy, bypassing shields altogether. However, it is weak against armor and is mostly adept at temporarily scrambling the systems of an enemy shield by inducing massive interference.
14x200m Torpedos - These monumental missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy nearly every ship with a well-placed volley within moments after impact. This variant comes with eight salvoes stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
Ultra Heavy Hangars - [Mixed/Fighter/Interceptor/Bomber/Rad-Bomber/Boarding] - Capable of holding either 7 squadrons (84) of fighters and 3 squadrons (36) of bombers, 15 squadrons (180) of fighters, 6 squadrons (72) of interceptors, 6 squadrons (72) of bombers and 3 squadron of figthers (36), 4 squadron (48) of Rad-Bombers and 6 squadrons (72) of fighters, or 15 squadrons (180) of boarding craft, these hangars allow a variety of missions to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery. [DOCTRINE DISCOUNT - 1 DP Reduced]
Ultra Heavy Contagion Bomb - A terror-inducing Federation-native version of the most commonly used "contagions" (read: all manner of biological weapons ranging from plants to mushrooms) by Irritan warships, these are not fast-acting, but they will continuously degrade enemy fleets once deployed.
Ultra Heavy Kopesh-Pattern Missile Pods - The ancient Kopesh-Pattern takes advantage of the disposable nature of Missile Pods by utilizing several fire-pattern optimizations and safety features to deliver the equivalent of four Ultra-Heavy Missile Turrets/Batteries in one massive go while bridging its obvious weaknesses of running dry and being useless after being fired by ensuring that the pods can be quickly ejected, recovered, re-bolted, and re-armed after a battle, sparing trips to munition depots or yards to bolt the pods on again.
All looks good - 160 fighters for 8 DP compared to 72 fighters for 4 DP. Callout to the super-heavy rotary plasma-macro cannons and the ultra-heavy missile pods. I like the description of the ultra-heavy missiles.
Ultra Heavy Missiles - Massive, ponderous, destructive to a comical degree, and very versatile, these missiles are basically torpedos in all-but-name. Yet they can be shot down or evaded and are best used in medium-quarter brawls to minimize that risk. Thanks to their vicious Machine Spirits, most fired at the enemy will hit if not distracted or destroyed beforehand.
But of course, we can't forget the bonus that Battleships can mount 1 DP weapons easily. Important question for
@HeroCooky, with the Crusader Doctrine halving certain weapon types, does that bonus extend to 2 DP weapons? Light macros to medium macros. Hmm.
Anyway, I'm probably not going to design one of these anytime soon, but I look forward to seeing what people get up to with it.