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[X][Medical Services] Biochemical Omni-Applicable Neural Enhancement
Oh shit? They're partially Dogmatic? Huh, that's interesting, didn't know that.They are partially dogmatic and there can be changes to...ethos or so it was said at some point
Edit: Also I do wonder if we will step away from Theocracy because...well it's doubtful. Maybe it will shift from that to something potentially more militant but I don't think that aspect is changing too much...from Theocracy to actual crusader state is not out of the question
Oh you're using little blobs now for the four warp tumors instead of the symbols now, neat little change. And the blue line being the barrier between the Machines and the four with the other blue lines being the ones that feed the barrier to keep them safe.![]()
Five-Fold is our number.
Five-Told are our weapons.
Five-Strong is our might.
Five-Gone will be your lures.
Temptation Touches Us Not.
Knowledge Tempts Us Not.
Rage Calls Us Not.
Despair Knows Us Not.
Five Be Thy Number, Child And Progenitor.
Five Be Our Defiance.
LOL is a group of three playing cards in the back, along with two being lovely dovely, and two on the left making a deal for something? very accurate to classes and how students are.![]()
For Some; The Best Of Times,
For Others; The Worst Of Times,
For All; The Foundation By Which They Live
For None; The End, So We Swear.
Different songs but good enough, now if we can just get Shield against the Influence of the Four and another automata based song we should be good.Dutiful Spirits - This Song imbues a minor passive resistance in all your Machine-Spirits against Chaos, scaling with the number of Choirs assigned to it. Machines without Machine-Spirits obtain half the effect.
Class Is In Session - Each Choir assigned to this Song grants an extra 2.5% Progress to [Psykana] Actions, up to 50%.
Oh so we Dutiful Spirits is indeed fully leveled but we can upgrade Class Is In Session with Wisdom and Innovation up two levels.Dutiful Spirits - Protection III, Technology III, Void III, Song III, Unity III
Class Is In Session - Song III, Progress III, Wisdom I, Creativity III, Innovation I
Hey, I agree with them, that is progress! and its going to be a long time in making to fully understand it.Additionally, Re: Planetmaw;
You have been studying it since you created it, and figured out how one specific screw used in one type of panel three times across the entire Planetmaw works. The Star-Mechanicum sees this as a major win.
Yupppp, three milestone rewards. prepare for the worst.Oh shit I just realized that today is gonna be a bloodbath vote. Fuck why did we do this to ourselves
yah good name for it considering.... oh, its only Void and Medical Milestones? I guess the All X development will be its own then. Whew we avoid the bloodbath by a inch and a day. Lets see what these rewards are.
Oh yah, that is a big thing and upgrade just looking at normal ships and if you have EVER been a part of a Kancolle Quest that lasted a bit you can SEE the people on the thread pulling up documents, schematics, and translated text about the ships, the layout, and placement of everything on a ship and part of another quest when Ironclads were rolling out and how the technology at the time stops you from jumping to turreted guns. So I see why its such upgrade and would allow us to cramp MORE weapons onto our ships then before as I recall we could only stuff so many weapon on a ship before it suffered a debuff due to weapon cramming. Now we can double up or mix in other weapons and save on space!.... just not on DP sadly. Its worth considering.[][Void Industry] Multi-Deck/Turret Arrangements
Space is at a premium within the cold vastness of the void, for every step you can walk is another that needs to be heated, cooled, watched, repaired, defended, and accounted for in a thousand minor things that can spell the doom of a vessel if neglected. By grouping weapons into multi-deck or multi-turret assemblies, the space required for weapons can be significantly reduced at a negligible cost to crew comforts.
(Gain: Multi-Deck/Turrets, which significantly reduce space required to mount multiple weapons of the same, or different, types in one ship.)
Ohhhhhhh that's good. Doubles down on our Quality focus and gives us more bang for our buck since our FTL travel limits how many ships that we can take in a fleet. Some of the names here would seem good to grab and focuses on boosting the quality of our ships to be cutting edge. My main worry is the DP cost they need or if it increases the number of actions needed to make a updated Fleet with them included.[][Void Industry] Grand Equipment Specializations
In the long time that the Star Navy has operated in the void, they have consistently placed quality over quantity, with even the foundational FTL method used by the Federation incentivizing such a mindset. In that pursuit, more and more specialist equipment and modules were commissioned, created, perfected, and further pursued to eke out even a minor advantage over the past equipment. Let none say the Star Navy does not stand at the bleeding edge of science!
(Gain: Specialist Equipment, such as Power-Spurs, Splitter-Missiles, Voidshield-Surge Capacitors, Symphonia Arcanums of various effects, etc.)
Ohhhhhhh, okay, so larger health pool and larger temporary/regenerating Health pool with the Armor and Shields so having it add another level to all design brackets would give us options to upscale some smaller ships and let them be tankier then normal, it is a basic and defensive upgrade but it could be worth it depending on how it goes. I do like the reason being Competition in ship building.[][Void Industry] Military-Industrial Design Competition
There is greatness that no amount of fancy weapon or equipment can bring out. There is artistry in simplicity and genius in simple lines. The Glimmering Federation has harnessed the power of generations and the insights gained into all things void-related to its utmost in its pursuit of excellence, fostering an endless competition in its design bureaus that ruthlessly pushed at the edge of what is possible, leading to ships of eminence.
(Gain: +1 Maximum Level to all Design Brackets (e.g., Armor/Shields) for your Ships. All DB are treated as one step cheaper for all ships.)
Hahaha, the good ol' 'making my job sound way cooler then it actually is' or in this case being edgy/chunni about it, anti-poop parasite drug' poor guy. this would help a lot with a lot and be a good step to preparing for the warp tumor and the Tyrranids with it being very good and effective across all types of things. Boring but practical and good upgrade.[][Medical Services] Multi-Spectral Development Efforts
"'In all things: Do No Harm.' Heh. What a joke. Our job is to harm. Harm on an apocalyptical scale, butchering trillions so that singulars may live. It is our duty to create weapons and delivery methods to wipe out entire strains of life, erase them from existence, and ensure they can never return to harm us."
"Dramatic for someone working on anti-parasite medicines."
"My life's work is an anti-poop parasite drug; let me have this."
(Gain: Effective Multi-Spectrum Medicines against Bacterial, Viral, Parasitical, Spore, etc. Infections, Diseases, and Attacks.)
Oh.... well shit, we already got the Orgyns to be as smart as a... I think 5-7 year old child? so this would be the next step up and does help with cognitive abilities. Honestly good flavor text to this one is good and really about the helping people in this specific area that deal with this, enhancing the baseline intelligence and stopping some problems that could happen with longer lifespans with those using Rejuveant. Still the fact that Orgyns would be as smart as baseline human..... Holy shit that opens up a lot of paths for their employment and QoL, along with how you would deploy them in the military.[][Medical Services] Biochemical Omni-Applicable Neural Enhancement
"It is true that some see what we are doing here as the herald to a future where you need to shed what you were and become what we want, or make, you to be. But is it not equally true that people deserve a chance to say, 'This is not how I want to live,' and have the ability to change their fortune? What crime is there in giving people a choice, not to be more or to be less, but to be who they wish to be? What crime indeed..."
(Gain: Ogryn intellect becomes equal to the Human baseline. Eliminates all cognitive ailments and minorly enhances baseline intelligence for all Federation Species with Biochemical Brains.)
Ah yes the Trans-human option of replacing your bodies Cyberpunk style, it is a general increase to everything but... personally I'd prefer either of the other options for the affects. But this is cool as well.[][Medical Services] Omnipresent Augmentations
"I have one life. Who are you to deny me the body I choose?"
(Gain: Biological and Mechanical Augmentations become omnipresent for all Federation Citizens, boosting the industriousness, happiness, and capabilities of everyday people, alongside increasing the resilience of your armies.)
Very much so and I REALLY hope not, which is why I wanted to wait for Warp Observatory but fuck it, we are committed at this point and there's no returning on this. might just be the Slaanesh forces move in force or some other crisis happening or a yet unknown faction coming in on a crusade path. Who knows? hope we manage well."A Storm of Change draws near" sounds super fucking ominous.
I really hope we dont get hit by a Warp Storm.
I.... huh, aren't Ogryns bigger then Space Marines? I remember some stuff from the Siege of Vraks how Ogryn with power tools beat back the Kreigers after the crater and how they couldn't do that off with the Red Scorpions since the Space Marines could use experience and skill to beat back the Orgyns.... so imagining Ogryns that have the same intelligence of Baseline humans and able to learn and grow.. I wouldn't doubt they might be able to fight a Space marine. It really depends on if we give them the Power Armor.[][Medical Services] Biochemical Omni-Applicable Neural Enhancement
How likely is it that non-federation polities start mistaking our Ogryn soldiers for Space Marines with this? Just a funny image...
Oh shit, that... that's good and it feels worth it. Seriously imagine a Heavy Cruiser that normally goes at 4G to suddenly go 8G out of nowhere! sadly not as good for Battleships that I assume would top out at 2 or 3G but still a good surprise. It depends on how much it costs and how we build Cruisers and up. Holy shit I can't even imagine how that would affect the Lamenters stuff for their Bloody Midnight (or was it Sunrise?) Light Cruisers.And an Engine Arcanum would need a Choir, but allow the ship to just say: "Fuck it. Double the speed!"*
*For a short (for space battles) time.
Nooooo! not the Harlequins! we don't want the clowns and to be left with more questions then answers.Damn, am I getting that predictable? Hmmm, oh! Clowns upon your Capital!
Thats-Battleships have Beeg Guns, but they also have a "Eat my entire ass" rule, where you can just slap dozens of 1 DP weapons on them.
Fun Fact: the Grove took Multi-Deck, and now their BB uses a triple revolving spinal-lance, and 12 Super-Heavy Plasma Macro-Cannons in the same space as 1 and 4 of them. With about ~40 1 DP guns. And some other weapons. Why? Because fuck you, eat their ass. That's why.
Yah, basically Alectai. like I get why you CAN do 30x Light Macro Guns and how it would be point defense which... fair with missles and torpedo's you do want those point defense and you can stack a LOT more in the hulls then lower ship classes. So in addition to the Triple Revolving Spinal lance and Super-Heavy Plasma Macro-Cannons they had enough for 40 1 DP guns? damn that's absurd but good. I'm guessing either all weapons on that Battleship or Faction trait for shipbuilding. and I see what that trait for weapon cramming can do with THAT much on a battleship.
Indeed, a Joint union with a peer is vastly differently than absorbing a smaller power. and with this we should take note of sizes of other powers.Yeah, because you'd actually be absorbing them, rather than unifying.
Words have meaning, people!
PEOPLE CAN'T READ! or they don't read the thread often and at the spots where I mention that it is a Write-in for the Lords of eternity, I will blame the last five or so turns because of the focus on developments and getting to all X but I have mentioned Absorbing the Lords of Eternity since they are close that point and it was a write in we could do. But noppe, because it cost an action we couldn't do without QM confirming it was worth it and we could do.You can do that with a Write-In Action titled "Incorporate the Lords of Eternity" right about...two dozen Turns ago?
Also? Just to make a thing clear here: the OG DAoT Federation was above Advanced. The Eldar and Necron Empires? Above that. Very. Much. Above That. And both very much still are above OG Federation technology.
Fracking Mollusk. oh course the majority of the cultists would be that group. Oh well we got rid of them so all is good.You found about ~14 million Chaos Cultists in your first go around, 9 of which were Tzeentchians.
I did hesitate before putting them under enemy. We've managed to crack the ice with them and I don't see them attacking us unless something changes. I just worry that while they're peaceful now, they'll be a source of problems soon enough, as either:Is Van Zandt an enemy? I firmly believe they have the potential to be, considering that weird mechanical sharp shadow they have, but like... I still think that it's possible to coexist and work with them.
I agree. We've played the whole game as 5/5 Iconoclast, and I don't think I want to pivot away from it. Unfortunately I'm not sure how that's going to go down. We'll see. I hope the impending threat of Chaos and the fact that their psyker tradition was inherited from ours makes it a lot easier.As long as the nation remains 5/5 Iconoclast I am down with it. That's the thing giving us the insane benefits it does after all. As for the...things being replaced...well we will see but I imagine it's not too bad...probably
True, and we should try our best to absorb the other minor powers in our region before we fuse with S.G, it would be more equal partnership then how overmatched we are in terms of size.We can always hit the Confederacy with
[] ISC Access - (Lords of Eternity/Watchtower Confederacy/Shipwright's Grove)
The Federation's ISCs are eager to spread their markets and customer bases beyond the Glimmering Federation, willing to brave the (relatively safe and profitable) unknown.
(Gain: Disables one random ISC per Turn and significantly improves relations with the Lords of Eternity/Watchtower Confederacy/Shipwright's Grove.)
And get that significant relations improvement. That should open a ton of doors
Putting actual actions in the Duel of Fates would speed it along. After the next turn(provided we do the research spam) I think the plan is to just go as hard as possible expanding.True, and we should try our best to absorb the other minor powers in our region before we fuse with S.G, it would be more equal partnership then how overmatched we are in terms of size.
I think this more or less confirms that while Slaanesh cult is the biggest threat we could very well end up fighting a war on two fronts against the Nurgle cult on top of the Slaanesh cult.Ah, because of course Chaos shares tech, grumble mumble.
Well, okay.
Does this mean that our Union with the Grove might actually lead to us getting Multi-decks and one of the other choices? We're superior in every other Dev, so I don't think we'll get anything from that, but we're a peer in VI, right? Or is the secret just going to become Lost Technology because we're not allowed to have nice things?
Fair enough, at this point we should just do a write to allow us to move ships and supplies through those two systems and get started already.@Weaving_Dreamer, the reason for why we didn't was because:
1. HeroCooky said that the Watchtower's were colonizing the two systems in between us and the Lords of Eternity and we didn't (and still don't) have open borders with them.
2. At the time (I think) we didn't have the upgraded FTL travel song that would allow us to keep in regular contact with the Lords. We essentially were told 'later, when you have the capabilities and have diplo-ed the other neighbor'. Then we got distracted and very busy...
Agreed, absorb Lords of Eternity and start expanding south of them while we spend an action or two per turn to speed up the Black ash duels, after that we continue on the Watchtower Confederacy and continue expanding south.... yah that's all we can do, once we take Black Ash we're bordering the Sub-sector Nurgle and Khrone are fighting the independents there along with one and half subsector to take from Independents?I think this more or less confirms that while Slaanesh cult is the biggest threat we could very well end up fighting a war on two fronts against the Nurgle cult on top of the Slaanesh cult.
Like, we really need to go absorb the Lords of Eternity damn quick and put actions into the duels so that we take over faster.
We've basically built as tall as we reasonably can we really need to expand or we are fucked.
0.00043%I'm getting real, real tired of invisible massive cults spawning
No, you are right on the money. When you had the Peace Treaty, I even specifically pointed out several ways in which you could give their Iconos a win to further their goals or lead them to make a break-away state from the main Duchy.Like, @HeroCooky, am I wrong? Are there options to try to actually tilt the Van Zandt into a more firm ally / more Iconoclastic/Reformist bent? Would idk, be offering material support to the Reformists and dunno, offering preferential trade options or similar be something we could do to shore them up? Would it also be a free action to get information on the Van Zandt and their political factions to know what we're dealing with, considering we're trading with them? What suggestions do you have?
are you ever not pissing your pants?(Exhale)
I'm getting real, real tired of invisible massive cults spawning despite everything that should be making that difficult. I guess they were using Fate Bullshit to be immune to detection?
Got it.There are currently more Thules in your nation than there were Chaos Cultists. Heck, I am pretty certain there are more Thules into Yeeni than there were Chaos Cultists! Your furries outnumber Chaos!
I'd say more like... Community, Love, Creativity, Perception, Love.Got it.
Next priority, Furry detecting song.
Love, Perception III, Paths II, The Star
Well, sounds like a good write-in option in the next turn then! Free action to figure out what's what with Van Zandt and then have preferential trade and resources with the Reformists / Iconos.No, you are right on the money. When you had the Peace Treaty, I even specifically pointed out several ways in which you could give their Iconos a win to further their goals or lead them to make a break-away state from the main Duchy.
Yeah, most of what you could do is basically a Free Action at this point, as you have a pretty deeply entrenched spy-network in the bordering Sub-Sectors.
My suggestions basically boil down to "Get into contact with the Iconos, exchange favorable terms in trading with them leading the negotiations, gift them some tech, share some psykana insights, share maps, mutually end the DMZ, etc."